[1]宋永相,杨佳凡,周镇槟,李晓悦,马俊英,闫岩,鞠建华. 一类异腈基化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN115894307A,2023-04-04.
[2]鞠建华,蔡存磊,陈盈盈,孙长利,马俊英. 两个二苯醚化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN115710167A,2023-02-24.
[3]马俊英,乔伊君,鞠建华,杨佳凡,宋永相. 一株海洋链霉菌及其环八肽化合物在制备抗耐药菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN115124597A,2022-09-30.
[4]安法梁,郑高帆,朱云飞,鞠建华,马俊英. 深海链霉菌基因工程突变株生产怡莱霉素E的高产培养基及其规模化发酵工艺[P]. 上海市:CN114540446A,2022-05-27.
[5]鞠建华,周镇槟,杨佳凡,宋永相,田新朋. 两个大环内酯化合物及其在制备抗菌、抗癌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN114437155A,2022-05-06.
[6]鞠建华,宋永相,杨佳凡. 一类骨架新颖的6/6/6/6/5/5环生物碱类化合物及其在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN114349762A,2022-04-15.
[7]宋永相,鞠建华,刘田,李洁,杨佳凡,李晓悦,卢琼,杨青. 深海放线菌11791在制备防治农牧业鳞翅目害虫药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN114009451A,2022-02-08.
[8]李青连,鞠建华,梁智铖,李骏,凌春耀. 4’-N-demethyl-vicenistatin及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省:CN113912658A,2022-01-11.
[9]杨青,刘田,宋永相,卢琼,鞠建华. 双吲哚吡咯类化合物的应用[P]. 广东省:CN113207883A,2021-08-06.
[10]李青连,许润,宋永相,李骏,鞠建华. 一种环六肽化合物desotamide A4及其在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN113150077A,2021-07-23.
[11]马俊英,朱湘成,段燕文,鞠建华. 一种化合物ilamycin E-1/E-2的微生物发酵制备方法[P]. 广东省:CN113122599A,2021-07-16.
[12]鞠建华,邵明伟,孙长利,李青连,王晓雪. 一种海洋真菌-细菌共生体及其代谢产物和在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN112694983A,2021-04-23.
[13]安法梁,郑高帆,朱云飞,鞠建华,马俊英. 利用深海链霉菌生产怡莱霉素E的培养基及其制备方法[P]. 上海市:CN112608965A,2021-04-06.
[14]鞠建华,李骏,刘志永,马俊英,张天宇. 一种怡莱霉素F衍生物及其在制备抗结核分枝杆菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN111647050A,2020-09-11.
[15]鞠建华,张天宇,孙长利,刘志永,马俊英. 海洋环肽化合物及其在制备抗结核分枝杆菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN111303247A,2020-06-19.
[16]鞠建华,陈姜,桂春,李青连,田新朋. 一种定向生产抗病毒和抗菌活性化合物的基因工程菌株及其应用[P]. 广东省:CN111269867A,2020-06-12.
[17]宋永相,杨佳凡,赖添财,鞠建华. 深海放线菌生物制剂在制备预防柑橘溃疡疾病药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN111096337A,2020-05-05.
[18]鞠建华,刘梦婵,孙长利,马俊英,李青连. 一类双脱甲基放线菌素衍生物及其在制备抗耐药菌感染药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN110669103A,2020-01-10.
[19]马俊英,鞠建华,黄洪波,张春燕,贾艳玺,李岩. 化合物ilamycin F及其应用[P]. 广东省:CN110218244A,2019-09-10.
[20]马俊英,张华,解青,鞠建华. 化合物ilamycin C及其同系物在制备治疗三阴乳腺癌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN109985229A,2019-07-09.
[21]鞠建华,孙长利,张善文,桂春,张华. 一类安莎全碳环聚酮类抗生素及其在制备抗菌药物或抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN109810919A,2019-05-28.
[22]马俊英,孙长利,刘志勇,张天宇,鞠建华. 环肽类抗生素及其制备方法和在制备抗结核分枝杆菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN109762046A,2019-05-17.
[23]鞠建华,张善文,桂春,邵明伟,黄洪波. 一种海洋链霉菌、衣霉素类化合物及其制备方法[P]. 广东:CN108660093A,2018-10-16.
[24]李青连,鞠建华,秦湘静,刘静. 一种高产环肽类化合物的菌株[P]. 广东:CN108587991A,2018-09-28.
[25]鞠建华,张善文,田新朋,桂春,秦湘静,黄洪波. 一种海洋糖多孢菌及其在制备红霉素衍生物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN108485991A,2018-09-04.
[26]李青连,鞠建华,秦湘静,刘静. 一种高产含有L-Val结构单元的化合物的菌株△mfnH[P]. 广东:CN108486028A,2018-09-04.
[27]邓音乐,鞠建华,蒙丽丽,孙长利,赵朔,孙秀云,陈俐. 化合物Sorbicillin在防治白色念珠菌中的应用[P]. 广东:CN108338979A,2018-07-31.
[28]邓音乐,鞠建华,蒙丽丽,孙长利,赵朔,孙秀云,陈俐. 一种防治白色念珠菌化合物及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东:CN108191693A,2018-06-22.
[29]鞠建华,潘华奇,田新朋. 一种多功能暹罗芽孢杆菌及其生物活性物质的制备和应用[P]. 广东:CN108060100A,2018-05-22.
[30]鞠建华,宋永相,李洁,黄洪波. 一类角环素化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤或抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN106834160A,2017-06-13.
[31]鞠建华,宋永相,李青连,胡云峰. 一类大环内酯化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN106632221A,2017-05-10.
[32]鞠建华,马俊英,黄洪波,张春燕,贾艳玺,李岩. 一种定向生产抗结核活性和抗肿瘤活性化合物的基因工程菌株及其应用[P]. 广东:CN106497827A,2017-03-15.
[33]鞠建华,马俊英,黄洪波,贾艳玺,张春燕. 环肽类化合物在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN106397544A,2017-02-15.
[34]鞠建华,张天宇,马俊英,刘永志. 一种海洋链霉菌、及其环肽化合物在制备抗结核分枝杆菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN106279370A,2017-01-04.
[35]鞠建华,桂春,李青连,程伟鸽. 一种海洋链霉菌及其在制备那西肽中的应用[P]. 广东:CN106119157A,2016-11-16.
[36]鞠建华,宋永相,谢运昌,秦湘静. 一种利用深海链霉菌SCSIO 5604制备抗生素dihydrotetrodecamycin的方法[P]. 广东:CN105925637A,2016-09-07.
[37]李文均,刘晴,陈微,高锐,段焰青,侯伟,鞠建华. 一株拟无枝菌酸菌及利用该菌制备特戊依罗霉素的方法[P]. 广东:CN105886421A,2016-08-24.
[38]鞠建华,宋永相,许芳. 一类环六肽化合物及其在制备抗良性前列腺增生药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN105294842A,2016-02-03.
[39]鞠建华,李青连,秦湘静,刘静. 氨基转移酶和异构酶在催化形成L-allo-Ile中的应用[P]. 广东:CN105154487A,2015-12-16.
[40]鞠建华,朱清华,黄洪波,宋永相,马俊英,李青连. 一类核苷类抗生素及其在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN105061537A,2015-11-18.
[41]鞠建华,谢运昌. 一种灰绿霉素与绿灰霉素高产菌株及其构建方法[P]. 广东:CN104962578A,2015-10-07.
[42]张永光,李文均,刘晴,宋永相,鞠建华,王宏飞,李丽,张元明,郭建伟. 一种生产安萨菌素P-3及15-羟基衍生物的拟诺卡氏菌及其制备方法和应用[P]. 新疆:CN104877929A,2015-09-02.
[43]鞠建华,宋永相,李洁,黄洪波. 一类角环素化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤或抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN104744533A,2015-07-01.
[44]鞠建华,张幸,桂春. 一种海洋链霉菌及其应用[P]. 广东:CN104630116A,2015-05-20.
[45]张幸,罗明和,鞠建华. 一种吲哚-3-甲醛类化合物的制备方法和应用[P]. 广东:CN104402792A,2015-03-11.
[46]鞠建华,马俊英,张云,李青连,黄洪波,宋永相,王博,谢运昌. 环酯肽类抗生素黑莫他丁的高产菌株及其构建方法[P]. 广东:CN104164399A,2014-11-26.
[47]张偲,田新朋,鞠建华,罗明和,尹浩. 一种海洋链霉菌及利用其制备Enterocin的方法以及该菌的应用[P]. 广东:CN104087523A,2014-10-08.
[48]鞠建华,丁杰,宋永相. 一种生物碱类化合物的制备方法及其在制备抑制钙离子通道药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN103408503A,2013-11-27.
[49]鞠建华,宋永相,黄洪波,张云. 两个环六肽化合物及其在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN103396476A,2013-11-20.
[50]鞠建华,宋永相,黄洪波,张云. 一类萘醌倍半萜化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤或抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN103396389A,2013-11-20.
[51]鞠建华,宋永相,黄洪波,张云. 一类吩嗪化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN103360329A,2013-10-23.
[52]鞠建华,陈奇,纪昌涛. 一种海洋咔啉生物碱的生物合成基因簇及其应用[P]. 广东:CN103275976A,2013-09-04.
[53]鞠建华,张云,黄洪波,刘静,马俊英. 一种格瑞克霉素和P-1894B的生物合成基因簇及其应用[P]. 广东:CN103215281A,2013-07-24.
[54]鞠建华,谢运昌. 灰绿霉素和绿灰霉素的生物合成基因簇及其应用[P]. 广东:CN102911957A,2013-02-06.
[55]鞠建华,周潇,黄洪波. 抗生素Tetrathiazomycin A及其制备方法和在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102775427A,2012-11-14.
[56]张长生,张庆波,李苏梅,田新朋,张文军,张海波,李惠贤,张偲,鞠建华. 链霉菌和吲哚倍半萜类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102757908A,2012-10-31.
[57]鞠建华,周潇,黄洪波,刘静. 一类环肽抗生素及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102746376A,2012-10-24.
[58]张长生,李慧贤,张庆波,李苏梅,朱义广,张光涛,张海波,田新朋,张偲,鞠建华. 厦霉素A和氧厦霉素的生物合成基因簇及其应用[P]. 广东:CN102732534A,2012-10-17.
[59]张长生,张文军,田新朋,李苏梅,张庆波,马亮,张海波,张偲,鞠建华. 链霉菌、抗肿瘤化合物Spiro-Indimycin A-D及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东:CN102643765A,2012-08-22.
[60]张长生,张海波,李苏梅,张改云,张光涛,朱义广,陈瑞东,肖吉,鞠建华. 友菌素的生物合成基因簇及其应用[P]. 广东:CN102533813A,2012-07-04.
[61]鞠建华,陈子明,黄洪波,宋永相,张长生. 环七肽类化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102516368A,2012-06-27.
[62]鞠建华,黄洪波,任香梅,宋永相,张长生. 一类角环素类化合物及其在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102492006A,2012-06-13.
[63]鞠建华,陈子明,黄洪波,宋永相,张长生. 霉酚酸衍生物Penicacids A、B、C及其在制备免疫抑制药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102391225A,2012-03-28.
[64]鞠建华,朱清华,李军,马俊英,田新朋,张长生. 一种核苷类抗生素A201A高产菌株及其构建方法[P]. 广东:CN102373171A,2012-03-14.
[65]张长生,李苏梅,田新朋,张文军,张海波,张光涛,张偲,鞠建华. 抗生素Pseudonocardian A和B及其制备方法和在制备抗菌、抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102351859A,2012-02-15.
[66]张长生,李苏梅,牛四文,田新朋,张海波,张光涛,张偲,鞠建华. 抗生素Lobophorin E和F及其制备方法和在制备抗菌、抗肿瘤药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102321133A,2012-01-18.
[67]张偲,张长生,田新朋,李苏梅,张文军,张海波,张光涛,尹浩,鞠建华. 一种假诺卡氏菌及利用其制备Deoxynyboquinone的方法[P]. 广东:CN102296039A,2011-12-28.
[68]鞠建华,黄洪波,姚月良,田新朋,张长生. β-咔啉生物碱及其在制备抗疟疾药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102250089A,2011-11-23.
[69]张长生,李苏梅,牛四文,胡涛,张光涛,肖毅,张海波,鞠建华. 六种台勾霉素类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102219815A,2011-10-19.
[70]鞠建华,周俊勇,黄洪波,马俊英,王博,汪中文,田新朋,张偲,张长生. 一种海洋链霉菌及利用其制备星形孢菌素和K-252d的方法[P]. 广东:CN102181387A,2011-09-14.
[71]张长生,李苏梅,田新朋,牛四文,鞠建华,张偲. 一种链霉菌及利用该菌制备多种抗生素的工艺[P]. 广东:CN102168044A,2011-08-31.
[72]鞠建华,姚月良,田新朋,张长生,张偲. 一种海洋链霉菌以及利用该菌制备替达霉素A和B的方法[P]. 广东:CN102168034A,2011-08-31.
[73]张长生,肖毅,李苏梅,牛四文,张光涛,张海波,胡涛,鞠建华. 台勾霉素的生物合成基因簇及其应用[P]. 广东:CN102115757A,2011-07-06.
[74]张长生,李苏梅,肖毅,牛四文,鞠建华. 四种台勾霉素类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东:CN102030791A,2011-04-27.
[75]张长生,李苏梅,田新朋,牛四文,张文军,鞠建华,张偲. 一种链霉菌及利用该菌发酵制备抗霉素类抗生素的工艺[P]. 广东:CN101974464A,2011-02-16.
[76]杨峻山,鞠建华,王立为,肖培根. 枇杷叶总三萜酸组分及其在制备抗炎、止咳药物中的应用[P]. 北京:CN1439648,2003-09-03.
[77]杨峻山,鞠建华. 一种环菠萝蜜烷三萜皂甙新化合物及其在免疫抑制和肿瘤治疗中的应用[P]. 北京:CN1342656,2002-04-03.
[78]杨峻山,鞠建华. 一种环菠萝蜜烷三萜皂甙新化合物及其在心血管病治疗中的应用[P]. 北京:CN1332175,2002-01-23.
[1]李青连,许润,宋永相,李骏,鞠建华. 一种环六肽化合物desotamide A4及其在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN113150077B,2023-06-06.
[2]鞠建华,宋永相,杨佳凡. 一类骨架新颖的6/6/6/6/5/5环生物碱类化合物及其在制备抗菌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN114349762B,2023-01-03.
[3]鞠建华,周镇槟,杨佳凡,宋永相,田新朋. 两个大环内酯化合物及其在制备抗菌、抗癌药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN114437155B,2022-09-20.
[4]宋永相,鞠建华,刘田,李洁,杨佳凡,李晓悦,卢琼,杨青. 深海放线菌11791在制备防治农牧业鳞翅目害虫药物中的应用[P]. 广东省:CN114009451B,2022-09-06.
[5]安法梁,郑高帆,朱云飞,鞠建华,马俊英. 利用深海链霉菌生产怡莱霉素E的培养基及其制备方法[P]. 上海市:CN112608965B,2022-08-05.
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[137]Kumar, P. S.; Ling, C. Y.; Zhou, Z. B.; Dong, Y. L.; Sun, C. L.; Song, Y. X.; Wong, N. K.; Ju, J. H.*.Chemical Diversity of Metabolites and Antibacterial Potential of Actinomycetes Associated with Marine Invertebrates from Intertidal Regions of Daya Bay and Nansha Islands.Microbiology, 2020, 89(4): 483-492.
[136]Wang, L.; Li, M.; Lin, Y.; Du, S.; Liu, Z.; Ju, J.; Suzuki, H.; Sawada, M.; Umezawa, K.* Inhibition of cellular inflammatory mediator production and amelioration of learning deficit in flies by deep sea Aspergillus-derived cyclopenin. J. Antibiot (Tokyo). 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41429-020-0302-9
[135]Yao, Y.; Sun, S.; Cao, M.; Mao, M.; He, J.; Gai, Q.; Qin, Y.; Yao, X.; Lu, H.; Chen, F.; Wang, W.; Luo, M.; Zhang, H.; Huang, H.; Ju, J.; Bian, X.W.,* Wang, Y.* Grincamycin B functions as a potent inhibitor for glioblastoma stem cell via targeting RHOA and PI3K/AKT. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2020, doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00206.
[134]Wang, Z.; Li, ZX.; Zhao, WC.; Huang, HB.; Wang, JQ.; Zhang, H.; Lu, JY.; Wang, RN.; Li, W.; Cheng, Z.; Xu, WL.; Zhu, D.; Zhou, LS.; Jiang, W.; Yu, L.; Liu, JY.; Luo, C.; Zhu, H.; Dan, Ye.; Pan, WJ.; Ju, JH.; Dang, YJ.* Identification and characterization of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1(IDH1) as a functional target of marine natural product grincamycin B. Acta. Pharmacol. Sin. 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41401-020-0491-6.
[133]Zhang, Shanwen; Gui, Chun; Shao, Mingwei; Kumar, Pachaiyappan Saravana; Huang, Hongbo*; Ju, Jianhua*.Antimicrobial tunicamycin derivatives from the deep sea-derived Streptomyces xinghaiensis SCSIO S15077.Natural Product Research, 2020, 34(11): 1499-1504.
[132]Gui, Chun; Chen, Jiang; Xie, Qing; Mo, Xuhua; Zhang, Shanwen; Zhang, Hua; Ma, Junying; Li, Qinglian; Gu, Yu-Cheng; Ju, Jianhua*.CytA, a reductase in the cytorhodin biosynthesis pathway, inactivates anthracycline drugs in Streptomyces.COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 2019, 2: 454.
[131]Liu, Qing; Liu, Zhiyong; Sun, Changli; Shao, Mingwei; Ma, Junying; Wei, Xiaoyi; Zhang, Tianyu*; Li, Wenjun*; Ju, Jianhua*.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Atrovimycin, an Antitubercular and Antifungal Cyclodepsipeptide Featuring Vicinal-dihydroxylated Cinnamic Acyl Chain.Organic Letters, 2019, 21(8): 2634-2638.
[130]Sun, Changli; Yang, Zhijie; Zhang, Chunyan; Liu, Zhiyong; He, Jianqiao; Liu, Qing; Zhang, Tianyu; Ju, Jianhua*; Ma, Junying*.Genome Mining of Streptomyces atratus SCSIO ZH16: Discovery of Atratumycin and Identification of Its Biosynthetic Gene Cluster.Organic Letters, 2019, 21(5): 1453-1457.
[129]Xie, Qing; Yang, Zhijie; Huang, Xuanmei; Zhang, Zikang; Li, Jiangbin; Ju, Jianhua*; Zhang, Hua*; Ma, Junying*.Ilamycin C induces apoptosis and inhibits migration and invasion in triple-negative breast cancer by suppressing IL-6/STAT3 pathway.Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 2019, 12(1): 60.. doi:10.1186/s13045-019-0744-3.
[128]Zhang, Shanwen; Xie, Qing; Sun, Changli; Tian, Xin-Peng; Gui, Chun; Qin, Xiangjing; Zhang, Hua*; Ju, Jianhua*.Cytotoxic Kendomycins Containing the Carbacylic Ansa Scaffold from the Marine-Derived Verrucosispora sp. SCSIO 07399.Journal of Natural Products, 2019, 82(12): 3366-3371..
[127]Luo, Minghe; Zang, Ruochen; Wang, Xin; Chen, Ziming; Song, Xiaoxian; Ju, Jianhua*; Huang, Hongbo*.Natural Hydroxamate-Containing Siderophore Acremonpeptides A-D and an Aluminum Complex of Acremonpeptide D from the Marine-Derived Acremonium persicinum SCSIO 115.Journal of Natural Products, 2019, 82(9): 2594-2600.
[126]Zhu, Qinghua; Song, Yongxiang; Huang, Hongbo; Li, Qinglian*; Ju, Jianhua*.Characterization of MtdV as a chorismate lyase essential to A201A biosynthesis and precursor-directed biosynthesis of new analogs.Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17(15): 3760-3764.
[125]Pan, Huaqi; Tian, Xinpeng; Shao, Mingwei; Xie, Yunchang; Huang, Hongbo; Hu, Jiangchun; Ju, Jianhua*Genome mining and metabolic profiling illuminate the chemistry driving diverse biological activities of Bacillus siamensis SCSIO 05746.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103(10): 4153-4165.
[124]Shao, Mingwei; Ma, Juying; Li, Qinglian; Ju, Jianhua*.Identification of the Anti-Infective Aborycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Deep-Sea-Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO ZS0098 Enables Production in a Heterologous Host.Marine Drugs, 2019, 17(2): 127.
[123]Liu, Mengchan; Jia, Yanxi; Xie, Yunchang; Zhang, Chunyan; Ma, Junying; Sun, Changli; Ju, Jianhua*.Identification of the Actinomycin D Biosynthetic Pathway from Marine-Derived Streptomyces costaricanus SCSIO ZS0073.Marine Drugs, 2019, 17(4): 240.doi:10.3390/md17040240.
[122]Zhang, Chunyan; Ding, Wenjuan; Qin, Xiangjing; Ju, Jianhua*.Genome Sequencing of Streptomyces olivaceus SCSIO T05 and Activated Production of Lobophorin CR4 via Metabolic Engineering and Genome Mining.Marine Drugs, 2019, 17(10): 593.. doi: 10.3390/md17100593.
[121]Yang, Z.; Wei, X.; He, J.; Ju, J.;* and Ma, J.* Characterization of the noncanonical regulatory and transporter genes in atratumycin biosynthesis and production in a heterologous host. Marine Drugs. 2019, 17(10). pii: E560. doi: 10.3390/md17100560.
[120]Xie, Y.; Li, Q.; Qin, X.; Ju, J. ;* Ma, J.* Enhancement of himastatin bioproduction via inactivation of atypical repressors in Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Metab. Eng. Commun., 2019, 8:e00084; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mec.2018.e00084.
[119]Huang, Hongbo; Song, Yongxiang; Zang, Ruochen; Wang, Xin; Ju, Jianhua*.Octyl substituted butenolides from marine-derived Streptomyces koyangensis. Natural Product Research.. 2019 Nov 6:1-6. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1686368.
[118]Zhou, W.; Fang, H.; Wu, Q.; Wang, X.; Liu R.; Li, F.; Xiao, J.; Yuan, L.; Zhou, Z.; Ma, J.; Wang, L.; Zhao, W.; You, H.; Ju, J.; Feng, J.;* Chen, C.* Ilamycin E, a natural product of marine actinomycete, inhibits triple-negative breast cancer partially through ER stress-CHOP-Bcl-2. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2019, 15(8), 1723-1732.
[117] Meng, L.; Sun, C.; Zhang, C.; Song, S.; Sun, X.; Ju, J.; Deng Y.* Efficacy of compounds isolated from Streptomyces olivaceus against the morphogenesis and virulence of Candida albicans. Mar Drugs. 2019, 17(8), pii: E442.
[116]Jiang, L.; Pu, H.; Qin, X.; Liu, J.; Wen, Z.; Huang, Y.; Xiang, J.; Xiang, Y.; Ju, J.; Duan, Y.;* Huang, Y.* Syn-2, 3-diols and anti-inflammatory indole derivatives from Streptomyces sp. CB09001. Nat Prod Res. 2019, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1611812.
[115]Zhang Chunyan; Yang Zhijie; Qin Xiangjing; Ma Junying; Sun Changli; Huang Hongbo; Li Qinglian; Ju Jianhua*.Genome mining for mycemycin: discovery and elucidation of related methylation and chlorination biosynthetic chemistries.Organic Letters, 2018, 20., 7633–7636.
[114]Li Qinglian+*; Ding Wenjuan; Yao Ziwei; Tu Jiajia; Wang Liyan; Huang Hongbo; Li Shengying; Ju jianhua*.AbmV catalyzes tandem ether installation and hydroxylation during neoabyssomicin/abyssomicin biosynthesis.organic letters, 2018, 20(16): 4854-4857.
[113]Qin, Xiangjing; Xie, Yunchang; Huang, Hongbo; Chen, Qi; Ma, Junying; Li, Qinglian; Ju, Jianhua*.Enzymatic Synthesis of GDP-alpha-L-fucofuranose by MtdL and Hyg20.Organic Letters, 2018, 20(4): 1015-1018.
[112]Huang Hongbo; Song Yongxiang; Li Xin; Wang, Xin; Ling Chunyao; Qin Xiangjing; Zhou Zhenbin; Li Qinglian; Wei Xiaoyi; Ju jianhua*.Abyssomicin monomers and dimers from the marine-derived Streptomyces koyangensis SCSIO 5802.Journal of natural products, 2018, 81(8): 1892-1898..
[111]Zhang Chunyan; Sun Changli; Gui Chun; Wang Liyan; Huang Hongbo; Li Qinglian; ju jianhua*.Biosynthetic Baeyer–Villiger chemistry enables access to two anthracene scaffolds from a single gene cluster in deep sea-derived Streptomyces olivaceus SCSIO T05..Journal of natural products, 2018, 81(7): 1570-1577..
[110]Gui, Chun; Yuan, Jie; Mo, Xuhua; Huang, Hongbo; Zhang, Shanwen; Gu, Yu Cheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Cytotoxic Anthracycline Metabolites from a Recombinant Streptomyces.Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81(5): 1278-1289.
[109]Sun Changli; Zhang Chunyan; Qin Xiangjing; Wei Xiaoyi; Liu Qing; Li Qinglian; Ju jianhua*.Genome mining of Streptomyces olivaceus SCSIO T05: discovery of olimycins A and B and assignment of absolute configurations.Tetrahedron, 2018. 74, 199-203.
[108]Sun, Jianbin; Shao, Junli; Sun, Changli; Song, Yongxiang; Li, Qinglian; Lu, Laichun; Hu, Yunfeng; Gui, Chun; Zhang, Hua*; Ju, Jianhua*.Borrelidins F-I, cytotoxic and cell migration inhibiting agents from mangrove-derived Streptomyces rochei SCSIO ZJ89.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 26(8): 1488-1494.
[107]Li Yan; Zhang Chunyan; Liu Chengxiong; Ju Jianhua*; Ma Junying.Genome sequencing of Streptomyces atratus SCSIO ZH16 and activation production of nocardamine via metabolic engineering. Frontiers in Micrbiology, 2018, 9: 1269., doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.01269
[106]Gui, Chun; Liu, Yena; Zhou, Zhenbin; Zhang, Shanwen; Hu, Yunfeng; Gu, Yu Cheng; Huang, Hongbo*; Ju, Jianhua*.Angucycline Glycosides from Mangrove-Derived Streptomyces diastaticus subsp SCSIO GJ056.Marine Drugs, 2018, 16(6): 185.; doi:10.3390/md16060185
[105]Tu, J.; Li, S.; Chen, J.; Song, Y.; Fu, S.; Ju, J.; Li, Q.* Characterization and heterologous expression of the gene cluster for neoabyssomincins and abyssomincins biosynthesis from Streptomyces koyangensis SCSIO 5802. Microb. Cell Fact. 2018, 17(1):28. doi: 10.1186/s12934-018-0875-1
[104]Zhang, S.; Gui, C.; Shao, M.; Kumar, S.; Huang, H.;* Ju, J.* Antimicrobial tunicamycin derivatives from the deep sea-derived Streptomyces xinghaiensis SCSIO S15077. Nat. Prod. Res. 2018, doi:10.1080/14786419.2018.1493736
[103]Guo, Z.; Li, P.; Chen, G.; Li, C.; Cao, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Ren, J.; Xiang, H.; Lin, S.; Ju, J.; Chen, Y.* Design and biosynthesis of dimeric alboflavusins with biaryl linkages via regiospecific C–C bond coupling. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 18009–18015.
[102]Deng, Y.; Kang, D.; Qiu, L.; Shi, J.; Zhou,W.; Sun, A.; Ju, J.; Zhu, X.; Shen, B.;* Duan, Y.;* Huang, Y.* The semi-synthesis, biological evaluation and docking analysis of the oxime, hydrazine and hydrazide derivatives of platensimycin. MedChemComm. 2018, 9, 789-794.
[101]Hou, L.; Huang, H.; Li, H.; Wang, S.; Ju, J.; Li, W.* Overexpression of a type III PKS gene affording novel violapyrones with enhanced anti-influenza A virus activity. Microb. Cell Fact. 2018, 17(1):61 (doi: 10.1186/s12934-018-0908-9).
[100]Lai, Z.; Yu, J.; Ling, H.; Song, Y.; Yuan, J.; Ju, J.; Tao, Y.;* Huang, H.* Grincamycins I - K, cytotoxic angucycline glycosides derived from marine-derived actinomycete Streptomyces lusitanus SCSIO LR32. Planta Med. 2018, 84, 201-207.
[99]Zhu, Qinghua; Chen, Qi; Song, Yongxiang; Huang, Hongbo; Li, Jun; Ma, Junying; Li, Qinglian; Ju, Jianhua*.Deciphering the sugar biosynthetic pathway and tailoring steps of nucleoside antibiotic A201A unveils a GDP-L-galactose mutase.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(19): 4948-4953.
[98]Ma, Junying*; Huang, Hongbo; Xie, Yunchang; Liu, Zhiyong; Zhao, Jin; Zhang, Chunyan; Jia, Yanxi; Zhang, Yun; Zhang, Hua; Zhang, Tianyu; Ju, Jianhua*.Biosynthesis of ilamycins featuring unusual building blocks and engineered production of enhanced anti-tuberculosis agents.Nature Communications, 2017, 8(1): 391.(doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00419-5).
[97]Gui, Chun; Mo, Xuhua; Gu, Yu Cheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Elucidating the Sugar Tailoring Steps in the Cytorhodin Biosynthetic Pathway.Organic Letters, 2017, 19(20): 5617-5620.
[96]Gui Chun; Zhang Shanwen; Zhu Xiangcheng; Ding Wenjuan; Huang Hongbo; Gu Yu Cheng; Duan Yanwen; Ju Jianhua*.Antimicrobial Spirotetronate Metabolites from Marine-Derived Micromonospora harpali SCSIO GJ089.Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 80(5): 1594-1603.
[95]Luo, Minghe; Cuo, Zhaomeng; Huang, Hongbo; Song, Xianqin; Sun, Aijun; Dang, Yongjun; Lu, Laichun*; Ju, Jianhua*.Amino Acid Conjugated Anthraquinones from the Marine-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp SCSIO sof101.Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 80(5): 1668-1673.
[94]Xie Yunchang; Ma Junying; Qin Xiangjing; Li Qinglian; Ju Jianhua*.Identification and utilization of two important transporters: SgvT1 and SgvT2, for griseoviridin and viridogrisein biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseoviridis.Microbial Cell Factories, 2017, 16(1): 177. (doi:10.1186/s12934-017-0792-8).
[93]Song, Yongxiang; Li, Qinglian; Qin, Fengxiang; Sun, Changli; Liang, Hao; Wei, Xiaoyi; Wong, Nai Kei; Ye, Li; Zhang, Yun; Shao, Mingwei; Ju, Jianhua*.Neoabyssomicins A-C, polycyclic macrolactones from the deep-sea derived Streptomyces koyangensis SCSIO 5802.Tetrahedron, 2017, 73(36): 5366-5372.
[92]Chen, Erquan; Chen, Qi; Chen, Shaoming; Xu, Bing; Ju, Jianhua*; Wang, Huan*.Mathermycin, a Lantibiotic from the Marine Actinomycete Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2017, 83(15): UNSP e00926-17. (doi: 10.1128/AEM.00926-17).
[91] Li, H.; Huang, H.; Hou, L.; Ju, J.; Li, W.* Discovery of antimycin-type depsipeptides from a wbl gene mutant strain of deep sea-derived Streptomyces somaliensis SCSIO ZH66 and their effects on pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Front Microbiol. 2017, 8, 678.
[90]Zhu, X.; Duan, Y.; Cui, Z.; Wang, Z.; Li, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Ju, J.; Huang, H.* Cytotoxic rearranged angucycline glycosides from deep sea-derived Streptomyces lusitanus SCSIO LR32. J. Antibiot. 2017, 70, 819-822.
[89]Mo, X.*; Shi, C.; Gui, C.; Zhang, Y.; Ju, J.; Wang, Q.* Identification of nocamycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Saccharothrix syringae NRRL B-16468 and generation of new nocamycin derivatives by manipulating gene cluster. Microb. Cell Fact. 2017, 16(1):100.
[88]Lai, Z.; Yu, J.; Ling, H.; Song, Y.; Yuan, J.; Ju, J.; Tao, Y.;* Huang, H.* Grincamycins I - K, cytotoxic angucycline glycosides derived from marine-derived actinomycete Streptomyces lusitanus SCSIO LR32. Planta Med. 2017, doi: 10.1055/s-0043-119888.
[87] Li, X.; Xia, Z.; Tang, J.; Wu, J.; Tong, J.; Li, M.; Ju, J.; Chen, H.; Wang, L.* Identification and biological evaluation of secondary metabolites from marine derived fungi-Aspergillus sp. SCSIOW3, cultivated in the presence of epigenetic modifying agents. Molecules, 2017, 22(8), pii: E1302 (doi: 10.3390/molecules22081302).
[86]Wang, Yi Huan; Salam, Nimaichand; Liu, Qing; Yang, Zi Wen; Cao, Li Xiang; Meng, Xiao Lin; Nie, Guo Xing; Ju, Jian Hua*; Li, Wen Jun*.Symbiotic bacteria associated with puffer fish Gastrophysus spadiceus and evaluation of their antimicrobial activities.3 Biotech, 2017, 7(6): 366.
[85]Li, Qinglian; Qin, Xiangjing; Liu, Jing; Gui, Chun; Wang, Bo; Li, Jie; Ju, Jianhua*.Deciphering the Biosynthetic Origin of l-allo-Isoleucine..Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138(1): 408-415. (Highlighted in JACS Spotlights, 2016, 138, 461; Hot off the Press in Natural Products Reports, 2016, 33, 530).
[84]Luo, M.; Tang, G.; Ju, J.; Lu, L.; Huang, H.* A new diketopiperazine derivative from a deep sea-derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 04496. Nat. Prod. Res. 2016, 30, 138-143.
[83]Huang, H.; Li, H.; Qiu, Y.; Hou, L.; Ju, J.; Li, W.* A new dioic acid from a wbl gene mutant of deep sea-derived Streptomyces somaliensis SCSIO ZH66. Mar Drugs. 2016, 14(10). pii: E184.
[82]Huang, H.; Hou, L.; Li, H.; Qiu, Y.; Ju, J.; Li, W.* Activation of a plasmid-situated type III PKS gene cluster by deletion of a wbl gene in deepsea-derived Streptomyces somaliensis SCSIO ZH66. Microb. Cell Fact. 2016, 15(1):116.
[81]Liu, Jing#; Wang, Bo#; Li, Hongzhi; Xie, Yunchang; Li, Qinglian; Qin, Xiangjing; Zhang, Xing; Ju, Jianhua*.Biosynthesis of the Anti-infective Marformycins Featuring Pre-NRPS Assembly Line N-Formylation and O-Methylation and Post-Assembly Line C-Hydroxylation Chemistries.Organic Letters, 2015, 17(6): 1509-1512. (Hot off the Press in Natural Product Reports).
[80]Gui, Chun#; Li, qinglian#; Mo, xuhua#; Qin, xiangjing; Ma, junying; Ju, jianhua*.Discovery of a New Family of Dieckmann Cyclases Essential to Tetramic Acid and Pyridone-Based Natural Products Biosynthesis.Oganic Letter, 2015, 17(3): 628-631.
[79]Li, Qinglian; Song, Yongxiang; Qin, Xiangjing; Zhang, Xing; Sun, Aijun; Ju, Jianhua*.Identification of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for the Anti-infective Desotamides and Production of a New Analogue in a Heterologous Host.Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 78(4): 944-948.
[78]Song, Yongxiang#; Liu, Guangfu#; Li, jie; Huang, hongbo; Zhang, xing; Zhang, Hua*; Ju, jianhua*.Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Angucycline- and Prodigiosin- Analogues from the Deep-Sea Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 11594.Marine Drugs, 2015, 13(3): 1304-1316.
[77]Medema, M.H.; et al; Xie, Y.; et al; Ju, J.; et al, Glöckner, F.O.* Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2015, 11, 625-631.
[76]Huang, Sheng-Xiong; Yun, Bong-Sik; Ma, Ming; Basu, Hirak S; Church, Dawn R; Ingenhorst, Gudrun; Huang, Yong; Yang, Dong; Lohman, Jeremy R; Tang, Gong-Li; Ju, Jianhua; Liu, Tao; Wilding, George; Shen, Ben*.Leinamycin E1 acting as an anticancer prodrug activated by reactive oxygen species.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112(27): 8278-8283.
[75]Zhang, Yonghe; Huang, Huiming; Xu, Shanshan; Wang, Bo; Ju, Jianhua; Tan, Huarong; Li, Wenli*.Activation and enhancement of Fredericamycin A production in deepsea-derived Streptomyces somaliensis SCSIO ZH66 by using ribosome engineering and response surface methodology.Microbial Cell Factories, 2015, 14(64): 64.
[74]Song, Yongxiang; Li, Qinglian; Liu, Xue; Chen, Yuchan; Zhang, Yun; Sun, Aijun; Zhang, Weimin; Zhang, Jingren; Ju, Jianhua*.Cyclic hexapeptides from the deep South China Sea-derived Streptomyces scopuliridis SCSIO ZJ46 ative against pathogenic gram-positive bacteria.Journal of Natural Products, 2014, 77(8): 1937-1941.
[73]Xie, Yunchang; Li, Qinglian; Song, Yongxiang; Ma, Junying; Ju, Jianhua*.Involvement of SgvP in carbon-sulfur bond formation during griseoviridin biosynthesis.ChemBioChem, 2014, 15(8): 1183-1189. (commented by Faculty of 1000).
[72]Ji, Changtao; Chen, Qi; Li, Qinglian; Huang, Hongbo; Song, Yongxiang; Ma, Junying; Ju, Jianhua*.Chemoenzymatic synthesis of β-carboline derivatives using McbA, a new ATP-dependent amide synthetase.Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 55(35): 4901-4904.
[71]Mo, Xuhua; Li, Qinglian; Ju, Jianhua*.Naturally occurring tetramic acid products: isolation, structure elucidation and biological activity.RSC Advances, 2014, 4(92): 50566-50593..
[70]Zhou, Xiao#; Huang, Hongbo#; Li, Jie; Song, Yongxiang; Jiang, Rengwang; Liu, Jing; Zhang, Si; Hua, Yan*; Ju, Jianhua*.New anti-infective cycloheptadepsipeptide congeners and absolute stereochemistry from the deep sea-derived Streptomyces drozdowiczii SCSIO 10141.Tetrahedron, 2014, 70(42): 7795-7801.
[69]Seo, J.W.; Ma, M.; Kwong, T.; Ju, J.; Lim, S.K.; Jiang, H.; Lohman, J.R.; Yang, C.; Cleveland, J.; Zazopoulos, E.; Farnet, C.M.; Shen, B.* Comparative characterization of the lactimidomycin and iso-migrastatin biosynthetic machineries revealing unusual features for acyltransferase-less type I polyketide synthases and providing an opportunity to engineer new analogues. Biochemistry. 2014, 53(49):7854-7865.
[68]Wang, H.; Zhang, H.; Mi, Y.; Ju, J.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, H.* Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of McbB, a multifunctional enzyme involved in β-carboline skeleton biosynthesis. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2014, 70(Pt 10), 1402-145.
[67]Chen, Qi; Ji, Changtao; Song, Yongxiang; Huang, Hongbo; Ma, Junying; Tian, Xinpeng; Ju, Jianhua*. Discovery of McbB, a novel enzyme catalyzing the β-Carboline skeleton construction in the marinacarboline biosynthetic pathway. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52(38): 9980-9984. (commented by Faculty of 1000).
[66]Zhang, Yun#; Huang, Hongbo#; Chen, Qi; Luo, Minghe; Sun, Aijun; Song, Yongxiang; Ma, Junying; Ju, Jianhua*.Identification of the grincamycin gene cluster unveils divergent roles for GcnQ in different hosts, tailoring the L-rhodinose moiety. Organic Letters, 2013, 15(13): 3254-3257.
[65] Wang, Bo#; Song, Yongxiang#; Luo, Minghe; Chen, Qi; Ma, Junying; Huang, Hongbo; Ju, Jianhua*. Biosynthesis of 9-methylstreptimidone involves a new decarboxylative step for polyketide terminal diene formation. Organic Letters, 2013, 15(6): 1278-1281.
[64]Song, Yongxiang; Huang, Hongbo; Chen, Yuchan; Ding, Jie; Zhang, Yun; Sun, Aijun; Zhang, Weimin; Ju, Jianhua*.Cytotoxic and antibacterial marfuraquinocins from the deep South China Sea-derived Streptomyces niveus SCSIO 3406. Journal of Natural Products, 2013, 76(12): 2263-2268.
[63]Zhang, Yun; Zhou, Xiao; Huang, Hongbo; Tian, Xinpeng; Song, Yongxiang; Zhang, Si; Ju, Jianhua*. 03219A, a new Δ8,9-pregnene isolated from Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 03219 obtained from a South China Sea sediment. Jounary of Antibiotics (Tokyo), 2013, 66(6): 327-331.
[62]Zhang, Huaidong; Chen, Jie; Wang, Hua; Xie, Yunchang; Ju, Jianhua; Yan, Yunjun*; Zhang, Houjin*. Structural analysis of HmtT and HmtN involved in the tailoring steps of himastatin biosynthesis. FEBS Letters, 2013, 587(11): 1675-1680.
[61]Ma Ming; Kwong Thomas; Lim Si-Kyu; Ju Jianhua; Lohman Jeremy R; Shen Ben*. Post-polyketide synthase steps in iso-migrastatin biosynthesis, featuring tailoring enzymes with broad substrate specificity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(7): 2489-2492.
[60]Mo, Xuhua; Ma, Junying; Huang, Hongbo; Wang, Bo; Song, Yongxiang; Zhang, Si; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Delta(11,12) double bond formation in tirandamycin biosynthesis is atypically catalyzed by TrdE, a glycoside hydrolase family enzyme. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(6): 2844-2847. (highlighted in Nat. Chem. Biol. 2012, 8, 320).
[59]Zhu, Qinghua; Li, Jun; Ma, Junjing; Luo, Minghe; Wang, Bo; Huang, Hongbo; Tian, Xinpeng; Li, Wenjun; Zhang, Si; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*. Discovery and engineered overproduction of antimicrobial nucleoside antibiotic A201A from deep sea marine actinomycete Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652. Antimicrob. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2012, 56(1): 110-114.
[58]Xie, Yunchang; Wang, Bo; Liu, Jing; Zhou, Junchao; Ma, Junying; Huang, Hongbo; Ju, Jianhua*.Identification of the biosynthetic gene cluster and regulatory cascade for the synergistic antibacterial antibiotics griseoviridin and viridogrisein in Streptomyces griseoviridis. ChemBioChem, 2012, 13(18): 2745-2757. (highlighted as an an inside cover).
[57]Ma, Junying; Zuo, Dianguang; Song, Yongxiang; Wang, Bo; Huang, Hongbo; Yao, Yueliang; Li, Wenjun; Zhang, Si; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*. Characterization of a single gene cluster that is responsible for methylpendolmycin and pendolmycin biosynthesis in the deep sea bacterium Marinactinospora thermotolerans. ChemBioChem, 2012, 13(4): 547-552.
[56]Huang, Hongbo; Yang, Tingting; Ren, Xiangmei; Liu, Jing; Song, Yongxiang; Sun, Aijun; Ma, Junying; Wang, Bo; Zhang, Yun; Huang, Caiguo; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Cytotoxic angucycline class glycosides from the deep sea actinomycete Streptomyces lusitanus SCSIO LR32. Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75(2): 202-208.
[55]Chen, Ziming; Song, Yongxiang; Chen, Yuchan; Huang, Hongbo; Zhang, Weimin; Ju, Jianhua*.Cyclic heptapeptides, cordyheptapeptides C-E, from the marine-derived fungus Acremonium persicinum SCSIO 115 and their cytotoxic activities.Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75(6): 1215-1219.
[54]Huang, Hongbo#; Wang, Fazuo#; Luo, Minghe#; Chen, Yuchan; Song, Yongxiang; Zhang, Weimin; Zhang, Si; Ju, Jianhua*.Halogenated anthraquinones from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO F063.Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75(7): 1346-1352.
[53]Zhou, Xiao#; Huang, Hongbo#; Chen, Yuchan; Tan, Jiaheng; Song, Yongxiang; Zou, Jianhua; Tian, Xinpeng; Hua, Yan*; Ju, Jianhua*.Marthiapeptide A, an anti-infective and cytotoxic polythiazole cyclopeptide from a 60 L scale fermentation of the deep sea-derived Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652.Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75(12): 2251-2255.
[52]Chen, Ziming; Zheng, Zhihui; Huang, Hongbo; Song, Yongxiang; Zhang, Xuelian; Ma, Junying; Wang, Bo; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Penicacids A-C, three new mycophenolic acid derivatives and immunosuppressive activities from the marine-derived fungus Penicillium sp. SOF07.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012, 22(9): 3332-3335.
[51]Zhang, W.; Liu, Z.; Li, S.; Yang, T.; Zhang, Q.; Ma, L.; Tian, X.; Zhang, H.; Huang, C.; Zhang, S.; Ju, J; Shen, Y.; Zhang, C.*Spiroindimicins A-D: new bisindole alkaloids from a deep-sea-derived actinomycete..Org Lett, 2012, 14(13): 3364-3367.
[50]Zhu, Y.; Fu, P.; Lin, Q.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Li, S.; Ju, J.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, C.*Identification of caerulomycin A gene cluster implicates a tailoring amidohydrolase..Org Lett, 2012, 14(11): 2666-2669.
[49]Li Huixian#; Zhang Qingbo#; Li Shumei; Zhu Yiguang; Zhang Guangtao; Zhang Haibo; Tian Xinpeng; Zhang Si; Ju Jianhua; Zhang Changsheng*.Identification and characterization of xiamycin A and oxiamycin gene cluster reveals an oxidative cyclization strategy tailoring indolosesquiterpene biosynthesis.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(21): 8996-9005.
[48]Ma, Junying; Wang, Zhongwen; Huang, Hongbo; Luo, Minghe; Zuo, Dianguang; Wang, Bo; Sun, Aijun; Cheng, Yiqiang; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Biosynthesis of himastatin: assembly line and characterization of three cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in the post-tailoring oxidative steps. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50(34): 7797-7802.(commented by Faculty of 1000).
[47]Mo, Xuhua; Huang, Hongbo; Ma, Junying; Wang, Zhongwen; Wang, Bo; Zhang, Si; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Characterization of TrdL as a 10-hydroxy dehydrogenase and generation of new analogues from a tirandamycin biosynthetic pathway.Organic Letters, 2011, 13(9): 2212-2215.
[46]Huang, Hongbo#; Yao, Yueliang#; He, Zhengxiang; Yang, Tingting; Ma, Junying; Tian, Xinpeng; Li, Yayong; Huang, Caiguo; Chen, Xiaoping; Li, Wenjun; Zhang, Si; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Antimalarial beta-carboline and indolactam alkaloids from Marinactinospora thermotolerans, a deep sea isolate.Journal of Natural Products, 2011, 74(10): 2122-2127. (highlighted by Global Medical Discovery).
[45]Mo, Xuhua; Wang, Zhongwen; Wang, Bo; Ma, Junying; Huang, Hongbo; Tian, Xinpeng; Zhang, Si; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*.Cloning and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster of the bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor tirandamycin from marine-derived treptomyces sp. SCSIO1666.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011, 406(3): 341-347.
[44]Chen, Ziming; Huang, Hongbo; Chen, Yuchan; Wang, Zhongwen; Ma, Junying; Wang, Bo; Zhang, Weimin; Zhang, Changsheng; Ju, Jianhua*. New cytochalasins from the marine-derived fungus xylaria sp. SCSIO 156.Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2011, 94(9): 1671-1676.
[43]Huang, Y.; Huang, S-X.; Ju, J.; Tang, G.; Liu, T.; Shen, B.*.Characterization of the InmKLM Genes Unveiling Key Intermediates for beta-Alkylation in Leinamycin Biosynthesis.Organic Letters, 2011, 13(3): 498-501.
[42]Xiao Yi; Li Shumei; Niu Siwen; Ma Liang; Zhang Guangtao; Zhang Haibo; Zhang Gaiyun; Ju Jianhua; Zhang Changsheng*.Characterization of tiacumicin B biosynthetic gene cluster affording diversified tiacumicin analogues and revealing a tailoring dihalogenase.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133(4): 1092-1105.
[41]Ling, J.*; Zhang, G.; Sun, H.; Fan, Y.; Ju. J.; Zhang, C..Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Pyrene-degrading Bacillus vallismortis strain JY3A.Science of the Total Environment, 2011, 409(10): 1994-2000.
[40]Niu, S.; Hu, T.; Li, S.; Xiao, Y.; Ma, L.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Yang, X.; Ju, J.; Zhang, C.*.Characterization of a Sugar-O-methyltransferase TiaS5 Affords New Tiacumicin Analogues with Improved Antibacterial Properties and Reveals Substrate Promiscuity.ChemBioChem, 2011, 12(11): 1740-1748.
[39]Huang, H.; Feng, X.; Xiao, Z.; Liu, L.; Li, H.; Ma, L.; Lu ,Y.; Ju, J.; She, Z.*; Lin, Y.*Azaphilones and p-Terphenyls from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Penicillium chermesinum (ZH4-E2) Isolated from the South China Sea.Journal of Natural Products, 2011, 74(5): 997-1002.
[38]Niu, S.; Li, S.; Chen, Y.; Tian, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, W.; Yang, X.; Zhang, S.; Ju, J.; Zhang, C.*Lobophorins E and F, New Spirotetronate Antibiotics from a South China Sea-derived Streptomyces sp SCSIO 01127.Journal of Antibiotics, 2011, 64(11): 711-716.
[37]Li, S.; Tian, X.; Niu, S.; Zhang, W.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, H.; Yang, X.; Zhang, W.; Li ,W.; Zhang, S.; Ju, J.; Zhang, C.*.Pseudonocardians A-C, New Diazaanthraquinone Derivatives from a Deap-Sea Actinomycete Pseudonocardia sp SCSIO 01299.Marine Drugs, 2011, 9(8): 1428-1439.
[36]Huang, H.; Xiao, Z.; Feng, X.; Huang, C.; Zhu, X.; Ju, J.; Li, M.; Lin, Y.; Liu, L.*; She, Zh.*.Cytotoxic Naphtho-γ-pyrones from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus tubingensis (GX1-5E).Helvetical Chimica Acta, 2011, 94(9): 1732-1740.
Other representative publications:
[35]Schneider-Poetsch Tilman.; Ju Jianhua; Eyler Daniel E; Dang Yongjun; Bhat Shridhar; Merrick William C; Green Rachel; Shen Ben; Liu Jun O*.Inhibition of eukaryotic translation elongation by cycloheximide and lactimidomycin.Nature Chemical Biology, 2010, 6(3): 209-217.
[34]Luo Yinggang; Li Wenli; Ju Jianhua; Yuan Qiuping; Peters Noel R; Hoffmann F Michael; Huang Shengxiong; Bugni Tim S; Rajski Scott; Osada Hiroyuki; Shen Ben*.Functional characterization of TtnD and TtnF, unveiling new insights into tautomycetin biosynthesis.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132(19): 6663-6671.
[33]Zhao, C.; Coughlin, J.; Ju, J.; Zhu, D.; Wendt-Pienkowski, E.; Zhou, X.; Wang, Z.; Shen, B.*; Deng, Z.*Oxazolomycin Biosynthesis in Streptomyces albus JA3453 Featuring an "Acyltransferase-less" Type I Polyketide Synthase That Incorporates Two Distinct Extender Units.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(26): 20097-20108.
[32]Chen, Y.; Wendt-Pienkowski, E.; Ju, J.; Lin, S.; Rajski, S.; Shen, B.*Characterization of FdmV as an Amide Synthetase for Fredericamycin A Biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseus ATCC 43944.Journal of Biological Chemistry., 2010, 285(50): 38853-38860.
[31]Ju, J.; Rajski, S.; Lim, S-K.; Seo, J-W.; Peters, N.; Hoffmann, F.; Shen, B.*Lactimidomycin, Iso-migrastatin and Related Glutarimide-Containing 12-Membered Macrolides Are Extremely Potent Inhibitors of Cell Migration.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131(4): 1370-1371.
[30]Ju, J.; Li, W.; Yuan, Q.; Peters, N.; Hoffmann, F.; Rajski, S.; Osada, H.; Shen, B.*.Functional Characterization of ttmM Unveils New Tautomycin Analogs and Insight into Tautomycin Biosynthesis and Activity.Organic Letters, 2009, 11(7): 1639-1642.
[29]Lim, S.; Ju, J.; Zazopoulos, E.; Jiang, H.; Seo, J.; Chen, Y.; Feng, Z.; Rajski, S.; Farnet, C.; Shen, B.*.Iso-Migrastatin, Migrastatin, and Dorrigocin Production in Streptomyces platensis NRRL 18993 Is Governed by a Single Biosynthetic Machinery Featuring an Acyltransferase-less Type I Polyketide Synthase.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009, 284(43): 29746-29756.
[28]Li, W.; Luo, Y.; Ju, J.; Rajski, S.; Osada, H.; Shen, B.*.Characterization of the Tautomycetin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Streptomyces griseochromogenes Provides New Insight into Dialkylmaleic Anhydride Biosynthesis.Journal of Natural Products, 2009, 72(3): 450-459.
[27]Adler, J.T; Cook, M.; Luo, Y.; Pitt, S.; Ju, J.; Li, W.; Shen, B.; Kunnimalaiyaan, M.; Chen, H.*.Tautomycetin and Tautomycin Suppress the Growth of Medullary Thyroid Cancer Cells via Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 beta.Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2009, 8(4): 914-920.
[26]Pinchot, S.; Adler, J.; Luo, Y.; Ju, J.; Li, W.; Shen, B.; Kunnimalaiyaan, M.; Chen, H.*.Tautomycin Suppresses Growth and Neuroendocrine Hormone Markers in Carcinoid Cells through Activation of the Raf-1 Pathway.The American Journal of Surgery, 2009, 197(3): 313-319.
[25]Ju, J.; Rajski, S.; Lim, S-K.; Seo, J-W.; Peters, N.; Hoffmann, F.; Shen, B.*.Evaluation of New Migrastatin and Dorrigocin Congeners Unveils Cell Migration Inhibitors with Dramatically Improved Potency.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008, 18(22): 5951-5954.
[24]Pinchot, S. N.; Adler, J. T.; Luo, Y.; Ju, J.; Li, W.; Shen, B.; Kunnimalaiyaan, M.; Chen, H*. Tautomycin suppress carcinoid tumor growth and bioactive hormone production through inactivation of the glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta. J. Am. Coll. Surg. 2008, 207, S103-S104.
[23]Song, D.; Coughlin, J.; Ju, J.; Zhou, X.; Shen, B.; Zhao, C.*; Deng, Z.*.Alternative Method for Site-directed Mutagenesis of Complex Polyketide Synthase in Streptomyces albus JA3453.Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2008, 40(4): 319-326.
[22]Zhang, J.; Van Lanen, S.; Ju, J.; Liu, W.; Dorrestein, P.; Li, W.; Kelleher, N.; Shen, B.*.A Phosphopantetheinylating Polyketide Synthase Producing a Linear Polyene to Initiate Enediyne Antitumor Antibiotic Biosynthesis.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105(5): 1460-1465.
[21]Li, W.; Ju, J.; Rajski, S.; Osada, H.; Shen, B.*.Characterization of the Tautomycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Streptomyces Spiroverticillatus Unveiling New Insights into Dialkylmaleic Anhydride and Polyketide Biosynthesis.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2008, 283(42): 28607-28617.
[20]Chen, Y.; Luo, Y.; Ju, J.; Wendt-Pienkowski, E.; Rajski, S.; Shen, B.*.Identification of Fredericamycin E from Streptomyces griseus: Insights into Fredericamycin A Biosynthesis Highlighting Carbaspirocycle Formation.Journal of Natural Products, 2008, 71(3): 431-437.
[19]Kennedy, D.; Ju, J.; Shen, B.; Beerman, T.*。Designer Enediynes Generate DNA Breaks, Interstrand Cross-links, or Both, with Concomitant Changes in the Regulation of DNA Damage Responses。Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2007, 104(45): 17632-17637.
[18]Ju, J.; Seo, J.; Her, Y.; Lim, S-K.; Shen, B.*.New Lactimidomycin Congeners Shed Insight into Lactimidomycin Biosynthesis in Streptomyces amphibiosporus.Organic Letters, 2007, 9(25): 5183-5186.
[17]Guan, C.; Ju, J.; Borlee ,B.; Williamson, L.; Shen, B.; Raffa, K.; Handelsman, J.*.Signal Mimics Derived from a Metagenomic Analysis of the Gypsy Moth Gut Microbiota.Applied and Environment Microbiology, 2007, 73(11): 3669-3676.
[16]Kennedy, D.; Gawron, L.; Ju, J.; Liu, W.; Shen, B.; Beerman, T.*.Single Chemical Modifications of the C-1027 Enediyne Core, a Radiomimetic Antitumor Drug, Affect both Drug Potency and the Role of Ataxia-telangiectasia Mutated in Cellular Responses to DNA Double-strand Breaks.Cancer Research, 2007, 67(2): 773-781.
[15]Ju, J.; Lim, S-K.; Jiang, H.; Seo, J-W.; Her, Y.; Shen, B.*.Thermolysis of Isomigrastatin and its Congeners via [3,3]-sigmatropic Rearrangement: A New Route to the Synthesis of Migrastatin and its Analogues.Organic Letters, 2006, 8(25): 5865-5868.
[14]Li, W.; Ju, J.; Osada, H.; Shen, B.*.Utilization of The Methoxymalonyl-acyl Carrier Protein Biosynthesis Locus for Cloning of the Tautomycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Streptomyces spiroverticillatus.Journal of Bacteriology, 2006, 188(11): 4148-4152.
[13]Zhao, C.; Ju, J.; Christenson, S.; Smith, W.; Song, D.; Zhou, X.; Shen, B.*; Deng, Z.*.Utilization of the Methoxymalonyl-acyl Carrier Protein Biosynthesis Locus for Cloning the Oxazolomycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Streptomyces albus JA3453.Journal of Bacteriology, 2006, 188(11): 4142-4147.
[12]Ju, J.; Lim, S.; Jiang, H.; Seo, J.; Shen, B.*.Iso-migrastatin Congeners from Streptomyces platensis and Generation of a Glutarimide Polyketide Library Featuring the Dorrigocin, Lactimidomycin, Migrastatin, and NK30424 Scaffolds.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127(34): 11930-11931.
[11]Ju, J.; Lim, S.; Jiang, H.; Shen, B.*.Migrastatin and Dorrigocins are Shunt Metabolites of iso-migrastatin.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127(6): 1622-1623.
[10]Van Lanen, S.; Dorrestein, P.; Christenson, S.; Liu, W.; Ju, J.; Kelleher, N.; Shen, B.*.Biosynthesis of the Beta-amino Acid Moiety of the Enediyne Antitumor Antibiotic C-1027 Featuring beta-amino Acyl-S-carrier Protein Intermediates.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127(33): 11594-11595.
[9]M.; Van Lanen, S.; Ju, J.; Thorson, J.; Shen, B.*.Antitumor Antibiotics: Bleomycin, Endiynes, and Mitomycin.Chemical Review Galm, U.; Hager, s, 2005, 105(2): 739-758.
[8]Liu, D.; Ju, J.; Zou, Z.; Lin, G.; Yang, J.*.Isolation and Structure Determination of Cypritiibetquinone A and B, two new Phenanthraquinones from Cypripedium Tibeticum.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2005, 40(3): 255-257.
[7]Ju, J.; Ozanick, S.; Shen, B.; Thomas, M.*Conversion of (2S)-arginine to (2S,3R)-capreomycidine by VioC and VioD from the Viomycin Biosynthetic Pathway of Streptomyces sp strain ATCC11861.ChemBioChem, 2004, 5(9): 1281-1285.
[6]Ju, J.; Zhou, L.; Lin, G.; Liu, D.; Wang, L-W.; Yang, J-S.*.Studies on Constituents of Triterpene acids from Eriobotrya japonica and Their Anti-inflammatory and Antitussive Effects.Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal, 2003, 38(10): 752-757.
[5]Ju, J.*; Liu, D.; Lin, G.; Xu, X.; Han, B.; Yang, J.*; Tu, G.; Ma, L..Beesiosides A-F, Six New Cycloartane Triterpene Glycosides from Beesia calthaefolia.Journal of Natural Products, 2002, 65(1): 42-47.
[4]Liu, D.; Ju, J.; Lin, G.; Xu, X.; Yang, J.*; Tu, G. New C-glycosylflavones from Tetrastigma Hemsleyanum (Vitaceae).Acta Botanica Sinica, 2002, 44(2): 227-229.
[3]Ju, J.*; Liu, D.; Lin, G.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, J.*; Lu, Y.; Gong, N; Zhene, Q..Beesiosides G, H, and J-N, Seven New Cycloartane Triterpene Glycosides from Beesia calthifolia.Journal of Natural Products, 2002, 65(2): 147-152.
[2]Ju, J.; Liu, D.; Lin, G.; Xu, X.; Yang, J.*; Tu, G.; Ma, L..New Triterpenic Glucoside from Beesia calthaefolia (Maxim.) Ulbr. native to China.Acta Botanica Sinica, 2001, 43(9): 983-987.
[1]Ju, J.; Yang, J.*; Li, J.; Xiao, P.Cypripediquinone A, a New Phenanthraquinone from Cypripedium macranthum (Orchidaceae).Chinese Chemical Letters, 2000, 11(1): 37-38.
[1]宋永相,李晓悦,鞠建华. 深海放线菌Streptomyces koyangensis SCSIO 5802中次级代谢产物neoabyssomicin H的分离鉴定[J]. 热带海洋学报,2023,42(03):169-173.
[2]吴巧灵,孙长利,周镇槟,乔伊君,苗宗余,蔡磊,鞠建华. 石磺来源海洋链霉菌Streptomyces ardesiacus SCSIO LO23中germicidin类化合物的分离鉴定及其生物合成分析[J]. 微生物学报,2022,62(07):2594-2609.
[3]姚紫薇,孙长利,李青连,鞠建华. 犬尿氨酸-3-单加氧酶SibC的体外蛋白表达纯化与生化反应[J]. 中国海洋药物,2022,41(01):17-23.
[4]梁智铖,李骏,凌春耀,许润,谭彬,黄洪波,鞠建华,李青连. 海洋链霉菌Streptomyces parvus SCSIO Mla-L010中大环内酰胺类抗生素vicenistatin的糖基定向改造[J]. 中国海洋药物,2021,40(06):1-12.
[5]鞠建华,杨镇业,李青连,韩亚楠,李艳青,乔伊君,杨虎,张华然. 微生物药物研究开发现状与思考[J]. 山东大学学报(医学版),2021,59(09):43-50+63.
[6]李艳青,凌春耀,易湘茜,高程海,鞠建华,马俊英. 海鞘来源放线菌Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05中skyllamycins的发现及其生物合成分析[J]. 中国海洋药物,2021,40(03):1-14.
[7]于东琪,侯路宽,李花月,鞠建华,李文利. 深海链霉菌Streptomyces somaliensis SCSIO ZH66 ptm生物合成基因簇中orf7功能的探究[J]. 中国海洋药物,2021,40(03):15-21.
[8]周晓雪,杨佳凡,李明哲,宋永相,鞠建华,李晓帆,王立岩. 珊瑚来源真菌Parengyodontium album SCSIO SX7W11中聚酮化合物的发现及其生物合成途径分析[J]. 微生物学报,2021,61(11):3631-3641.
[9]李骏,周雪峰,潘剑宇,田新朋,鞠建华. 广东省海洋生物医药产业现状与发展机遇的思考[J]. 中国海洋药物,2021,40(01):41-48.
[10]凌春耀,黄洪波,高程海,秦湘静,鞠建华,易湘茜. 海鞘来源放线菌Streptomyces pratensis SCSIO LCY05中anthracimycin类化合物及其抗菌活性研究[J]. 中国海洋药物,2020,39(03):7-14.
[11]涂佳佳,鞠建华,付少彬,李青连. 海洋放线菌Streptomyces koyangensis SCSIO 5802中多烯大环内酯类抗生素candicidin生物合成基因簇的分析鉴定[J]. 遵义医学院学报,2019,42(01):35-44.
[12]徐明远,肖菲,李花月,鞠建华,李文利. 色氨酸分解代谢途径阻断对深海链霉菌ZH66次级代谢及生长的影响[J]. 中国海洋药物,2018,37(06):8-14.
[13]张善文,桂春,秦湘静,田新朋,鞠建华. 海洋放线菌S. erythraea SCSIO 07745中红霉素衍生物及其生物合成基因簇的分析[J]. 中国海洋药物,2018,37(05):1-12.
[14]纪晓奇,李青连,鞠建华. 融合表达氨基转移酶DsaD和异构酶DsaE合成L-别异亮氨酸[J]. 微生物学通报,2018,45(09):2006-2013.
[15]张善文,黄洪波,桂春,鞠建华. 海洋药物及其研发进展[J]. 中国海洋药物,2018,37(03):77-92.
[16]李宇,赖珍珠,李佳岭,黄洪波,谢运昌,李文均,陶移文,鞠建华. 放线菌Streptomyces nojiriensis SCSIO m34-1吩嗪生物碱类次级代谢产物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2018,30(10):1663-1668+1705.
[17]贾艳玺,谢运昌,李青连,马俊英,黄洪波,鞠建华. 海洋放线菌Streptomyces costaricanus SCSIO ZS0073中fungichromin生物合成基因簇的分析鉴定[J]. 中国海洋药物,2017,36(06):1-10.
[18]宋现芹,蒋鑫,孙建彬,张春燕,张云,卢来春,鞠建华. 红树林放线菌Stremptmeces costaricanus SCSIO ZS0073抗菌活性次级代谢产物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2017,29(03):410-414.
[19]陈奇,秦湘静,李青连,鞠建华. Marinacarbolines甲基化基因mcbD的筛选及其功能[J]. 微生物学报,2017,57(07):1095-1105.
[20]程伟鸽,桂春,鞠建华,李青连. 1株海洋来源Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 1682中那西肽(nosiheptide)的分离鉴定及其生物合成基因簇分析[J]. 中国海洋药物,2016,35(06):7-14.
[21]鞠建华,周雪峰,朱伟明,漆淑华,徐刚明. 863课题“深海微生物活性物质的挖掘及其利用技术”2013年度进展[J]. 科技资讯,2016,14(09):171-172.
[22]李宏志,刘静,李青连,鞠建华. 抗感染海洋天然产物marformycin生物合成基因簇中调控基因及转运基因的功能研究[J]. 中国海洋药物,2016,35(01):10-18.
[23]张幸,桂春,田新朋,黄洪波,鞠建华. 海洋源放线菌Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 01681次级代谢产物的研究[J]. 中国海洋药物,2015,34(06):35-40.
[24]罗明和,黄洪波,李沉纹,于彩平,马俊英,卢来春,鞠建华. 海洋来源真菌Aspergillus sp.SCSIO 81-F2抗菌活性次级代谢产物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2015,27(02):241-245.
[25]纪昌涛,周潇,陈奇,宋永相,黄洪波,王博,鞠建华. 2株海洋来源产浅蓝霉素A的异壁放线菌的分离和鉴定[J]. 微生物学杂志,2015,35(01):24-29.
[26]罗明和,黄洪波,卢来春,鞠建华. 海洋真菌Eurotium amstelodami SCSIO 151二酮哌嗪吲哚生物碱类次生代谢产物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2015,27(01):50-54+147.
[27]唐桂岭,黄洪波,王博,田新朋,鞠建华,宋永相. 南海深海链霉菌Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 5604次级代谢产物lyngbyatoxin A的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2014,26(11):1767-1770+1892.
[28]谢运昌,鞠建华*. 绿灰霉素生物合成途径中3-羟基吡啶甲酸起始结构单元的活化特异性[J]. 微生物学报,2013,53(11):1179-1188.
[29]刘静,罗明和,唐桂岭,宋永相,田新朋,卢来春,鞠建华. 深海链霉菌Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 04777中肠道菌素的分离鉴定[J]. 中国海洋药物,2013,32(05):7-13.
[30]张云,周潇,宋永相,陈芸芸,黄洪波,李洁,华燕,鞠建华*. 南海深海链霉菌Streptomyces albiflaviniger SCSIO ZJ28中Elaiophylin的分离鉴定[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2013,25(02):185-189.
[31]周潇,张云,黄洪波,宋永相,李洁,华燕,鞠建华*. 深海来源链霉菌Streptomyces griseorubens SCSIO ZY0206多酚蒽酮类代谢产物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2013,25(01):7-11.
[32]左佃光,马俊英,王博,黄洪波,刘静,张云,鞠建华*. 非核糖体肽类化合物的组合生物合成策略研究进展[J]. 中国抗生素杂志,2012,37(03):168-175.
[33]李军,朱清华,张云,马俊英,田新朋,李文均,张长生,鞠建华*. 深海放线菌Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652遗传操作系统的建立[J]. 中国抗生素杂志,2012,37(02):105-111.
[34]胡涛,张光涛,朱义广,李苏梅,张海波,张改云,杨晓红,鞠建华,张长生*. 友菌素核苷转移酶amiE基因的克隆、表达和功能鉴定[J]. 微生物学报,2012,52(02):214-220.
[35]陈子明,汪中文,黄洪波,陈玉婵,章卫民,张长生,鞠建华*. 海洋真菌Xylaria sp.SOF11中细胞松弛素类化合物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2011,23(05):801-804.
[36]任香梅,黄洪波,刘静,张云,马俊英,王博,张长生,鞠建华*. 海洋链霉菌Streptomyces lusitanus SCSIO LR32中芳酰胺类代谢产物的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2011,23(04):591-595.
[37]林钦恒,张光涛,李苏梅,张海波,鞠建华,朱伟明,张长生*. 浅蓝霉素产生菌海洋异壁放线菌WH1-2216-6遗传操作体系的建立[J]. 微生物学报,2011,51(08):1032-1041.
[38]牛四文,李苏梅,田新朋,胡涛,鞠建华,杨晓红,张偲,张长生*. 海洋放线菌Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 1934中次生代谢产物的分离和鉴定[J]. 中国中药杂志,2011,36(13):1763-1768.
[39]周俊勇,黄洪波,汪中文,杨民和,田新朋,张偲,张长生,鞠建华*. 海洋链霉菌Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 1667中吲哚咔唑生物碱类成分的研究[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2011,23(03):415-419.
[40]李军,朱清华,马俊英,王博,刘静,张云,鞠建华*. 潮霉素A的生物合成研究进展[J]. 微生物学杂志,2011,31(02):69-74.
[41]李苏梅,田新朋,牛四文,张文军,张偲,鞠建华,张长生*. 南海链霉菌SCSIO 1635中抗霉素类化合物的分离鉴定(英文)[J]. 天然产物研究与开发,2011,23(01):10-14+42.
[42]段传人,姚月良,汪中文,田新朋,张偲,张长生,鞠建华*. 海洋链霉菌Streptomyces sp.SCSIO 1666活性代谢产物替达霉素A和B的发酵优化及分离鉴定[J]. 中国海洋药物,2010,29(06):12-20.
[43]罗明和,汪中文,黄洪波,朱清华,田新朋,白志川,张偲,张长生,鞠建华*. 海洋链霉菌Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 1672及其代谢产物水杨酸的分离鉴定[J]. 微生物学杂志,2010,30(06):22-26.
[44]肖毅,李苏梅,马亮,张改云,鞠建华,张长生*. 台勾霉素生产菌指孢囊菌NRRL 18085遗传操作体系的建立[J]. 微生物学报,2010,50(08):1014-1022.
[45]邹忠杰,杨峻山*,鞠建华. 泥胡菜化学成分的研究[J]. 中草药,2006,(09):1303-1304.
[46]邹忠杰,杨峻山*,鞠建华. 泥胡菜的化学成分研究[J]. 中国中药杂志,2006,(10):812-813.
[47]邹忠杰,鞠建华,杨峻山*. 泥胡菜化学成分研究[J]. 中国药学杂志,2006,(02):102-103.
[48]刘东,鞠建华,邹忠杰,林耕,杨峻山. 西藏杓兰中两个新菲醌类化合物的分离与结构鉴定(英文)[J]. 药学学报,2005,(03):255-257.
[49]鞠建华,邹忠杰*,杨峻山*. 褐花杓兰化学成分的研究(英文)[J]. 中草药,2004,35(02):20-22.
[50]鞠建华,周亮,林耕,刘东,王立为,杨峻山. 枇杷叶中三萜酸类成分及其抗炎、镇咳活性研究[J]. 中国药学杂志,2003,(10):24-29.
[51]鞠建华,周亮,郑瑞霞,王春兰,杨峻山. 高效液相色谱法测定中药枇杷叶中熊果酸的含量[J]. 中国药学杂志,2003, 38(9): 657-659.
[52]韩冰,沈彤,鞠建华,杨峻山. 淫羊藿属植物化学成分研究概况[J]. 国外医药(植物药分册),2003,(04):151-153.
[53]刘东,鞠建华,杨峻山*. 狭叶崖爬藤化学成分的研究(英文)[J]. 中草药,2003, 34(1): 4-6.
[54]鞠建华,林耕,杨峻山,逯海燕,马柄娜,聂淑芹,张侠. 铁破锣皂苷O和P的结构及其药理活性[J]. 药学学报,2002, 37(10): 788-792.
[55]韩冰,沈彤,鞠建华,杨峻山. 黔岭淫羊藿的化学成分研究Ⅰ[J]. 中国药学杂志, 2002, 37(5): 333-335.
[56]刘东,鞠建华,林耕,许旭东,杨峻山,涂光忠. 三叶崖爬藤中的新黄酮碳甙(英文)[J]. Acta Botanica Sinica,2002,(02):227-229.
[57]鞠建华,周亮,杨峻山. 二维核磁共振波谱在阐明一种三萜多糖皂苷结构中的应用[J]. 波谱学杂志,2001,18(04):329-341.
[58]鞠建华,刘东,林耕,许旭东,杨峻山,涂光忠,马立斌. 中国特有药用植物铁破锣中的新皂甙类成分(英文)[J]. 植物学报,2001,(09):983-987.
[59]鞠建华,刘东,杨峻山. 天然环菠萝蜜烷型三萜皂苷类化合物的波谱学规律的探讨[J]. 波谱学杂志,2001,18(01):79-90.
[60]鞠建华,刘东,杨峻山. 兰科植物化学成分研究进展[J]. 国外医药(植物药分册),2000,(03):95-104.
[61]鞠建华,杨峻山,刘东. 铁破锣化学成分的研究Ⅱ[J]. 中国药学杂志, 2000, 35(3): 157-160.
[62]林耕,许旭东,刘东,鞠建华,杨峻山.黄毛楤木化学成分的研究Ⅰ[J].中国药学杂志,2000, 35(5): 298-300.
[63]林耕; 许旭东; 刘东; 鞠建华; 杨峻山.憽木皂苷C的结构研究.中国药学杂志, 2000, 35(5): 33-35.
[64]刘东; 鞠建华; 许旭东; 林耕; 杨峻山.三叶青化学成分的研究.中国药学杂志, 2000, 35(5): 31-33.
[65]鞠建华,杨峻山. 铁破锣化学成分的研究Ⅰ[J]. 中国药学杂志,1999, 34(9): 585-586.
[66]鞠建华,余竞光. 假鹰爪种子化学成分的研究[J]. 中国中药杂志,1999,(07):35-38+63.
[67]鞠建华; 杨峻山.升麻族植物三萜皂甙的研究进展.中国中药杂志, 1999, 24(9): 517-521.
[1]鞠建华. 海洋微生物抗感染药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成[A].第十一届全国化学生物学学术会议论文摘要(第一卷)[C].,2019:203.
[2]鞠建华. 海洋微生物抗感染药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成[A]. 中国化学会第十二届全国天然有机化学学术会议论文摘要集[C].2018:136.
[3]鞠建华. Discovery and engineered production of enhanced anti-tuberculosis ilamycins[A].第三届中意活性天然产物研讨会暨第一届国际药物化学论坛论文集[C].2017:47.
[4]鞠建华. 海洋微生物药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成[A].第十届全国化学生物学学术会议报告摘要集[C].2017:129.
[5]鞠建华.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Anti-infective Cyclic Pepetides from Marine Actinomycetes.海洋药物与天然药物研究国际学术研讨会, China,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning, 2015-11-23 to 2015-11-25.
[6]鞠建华.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Actinomycetes.2015' Yangling International Agri-Science Forum, 2015-11-05 to 2015-11-07.
[7]鞠建华.Deciphering the Biosynthetic Origin of L-allo-isoleucine.International Symposium on Biosystem and Biodesign Engineering 2015: Microbial Signal Regulation Network and Cell Factories, ISBBE 2015 , China,Shanghai, 2015-11-01 to 2015-11-03.
[8]鞠建华.海洋放线菌药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成.2015年中国微生物学会学术年会, 中国,湖北省,宜昌市, 2015-10-23至2015-10-25.
[9]鞠建华.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Anti-infective and Anti-tumor Natural Products from Marine-derived Actinomycetes.2015 International Conference on Greeen Pharmaceuticals, 2015-10-17 to 2015-10-18.
[10]鞠建华.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Anti-infective and Anti-tumor Natural Products from Marine Actinomycetes.Sino-German Symposium on Natural Product Sciences, China,Hubei,Wuhan, 2015-10-01 to 2015-10-06.
[11]鞠建华.海洋微生物药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成.中国化学会第九届全国化学生物学学术会议, 中国,天津市, 2015-08-28至2015-08-31.
[12]鞠建华. 海洋放线菌抗感染、抗肿瘤药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成[A].中国化学会第十届全国天然有机化学学术会议论文集——第三分会场:天然产物合成生物学、化学生物学及新技术[C].2014:15.
[13]马俊英,周潇,周俊超,张春燕,程伟鸽,陈奇,鞠建华. 抗感染环肽化合物Ilamycins生物合成基因簇的克隆及其后修饰基因的功能研究[A].中国化学会第十届全国天然有机化学学术会议论文集——第三分会场:天然产物合成生物学、化学生物学及新技术[C].,2014:66.
[14]陈奇,纪昌涛,张云,宋永相,黄洪波,马俊英,王博,李青莲,鞠建华. 深海放线菌Actinoalloteichus sp.SCSIO ZJ63中β-咔啉生物碱类化合物的挖掘[A].2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].2014:167.
[15]桂春,黄洪波,宋永相,张幸,鞠建华. 深海来源放线菌Marinactinospora sp.LMJ08次级代谢产物的研究[A]. 2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].,2014:556.
[16]桂春; 李青连; 莫旭华; 谢运昌; 马俊英; 鞠建华.一类新型Dieckmann环化酶功能的研究.第二届中国放线菌生物学与产业化研讨会, 2014-12-07.
[17]陈奇; 纪昌涛; 张云; 宋永相; 黄洪波; 马俊英; 王博; 李青莲; 鞠建华.深海放线菌Actinoalloteichus sp.SCSIO ZJ63中β-咔啉生物碱类化合物的挖掘.2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集.
[18]张春燕,马俊英,鞠建华. 抗感染抗生素Ilamycins生物合成基因簇的克隆及其功能研究[A].2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].2014:2858-2859.
[19]刘晴,张永光,桂春,宋永相,黄洪波,李文均,鞠建华. 耐碱放线菌Nocardiopsis sp.EGI80425中安莎菌素的分离及卤素喂养实验的探索[A].2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].2014:3294.
[20]程伟鸽,李青连,鞠建华. 海洋来源链霉菌属SCSIO 3406中phenaziterpene的生物合成研究[A].2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].2014:220.
[21]贾艳玺,张龙霞,张善文,李洁,闫素君,鞠建华,宋永相. 海洋放线菌SCSIO13263抗耐药性细菌活性次级代谢产物的研究[A].2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].2014:783.
[22]李宏志,马俊英,李青连,鞠建华. Himstatin生物合成基因簇中肽单加氧酶HmtM的功能研究[A].2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周论文集[C].2014:925.
[23]鞠建华.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Anti-infective and Anti-tumor Natural Products from Marine Actinomycetes.第二届中国放线菌生物学与产业化研讨会, China,Guangdong,Guangzhou, 2014-12-07 to 2014-12-09.
[24]鞠建华.Anti-infective and Anti-tumor Natural Products Discovery and Biosynthesis from Marine Actinomycetes.3rd Annual conference of the International Chemical Biology Society, United States, 2014-11-17 to 2014-11-19.
[25]陈奇,马俊英,朱清华,纪昌涛,鞠建华. 深海放线菌Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652抗感染、抗肿瘤药物先导化合物的发现及其生物合成[A].第八届全国化学生物学学术会议论文摘要集[C].2013:173.
[26] 鞠建华.Anti-infective and Anti-tumor Natural Products Discovery and Biosynthesis from Marine Actinomycetes and Fungi.Sino-Swiss Stepping Stone Symposium on Natural Products and Drug Discovery, China,Shanghai, 2013-10-23 to 2013-10-26.
[27]鞠建华.海洋微生物特征代谢产物的生物合成.第十一届海洋药物学术年会, 中国,海南省,海口市, 2013-10-18至2013-10-20
[28]鞠建华,马俊英,黄洪波,宋永相,王博,朱清华,莫旭华,周潇. 海洋微生物活性次级代谢产物的发现及其生物合成[A].第四届全国微生物资源学术暨国家微生物资源平台运行服务研讨会论文集[C].2012:18-19.
[29]鞠建华.Discovery and Biosynthesis of Bioactive Natural Products from the Deep South China Sea-derived Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652.IOCD International Conference on Functional Molecules in Nature, China,Jiangsu,Nanjing, 2012-09-22 to 2012-09-24.
[30]黄洪波,陈子明,姚月良,罗明和,任香梅,周俊勇,马俊英,王博,宋永相,张长生,鞠建华. 海洋微生物活性先导化合物的发现及其生物活性研究[A].2011年中国药学大会暨第11届中国药师周论文集[C].2011:111-119.
[31]张改云,李苏梅,牛四文,胡涛,肖毅,鞠建华,张长生. 二糖核苷类抗生素友菌素的生物合成研究[A]. 中国化学会第八届天然有机化学学术研讨会论文集[C].2010:104.
[32]鞠建华. 深海放线菌新属Marinactinospora thermotolerans中抗菌、抗肿瘤活性先导化合物的发现、生物合成和工程改造[A].中国化学会第八届天然有机化学学术研讨会论文集[C].,2010:41.
[33]莫旭华,汪中文,姚月良,马俊英,王博,黄洪波,张长生,鞠建华. 替达霉素生物合成基因簇的克隆及其生物合成机制研究[A].2010年第四届全国微生物遗传学学术研讨会论文摘要集[C].,2010:91.
[34]肖毅,李苏梅,牛四文,马亮,胡涛,张改云,张光涛,鞠建华,张长生. 新型抗菌剂台勾霉素的生物合成研究[A]..2010年第四届全国微生物遗传学学术研讨会论文摘要集[C].2010:30.
[35]鞠建华,张长生. 海洋微生物活性先导化合物的发现及其组合生物合成[A].第七届全国天然有机化学学术研讨会论文集[C].2008:154-155.
[36]鞠建华,王平,李志忠,王永江,张登荣,赵继成,葛榜军,朱博勤,党福星,杨日红. “十五”期间国土资源遥感科技进展[A].“十五”重要地质科技成果暨重大找矿成果交流会材料一——“十五”地质行业各部门地质与找矿成果综述[C].,2006:15-23.
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