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专家信息 机构介绍 科学研究 研究成果 论文专著 发明专利


杜相革 男,博士,1964年出生,1986年毕业于首都师范大学生物系, 1988年考入北京农业大学硕士研究生, 1994年获得博士学位。现为中国农业大学植物保护学院教授,博士生导师中国农业大学有机农业技术研究中心主任,受聘为中国认证机构国家认可委员会委员、中国环境学会生态农业委员会委员、中国农学通报副主编,北京东方嘉禾认证有限公司技术委员会主任,中国有机农业产业发展联盟主席。讲授本科生的“有机农业概论”、“园艺昆虫学”和研究生的“有机农业原理和技术”、“有机农业标准和质量控制”等课程,是第一位在国内高校开设有机农业本科生和研究生课程的老师;长期从事以生物防治为主的果树、蔬菜、花生、茶叶等多种作物的病虫害综合治理和有机产品生产的技术研究。在北京、河北、南京、福建、云南和广西建立了有机蔬菜、苹果、梨、荔枝和绿茶、乌龙茶试验示范基地,获得多项研究成果,无公害枸杞、绿色食品花生、有机茶等项目获得省部级科技进步二、三等奖。主持了科技部“食品安全关键技术”,国家标准委员会和国家认证监督管理委员“国家有机产品标准”,农业部“中国有机农业规范化发展研究”、“无公害食品标准”,国家环保总局“有机水稻生产基地和产品开发”,云南省校合作项目“云南玉溪有机蔬菜基地建设和产品开发”,德国GTZ的“植物源农药的研制与应用”,宁夏林业厅的“宁夏无公害枸杞生产技术”等课题,发表论文30余篇,主编食品安全和有机农业方面的十五、十一五国家级规划教材和研究生教材,主编了《有机农业在中国》等7本有机农业书籍;其中《有机农业导论》和《有机农业原理和种植技术》均为国内第一本有机农业教材和专著。


1988.9-1991.4 中国农业大学 硕士研究生

1991.3-1994.3 中国农业大学 博士

2005.12至今 中国农业大学 教授

1998.12-2005.12 中国农业大学 副教授

1994.3-1998.11 中国农业大学 讲师


1、中国认证机构国家认可委员会 委员

2、中国环境学会生态农业专业委员会 委员


本科生课程: 1. 有机农业概论

研究生课程: 1. 有机食品生产与管理

2. 植物检疫与农业生态健康 seminar

Du Xiangge,male,an expert in organic agriculture,was born in 1964.Du achieved his BSc degree from Capital Normal University in 1986,and obtained his MSc degree and PhD degree from Beijing Agricultural University in 1991 and 1994,respectively. He is a professor,PhD supervisor in College of Agriculture and Biotechnology in China Agricultural University (CAU),and the director of the Centre of Research on Organic Agrculture Technology in CAU,and is the committee member of China National Accreditation Board for Certifiers(CNAB) and Ecological Agriculture Committee of Chinese Society for Environment,and is the subeditor of Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin.

Prof.Du has been teaching many courses,such as “Conspectus of Organic Agriculture” and “Horticulture Entomology ” for undergraduates ,“Theory and Technology of Organic Agriculture” and “Standard of Organic Agriculture and Quality Control” for  postgraduates and so on, which were the earliest courses of organic agriculture among all the colleges in China. Integrated pest management which give priority to biological control of various of crops such as fruit tree, vegetables, peanut, tea and production technology of organic products are of his research interests.He also stipulate for many production technological criterions of organic food. He has been basing experimentational demonstration bases about vegetables, pears, apples, lichi ,green tea, oolong in Beijing, Hebei,Nanjing,Fujian, Yunan and Guangxi,, and achieved many research productions, and awarded provincial science and technology advanced second-class and third class awards for Environment-friendly Chinese Matrimony-vine,green peanut,organic tea. He taken charge of several important projects, such as “Key Technologies of Food Safety” organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST), “National Standards of Organic Products” (GB/T 19630)organized by Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China and Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China, “Research of Organic Agriculture Standard Development in China” and “Environment-freindly Food Standard” organized by Ministry of Agriculture, “Exploitation of Organic Rice Bases and Products” organized by State Environmental Protection Administration of China, “Construction of Organic Vegetables in YuXi of Yunan and Exploitation of Products” cooperated with colleges in Yunan, “Research and Applications of Plant-originated Pesticide” organized by GTZ of Germany, “Production technologies of Environment-freindly Organic Chinese Matrimony-vine in Ningxia” organized by Ningxia Forestry Administration and so on. Prof.Du published more than 30 articles,and is the chief editor of the Tenth Five-Year Plan and the Eleventh Five-Year Plan National programming teaching materials and teaching materials for postgraduate,and published 7 books such as “Organic Agriculture in China”about organic agriculture including “Conspectus of Organic Agriculture”which was the first teaching material about organic agriculture in China and “Theory and Growth Technology of Organic Agriculture”which was the first monograph about organic agriculture technology in China.

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