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专家信息 | 承担项目 | 专利情况 | 学术成果 | 发表论文 | 获奖情况

专家信息 :

傅强 教授,男,1963年1月出生,博士。于1997年底学成归国,他来到我校高分子学院工作后即被学校特聘为教授。






承担项目 :



  • 国家杰出青年基金(聚合物共混物的形态控制与熔体插层纳米复合材料,2000.1-2003.12)
  • 国家教委跨世纪优秀人才基金(高聚碳/尼龙合金的制备与性能,2000.1-2003.12)
  • 国家自然科学基金(剪切引起的橡胶取向与塑料增韧中的脆-韧-脆转变,2003.1-2005.12)
  • 国家教育部博士点基金(聚丙烯增韧机理研究,2003.1-2005.12)
  • 四川省杰出青年基金(多层复合塑料啤酒瓶专用料的研究,2002.10-2004.10)
  • 四川省科技重点项目(聚苯硫醚纳米复合材料的制备与性能,2003.1-2005.12)
  • 教育部重点项目(用无机纳米粒子增容不相容聚合物共混物的研究,2004-2006)
  • 国家自然科学基金(通过高剪切相容与低剪切动态保压控制共混,2004-2006)
  • 科技部973计划子项目(先进聚合物基复合材料的多层次结构和性能研究,2004-2008)
  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目(注射成型通用高分子制品的多层次结构与在线检测,2006-2009

专利情况 :

1. 殷勤俭,杨红,孔维,杜荣昵,傅强,微型缩聚合成反应装置,中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL2004 2 0060483.6,公告日期:2006年2月8日

2. 殷勤俭,杨红,孔维,杜荣昵,傅强,微型缩聚合成反应装置,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 2004 1 0040329.7,公告日期:2006年2月15日

3. 傅强,殷勤俭,杨红,杜荣昵,孔维,气体透过率测定仪,中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL2004 2 0061664.0,公告日期:2006年1月4日

4. 傅强,王勇,张琴,杜荣昵,用无机纳米粒子增加不相容高分子共混物混容性的方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 03 1 17284.9,公告日期:2005年6月22日

5. 傅强,彭娅,王跃林,王洪敏,光学透明的室温固化硅酮密封混合物及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 03 1 17866.9,公告日期:2005年3月30日

6. 钟银屏,傅强,谭鸿,谢兴益,李洁华,何成生,樊翠蓉,含氟二元醇,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 03 1 17423. X,公告日期:2005年8月24日

7. 钟银屏,傅强,谭鸿,谢兴益,李洁华,何成生,樊翠蓉,侧链含氟聚氨酯材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 03 1 17652.6,公告日期:2005年1月26日

8. 傅强,张琴,高韧性聚丙烯纳米复合材料的制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 01 1 07001.3,公告日期:2004年7月7日

9. 傅强,高小铃,王跃林,杨本意,渠成,聚甲醛纳米复合材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 02 1 28048.7,公告日期:2004年11月17日

10.黄锐,傅强,含伸直链聚乙烯的制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 93 1 15369.7,公告日期:1998年8月15日

学术成果 :


聚烯烃注射成型--形态控制与性能,科学出版社, 2006


首次报导了无机刚性粒子填充HDPE材料的脆-韧转变及其规律,使聚合物增韧在弹性体–有机刚性粒子增韧技术的基础上,向无机刚性粒子多元化增韧技术发展。通过自制的动态保压装置控制聚烯烃共混物的取向、结晶和微相分离,获得了高性能聚烯烃工程材料(拉伸强度≥100MPa,缺口冲击强度≥140KJ/m2)。控制EPDM橡胶在PP中的取向,首次在PP/EPDM体系发现了“脆-韧-脆”转变现象,使塑料增韧机理的研究推向一个新阶段;用自制的高压装置,将聚烯烃高压结晶的研究范围从0~0.7GPa压力扩展到0~2.3GPa压力范围,获得了聚乙烯、聚丙烯在以往未曾报导的有关晶体结构形态的新信息,并首次用液晶引诱导在低压下制备含伸直链聚乙烯取得成功,为制备高性能聚烯烃工程材料开辟了新途径;建立了结晶热分级和结晶动力学研究含结晶高分子共混物相容性和相分离的新方法。 近年来在聚合物纳米复合材料和高分子共混物形态控制的研究中取得突出成绩。提出了通过高剪切相容与低剪切动态保压控制共混物形态与性能的新思想。在聚丙烯、聚酯(PET)纳米复合材料的制备与应用方面取得重要进展,通过了四川省科委组织的专家鉴定会,成果被评为国际先进水平。研制的高透明防粘连聚酯纳米薄膜经厂家批量生产,取得了明显的经济效益,该产品被评为2002年杭州市新产品、新技术一等奖。2003年获四川省科技进步二等奖。2005年获四川省科技进步一等奖。

发表论文 :


1. Ke Wang, Min Guo, Daiguo Zhao, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu, Xia Dong and Charles C. Han,Facilitating transcrystallization of polypropylene/glass fiber composites by imposed shear during injection molding,Polymer,2006,47(25), 8374-8379

2. Ke Wang,  Min Guo, Qiang Fu* et al.  Spatial Hierarchy and Interfacial Structure in Injection-Molded Bars of Polypropylene-Based Blend and Composites, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2007, 25: 1.

3.  Hao Zou, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*,A Change of Phase Morphology in Poly(p-phenylene sulfide)/Polyamide66 Blends Induced by Adding Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Polymer,2006,47(22),7821-7826

4.   Yong Wang, Cong Wang, Qin Zhang, Hong Yang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu*, Shear induced phase coarsening in Polystyrene /Styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene blends, Journal of materials science, 2006, 41(18),5882-5889

5.   Ke Wang, Si Liang, Jinni Deng, Hong Yang, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*, Xia Dong, Dujin Wang* and Charles C. Han, The role of clay network on macromolecular chain mobility and relaxation in isotactic polypropylene/organoclay nanocomposites, Polymer,2006,47(20),7131-7144

6.   Ke Wang, Ping Zhao, Hong Yang, Si Liang, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu*, Zhenqiang Yu and Erqiang Chen, Unique clay orientation in the injection-molded bar of isotactic polypropylene/clay nanocomposite, Polymer,47(20),7103-7110

7.   Si Liang, Ke Wang, Hong Yang, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Crystal morphology and tensile properties of LLDPE containing PP fibers as obtained via dynamic packing injection molding, Polymer,47(20),7115-7122

8.   Wen Cao, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, The hierarchy structure and orientation of high density polyethylene obtained via dynamic packing injection molding, Polymer,47(19),6857-6867

9.   Hong Tan, Jie Liu, Jiehua Li, Xia Jiang, Xingyi Xie, Yinping Zhong and Qiang Fu*, Synthesis and hemocompatibility of biomembrane mimicking poly(carbonate urethane)s containing fluorinated alkyl phosphatidylcholine side groups, biomacromolecules, 2006,7(9), 2591~2599

10.   傅强*,王柯,张琴,杜荣昵,聚丙烯/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料的剥离机理与网络结构,四川大学学报(工程科学版)2006,38(5),25~32

11.Yan Xiao, Wen Cao, Ke Wang, Hong Tan, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Brittle-ductile transition of PP/EPDM/elastomeric nano-particle ternary blends, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2006,24(4), 389-394

12.Cong Wang, JuanXia Su, Jiang Li, Hong Yang, Qin Zhang, RongNi Du, Qiang Fu*, Phase morphology and toughening mechanism of Polyamide 6/EPDM-g-MA blends obtained via dynamic packing injection molding, Polymer, 2006,47(9), 3197-3206

13.Jiang Li, Qin Zhang, Cong Wang, Hong Yang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Effect of miscibility on phase morphology and orientation in isotactic polypropylene (iPP) blends by dynamic packing injection molding, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2006, 24(4):379-387

14.Bing Na, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*, Yongfeng Men, Ke Hong* and Gert Strobl, Viscous Force-Dominated Tensile Deformation Behavior of Oriented Polyethylene, Macromolecules, 2006, 39(7), 2584-2591

15.Bobing He, Xue Yuan, Hong Yang, Hong Tan, Lingxi Qian, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*, Ultrasonic measurement of orientation in HDPE/iPP blends obtained by dynamic packing injection molding, Polymer,2006, 47(7), 2448-2454

16.Hong Yang, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*, Study on the phase structures and toughening mechanism in PP/EPDM/SiO2 ternary composites, Polymer, 2006,47(6), 2106-2115

17.Min Guo, Hong Yang, Hong Tan, Cong Wang, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu*, Shear enhanced fiber orientation and adhesion in PP/glass fiber composites, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2006, 291(3), 239-246

18.Bing Na, Min Guo, Jinghui Yang, Hong Tan, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*, crystal morphology and transcrystallization mechanism of isotactic polypropylene induced by fibers: interface nucleation vs. bulk nucleation, Polymer international, 2006, 55 (4), 441-448

19.Hao Zou, Qin Zhang, Hong Tan, Ke Wang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu*, Clay Locked Phase Morphology in the PPS/PA66/Clay Blendes During Compounding in an Internal Mixer, Polymer, 2006, 47(1), 6-11

20.Hao Zou, Wei Xu, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*, Effect of Alkylammonium Salt on the Dispersion and Properties of Poly(p-phenylene sulfide)/Clay Nanocomposites via Melt Intercalation, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2006, 99(4), 1724-1731



1.   Kai Zhang*, Qiang Fu, Yuhong Huang and Dehui Zhou, Encapsulation of inorganic particles by dispersion polymerization through ultrasonic irradiation, Science in China series B Chemistry,2005,48 (6),545-552 (SCI)

2.   Kai Zhang*, Qiang Fu, Yuhong Huang, Study on acrylonitrile graft copolymerization on surfaces of polystyrene microspheres, Acta physico-chimica Sinica, 2005, 21 (6),673-676, in Chinese  (SCI)

3.   Yong Wang, Bing Na, Qin Zhang, Liangbin Li, Qiang Fu*, and  Yongfeng Men, Lamellar Orientation in The Blends of Linear Low Density Polyethylene and Isotactic Polypropylene Induced by Dynamic Packing Injection Molding,  Journal of materials science, 2005, 40(24), 6409~6415 (SCI,EI)

4.   Kai Zhang*, Qiang Fu, Jinghui Fan and Dehui Zhou, Preparation of Ag/PS composite particles by dispersion polymerization under ultrasonic irradiation, Materials Letters, 2005, 59(28), 3682-3686(SCI,EI)

5.   Taolei Sun *, Hong Tan, Dong Han, Qiang Fu*. and Lei Jiang, No platelet can adhere- largely improved blood compatibility on nanostructured superhydrophobic surface, Small, 2005, 1(10), 959-963 (SCI)

6.   Hong Tan, Jiehua Li, Min Guo, Xingyi Xie, Yinping Zhong, Qiang Fu* ,Taolei Sun and Lei Jiang* Novel Biomembrane-Mimicking Polymer Surface with Environmental Responsiveness, Macromole. Rapid Communication, 2005,26(17),1418~1422 (SCI)

7.   Hong Tan, Jiehua Li, Min Guo, Rongni Du, XingyiXie, Yinping Zhong and Qiang Fu*,Synthesis and properties of novel segmented polyurethanes containing alkyl phosphatidylcholine side groups , Eur. Polym. J. 2005, 41(8), 1893-1900 (SCI)

8.   Ya Peng, Qiang Fu*, Yiaolin Wang, Reinforcement of Polydimethylsiloxane networks by Nano-Calcium Carbonate:the effect of filler content, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2005, 23(4), 411-416(SCI)

9.   Ke Wang, Yan Xiao, Bing Na, Hong Tan, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*, Shear amplification and re-crystallization of isotactic polypropylene from an oriented me lt in presence of oriented clay platelets, Polymer, 2005, 46(21), 9022~9032(EI)

10.Bobing He, Yang Yang, Hao Zou, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*, Fast determination of phase inversion in polymer blends using ultrasonic technique, Polymer, 2005,46(18),7624~7631(SCI,EI)

11.Xiaoling Gao, Cheng Qu, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Effect of processing method on the impact strength of POM/TPU/CaCO3 ternary composites, Chinese J. Polym. Sci, 2005,23(5), 531-537 (SCI)

12.Hong Tan, Jiehua Li, Min Guo, Rongni Du, XingyiXie, Yinping Zhong and Qiang Fu*, Phase behavior and hydrogen bonding in biomembrane mimicing polyurethanes with long side chain fluorinated alkyl phosphatidylcholine polar head groups attached to hard block, Polymer, 2005,46(18),7230~7239 (SCI)

13.          Ke Wang, Si Liang, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, and Qiang Fu*, An observation of accelerated exfoliation in iPP/organoclay nanocomposite as induced by repeated shear during melt solidification, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B,  Polymer Physics, 2005,43(15), 2005~2012 (SCI,EI)

14.Bing Na, Ke Wang, Ping Zhao, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Epitaxy growth and directed crystallization of high-density polyethylene in the oriented blends with isotactic polypropylene, Polymer, 2005, 46(14), 5258-5267 (SCI,EI)

15.Bing Na, Qin Zhang, Ke Wang, Liangbin Li and Qiang Fu*, Origin of various lamellar orientations in high-density polyethylene/ isotactic polypropylene blends achieved via dynamic packing injection molding: bulk crystallization vs. epitaxy, Polymer, 2005, 46(3), 819~825 (SCI,EI)

16. Bing Na, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Tensile properties in the oriented blends of high-density polyethylene and isotactic polypropylene obtained by dynamic packing injection molding, Polymer, 2005, 46(9), 3190-3198 (SCI,EI)

17.Yong Wang, Bing Na and Qiang Fu*, The Effect of EC on Orientation and Relaxation of PP obtained via dynamic packing injection molding, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2005, 23(1),103~111(SCI)

18.Ya Peng, Qin Zhang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu*, Crystallization Kinetics and Tensile Modulus of Blends of Metallocene Short-Chain Branched Polyethylene with Conventional Polyolefins, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005, 96(15), 1816~1823 (SCI,EI)

19.王聪,苏娟霞,杜荣昵,傅强,动态保压注射成型技术对polyamide 6/EPDM-g-MA共混物相形态与力学性能的影响, 塑料工业,2005,33(增刊):228


1.   Ke Wang, Si Liang, Rongni Du, Qin Zhang, and Qiang Fu*, The interplay of thermodynamics and shear on the dispersion of polymer nanocomposite, Polymer, 2004,45(23), 7953~7960 (SCI,EI)

2.   Bing Na, Yong Wang, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu*, Shish and its relaxation dependence of re-crystallization of isotactic polypropylene from an oriented melt in the blends with high-density polyethylene, Polymer, 2004, 45(18), 6245-6260 (SCI,EI)

3.   Qin Zhang, Hong Yang, Qiang Fu*, Kinetics-controlled compatibilization of immiscible polypropylene / polystyrene blends using nano-SiO2 particles,Polymer, 2004, 45(6), 1913–1922 (SCI,EI)

4.   Hong Tan, Min Guo, Rongni Du, Xingyi Xie, Jiehua Li, Yinping Zhong, Qiang Fu*, The effect of fluorinated side chain attached on hard segment on the phase separation and surface topography of polyurethanes,Polymer, 2004, 45(5),1647–1657 (SCI,EI)

5.   Hong Tan, Xingyi Xie, Jiehua Li, Yinping Zhong, Qiang Fu*, Synthesis and Surface Mobility of Segmented Polyurethane with Fluorinated side Chain attached on Hard Block, Polymer, 2004, 45(5),1495–1502 (SCI,EI)

6.   Yong Wang, Bing Na, Qiang Fu*, Yongfeng Men, Shear induced shish-kebab structure in PP and its blend with LLDPE, Polymer, 2004, 45(1), 207-215 (SCI,EI)

7.    Xiaoling Gao, Cheng Qu and Qiang Fu*, Toughening mechanism in POM/TPU blends, Polymer International, 2004, 53(11), 1666-1671 (SCI,EI)

8.   Bing Na, Yong Wang, Rongni Du, Qiang Fu* and Yongfeng Men, Crystal and phase morphology of dynamic packing injection molded HDPE/EVA blends, J. Polym. Sci. Part B, 2004, 42,1831~1840 (SCI,EI)

9.    Xiaoling Gao, Cheng Qu,Zhang, Qin,Peng, Ya, and Qiang Fu*, Brittle-Ductile Transition and Toughening Mechanism in POM/TPU/CaCO3 ternary composites, Macrol. Mater. Eng. 2004, 289(1), 41-48 (SCI)

10. Bing Na, Qin Zhang, Yong Wang and Qiang Fu*, Orientation effects on the deformation and fracture properties of high-density polyethylene/ethylene vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) blends, Polymer International, 2004, 53(8), 1078-1086(SCI,EI)

11.      Jie Zhang, Kaizhi Shen, Shun Na, Qiang Fu*, Vibration induced change of crystal structure in isotactic Polypropylene, J. Polym. Sci. Part B, 2004,42(12), 2385-2390 (SCI,EI)

12.      Qin Zhang, Xiao-lin Gao, Ke Wang and Qiang Fu*, The effect of clay dispersion on the crystallization and morphology of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites, Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2004, 22(2),175-182 (SCI)

13.      Ya Peng  and  Qiang Fu*, Crystallization and Mechanical Properties of Blends of Metallocene Short Chain Branched Polyethylene with Conventional Polyolefins, Chinese. J. Polym. Sci . 2004, 22(5),431-438 (SCI)

14.       Qin Zhang, Min Yu and Qiang Fu*, Crystal morphology and crystallization kinectis of Polyamide-11 /clay nanocomposites, Polymer International, 2004, 2004,53(12), 1941~1949(SCI,EI)

15.Min Yu,  Qin Zhang  and  Qiang Fu*, Preparation and Characterization of Polyamide-11 /clay nanocomposites,  Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2004, 22(1), 43~47(SCI)

16.Hong Tan,  Min Guo,  Jie-hua Li,  Xing-yi Xie,  Yin-ping Zhong  and  Qiang Fu*,Self-Assembled Micro-domains on the Uppermost Surface of Fluorinated Poly(carbonate urethane)s with Fluorinated Side Chain Attached on Hard Segments,Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2004, 22(3): 299-303 (SCI)

17.Hong Tan,  Min Guo,  Rongni Du, Xing-yi Xie, Jie-hua Li,  Yin-ping Zhong  and  Qiang Fu*, surface structure and bulk properties of fluorinated poly(ether urethane)s and poly(ether urethane)s blends,Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2004,22(6), 555-562




获奖情况 :






“长江学者奖励计划” 特聘教授





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