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专家信息 科学研究 发明专利 论文专著 荣誉奖励 媒体报道



主要从事药物控制释放和增强药物生物利用度研究,抗肿瘤药物控制释放和靶向技术研究,以及以金纳米粒子为基础的肿瘤显影技术,光介导抗肿瘤药物控制释放研究和靶向肿瘤近红外光热消融治疗研究。在国内外重要刊物发表论文40 余,被SCI 收录30余 篇。其中以第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文17 篇,分别发表在Cancer Research (IF7.856), ACS nano (IF11.421), Small (IF8.349), Journal of controlled release (IF6.499), Biomacromolecules (IF5.479), Biomaterials (IF7.404), Nanotechnology (IF3.979), International Journal of Pharmaceutics (IF3.35)等,被引用500余次(Google数据),单篇最高引用100余次(Google数据)。获中国发明专利授权15项、申请两项国际发明专利,获教育部自然科学奖二等奖、浙江省科学技术奖三等奖各一项,获2012中国药学会青年药剂学奖,入选浙江省“151”人才,浙江省首批青年科学家培养计划人选。  








2008年-2011年,美国德克萨斯大学安德森癌症研究中心(University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center),实验诊断显像系(Department of Experimental Diagnostic Imaging),博士后








5、中国药剂学杂志、Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation编委等。























1. 国家自然科学基金,81973246,内质网靶向近红外光动力效应调控肿瘤细胞免疫原性死亡机制及在免疫治疗中的应用,2020.1-2023.12。

2. 浙江省基础公益研究计划,LGF18H300004,改善肿瘤缺氧针对癌症转移的双向免疫治疗及其机制研究,2018.1-2019.12。

3. 国家自然科学基金,81573365,针对中晚期癌症的光热免疫治疗纳米系统的构建与作用机制研究,2016.1-2019.12。

4.  重大研究横向项目(1000万),浙江大学-索安克新药研发平台, 2015-2020。

5. 国家自然科学基金,81373348,基于金纳米粒给药系统的近红外光介导同步光热与光动力治疗基础研究,2014.1-2017.12。

6. 浙江省钱江人才计划,2013R10043,新型核壳结构金纳米材料用于肿瘤的近红外光热治疗研究,2013.07-2015.06。

7. 国家自然科学基金,81001411,Ephrin多肽介导的多功能中空金纳米壳-聚合物胶束作为肿瘤靶向治疗载体的研究,2011.1-2013.12。

8. 浙江省科技厅项目,2008C23043,叶酸修饰糖脂结构聚合物胶团肿瘤靶向性研究。

9. 国家973计划子课题,2009CB930305,纳米技术改善药物功效的生物安全性研究子课题负责人。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50573066,智能性环糊精高分子纳米囊研究,2006.1-2006.12,8万,排名2/8,已完成。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30672552,细胞核靶向载体的设计与抗肿瘤药效学研究,2007.1-2009.12,25万,排名3/7,已完成。

3. 国家863计划课题,2007AA03Z318,靶向药物分子靶区纳米材料制备与应用, 2007.12-2010.11,100万,排名3/12,已完成。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30973683,基于难溶性药物结构的聚合物胶束载体分子设计及其特征研究,2010.1-2012.12,25万,排名2/8,正在进行。


1. “脂质纳米载体给药系统的基础理论研究”2010年获国家自然科学二等奖。

2. 细胞浆靶向壳寡糖-硬脂酸嫁接物纳米载体材料的制备与应用 胡富强; 袁弘; 杜永忠; 游剑; 叶邦阜; 万丽卿; 叶轶青; 赵梦丹; 缪静 【科技成果】浙江大学药学院 2007-02-01

3. 抗肿瘤靶向脂质纳米给药系统的制备与应用 袁弘; 杜永忠; 胡富强; 游剑; 应晓英; 叶轶青; 黄凌斐 【科技成果】浙江大学 2008-07-13


1 靶向至细胞内质网纳米载药系统的构建与应用 游剑;罗利华 浙江大学 中国专利 2018-09-21 2019-03-08 

2 一种增敏肿瘤放疗的纳米脂质体及应用 游剑;裘云庆;楼燕;郭晓萌 浙江大学 中国专利 2018-07-23 2018-12-21

3 一种携氧增强光动力的光敏脂质体及制备与应用 游剑;曲佳鑫 浙江大学 中国专利 2016-06-02 2016-10-12

4 一种透明质酸维生素E衍生物及制备和应用 游剑;张汉波 浙江大学 中国专利 2015-06-25 2015-09-30 

5 A54-葡聚糖-聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物及制备与应用 杜永忠;司徒俊青;余日胜;应晓英;游剑;赵梦丹 浙江大学 中国专利 2014-10-26 2015-01-28 

6 一种增强光热转化效应的核壳金纳米粒,ZL201410338357.0 游剑;周佳林;胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘 浙江大学 中国专利 2014-07-16 2014-11-19

7 一种稳定的软胶囊囊壳及其制备方法 胡富强;吴晖;袁弘;姚忠立;欧阳亚华;刘峻;杜永忠;游剑 浙江大学;杭州中美华东制药有限公司 中国专利 2014-02-25 2014-05-21 

8 一种泮托拉唑钠药物组合物、含有该组合物的微丸及其制备方法 胡富强;吴晖;袁弘;陈眉眉;姚忠立;李海杰;杜永忠;游剑;赵川平 浙江大学;杭州中美华东制药有限公司 中国专利 2014-01-27 2014-05-21 

9 一种水性肠溶包衣液及其制备方法 胡富强;吴晖;袁弘;欧阳亚华;韩敏;陈眉眉;李海杰;杜永忠;游剑;赵川平 浙江大学;杭州中美华东制药有限公司 中国专利 2014-01-27 2014-05-14

10 一种包载水溶性药物的光敏脂质体,ZL201310152171.1 游剑;张培尊;胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘 浙江大学 中国专利 2013-04-27 2013-09-11

11 一种谷胱甘肽敏感性烷基化壳聚糖及制备与应用 胡富强;胡颖文;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2012-09-07 2013-01-16

12 一种具抗肿瘤活性的紫杉醇脂质纳米粒注射液 虞和永;游剑;李云龙;胡富强;袁弘;杜永忠 浙江大学 中国专利 2012-10-19 2013-01-16

13 叶酸修饰的壳寡糖-硬脂酸嫁接物及制备方法和应用,ZL200710156549.X。 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-11-08 2008-03-26

14 一种纳米结构脂质载体给药系统的用途,ZL200710070043.7  胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-07-17 2008-02-27

15 一种脂质纳米粒的制备方法 ,ZL200710070321.9。 袁弘;杜永忠;胡富强;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-07-24 2008-02-27 

16 长春瑞滨固体脂质纳米粒与其冻干制剂及制备方法,ZL200710069847.5。  游剑;胡富强;袁弘;杜永忠 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-07-06 2008-02-27

17 叶酸烷基化衍生物及其应用,ZL200710070005.1。  胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-07-13 2007-12-26 

18 亚细胞器靶向壳寡糖-脂肪酸嫁接物及制备和应用 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-05-29 2007-12-05

19 可逆转肿瘤细胞耐药性的细胞核靶向给药系统的应用,ZL200710069155.0。 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-05-31 2007-11-07

20 细胞核靶向壳寡糖-脂肪酸嫁接物载药胶团的应用 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-05-29 2007-11-07

21 可逆转肿瘤细胞耐药性的细胞浆靶向给药系统的应用,ZL200710069156.5。 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2007-05-31 2007-11-07

22 一种具有高效抗肿瘤活性的纳米结构脂质载体,ZL200610155605.3。  胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2006-12-29 2007-08-08

23 一种具有抗肿瘤活性的固体脂质纳米粒,ZL200610155608.7。  胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2006-12-29 2007-08-08 

24 细胞浆靶向壳寡糖-脂肪酸嫁接物载药胶团的应用,ZL200610155607.2。  胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2006-12-29 2007-08-08

25 异硫氰基荧光素硬脂胺嫁接物及其合成方法和应用 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2006-12-29 2007-08-08

26 表面修饰疏水改性壳寡糖聚合物载药胶团及其制备方法 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑;任国飞 浙江大学 中国专利 2006-05-24 2006-12-27 

27 一种非病毒基因转染载体及制备方法和用途 胡富强;杜永忠;袁弘;游剑;应晓英;赵梦丹 浙江大学 中国专利 2006-04-26 2006-10-11

28 一种难溶性药物纳米粒及制备方法 胡富强;袁弘;应晓英;杜永忠;游剑 浙江大学 中国专利 2005-11-02 2006-05-17 

29 一种可再分散的难溶性药物纳米粒粉末及制备方法,ZL200510061510.0。 胡富强;袁弘;应晓英;杜永忠;游剑;田治科 浙江大学;浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂 

30 酶降解依赖型结肠定位释药柱塞胶囊及其制备方法 崔福德;李青坡;游剑 沈阳药科大学 中国专利 2004-06-11 2005-02-23

31 液相中制备液体油性药物的高包油型固体微丸及其制备方法,,ZL02158898.8 崔福德;游剑 沈阳药科大学 中国专利 2002-12-30 2004-07-14

32 表面修饰疏水改性壳寡糖聚合物给药胶团及其制备方法,ZL200610051601.0。

33 细胞核靶向壳聚糖-脂肪酸嫁接物载药胶团的应用,ZL200710069115.6。

34 亚细胞器靶向壳聚糖-脂肪酸嫁接物的合成方法,ZL200710069117.5。





1. Wei Li, Jie Yang, Lihua Luo, Mengshi Jiang, Bing Qin, Hang Yin, Chunqi Zhu, Xiaoling Yuan, Junlei Zhang, Zhenyu Luo, Yong-Zhong Du, Qingpo Li Yan Lou, Yunqing Qiu, Jian You*.Targeting photodynamic and photothermal therapy to the endoplasmic reticulum enhances immunogenic cancer cell death. Nature Communications 2019, 10, 3349. (IF: 11.9)

2. Jing Qi, Weishuo Li, Kongjun Lu, Feiyang Jin, Di Liu, Xiaoling Xu, Xiaojuan Wang, Xuqi Kang, Wei Wang, Gaofeng Shu, Feng Han, Xiaoying Ying, Jian You* Jiansong Ji* Yongzhong Du*.pH and Thermal Dual-Sensitive Nanoparticle-Mediated Synergistic Antitumor Effect of Immunotherapy and Microwave Thermotherapy. Nano Letters 2019, on line.(IF: 12.3)

3. Jie Yang, Wei Li, Lihua Luo, Mengshi Jiang, Chunqi Zhu, Bing Qin, Hang yin, Xiaoling Yuan, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*. Hypoxic tumor therapy by hemoglobin-mediated drug delivery and reversal of hypoxia-induced chemoresistance. Biomaterials, 2018, 182, 145-156.(IF: 10.3)

4. Lihua Luo, Chunqi Zhu, Hang Yin, Mengshi Jiang, Junlei Zhang, Bing Qin, Zhenyu Luo, Xiaoling Yuan, Jie Yang, Wei Li, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*. Laser Immunotherapy in Combination with Perdurable PD-1 Blocking for Treatment of Metastatic Tumor. ACS nano, 2018, 12, 7647-7662. (IF: 13.9)

5. Lihua Luo, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, XiaomengGuo, Wei Li, Xiaoyi Yin, Mengshi Jiang, Bing Qin, Xiaoling Yuan, Hang Yin, Qingpo Li, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*, Perdurable Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy Together with Photothermal Ablation against Malignant and Distant Tumors. J Control Release, 2018, 278, 87-99.(IF:7.9)

6. Qingpo Li, Wei Li, Haixiao Di, Lihua Luo, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, Xiaoyi Yin, Hang yin, Jianqing Gao, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*. A photosensitive liposome with NIR light triggered doxorubicin release as a combined photodynamic-chemo therapy system. J Control Release, 2018, 277, 114-125. (IF: 7.9)

7. Chunqi Zhu, Hanbo Zhang, Wei Li, Lihua Luo, Xiaomeng Guo, Zuhua Wang, Fenfen Kong, Qingpo Li, Jie Yang, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*. Suppress orthotopic colon cancer and its metastasis through exact targeting and highly selective drug release by a smart nanomicelle. Biomaterials, 2018, 161, 144-153.(IF: 10.3)

8. Wei Li, Wanqing Hou, Xiaomeng Guo, Lihua Luo, Qingpo Li, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, Jiang Zhu, Yongzhong Du,Jian You*. A temperature-controlled and phase-transition ultrasound imaging-guided photothermal-chemotherapy triggered by NIR light. Theranostics, 2018, 8, 3059-3073. (IF: 8.06)

9. Xiaomeng Guo, Jiaxin Qu, Wei Li, Lihua Luo, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, Xiaoyi Yin, Qingpo Li, Yongzhong Du, Dawei Chen,Jian You*. Synchronous delivery of oxygen and photosensitizer for alleviation of hypoxia tumor microenvironment and dramatically enhanced photodynamic therapy. Drug Delivery, 2018, 25. 585-599. (IF: 3.8)

10. Zuhua Wang, Shaoyan Xuan, Wenqi Qiu, Jiang Zhu, Xiaomeng Guo, Wei Li, Hanbo Zhang, Xiuliang Zhu, Yong-Zhong Du, Jian You*. Near infrared light mediated photochemotherapy for efficiently treating deep orthotopic tumors guided by ultrasound imaging. Drug Delivery, 2017, 24, 1441-1452. (IF: 3.8)

11. Jiaxin Qu, Xiaomeng Guo, Wei Li, Wanqing Hou, Hanbo Zhang, Lihua Luo, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, Xiaoyi Yin, Yuan Tao, Yongzhong Du, Yan Lou, Dawei Chen, Jian You*. Preparation of artificial red cell and its application on alleviation of tumor hypoxia. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 160, 446-454. (IF: 4.0)

12. Hanbo Zhang, Wei Li, Xiaomeng Guo, Fenfen Kong, Zuhua Wang, Chunqi Zhu, Lihua Luo, Qingpo Li, Jie Yang, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*. Specifically Increased Paclitaxel Release in Tumor and Synergetic Therapy by a Hyaluronic Acid−Tocopherol Nanomicelle. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 20385-20398. (IF: 8.45)

13. Wei Li, Xiaomeng Guo, Fenfen Kong, Hanbo Zhang, Lihua Luo, Qingpo Li, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, Yongzhong Du,Jian You*. Overcoming photodynamic resistance and tumor targeting dual-therapy mediated by indocyanine green conjugated gold nanospheres. J Control Release, 2017, 258, 171-181. (IF: 7.9)

14. Xiaomeng Guo, Wei Li, Lihua Luo, Zuhua Wang, Qingpo Li, Fenfen Kong, Hanbo Zhang, Jie Yang, Chunqi Zhu, Yongzhong Du, and Jian You*. External Magnetic Field-Enhanced Chemo-Photothermal Combination Tumor Therapy via Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 16581–16593. (IF: 8.45)

15. Xiaomeng Guo, Wei Li, Jialin Zhou, Wanqing Hou, Xue Wen, Hanbo Zhang, Fenfen Kong, Lihua Luo, Qingpo Li, Yongzhong Du, and Jian You*. Specific Photothermal Ablation Therapy of Endometriosis by Targeting Delivery of Gold Nanospheres. Small, 2017, 13, 1603270. (IF: 10.9)

16. Xiaomeng Guo, Jian You*. Near infrared light-controlled therapeutic molecules release of nanocarriers in cancer therapy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation. 2017, 47, 297-316.

17. Fei Liu, Fenfen Kong, Qingpo Li, Hong Yuan, Yongzhong Du, Fuqiang Hu, Jihong Sun, Jian You*. Low MW polyethylenimine conjugated gold nanospheres: a platform for selective genetherapy controlled by NIR light.Nanomedicine-UK, 2017, 12, 511-534. (IF: 5.01)

18. Wei Li, Hanbo Zhang, Xiaomeng Guo, Zuhua Wang, Fenfen Kong, Lihua Luo, Qingpo Li, Chunqi Zhu, Jie Yang, Yan Lou, Yongzhong Du, Jian You*. Gold Nanospheres-Stabilized Indocyanine Green as a Synchronous Photodynamic−Photothermal Therapy Platform That Inhibits Tumor Growth and Metastasis. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 3354−3367. (IF: 8.45)

19. Fenfen Kong, Fei Liu, Wei Li, Xiaomeng Guo, Zuhua Wang, Hanbo Zhang, Qingpo Li, Lihua Luo, Yongzhong Du, Yi jin, Jian You*. Smart carbon nanotubes with laser-controlled behavior in gene delivery and therapy through a non-digestive trafficking pathway. Small, 2016, 12, 6753-6766. (IF: 10.9)

20. Xiaomeng Guo, Zhe Wu, Wei Li, Zuhua Wang, Qingpo Li, Fenfen Kong, Hanbo Zhang, Xiuliang Zhu, Yiping P. Du, Yi Jin, Yongzhong Du, and Jian You*, Appropriate Size of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Various Bioapplications in Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (5), 3092-3106. (IF: 8.45)

21. Zuhua Wang, Jihong Sun, YunqingQiu, Wei Li, XiaomengGuo, Qingpo Li, Hanbo Zhang, Jialin Zhou, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan, Fuqiang Hu, Jian You*, Specific photothermal therapy to the tumors with high EphB4 receptor expression, Biomaterials, 2015, 68, 32-41. (IF: 10.3)

22. Qingpo Li, Qin Tang, Peizun Zhang, Zuhua Wang, Tiantian Zhao, Jialin Zhou, Hongrui Li, Qian Ding, Wei Li, Fuqiang Hu, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan, Shuqing Chen, Jianqing Gao, Jinbiao Zhan, Jian You*, Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 antibodies enhance the specificity and anticancer activity of light-sensitive doxorubicin-labeled liposomes, Biomaterials, 2015, 57, 1-11. (IF: 10.3)

23. Jialin Zhou, Zuhua Wang, Qingpo Li, Fei Liu, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan, Fuqiang Hu, Jian You*. Hybridized Doxorubicin-Au Nanospheres Exhibit Enhanced Near-infrared Surface Plasmon Absorption for Photothermal Therapy Applications. Nanoscale. 2015, 7, 5869-5883. (IF: 7.0)

24. Jian You, Jun Zhao, Xiaoxia Wen, Chunhui Wu, Qian Huang, Fada Guan, Richard Wu, Dong Liang, Chun Li. Chemoradiation therapy using cyclopamine-loaded liquid–lipid nanoparticles and lutetium-177-labeled core-crosslinked polymeric micelles. J Control Release 2015, 202, 40-48. (IF: 7.9)

25. Jian You, Jialin Zhou, Min Zhou, et al., Pharmacokinetics, Clearance, and Biosafety of Polyethylene Glycol-Coated Hollow Gold Nanospheres. Part Fibre Toxicol; 2014,11, 26. (IF: 6.56)

26. Jian You*, Peizun Zhang, Fuqiang Hu et al. Near-infrared light sensitive liposomes for the enhanced photothermal tumor treatment by the combination with chemotherapy. Pharmaceutical Research; 2014,31, 554-565. (IF: 3.9)

27. Jian You*, Zuhua Wang, Yongzhong Du et al, and Fuqiang Hu. Specific tumor delivery of paclitaxel using glycolipid-like polymer micelles containing gold nanospheres. Biomaterials, 2013, 34, 4510-4519. (IF:10.3)

28. Nianxi Zhao, Jian You, Zihua Zeng, Chun Li, Youli Zu. An Ultra pH-Sensitive and Aptamer-Equipped Nanoscale Drug-Delivery System for Selective Killing of Tumor Cells. Small, 2013,

29. Jian You, Rui Zhang, ChiyiXiong et al, Effective Photothermal Chemotherapy Using Doxorubicin-Loaded Gold Nanospheres that Target EphB4 Receptors in Tumors, Cancer Res; 2012, 72(18), 4777-4786. (IF: 8.38)

30. Haifa Shen, Jian You (Co-first author), Guodong Zhang et al, Mauro Ferrari, Cooperative, Nanoparticle-Enabled Thermal Therapy of Breast Cancer, Adv Healthcare Mater, 2012, 1, 84-89. (IF: 6.25)

31. Jian You, Rui Zhang, Guodong Zhang et al, Chun Li. Photothermal-chemotherapy with doxorubicin-loaded hollow gold nanospheres: A platform for near infrared light-trigged drug release. J Control Release. 2012, 158, 319-328.(IF: 7.9)

32. Zhang G, Zhang R, Melancon MP, Wong K, You J, Huang Q, Bankson J, Liang D, Li C. The degradation and clearance of Poly(N-hydroxypropyl-l-glutamine)-DTPA-Gd as a blood pool MRI contrast agent. Biomaterials, 2012 , 33, 5376-5383.

33. Yongzhong Du, Lili Cai, Ping Liu, Jian You, Hong Yuan, Fuqiang Hu, Tumor cells-specific targeting delivery achieved by A54 peptide functionalized polymeric micelles, Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 85858-8867.

34. Hong Yuan*, Xin Bao, Yong-Zhong Du, Jian You, Fu-Qiang Hu*. Preparation and evaluation of SiO2-deposited stearic acid-g-chitosan nanoparticles for Doxorubicin delivery. Int J Nanomed. 2012, 7, 5119-5118.

35. Fuqiang Hu, Yinying Zhang, Jian You, Hong Yuan, Yongzhong Du, pH Triggered Doxorubicin Delivery of PEGylated Glycolipid Conjugate Micelles for Tumor Targeting Therapy, Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2012, 9, 2469–2478.

36. Sanjay Gupta, Jason Stafford, Sanaz Javadi, Efe Ozkan, Joe E. Ensor, Kenneth C. Wright, Andrew M. Elliot, You Jian, Rita E. Serda, Katherine A. Dixon, Jennifer J. Miller, Sherry Klump, DVM, Michael J. Wallace, Chun Li, Effects of Near-infrared Laser Irradiation of Biodegradable Microspheres Containing Hollow Gold Nanospheres and Paclitaxel Administered Intraarterially in a Rabbit Liver Tumor Model, J Vasc Interv Radiol, 23, 553-561, 2012.

37. Haifa Shen, Jian You (Co-first author), Guodong Zhang, Arturas Ziemys, Qingpo Li, Litao Bai, Xiaoyong Deng, Donald R. Erm, Xuewu Liu, Chun Li, Mauro Ferrari, Cooperative, Nanoparticle-Enabled Thermal Therapy of Breast Cancer, Adv Healthcare Mater, 2012, 1, 84-89.

38. Sanjay Gupta, Sanaz Javedi, Efe Ozkan, You Jian, Ken Wright, Chun Li, Michael Wallace. Laser activated release of paclitaxel from biodegradable microspheres containing hollow gold nanospheres and paclitaxel administered intra-arterially into liver tumor in an animal model. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2011. 22, S11. 

39. Jian You, Guodong Zhang, Chun Li. Exceptionally High Payload of Doxorubicin in Hollow Gold Nanospheres for near-Infrared Light-Triggered Drug Release. ACS nano, 2010, 4 (2), 1033-1041. (IF: 13.9)

40. Jian You, Ruping Shao, Xin Wei et al. Near-Infrared Light Triggers Release of Paclitaxel from Biodegradable Microspheres: Photothermal Effect and Enhanced Antitumor Activity. Small, 2010, 6 (9), 1022-1031. (IF: 10.9)

41. Jian You, Guodong Zhang, Chun Li. Exceptionally High Payload of Doxorubicin in Hollow Gold Nanospheres for near-Infrared Light-Triggered Drug Release. ACS nano, 2010, 4 (2), 1033-1041.

42. Jian You, Ruping Shao, Xin Wei, Sanjay Gupta, Chun Li. Near-Infrared Light Triggers Release of Paclitaxel from Biodegradable Microspheres: Photothermal Effect and Enhanced Antitumor Activity. Small, 2010, 6 (9), 1022-1031.

43. Jian You, Fuqiang Hu, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan. Improved cytotoxicity of doxorubicin by enhancing its nuclear delivery mediated via nanosized micelles. Nanotechnology. 2008, 19 (25), 255103.

44. Jian You, Xin Li, Fude Cui, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan, Fuqiang Hu. Folate conjugated polymer micelles for active-targeting to cancer cells: preparation, in vitro evaluation of targeting ability and cell cytotoxicity. Nanotechnology, 2008, 19 (4), 511-519.

45. Feng Wan, Jian You, Yu Sun, Fude Cui, Yongzhong Du, Fuqiang Hu. Studies on PEG modified SLNs loading Vinorelbine Bitartrate (1): Preparation and evaluation in vitro. Int J Pharm, 2008, 359 (1-2), 104-110.

46. Fuqiang Hu, Xiuling Wu, Yongzhong Du, Jian You, Hong Yuan. Cellular uptake and cytotoxicity of shell crosslinked stearic acid-grafted chitosan oligosaccharide micelles encapsulating doxorubicin. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2008, 69 (1), 117-125.

47. Fuqiang Hua, Pan Meng, Youqin Dai, Yongzhong Du, Jian You, Xiaohong Wei, Hong Yuan. PEGylated chitosan-based polymer micelle as an intracellular delivery carrier for anti-tumor targeting therapy. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2008, 70 (3), 749-757.

48. Hong Yuan, Jing Miao, Yongzhong Du, Jian You, Fuqiang Hu, Su Zeng. Cellular uptake of solid lipid nanoparticles and cytotoxicity of encapsulated paclitaxel in A549 cancer cells. Int J Pharm, 2008, 348 (1-2), 137-145.

49. Hong Yuan, Lingfei Huang, Yongzhong Du, Xiaoying Ying, Jian You, Fuqiang Hu and Su Zeng. Solid lipid nanoparticles prepared by solvent diffusion method in a nanoreactor system. Colloid surface B, 2008, 61 (2), 132-137.

50. Xin Li, Jian You, Fude Cui,Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan, Fuqiang Hu. Preparation and characteristics of stearic acid grafted chitosan oligosaccharide polymeric micelle containing 10-hydroxycamptothecin. Asia Pharm Sci, 2008, 3 (2), 80-87.

51. Jian You, Fuqiang Hu, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan. Polymeric micelles with glycolipid-like structure and multiple hydrophobic domains for mediating molecular-target delivery of paclitaxel. Biomacromolecules, 2007, 8 (8), 2450-2456.

52. Jian You, Fuqiang Hu, Yongzhong Du, Hong Yuan. High cytotoxicity and resistant-cell reversal of novel paclitaxel loaded micelles by enhancing molecular-target delivery of the drug. Nanotechnology, 2007, 18 (49), 511-517.

53. Jian You, Feng Wan, Fude Cui, Yu Sun, Fuqiang Hu, Yongzhong Du. Preparation and characteristic of vinorelbine bitartrate loaded solid lipid nanoparticles. Int J Pharm, 2007, 343 (1-2), 270-276.

54. Hong Yuan, Leilei Wang, Yongzhong Du, Jian You, Fuqiang Hu, Su Zeng. Preparation and characteristics of nanostructured lipid carriers for control-releasing progesterone by melt-emulsification. Colloid Surface B, 2007, 60 (2), 174-179.

55. Jian You, Fude Cui, Xu Han, Yongsheng Wang, Lei Yang, Yingwei Yu, Qingpo Li. Study of the preparation of sustained-release microspheres containing zedoary turmeric oil by the emulsion–solvent-diffusion method and evaluation of the self-emulsification and bioavailability of the oil, Colloid surface B, 2006, 48 (1), 35-41.

56. Jian You, Fude Cui, Yongsheng Wang, Yingwei Yu, Xin Li, Qingpo Li. The study of the emulsification efficiency of Aerosil and HPMCAS type and their ratio to stabilize emulsions of zedoary turmeric oil. Colloid surface A, 2006, 280 (1-3), 76-82.

57. Jian You, Fude Cui, Qingpo Li, Yongsheng Wang, Xu Han, Yingwei Yu. A HPLC method for the analysis of germacrone in rabbit plasma and its application to a pharmacokinetic study of germacrone after administration of zedoary turmeric oil. J Chromatogr B, 2005, 823 (2), 172-176.

58. Fuqiang Hu, Mengdan Zhao, Hong Yuan, Jian You, Yongzhong Du. A novel chitosan oligosaccharide –stearic acid micelles for gene delivery: Properties and in vitro transfection studies. Int J Pharm, 2006, 315 (1-2), 158-166.

59. Jian You, Fude Cui, Qingpo Li, Xu Han, Yingwei Yu, Mingshi Yang. A novel formulation design about water-insoluble oily drug: Preparation of zedoary turmeric oil microspheres with self-emulsifying ability and evaluation in rabbits. Int J Pharm, 2005, 288 (2), 315-323.

60. Mingshi Yang, Fude Cuia, Bengang You, Jian You, Liang Wang, Liqiang Zhang, Yoshiaki Kawashima. A novel pH-dependent gradient-release delivery system for nitrendipine; I. Manufacturing, evaluation in vitro and bioavailability in healthy dogs. J Control Release, 2004, 98 (2), 219-229.

















[16]游剑. 乳化溶剂扩散法制备具有自乳化功能莪术油微球的研究及体内评价[D].沈阳药科大学,2005.


[1]游剑. 近红外光介导的药物传递与光热治疗(英文)[C]. 中国药学会(Chinese Pharmaceutical Association).2014中国药物制剂大会——中国药学会药剂专业委员会年会、第六届亚洲阿登制药技术研讨会暨国际控释协会中国分会年会会议论文集.中国药学会(Chinese Pharmaceutical Association):中国药学会,2014:200+199.

[2]刘萍;翁旗;游剑;袁弘;胡富强;杜永忠. 基于疏水改性葡聚糖胶束药物传递系统的研究[C]. 中国药学会、江苏省人民政府.2012年中国药学大会暨第十二届中国药师周论文集.中国药学会、江苏省人民政府:中国药学会,2012:1171-1180.

[3]李云龙;游剑;杜永忠;袁弘;胡富强;虞和永. The study on paclitaxel loaded lipid nanoparticles to reverse tumor resistance[C]. 中国药学会(Chinese Pharmaceutical Association).2012年中国药物制剂大会——中国药学会药剂专业委员会年会、亚洲阿登制药技术研讨会暨国际控释协会中国分会年会会议资料.中国药学会(Chinese Pharmaceutical Association):中国药学会,2012:344-345.

[4]游剑; 范玫玫; 简晖; 龚建平; 段春玲. 大蒜片调节免疫功能的研究[C]. 中国营养学会.中国营养学会第十次全国营养学术会议暨第七届会员代表大会论文摘要汇编.中国营养学会:中国营养学会,2008:348.



1.   2017年,浙江省科技进步一等奖。

2.   2015年,浙江省医药卫生科技奖一等奖。

3.   2014年,浙江省科技进步一等奖。

4.   2012年,中国药学会药青年药剂学奖。

5.  2009年,教育部自然科学奖二等奖。  

6.  2007年, 浙江省科技进步三等奖。

7. 获“沈阳药科大学优秀博士论文”和“辽宁省优秀博士论文”。  



游剑,药剂学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2000年就读于沈阳药科大学药学院药剂专业,2005年获博士学位, 同年就职于浙江大学药学院,2007年晋升副教授,2008年至2011年在美国德克萨斯大学安德森癌症研究中心(University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)做访问学者、博士后。主要致力于新型纳米给药系统的基础研究与应用基础研究工作,具体包括:(1)药物分子靶向纳米传递系统研究,即运用具有细胞浆或细胞核靶向分布功能的壳聚糖–硬脂酸聚合物纳米载体,实现对药物分子作用靶标的药物靶向传递,为高效安全药物治疗提供新的策略与方法;(2)纳米光热效应传递系统研究,即采用一种具有近红外光热转化功能的新型纳米材料中空纳米金,实现肿瘤靶向光热治疗。在此基础上,开创性地将抗肿瘤药物与中空金纳米粒结合,形成一种新型多模式肿瘤治疗纳米系统,产生肿瘤靶向光热消融治疗,药物光热控制释放以及肿瘤靶向化疗多重作用,成功解决肿瘤光热治疗中热量在肿瘤内部分布不均导致的肿瘤易于复发的问题,为肿瘤的有效治疗发展了新技术、新理论。研究成果以第一或通讯作者先后在 ACS nano、Cancer research、Small、Journal of controlled release、Biomacromolecules等期刊上发表,共发表SCI论文三十余篇,获国家发明专利授权15项。获国家教育系统自然科学二等奖1项,2012年获中国药学会–石药青年药剂学奖。




该项研究成果发表在今年的Cancer Research杂志上,并成为封面论文,受到广泛关注。游剑博士表示,接下来的工作会集中在纳米材料的大动物毒理研究方面,同时积极推动中空金纳米粒作为一种新型恶性肿瘤治疗药物进入临床实验研究,进一步运用该材料用于耐药肿瘤的攻克。如果该项研究成功,将会对肿瘤治疗产生革命性的推动作用,解决目前肿瘤治疗中放化疗低效高毒以及肿瘤耐药性等难以攻克的问题,显著提高癌症患者治愈率。


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