张志勇先后毕业于河南师范大学计算机系计算机科学专业、大连理工大学计算机系计算机软件与理论专业和西安电子科技大学计算机学院计算机系统结构专业,博士研究生学历、工学博士学位。2010-2013年,在西安交通大学管理学院管理科学与工程专业(信息管理与信息系统方向)做博士后交叉科学研究,探索社交媒体网络下的数字内容安全和管理。2015-2016年,在美国爱荷华州立大学计算机科学系(ISU CS)做访问学者教授期间,加入IEEE CS前主席Carl K. Chang教授(IEEE Computer Society Chair, IEEE Life Fellow)软件工程实验室(ISU SEL),从事情境分析(Situation Analytics)和以人为中心的社会计算与社会智能(Human-Centric Social Computing & Social Intelligence)研究,以及多媒体社交网络原型系统(CyVOD)开发。
张志勇主持承担国家自然科学基金4项,国家重点研发计划子课题1项,以及教育部重点项目、河南省中原千人计划、河南省科技创新杰出人才和杰出青年基金、中国博士后科学基金、河南省高校科技创新人才和创新团队支持计划、河南省重点科技攻关、国防军工和企业委托研发项目等20余项。在国内外知名学术期刊《计算机学报》,《中国科学·信息科学(英文版)》,《IEEE Transactions on Big Data》,以及IEEE CCNC等具有重要影响的国际学术会议上,发表研究和综述性学术论文等140余篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇,被SCI、EI检索逾100篇。在科学出版社、国防工业出版社、Elsevier出版《Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem》、《社交媒体网络安全理论与技术》、《数字版权管理与安全技术》、《网络安全政策指南》、《Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications》等学术专著4部、编著2部和译著1部。作为核心起草人/主要起草人制定完成IEC国际标准《Smart Television - Part 1: Conceptual Model for Smart Television》(IEC TR 63122-1 ED1),以及国家标准化管理委员会立项、全国音频、视频及多媒体系统与设备标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC242)和全国信息技术标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC28)归口的《信息技术 数字版权管理 术语》(GB/T 30247-2013),全国信息安全标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC260)归口的《信息安全技术 云计算服务安全能力评估方法》(GB/T 34942-2017)、《信息安全技术 物联网数据传输安全技术要求》(GB/T 37025-2018)、《信息安全技术 时间戳策略和时间戳业务操作规则》(GB/T 36631-2018 )等国家标准4部,国家电子行业标准3部。关键技术成果获授权国家发明专利12件。融合新一代信息技术和科技服务业应用,创办了国内一款互联网+科技成果转化服务专业平台——晒科网,包括桌面网站、Android/iOS移动客户端(晒我的,CyVOD),以及适用于PC、移动智能终端等消费电子产品的“多媒体音视频数字版权保护系统VOD DRM Player”和“移动多媒体数字版权保护播放器软件 VOD MDRM”等,拥有31件计算机软件著作权。以第一完成人获得河南省科技进步二等奖3项,以及河南省工业和信息化厅科技成果一等奖、河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖、河南省自然科学优秀学术著作/学术论文一等奖等6项,以及中国密码学会密码学类教育教学改革一等奖等。所指导研究生多次获国家研究生奖学金和河南省优秀硕士学位论文。
1.Editorial Board Member of Multimedia Tools and Applications (2015-, Springer, ISSN-Print: 1380-7501, ISSN-Online: 1573-7721)
2.Editorial Board Member of Neural Network World (2015-, Czech Republic, ISSN-Print: 1210-0552, ISSN-Online: 2336-4335)
3.Editorial Board Member of Journal on Big Data (2018-, Springer, ISSN: 2196-1115)
4.Editorial Board Member of EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2016-, Springer, ISSN: 1687-417X)
5.International Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (2017-, IGI Global, 2156-1834, EISSN: 2156-1826)
6.Associate Editor of Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (2016-, Springer, ISSN: 2192-1962)
7.Associate Editor of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2013-2017, Springer, ISSN-Print: 1869-5450, ISSN-Online: 1869-5469)
8.Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Advanced Soft Computing Methodologies and Applications in Social Media Big Data Analytics, Journal on Big Data (2018-, Springer, ISSN: 2196-1115)
9.Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on The Convergence of New Computing Paradigms and Big Data Analytics Methodologies for Online Social Networks, Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier, ISSN: 1877-7503)
10.Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Crowd Computing for Social Media Ecosystem, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier, ISSN: 1568-4946)
11.Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Security, Trust and Risk in Multimedia Social Networks, Computer Journal (Oxford, ISSN-Print: 0010-4620, ISSN-Online: 1460-2067)
12.Leading Guest Editor, Special Issue on Challenges for Multimedia Content Security in Social Networks , EURASIP Journal on Information Security (Springer, ISSN: 1687-417X)
13.Co-Guest Editor, Special Issue on Recent research in Computational Intelligence paradigms into Security and Privacy for Online Social Networks (OSNs), Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier, ISSN: 0167-739X)
14.Co-Guest Editor, Special Issue on Swarm and Evolutionary Computational Approaches: Recent Advances in Networking and Internet of Things (IoT), International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (ISSN Online: 1741-5225, ISSN Print: 1470-9503)
1.Founding Chair of IEEE MMTC Digital Rights Management for Multimedia (IEEE MMTC DRMIG, 2018-)
在国内外知名学术期刊《计算机学报》,《中国科学·信息科学(英文版)》,《IEEE Transactions on Big Data》,以及IEEE CCNC等具有重要影响的国际学术会议上,发表研究和综述性学术论文等120余篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇,被SCI、EI检索逾80篇。在科学出版社、国防工业出版社、Elsevier出版《Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem》、《社交媒体网络安全理论与技术》、《数字版权管理与安全技术》、《网络安全政策指南》、《Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications》等学术专著4部、编著2部和译著1部。关键技术成果获授权国家发明专利12件。融合新一代信息技术和科技服务业应用,创办了国内一款互联网+科技成果转化服务专业平台——晒科网,包括桌面网站、Android/iOS移动客户端(晒我的,CyVOD),以及适用于PC、移动智能终端等消费电子产品的“多媒体音视频数字版权保护系统VOD DRM Player”和“移动多媒体数字版权保护播放器软件 VOD MDRM”等,拥有31件计算机软件著作权。以第一完成人获得河南省科技进步二等奖3项,以及河南省工业和信息化厅科技成果一等奖、河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖、河南省自然科学优秀学术著作/学术论文一等奖等6项,以及中国密码学会密码学类教育教学改革一等奖等。所指导研究生多次获国家研究生奖学金和河南省优秀硕士学位论文。
作为核心起草人/主要起草人制定完成IEC国际标准《Smart Television - Part 1: Conceptual Model for Smart Television》(IEC TR 63122-1 ED1),以及国家标准化管理委员会立项、全国音频、视频及多媒体系统与设备标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC242)和全国信息技术标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC28)归口的《信息技术 数字版权管理 术语》(GB/T 30247-2013),全国信息安全标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC260)归口的《信息安全技术 云计算服务安全能力评估方法》(GB/T 34942-2017)、《信息安全技术 物联网数据传输安全技术要求》(GB/T 37025-2018)、《信息安全技术 时间戳策略和时间戳业务操作规则》(GB/T 36631-2018 )等国家标准6部,国家电子行业标准3部。
先后在科学出版社、国防工业出版社、Elsevier出版《Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem》、《社交媒体网络安全理论与技术》、《数字版权管理与安全技术》、《网络安全政策指南》、《Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications》等出版学术专著4部、编著2部和译著1部。在电子工业出版社、武汉大学出版社,出版教材2部。
1、Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Michael Sheng, Zhiyong Zhang. Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Big Data on the Cloud with Engineering Applications, Elsevier, 2017. (ISBN: 9780128133149)
5、Zhiyong Zhang. Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem [M]. Beijing: Science Press(科学出版社),2012. (ISBN 978-7-03-034335-2)
6、Zhiyong Zhang. Risk Assessment and Management [M]. USA: Academy Publish, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-9835850-0-8)
7、网络安全技术及应用[M]. 北京:电子工业出版社. 副主编,2009.
8、软件工程[M]. 湖北:武汉大学出版社. 副主编,2006.
以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外知名学术期刊《计算机学报》,《中国科学·信息科学(英文版)》,《IEEE Transactions on Big Data》,以及IEEE CCNC等具有重要影响的国际学术会议上,发表研究和综述性学术论文等140余篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇,被SCI、EI检索逾100篇。
141、Lanfang Zhang, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Ting Zhao, Brij B. Gupta. A Novel Access Control Model for Online Social Networks and Its Visual Verification [J]. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IGI Global), 2021,11(2).
139、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Junchang Jing, Xiaoxue Wang, et al. A Crowdsourcing Method for Online Social Networks Security Assessment [J]. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 2020, 10(23): 1-19. (SCI 000538552900001, EI 20202408805288)
138、Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇), Danmei Niu, Junchang Jin. ParaCA:A Speculative Parallel Crawling Approach on Apache Spark [C]. The Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2020), New York, US. Oct, 2020.
137、Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇), Bin Liu. An Adaptive Thread Partitioning Approach in Speculative Multithreading [C]. The Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2020), New York, US. Oct, 2020.
135、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Ranran Sun, Xiaoxue Wang, et al. A Situational Analytic Method for User Behavior Pattern in Multimedia Social Networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2019, 5(4): 520-528. (EI 20200308043740)
134、Jian Wang, Kuoyuan Qiao, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇). An Improvement for Combination Rule in Evidence Theory [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 91: 1-9. (SCI 000451790900001, EI 20183705794717)
133、Cheng Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Guoxin Chang. Multimedia Social Network Authorization Scheme of Comparison-based Encryption [J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2019, 21(1): 137-144. (EI 20190306396578)
132、Peining Shi, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. Detecting Malicious Social Bots Based on Clickstream Sequences [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 28855-28862. (SCI 000462957000001, EI 20191706836075)
131、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Ranran Sun, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, et al. A Novel Situation-Analytics Based Recommendation Algorithm for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, (7): 117749-117760. (SCI 000484313600003)
130、Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Lili Zhang, et al. ProCTA: program characteristic‑based thread partition approach [J]. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019, 75:7366–7390. (SCI 000496336200014, EI 20192907190633)
129、Zhengfen Jin, Zhongping Wan, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇). Strictly contractive Peaceman–Rachford splitting method to recover the corrupted low rank matrix [J]. Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2019) 2019:147.
128、Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇), Danmei Niu, et al. TPAoPI:A Thread Partitioning Approach Based on Procedure Importance in Speculative Multithreading [C]. The Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC2019), Zhangjiajie, China, July. 2019. (EI 20194307563655)
127、Danmei Niu, Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇), et al. A Service Composition Mechanism Based on Mobile Edge Computing for IoT [C]. The Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2019), Shanghai, China, December, 2019.
126、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, et al. Crowd Computing for Social Media Ecosystems [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 66: 492-494. (SCI 000430162100036, EI 20180904850508)
125、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Brij B. Gupta. Social Media Security and Trustworthiness: Overview and New Direction [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 86: 914-925. (SCI 000437555800079, EI 20165103145490)
124、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Jing Wen, Xiaoxue Wang, Changwei Zhao. A Novel Crowd Evaluation Method for Security and Trustworthiness of Online Social Networks Platforms Based on Signaling Theory [J]. Journal of Computational Science, 2018, 26: 468-477.(SCI 000438001600046, EI 20172203719496)
123、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Brij B. Gupta, et al. The Convergence of New Computing Paradigms and Big Data Analytics Methodologies for Online Social Networks [J]. Journal of Computational Science, 2018, 26: 453-455. (SCI 000438001600044, EI 20181605014667)
122、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Cheng Li, Brij B. Gupta, et al. Efficient Compressed Ciphertext Length Scheme Using Multi-Authority CP-ABE for Hierarchical Attributes [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1): 38273-38284. (SCI 000440342700001, EI 20182905554496)
121、Tu Ziran, Zeng Xiangyong, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇). More permutation polynomials with differential uniformity six. Science China Information Science (中国科学F辑), 2018, 61(3), 038104:1-038104:3. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-017-9118-5. (Online, SCI)
120、Brij B. Gupta, A.K. Sangaiah, Nadia Nedjah, Shingo Yamaguchi, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇). Recent research in computational intelligence paradigms into security and privacy for online social networks (OSNs) [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 86: 851–854. (SCI 000437555800073, EI 20182505321805)
119、Brij B. Gupta, Shingo Yamaguchi, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇), Kostas E. Psannis. Security and Privacy of Multimedia Big Data in the Critical Infrastructure [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(9): 10995-10995. (SCI 000431889900036, EI 20182505344912)
118、Jian Wang, Kuoyuan Qiao, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇). Trust evaluation based on evidence theory in online social networks [J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14(10): 1-10. (SCI 000447216700001, EI 20184406008115) [PDF]
117、Cheng Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Lanfang Zhang. A novel authorization scheme for multimedia social networks under cloud storage method by using MA-CP-ABE [J]. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IGI Global), 2018, 8(3): 32-47.
116、Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*. Parallel Computing: Review and Perspective [C]. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2018), Zhengzhou, China, July, 2018. (EI 20190906564180)
115、Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Lili Zhang, et al. Thread Level Speculation: Review and Perspectives [C]. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2018), Zhengzhou, China, July, 2018. (EI 20190906563939)
114、Lili Zhang, Danmei Niu, Yuxiang Li, Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇). A Survey on Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining [C]. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2018), Zhengzhou, China, July, 2018. (EI 20190906564121)
110、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Sun Ranran, Wang Xiaoxue, et al. A Situational Analytic Method for User Behavior Pattern in Multimedia Social Networks [J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TBDATA.2017.2657623. (Online)
108、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Wen Jing, Wang Xiaoxue, Zhao Changwei. A Novel Crowd Evaluation Method for Security and Trustworthiness of Online Social Networks Platforms Based on Signaling Theory [J]. Journal of Computational Science, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2017.05.018. (Online, SCI)
107、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Han Linqian, Li Cheng, et al. A Novel Attribute-Based Access Control Model for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Neural Network World, 2016, (6): 543-557. (SCI 000399394400001)
106、Li Lin, Fan Kefeng, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), et al. Community Detection Algorithm Based on Local Expansion K-Means [J]. Neural Network World, 2016, 26(6): 589-605. (SCI 000392283000005)
105、Gupta B B, Yamaguchi Shingo, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), Psannis Kostas E. Security and Privacy of Multimedia Big Data in the Critical Infrastructure [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017.
104、Li Cheng, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Gupta B. Brij, et al. A novel authorization scheme for multimedia social networks method by using multi-authority ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption [J]. Journal of Information Privacy and Security (Taylor & Francis), 2017. (Accepted)
102、Wang Jian, Qiao Kuoyuan, Zhang, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), et al. A new conflict management method in dempster-shafer theory [J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017, 13(3). (SCI, EI 20171803628070)
99、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Gupta B. B. Social Media Security and Trustworthiness: Overview and New Direction [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2016.10.007. (Online, SCI)
98、Feng Weining, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Wang Jian, Han Linqian. A Novel Authorization Delegation for Multimedia Social Networks by using Proxy Re-encryption [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 2016, 75(21): 13995-14014. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-015-2929-2. (First Online 07 September 2015 , SCI 000386776800052, EI 20153701254312)
97、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Yang Lijun, Li Hanman, et al. A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis-based Security Risk Assessment for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2016, 18(1): 43-51. (EI 20154701564374)
96、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Sun Ranran, Zhao Changwei, et al. CyVOD: A Novel Multimedia Social Network Scheme [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(18): 18513–18529. DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-4162-z (Online, SCI EI 20164803071103)
95、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. Multimedia Social Network Security and Applications [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(3): 3163-3168. DOI 10.1007/s11042-016-4081-z (SCI 000396051200001, EI 20165003108429)
94、Du Junyi, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), Analysis on the digging of social network based on user search behavior, International Journal of Smart Home, 2016, 10(5): 297-304. (EI 20162602535286)
90、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Wang Zhen, Niu Danmei. A Novel Approach to Rights Sharing-Enabling Digital Rights Management for Mobile Multimedia [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 2015, 74 (16): 6255-6271. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-014-2135-7. (SCI 000359864700009, EI 20143600007178)
89、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Wang Kanliang. A Formal Analytic Approach to Credible Potential Path and Mining Algorithms for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Computer Journal, 2015, 58 (4): 668-678. DOI:10.1093/comjnl/bxu035 (SCI 000359137500011, EI 20151500736707)
88、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Security, Trust and Risk in Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Computer Journal, 2015, 58 (4): 515-517. DOI:10.1093/comjnl/bxu151 (SCI 000359137500001, EI 20151500736718).
87、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. The Challenge of Multimedia Social Networks and Security [J]. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 8(2): 72-73. (EI 20153901314334).
86、Chang Yanan, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Wang Jian. A Security Protocol for Trusted Access to Cloud Environment [J]. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 8(2): 135-144. (EI 20162902597361).
85、Sun Shuhuan, Zhao Changwei, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇). A Matrix Factorization based Trust Factors Model [C]. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Lijiang, China, August, 2015.
81、Wang Jian, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Xiang Fei, et al. Trusted License Distribution System Based on IPSEC VPN for Mobile DRM [J]. Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering Journal, 2014, 8(1): 34-41. (EI 20152801023852)
77、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Wang Kanliang. A Trust Model for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. Social Networks Analysis and Mining (Springer), 2013, 3(4):969-979. DOI: 10.1007/s13278-012-0078-4.
76、Zhao Changwei*, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Li Hanman, et al. A Social Network Information Propagation Model Considering Different Types of Social Relationships [C]. Springer Advances in Intelligent System and Computing, pp.275-282, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01796-9_29. (EI 20151600756807).
75、Wang Zhen, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Chang Yanan, et al. An Approach to Mobile Multimedia Digital Rights Management based on Android [C]. Springer Advances in Intelligent System and Computing, pp.239-246, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01796-9_25. (EI 20151600756803)
74、Huang Tao, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Chen Qingli, et al. A Method for Trusted Usage Control over Digital Contents Based on Cloud Computing [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.7, No.4, pp.795-802, 2013.
67、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Frontier and Methodologies on Digital Rights Management for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.6, No.9, pp.245-249, 2012. (EI 20122415113619)
66、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Maheswaran Muthucumaru. Multimedia Contents Security in Social Networks Applications (Editorial). Journal of Multimedia, 2012, 7(4): 1-2.
65、Yang Lijun, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pu Jiexin. Rough Set and Trust Assessment-based Potential Paths Analysis and Mining for Multimedia Social Networks [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.6, No.22, pp. 640-647, 2012. (EI 20125215835371)
64、Yang Lijun, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, et al. Advance on Trust Model and Evaluation Method in Social Networks [C]. In: Proc. of The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012. (EI 20131016077249, ISTP 000319285800003)
63、Wang Jian*, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Xiang Fei, et al. A Trusted Authentication Protocol based on SDIO Smart Card for DRM [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.6, No.23, pp.222-233. (EI 20130215886141)
62、Xiang Fei, Zhang Lei, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), et al. True Random Bit Generator Based on Cell Phone Recording and Chaotic Encryption [C]. In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, 2012. (EI 20124415628728)
58、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pei Qingqi, Yang Lin, Ma Jianfeng. Game-Theoretic Analyses and Simulations of Adoptions of Security Policies for DRM in Contents Sharing Scenario [J]. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 17, No.2, pp.191-203, 2011. (SCI 000288881400007)
57、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Digital Rights Management Ecosystem and its Usage Controls: A Survey [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.3, pp.255-272, 2011. (EI 20112214020460)
56、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Tao Huang, Danmei Niu, Lili Zhang. Usage Control Model for Digital Rights Management in Digital Home Networks [J]. Journal of Multimedia, Vol.6, No.4, pp.376-383, 2011. (EI 20113414261239)
55、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Digital Rights Management Ecosystem: Open Issues and Challenges [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.290-296, 2011. (EI 20114814568290)
54、Niu Danmei, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), Wang Shaofeng, et al. A Novel Approach to Digital Contents Sharing for Digital Home Network [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.324-333, 2011. (EI 20114814568294)
53、Zhang Lili, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), Niu Danmei, et al. A Novel DRM Security Scheme and its Prototype System Implementation[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.334-342, 2011. (EI 20114814568295)
52、Tang Guoliang, Liu Zhongyong, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), et al. Blind watermarking algorithm based on wavelet-transform and fractal self-similarity[J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology & Its Applications, Vol.5, No.11, pp.402-410, 2011. (EI 20114814568302)
47、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Lian Shiguo, Pei Qingqi, Pu Jiexin. Fuzzy Risk Assessments on Security Policies for Digital Rights Management [J]. Neural Network World, Vol. 20, No.3, pp.265-284, 2010. (SCI 000280426100002, EI 20103213125917)
46、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Security, Trust and Risk in Digital Rights Management Ecosystem [C]. In: Proc. of 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Special Session on Trusted Ubiquitous Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection, Caen, France, Jun, 2010. (EI 20103913258649)
45、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Liu Xinliang, Pu Jiexin. Utility-Analytic Approach and Swarm Simulations of Security Policies in Digital Rights Management [J]. Journal of Multimedia, Vol.5, No.5, pp.417-426, 2010. (EI 20104613391495)
44、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Huang Tao, Wu Qingtao, Pu Jiexin. A CSCW-Enabling Integrated Access Control Model and its Application [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol.108-111, pp.426-435, 2010. (EI 20102713054574, ISTP 000282765400074)
43、Niu Danmei, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), Zhang Lili. A DRM System for Home Network Based on RBAC and License Chain [C]. In: Proc. of The Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Shenzhen ,China, Dec, 2010. (EI 20111113753217)
42、Zhang Lili*, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Sen Sen, et al. A DRM System Based on PKI [C]. In: Proc. of The Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Shenzhen ,China, Dec, 2010. (EI 20111113753219)
41、Ye Chuanqi, Xinliang Liu, Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇), et al. Multi-Spectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion Based on Region Correlation Coefficient in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain [C]. In: Proc. of The Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Shenzhen ,China, Dec, 2010. (EI 20111113753216)
38、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pei Qingqi, Yang Lin, Ma Jianfeng. Security and Trust in Digital Rights Management: A Survey [J]. International Journal of Network Security, 2009, 9(3): 247-263. (EI 20131316154339) [PDF] [Cite1] Zoltán Hornák, István Nyilas, Dániel Petró, et al, “uTRUSTit – Usable Trust in the Internet of Things,” Technical Report, SEARCH-LAB Ltd, Dec, 2010.
37、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Qingqi Pei, Jianfeng Ma, Lin Yang, Kefang Fan. Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Game-Theoretic Analyses of Adoptions of Security Policies for DRM [C]. In: Proc. of 5th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications, Satellite Workshop of 6th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Jan 10-13, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. (EI 20091512027309, ISTP 000268009200279)
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36、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pei Qingqi, Yang Lin, Ma Jianfeng. Establishing Multi-Party Trust Architecture for DRM by Using Game-Theoretic Analysis of Security Policies [J] Chinese Journal of Electronics(电子学报英文版), 2009, 18(3): 519-524. (SCI 000268110500027, EI 20093612286410)
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31、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pu Jiexin, Wu qingtao, Zhang Lili, Niu Danmei. Fuzzy Utility-Factor Assessments and Swarm Simulations on DRM Security Policies [C]. In: Proc. of 2009 International Conference on Computer and Communications Security, IEEE Computer Society, Hong Kong, pp.55-59, Dec, 2009. (EI 20101512832855, ISTP 000276142900015)
28、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*,Qingqi Pei,Jianfeng Ma,Lin Yang, Kefang Fan. A Fine-grained Digital Rights Transfer Policy and Trusted Distribution and Enforcement [C]. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security,Dec.13-17,2008 Suzhou SIP,China. (EI 090911923791, ISTP 000268099900205).
27、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Qingqi Pei, Jianfeng Ma, Lin Yang. A Benefits-Centric Multi-Participant Trust Architecture for DRM-Enabling Digital Contents Value Chain Ecosystem [C]. 2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management, Wuhan, China, Dec 19, 2008. (EI 20094312395422,ISTP 000269752000051)
26、Zhiyong Zhang(张志勇)*, Qingqi Pei, Lin Yang. Implementing Trustworthy Dissemination of Digital Contents by Using a Third Party Attestation Proxy-Enabling Remote Attestation Model [C].2008 International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology, Three Gorges, China, Dec 30-31, 2008. (EI 20094112369076, ISTP 000269971400081)
22、Zhang Zhiyong (张志勇)*, Yang Lin , Pei Qingqi, Ma Jianfeng . Research on Usage Control Model with Delegation Characteristics Based on OM-AM Methodology [C].2007 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, in Conjunction with IFIP International Workshop on Network and System Security, Dalian,China, Sep, 2007. (EI 083111412681, ISTP 000251390000042)
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17、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*. Role Based Access Control Model and Object-Oriented Modeling [C], The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology, Vol.2, 2006.
16、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pu Jiexin, Zhang Shaozhong. Dynamic Capability Delegation Model for MAS, Architecture and Protocols in CSCW Environment [C]. The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, Nanjing, China, May.3-5, 2006.(EI 073210756595, ISTP BFD79)
15、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pu Jiexin. Collaboration Access Control Model for MAS Based on Role and Agent Cooperative Scenarios [C]. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Luoyang, China, Jun 25-28, 2006.(EI 071710567371, ISTP BFE23)
9、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pu Jiexin. Delegation Model for CSCW Based on RBAC Policy and Visual Modeling [C]. In: Proceedings of The 11th Joint International Computer Conference, World Scientific Press Company, Chongqing, China, Nov, 2005.(EI 20142817916561, ISTP Print-Style BDF35)
6、Zhang Zhiyong(张志勇)*, Pu Jiexin. Permission-Role Based Delegation Model and Object-Oriented Modeling [C]. In: Proceedings of China National Open Distributed and Parallel Computing Symposium 2004, Beijing, China, pp.52-55, 2004.
张志勇教授担任International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing(IGI Global)国际咨询委员会(Int'l Advisory Board)成员。作为主席、共同主席和国际程序委员会委员,发起并组织多个IEEE、ACM国际学术会议的DRM专题研讨会(Workshops/Invited Sessions),并担任IEEE CS旗舰会议IEEE COMPSAC 2016、IEEE COMPSAC 2017论文集出版(共同)主席。2009年12月获得Computational Intelligence & Security大会颁发的杰出组织工作奖 (Outstanding Organization Award on Workshop/Invited Session)。
1.Congress Review Panel Member, 2018 IEEE World Congress on Services, San Francisco, CA, US. (SERVICES 2018)
2.Publication Co-Chair, 2017 IEEE Conference on Computers, Software and Applications, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, 2017. (COMPSAC 2017)
3.Publication Co-Chair, 2016 IEEE Conference on Computers, Software and Applications, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2016. (COMPSAC 2016)
4.Co-Chair, 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Cloud Computing, Wuhan, China, 2016. (ICC 2016)
5.Technical Co-Sponsor, 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics, Rourkela, India, 2016. (ICACNI 2016)
6.TPC Member, The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (2010 France, 2011 Turkey, 2014 Italy, 2015The Netherlands, 2016 Austria)
7.TPC Member, International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (2013 Spain, 2014 Italy, 2015 France, 2016 Italy)
8.TPC Member, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, Jaipur, India, 2016. (ICACCI 2016)
9.Chair, Invited Session on Multimedia Social Networks and Soft Computing (ICGEC-2013-IS03), Seventh International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. (ICGEC2013, Czech Republic), (ICGEC-2013-IS03)
10.Chair, Invited Session on Multimedia and Cloud Computing Security (ICGEC-2012-IS01), Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2012), Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012. (ICGEC2012, Japan), (ICGEC-2012-IS01)
11.Chair, Special Session on Digital Home Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (DHN-MM 2011), 2011International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010. (HPCS2011, Turkey), (DHN-MM2011)
12.Chair, Invited Session on Digital Rights Management (ICGEC-2011-IS01), Fifth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2011), Taiwan, 2011. (ICGEC2011, Taiwan), (ICGEC-2011-IS01)
13.Chair, Special Session on Trusted Ubiquitous Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (TUN-MM 2010), 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Caen, France, 2010. (HPCS2010, France), (TUN-MM2010)
14.Chair, Invited Session on Security and Trust in Ubiquitous Networks (ICGEC-2010-IS06), Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2010), Shenzhen, China, 2010. (ICGEC2010, China), (ICGEC2010-IS06)
15.Chair, Invited Session on Digital Rights Management (IAS-2009-IS15), The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi'an, China, 2009. (IAS2009, China), (IAS-2009-IS15)
16.Chair, International Workshop on Digital Rights Management & Contents Protection (CIS-Workshop2009), conjunction with 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Security, Beijing, China, 2009. (CIS2009, China), (CIS-Workshop2009)
1. TPC Member for International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking Security, Wuhan, China, 2009. (MINES 2009, Wuhan)
2. TPC Member for 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Caen, France, 2010. (HPCS 2010, France)
3. TPC Member for 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Hong Kong, 2010. (MediaCom 2010, HongKong)
4. TPC Member for The First International Symposium on Ubiquitous & Trusted Computing, Busan, Korea, 2010. (UTC 2010, Korea)
5. TPC Member for 2010 International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, Shenzhen, China, 2010. (ICWOC 2010, Shenzhen)
6. TPC Member for Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2010), Shenzhen, China, 2010. (ICGEC 2010, Shenzhen)
7. Reviewing & Organizing Services for a series of International Conferences on Information Security & Communication Networks sponsored by IEEE/ACM/IFIP, ICNC-FSKD’06, ICAL’07, CIS’08, CCNC’09, MINES’09, CIS’09, KESE'09, ASIA'09.
“在数字版权管理(英文为Digital Rights Management,简称DRM)支持的数字内容产业价值链中必然涉及到重要的一方——终端用户,并且他们和内容(服务)提供商之间由于各自的利益并不存在完全的信任,致使安全技术成为构建多方信任的基础。”张志勇关注的目光定格在数字内容产业发展的前沿问题上。
2009年1月,在美国拉斯维加斯召开的DRM领域具有重要影响的国际学术会议IEEE CCNC上,张志勇发表了关于DRM安全策略合作与非合作博弈论选取方法的论文,被加拿大麦吉尔大学Advanced Networking Research Lab所关注并积极引用,随后美国新墨西哥大学G. L. Heileman教授也在DRM领域顶级会议ACM DRM2010中引用了该成果。2009年11月,张志勇发表在International Journal of Network Security中的DRM安全与信任综述性论文“Security and Trust of Digital Rights Management: A Survey”,指出了以安全为基础的DRM多方信任是当前开放问题之一,并提出了以安全-效用(Security-Utility)为中心的DRM多方信任框架(Multi-Party Trust in DRM Ecosystem)。针对这一开放问题,通过建立DRM安全策略组合的效用理论,以及动态混合博弈选取方法,使得DRM Ecosystem各方能够最优地选取和部署安全策略。此外,针对数字内容分享与传播中的安全风险问题,张志勇博士提出了RCU(Risk-Controlled Utility)方法,并采用软计算理论,对DRM安全策略风险评估进行了深入研究,研究成果主要发表在国际著名期刊“Neural Network World”和“Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing”。2010年,张志勇牵头的“数字版权管理中数字权利传播的小世界网络建模及风险控制”研究项目,再次获得国家自然科学基金资助。
针对DRM使用控制等关键共性技术研究,他积极申请并负责完成河南省重点科技攻关项目“数字内容可信授权使用控制系统研究”,在数字权利分享与转移技术领域,提出了DRM使用控制转授权(Delegation)模型、细粒度权利转移安全机制,以及可信分发与安全执行等理念。他带领团队潜心研制的“DRM Player音视频数字内容安全使用控制系统”等通过河南省软件评测中心检测,并完成计算机软件著作权登记,其主要理论成果发表在Int'l J. of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications,Journal of Multimedia, 以及IEEE、ACM和IFIP主办的多个国际学术会议上。曾获河南省工业和信息化科技成果一等奖等。
由于在数字版权管理领域的卓越贡献,今年3月26日国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)在美国西雅图召开的新一轮IEEE Admission & Advancement评审会议上,正式批准张志勇晋升为IEEE Senior Member。而此前,他已经是IEEE Systems, Man, Cybermetics Society国际软计算技术委员会(TC on Soft Computing)委员,国际期刊Int'l J. of Digital Contents Technology and its Applications数字版权管理与内容安全专题主编(TEiC),中国人工智能学会第一届智能数字内容安全专业委员会委员等,曾作为主席/联合主席发起并组织了多个国际学术会议DRM专题研讨会(Workshop/Invited Session),并担任多个国际学术会议程序委员会委员。