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专家信息 科学研究 论文专著 荣誉奖励 教学情况


高存臣,男, 1956 年 11 月生于山东省莱阳市。中国海洋大学数学系副主任、教授、海洋信息探测与处理(海洋物理学)博士研究生导师;运筹学与控制论硕士研究生导师和学科带人;山东省中青年学术骨干与学科带头人; 1993~2005 年间,先后获得国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金资助项目4 项;山东省高校“ 1235 工程”重点资助项目1项;青岛市自然科学基金资助项目1项。 1985 年升为讲师; 1993 年破格晋升为副教授; 1996 年破格晋升为教授; 1997 年聘为国内核心期刊 《自动化学报》、《控制理论与应用》、《控制与决策》的特约审稿员与山东省高评委员; 1999 年被聘为国家自然科学基金评审员; 2004 年被聘为山东省重点项目评审员; 2005 年被聘为国家科技部对外合作项目评审员。


1990 年,2002 年分别是中国民主促进会山东省委员会的“一大”、“四大”代表。

1997 年4 月至2001 年11 月任民进烟台市委副主委。

1997 年4 月至2001年11月任第九届烟台市政协常委。

1997 年中国民主促进会的“八大”代表。

1997 年为烟台市数学会理事。

2001 年11月至今任民进烟台市委主委。

2002 年5月至今是民进山东省委常委。

2002 年4月至今是烟台市人大常委与山东省政协常委。


1 .中国自动化学会会员( A member of the Automatic Society of China )。

2 .美国数学会会员( A member of the Mathematics Association of America )。

3 .法国企业的建模与仿真协会会员( A m ember of Association in Modeling Simulation Engineering of France ) 。


2001.08- 今 : 教授,博士生导师(海洋信息探测与处理) , 中国海洋大学。 

1996.12-2001.08: 教授 , 硕士生导师(运筹学与控制论) , 烟台师范学院。 

2003.06- 今 :教授、系副主任 , 硕士生导师与学科带头人 ( 运筹学与控制论 ), 中国海洋大学。 

1997.05 :华南理工大学自动控制理论与应用专业获得工学博士学位。 

1993.11-1996.11:副教授,烟台师范学院 。


1985.07-1993.10:讲师,烟台师范学院 。

1978.12-1985.06: 助教 ,烟台师范学院 。

1978.12 :烟台师范专科学校数学系毕业 ( 大学 ) 。



1. 泛函微分方程的理论与应用 (Theory and Applications of Functional Differential Equation)。

2. 大型动力系统的理论与应用 (Theory and Applications of Large-Scale Dynamic System)。

3. 变结构控制理论与应用 (Theory and Applications of Variable Structure Control)。

4. 智能控制技术 (Intelligence Control Technique)。


1. Modeling and Analysis for Singular Variable Structure Control System with Delays, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010-2012, No. 60974025, 320,000 yuan. (Gao Cunchen ) 时滞广义变结构控制系统的建模与分析, 国家自然科学重点基金,资助号: 60974025, 主持人: 中国海洋大学 高存臣, 32万元.

2. Modeling for Singular Variable Structure Control System with Delays, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007-2009, No. Z2006G11. (Gao Cunchen ) 滞后广义变结构控制系统的建模, 山东省自然科学重点基金,资助号: Z2006G11, 主持人: 中国海洋大学 高存臣, 9.00万元.

3. Analysis and Design for Discrete Variable Structure Control System with Time-Delays, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007-2009, No.60674020. (Gao Cunchen ) 具有时间滞后的离散变结构控制系统的分析与设计, 国家自然科学基金,资助号: 60674020, 主持人: 中国海洋大学 高存臣, 26.00万元.

4. Analysis and Synthesis for Nonlinear Variable Structure Control System with Delays, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2000-2002, No.69974032. (Gao Cunchen ) 时滞非线性变结构控制系统的分析与综合, 国家自然科学基金,资助号: 69974032,鲁东大学 高存臣 14.5万元. 

5. Analysis and Synthesis for Discrete Variable Structure Control System with Delays, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2005-2006, No.60574005. (Gao Cunchen ) 时滞离散变结构控制系统的分析与综合, 国家自然科学基金,资助号: 60574005, 主持人: 中国海洋大学 高存臣, 6.00万元

6. Teaching Reform and Test Course of Ordinary Differential Equations to Institution of Higher Learning in Shandong province, Shandong Province Education Commission, 2000-2006, No. 8123. (Gao Cunchen ), 15万元. 山东省高校重点教学改革—常微分方程, 山东省1235工程教学改革重点基金,高存臣,王向阳,刘晓华,王天成,孙景宏,唐瑞娜 15万元.

7. Theory Research of Composed Functional Differential Equation, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 1993-1995, No.93A1414. (Gao Cunchen ). 泛函微分方程理论研究, 山东省自然科学基金,高存臣,唐瑞娜,李美贞,孙立民, 0.9万元

8. Stability Stabilization and Control of Multigroup Multidelays Large-Scale Control Systems, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 1996-1998, No.Y96A05009. (Gao Cunchen ).多组多滞后大型控制系统的稳定镇定与控制,山东省自然科学基金,高存臣,唐瑞娜,李美贞,孙立民,王秀红, 1万元  

9. Analysis and Synthesis for Discrete Variable Structure Control System with Delays, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 2000-2002, No. Q99G06. (Gao Cunchen ).滞后离散变结构控制系统的分析与综合,山东省自然科学基金,高存臣,李美贞,唐瑞娜,3.5万元.

10. Simulation and Applications of Variable Structure Control for the Discrete System with Delays, Natural Science Foundation of China, 1999-2001, No. 69874005 (Xinzheng Zhang, Gao Cunchen). 滞后离散系统的变结构控制仿真及应用,国家自然科学基金, 张新政,高存臣,12万元.

11. C-Operator race and Abstract Space Intergral Differential Equations,Natural Science Foundation of China, 1992-1995, No. 19201030 (Shuchun Gao, Gao Cunchen).C-算子族与抽象空间积分微分方程,国家自然科学基金, 高述春,高存臣,8万元.

12. The safety valuation method that is under the inshore engineering structure environment function,Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 2005-2007, No.Y2002E05. (Gao Cunchen ) 近海工程结构环境作用下的安全评估方法, 山东省自然科学基金,No.Y2002E05,学校号:1501-121440,1万元.

13. The application in striding the bridge system model building analysis in sea of automatic control method, Natural Science Foundation of Qingdao City, 2004-2006, No.04-2-JZ-98. (Gao Cunchen ) 自动控制法在跨海桥梁系统建模分析中的应用, 青岛市自然科学基金, 资助号: 04-2-JZ-98, 高存臣,徐清,马天云,李效敏,吴路,5万元.

14. The “Ten-fine” Planning Teaching Material for “Mathematical Models and tests”, Ocean University of China, 2003-2005. (Gao Cunchen )“十五”规划教材“数学模型与实验”,中国海洋大学教材基金,2003,高存臣,0.6万元.

15. Mathematics model course reform in teaching research, Teaching Item Foundation of Ocean University of China undergraduate course reform, 2004-2006, No. 2004JY14. (Gao Cunchen ) 数学模型课程教学改革研究(2004JY14), 中国海洋大学本科教学改革基金, 资助号:2004JY14, 高存臣, 0.3万元.

16. Research of Theory and Applications of Variable Structure Control,变结构控制理论与应用研究,中国海洋大学科研启动基金, No.1501-812539, 2001.08-2010.7, 高存臣,8万元.

17. Ordinary Differential Equations, University-level Courses Fund, Gao Cunchen, 2008-2010,10,000 yuan. 常微分方程,校级精品课程基金,高存臣,王林山,孙敏慧,吴路,曲镜如,2008-2010, 1万元.

18. Modeling and Simulation for Discrete Variable Structure Control System with Delays,Natural Science Foundation of China, 1999-2001, No. 69874005 (Xinzheng Zhang, Gao Cunchen ).  

19. Teaching Research to Mathematical Models, Ocean University of China , 2004-2005. ( Gao Cunchen )




1.《大型动力系统的理论与应用 - 滞后变结构系统的控制》, 高存臣,华南理工大学出版社出版,1998年。

2.《时滞变结构控制系统》, 高存臣,科学出版社出版,2004年1月。

3.Gao Cun-Chen. Mathematics Model (Chinese). Hainan Press. 2001. (with Fengchen Zhang). 高存臣, 张逢臣. 数学模型(第一版). 海南出版社, 2001.

4.Gao Cun-Chen, Fengchen Zhang. Mathematics Model (The second ) (Chinese). Hainan Press. 2002. 高存臣, 张逢臣. 数学模型(第二版). 海南出版社, 2002.



1. 韩月乔; 高存臣. 具有大时滞的非线性定常大系统的无条件稳定性    中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2016/03

2. 郭真真; 高存臣. 一类时滞离散非线性系统的全维观测器设计    南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) 2016/01


3. 徐瑞萍; 高存臣; 考永贵.  转移概率一般不确知时滞Markov跳变神经网络的同步  控制理论与应用 2015/08

4. 李云璐; 高存臣 . 线性离散时滞系统的指数稳定性    中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2015/09

5. 徐瑞萍; 高存臣 . 不确定Duffing混沌系统的有限时间同步  青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2015/03

6. 邓臻; 陈红燕; 高存臣. 含有控制时滞的多输入离散系统的变结构控制    中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2015/04


7. 解静; 考永贵; 高存臣; 张孟乔.  变时滞不确定广义Markovian跳系统的滑模控制    山东大学学报(工学版) 2014/04

8. 徐瑞萍; 高存臣. 基于线性反馈控制的一类混沌系统的同步  中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2014/05

9. 高超; 高存臣. 基于观测器的具外部扰动的离散时间系统的滑模控制  中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2014/03

10. 高超; 高存臣. 复合非线性反馈积分滑模控制器的设计  信息与控制 2014/01

11. 徐瑞萍; 高存臣. 基于线性控制的一类金融系统的混沌同步  控制工程 2014/01


12. 孟波; 高存臣; 考永贵; 刘云龙.   一类时滞不确定随机Markovian跳变系统的滑模控制 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2013/03

13. 高存臣; 刘振; 徐瑞萍.  一类具有连续分布时滞的分布参数系统的反馈控制  控制与决策 2013/03

14. 高存臣; 刘振; 任启峰.  时滞离散时间系统的非线性准滑模鲁棒控制  控制理论与应用 2013/01

15. 方钟波; 高存臣; 李长军; 张临杰.  高校数学系列课程教学改革与创新人才培养初探  教育教学论坛 2013/02


16. 王品; 谢维信; 刘宗香; 高存臣. 一种粒子概率假设密度的模糊关联方法  中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2012/11

17. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 常俊芳; 郭真真. 自主水下航行器的软变结构控制  中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2012/09

18. 马跃; 高存臣; 丛心尉. 不确定系数多离散时滞的中立型系统的时滞相关鲁棒稳定性  南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) 2012/04

19. 张彩虹; 刘云龙; 高存臣; 唐述宏; 孟波.  Delta算子不确定系统的滑模变结构控制  控制与决策 2012/02

20. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 任启峰; 郭真真.  水下机器人基于sigmoid函数的软变结构控制  电机与控制学报 2012/02

21. 张彩虹; 刘云龙; 高存臣; 孟波.   基于隐Lyapunov函数的软变结构控制:一种控制策略 控制与决策 2012/01


22. 李菲; 高存臣.一类时滞不确定离散系统的鲁棒自适应滑模控制 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) 2011/06

23. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 赵林. 广义系统的动态软变结构控制 系统工程与电子技术 2011/12

24. 高存臣; 赵林. 一类具有连续分布时滞的抛物型系统的无记忆滑模控制器设计 信息与控制 2011/04

25. 高存臣; 崔红艳. 时滞不确定随机系统的鲁棒稳定性 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2011/Z2

26. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 赵林; 梁霄.  离散变结构控制基于扰动动态补偿的理想趋近律  计算机应用 2011/07

27. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 丛心尉.  基于扰动补偿趋近律的非匹配离散广义准滑模控制  系统科学与数学 2011/06

28. 孟波; 高存臣; 刘云龙.  离散广义准滑模控制基于扰动补偿趋近律  中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2011/S1

29. 刘绍庆; 高存臣. Davey-Stewartson方程组新的精确解  中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2011/03


30. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 相南. δ算子不确定系统的无抖振滑模控制 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/06

31. 崔红艳; 高存臣. 一类非线性时变时滞随机大系统的稳定性 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/05

32. 高存臣; 张筱蓉. 一类时滞项含区间系数的2-D离散系统的稳定性 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/09

33. 李延波; 高存臣; 殷礼胜. 不确定时滞分布参数系统的指数稳定性 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/07

34. 高存臣; 徐伟丽. 一类线性中立型不确定时滞系统的鲁棒稳定性 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/07

35. 张筱蓉; 高存臣. 不确定时滞分布参数系统的振动性 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/03

36. 高存臣; 李云艳; 刘云龙. 一类离散非线性系统降维观测器设计 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/04

37. 潘瑛芳; 高存臣; 秦晓伟. 间隔时间不同的服药模型 科技信息 2010/11

38. 高芳征; 袁付顺; 高存臣. 一类具有非线性参数非完整系统的鲁棒适应控制 山西大学学报(自然科学版) 2010/01


39. Hailong Xing, Cunchen Gao, Gongyou Tang, Donghai Li. Variable Structure Sliding Mode Control for a Class of Uncertain Distributed Parameter Systems with Time-Varying delays.International Journal of Control, 2009,82(2),287-297. (SCI源).

    邢海龙,高存臣,唐功友.一类具有变时滞的不确定分布参数系统的滑模变结构控制[J].国际控制杂志(英国),2009,82(2),287-297. (SCI源).

40. Hailong Xing, Cunchen Gao, Donghai Li. Sliding mode variable structure control for parameter uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delay[J]. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009, 355(2): 689–699. (SCI).

    邢海龙,高存臣,李东海.具有时变滞后的参数不确定随机系统的滑模变结构控制[J].数学分析与应用杂志(美国),2009, 355(2): 689–699. (SCI).

41. Zhang Caihong, Gao Cunchen,Zhou Dewen. Variable Structure Control Design for Uncertain Discrete Systems with Time-delays[C]. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2009,pp.363-367.

    张彩虹,高存臣,周德文. 时滞不确定离散系统的变结构控制设计[C]. 2009网络、传感器与控制IEEE国际会议论文集,2009,pp.363-367.

42. Jifeng Guo, Cunchen Gao. Variable structure control of linear time-delay uncertain singular system[J]. Int. J. Systems, Control and Communications, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2009,pp.364-374.

    郭继峰,高存臣. 线性时滞不确定广义系统的变结构控制 [J].系统、控制和通讯国际杂志,Vol. 1, No. 3, 2009,pp.364-374.

43. Liu Xue, Cunchen Gao. An approach to design observer for a class of descrete control systems with time-delay[J]. Ann. of Diff. Eqs., Vol.25, No. 2, 2009,pp.165-169.

    刘学,高存臣. 一类时滞离散控制系统的观测器设计方法[J].系统微分方程年刊,Vol.25, No. 2, 2009,pp.165-169.

44. 郭继峰; 高存臣. 离散多时滞广义不确定系统的变结构控制 系统科学与数学 2009/12

45. 高存臣; 陈文轶. 时间滞后变结构控制系统的研究新进展 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2009/05

46. 刘云龙; 高存臣; 李云艳; 刘现明.Global exponentially stability for time-delay and time-varying measure large scale systems with impulsive effects. 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 2009/S1

47. GAO Cun-chen, LIU Yun-long, LI Yun-yan. A reaching-law method for uncertain discrete variable-structure control systems[J]. Control Theory & Applications, Vol.26, No.7, 2009,pp.181-185. 

    高存臣,刘云龙,李云艳. 不确定离散变结构控制系统的趋近律方法[J]. 控制理论与应用,Vol.26, No. 7, 2009,pp.181-185.

48. 郭继峰; 高存臣 多时滞离散广义不确定系统的变结构控制 哈尔滨工业大学学报 2009/07

49. 高芳征; 袁付顺; 高存臣 一类高阶非完整系统的鲁棒适应模糊控制 模糊系统与数学 2009/03

50. 郭继峰; 高存臣.Design of variable structure controller for uncertain time-delay singular system. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 2009/03

51. 李延波; 考永贵; 高存臣. 基于T-S模型不确定时滞系统的保成本控制. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2009/02


52. Gao Cunchen , Li Yan. Approximation laws of discrete-time variable structure control systems[J]. Ann. of Diff. Eqs.,2008, 24(2):133-140.

    高存臣 ,李燕.离散时间变结构控制系统的趋近律[J].微分方程年刊,2008, 24(2):133-140.(ISSN 1002-0942, CN 35-1125/O1)

53. Yonggui Kao Cunchen Gao. Global exponential stability analysis for cellular neural networks with variable coefficients and delays [J]. Neural Comput & Applic,2008, 17:291–295.

    考永贵, 高存臣. 具有变系数和时间滞后的细胞神经网络的全局指数稳定性分析[J]. 神经计算与应用, 2008, 17:291–295. (DOI 10.1007/s00521-007-0121-y) ,ISI Document Delivery No.: 292HF

54. Lijun Mu, Cunchen Gao, Juan Li. On the integral sliding-mode control for sample-data systems with state time-delay[C]. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress for the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008, 5846-5849.

    牟丽君,高存臣,具有状态时滞的采样数据系统的整数滑模控制,第17届IFAC世界大会论文集, 韩国,首尔,2008.7月6-11日, 5846-5949 (ISSN 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.0426)

55. Caihong Zhang, Cunchen Gao. Stabilization of neutral type linear time-varying discrete control systems with integral delays[C]. 2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2008), 中国烟台,2008. 7.2-4, 571-574.

    张彩虹, 高存臣. 具有整数时滞的中立型线性时变离散控制系统的镇定.2008中国控制与决策学术年会,中国烟台, 2008. 7.2-4, 571-574. (978-1-4244-1734-6/08),EI;ISTP-BIL57

56. De-wen Zhou, Cun-chen Gao, Zhi-qiang Li. Variable structure control of discrete uncertain system with time-delays[C]. 2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2008), 中国烟台,2008. 7.2-4, 2776-2781.

    周德文, 高存臣,李志强. 具有时滞的离散不确定系统的变结构控制[C]. 2008中国控制与决策学术年会,中国烟台, 2008. 7.2-4, 2776-2781. (978-1-4244-1734-6/08),EI;ISTP-BIL57

57. Ren Qifeng, Cunchen Gao, Wang pin. Variable structure control for discrete time systems based on attenuating control [J]. Journal of System Simulation,2008, 20(4):1056–1059.(2008查新EI-10).

    任启峰, 高存臣, 王品. 基于衰减控制的离散时间系统的变结构控制[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2008, 20(4):1056–1059.(ISSN-1004-731X)

58. Mu lijun, Cunchen Gao, Li Juan. Sliding mode tracking control for a kind of discrete-time systems with time-delay and disturbance [J]. Control and Decision,2008, 23(8):874–878.(EI).

    牟丽君, 高存臣, 李娟. 一类受扰时滞离散系统的滑模跟踪控制[J]. 控制与决策, 2008, 23(8):874–878. (ISSN-1001-0920,CN-21-1124/TP)

59. Zhou Dewen, Gao Cunchen, Li Zhiqiang. Reaching law of discrete-time variable structure control system[J]. Control and Decision,2008, 23(3):306-309.

    周德文, 高存臣,李志强. 一种离散变结构控制趋近律[J]. 控制与决策, 2008, 23(3):306-309.(见2008查新EI-12)

60. Li Xiaomin, Gao Cunchen. Entire function sharing one polynomial with their derivatives[J]. Proceedings Indian Academy of Sciences (Mathematical Sciences), Springer,Feb.2008, 118(1):13-26 (ISSN 0253-4142).

    李效敏, 高存臣. 整函数的一种具有导数的多项式分解[J]. 印度科学院数学科学学报, Feb.2008, 118(1):13-26 (ISSN 0253-4142).

61. Gao Yanping, Gao Cunchen. Non-fragile H control for uncertain singular systems with delay both in state equation and output equation[J]. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences,2008, 28(3):350-359.

    高彦平, 高存臣. 状态和输出均有滞后的不确定广义系统的非脆弱H控制[J]. 系统科学与数学, 2008, 28(3):350-359.(CN 11-2019/O1)

62. 考永贵; 高存臣; 王殿坤.分布时滞反应扩散Hopfield神经网络的全局指数稳定性. 应用数学 2008/03

63. 考永贵; 高存臣; 孟波.非自治分布时滞BAM神经网络的绝对指数稳定性. 山东大学学报(理学版) 2008/04


64. Hailong Xing, Gao Cunchen,Kao Yonggui. Variable structure control of stochastic systems with time-varying delays represented by partial differential equations[J]. Control and Decision,2007, 22(6):232-636,642.

    邢海龙,高存臣,考永贵.一类由偏微分方程描述时滞随机系统的变结构控制[J].控制与决策,2007, 4:22(6):632-636,642.(EI:)

65. Bi Shuhui, Gao Cunchen, Mingcong Deng. H-Infinity state feedback control for nonlinear singular time-delay systems[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:1016-1020.

    毕淑慧, 高存臣, 邓明聪.非线性广义时滞系统的H∞状态反馈控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:1016-1020.(SCI: )

66. Yan Xinlu, Gao Cunchen, Bu Ni. Combinatorial Control for Discrete-Time Variable Structure Systems with Time-Delay[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:1021-1026.

    阎鑫璐, 高存臣, 步妮.时滞离散变结构控制系统的组合控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:1021-1026.(SCI: )

67. Li Yan, Gao Cunchen.Optimal control of time-delay systems based on the Hopfield neural network[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:1031-1034.

    李燕, 高存臣.基于HP神经网络的时滞系统的最优控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:1031-1034.(SCI: )

68. Zhao Chunmei, , , , , , , , Gao Cunchen, Meng Bo. Delay-dependent dynamic state feedback guaranteed cost control for uncertain singular time-delay systems[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:1035-1038.

    赵春梅, 高存臣,孟波.不确定广义时滞系统的滞后相关状态反馈保指标控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:1035-1038.(SCI: )

69. Zeng Xianwu, Gao Cunchen, Bao Shuping. The research of PC using wavelet analysis and fuzzy estimation[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:1437-1442.

    曾宪武, 高存臣,包淑萍.应用小波分析和模糊估计的脉冲条件研究[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:1437-1442.(SCI: ) ISSN-1201-3390

70. Liu Yan, Gao Cunchen. Design of delayed discrete systems with state observers via variable structure control[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:156-159.

    刘岩, 高存臣.带有状态观测器的时滞离散系统的变结构控制设计[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:156-159.(SCI: )

71. Wang Pin, Gao Cunchen. New methods of variable structure control for discrete time system[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:160-164.

    王品, 高存臣.离散时间系统的变结构控制新方法[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:160-164.(SCI: )

72. Bao Shuping, Zeng Xianwu, Gao Cunchen. Blind channel identification using linear composition subspace method[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:1880-1883.

    包淑萍, 曾宪武, 高存臣.应用线性补偿子空间方法的盲信道辩识[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:1880-1883.(SCI: )

73. Yao Haijun, Yuan Fushun, Gao Cunchen. Sliding mode control for a class of uncertain discrete time-delay systems[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:227-231.

    姚海军,袁付顺, 高存臣.一类不确定离散时滞系统的滑模控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:227-231.(SCI: )

74. Bu Ni, Gao Cunchen, Yan Xinlu. Sliding mode control for linear discrete system with input and state delays[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:253-258.

    步妮,高存臣,阎鑫璐.带有输入和状态时滞的线性离散系统的滑模控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:253-258.(SCI: )

75. Kao Yonggui, Gao Cunchen, Wang Yongxu. Existence of nonoscillatory solutions of second order nonlinear neutral diffrence equations with a forced term[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:438-442.

    考永贵, 高存臣,王永旭.带有外力项二阶非线性中立型微分方程的非振动解的存在性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:438-442.(SCI: )

76. Zhang Lijing, Kao Yonggui, Gao Cunchen. Global exponential robust stability of reaction-diffusion interval neural networks with variable coefficients and delays[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:875-880.

    张理敬,考永贵,高存臣.具有变系数和滞后的反应扩散区间神经网络的全局指数鲁棒稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:875-880.(SCI: )

77. Zhang Lijing, Gao Cunchen. The model of forest fire prevention based on GIS[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:2578-2582.

    张理敬, 高存臣.基于地理信息系统的防火预测模型[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:2578-2582.(SCI: )

78. Meng Bo, Gao Cunchen. H∞ control of discrete-time linear systems with time-varying delays in state and input[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:264-268.

    孟波,高存臣.具有状态与输入时变滞后离散线性系统的H∞控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:264-268.(SCI: )

79. Ma Tianyun, Gao Cunchen, Shi Bao. The establishment and analysis of the model about the bridge system across ocean[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:2686-2690.

    马天云,高存臣,时宝.跨海桥梁系统的模型建立与分析[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:2686-2690.(SCI: )

80. Chen Wenyi, Gao Cunchen. Stability of a class of nonlinear system via a smooth variable structure control[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:388-391.

    陈文轶,高存臣.通过滑模变结构控制的一类非线性系统的稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:388-391.(SCI: )

81. Li Yanbo, Gao Cunchen. Exponential stability of uncertain Itô-style stochastic systems with multiple time-varying delays[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:525-528.

    李延波,高存臣.具有多时变滞后的不确定Itô-型随机系统的指数稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:525-528.(SCI: )

82. Yan Xinlu, Gao Cunchen. Asymptotic stability of a class of linear neutral-type systems[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:529-532.

    阎鑫璐,高存臣.一类线性中立型系统的渐近稳定性 [J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:529-532.(SCI: )

83. Ma Tianyun, Gao Cunchen, Shi Bao. Research of robust positive real control for discrete singular system with state delay[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:914-918.

    马天云,高存臣,时宝.具有状态滞后的离散广义系统的鲁棒正实控制研究[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:914-918.(SCI: )

84. Zhang Caihong, Gao Cunchen. Stabilization of a class of neutral type discrete control systems with integral delays[J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2007, 5:966-969.

    张彩虹,高存臣.具有整数滞后的一类中立型离散控制系统的镇定[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2007, 5:966-969.(SCI: )

85. Kao Yonggui, Gao Cunchen, Liu Guanfeng. Global robust stability of interval Hopfield neural networks with continuously distributed delays[J]. Ann. of Diff. Eqs.,2007, 23(4):435-440.

    考永贵,高存臣,刘冠凤.具有连续分布滞后的区间Hopfield神经网络的全局鲁棒稳定性[J].微分方程年刊,2007, 23(4):427-432.

86. Liu Yan, Gao Cunchen. Absolute exponential stability of reaction-diffusion neural networks with time-delay[J]. Journal of Biomathematics, 2007, 22(5):783-788.

    刘岩,高存臣.具有反应扩散项的时滞神经网络的绝对指数稳定性[J]. 生物数学学报, 2007, 22(5):783-788.

87. Kao Yonggui, Gao Cunchen. Global exponential stability for almost periodic solutionn of competitive neural networks with distributed delays[J]. Mathematics in Practice and Theory,2007, 37(23):120-125.

    考永贵,高存臣.分布时滞竞争神经网络概周期解全局指数稳定性.数学的实践与认识,2007, 37(23):120-125.

88. Xing Hailong, Gao Cunchen, Zeng Xianwu, Li Yanbo. Sliding mode control for a class of uncertain distributed parameter systems with time-varying delay[J]. Control and Decision,2007, 23(3): 333-336,348.

    邢海龙, 高存臣, 曾宪武, 李延波. 一类具有变时滞不确定分布参数系统的滑动模控制[J]. 控制与决策, 2007, 22(3): 333-336,348.(EI收录)

89. Guo Jifeng, Gao Cunchen. Variable structure control of discrete uncertain singular systems with multiple time-delays[J]. Control and Decision,2007, 22(1): 95-99.

    郭继峰, 高存臣. 滞后离散广义不确定系统的变结构控制[J]. 控制与决策, 2007, 22(1): 95-99.(EI收录)

90. Wang Pin, Gao Cunchen, Tian Ming. An improved reaching law of variable structure control for discrete-time systems[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China,2007, 37(Sup. II): 189-192.

    王品,高存臣,田明. 离散时间系统变结构控制的改进趋近律[J]. 中国海洋大学学报, , 37(Sup. II): 189- 192. (ISSN 1672-5174; CN37-1414P)

91. Guo, JF (Guo, Jifeng); Gao, CC (Gao, Cunchen). Output variable structure control for time-invariant linear time-delay singular system.JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY, SEP 2007,20 (3): 454-460. ISSN: 1009-6124 ,ISI Document Delivery No.: 292BC.

    郭继峰,高存臣. 时变线性时滞广义系统的输出变结构控制[J]. 系统科学与复杂性杂志, 2007,20 (3): 454-460.(ISSN-1009-6124)SCI-292BC

92. Kao,YG (Kao, Yonggui); Gao, CC (Gao, Cunchen).Robust stabilization of intervally neutral nonlinear large scale systems with multiple delays. IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation,2007.8,Vol.1-7,1046-1050,ISTP-BHX39.


93. Mu,LJ (Mu, Lijun); Gao, CC (Gao, Cunchen),Chen Wenyi. Research for discrete variable structure control systems. IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation,2007.8,Vol.1-7,758-761,ISTP-BHX39.


94. Sun Weidong, Gao Cunchen, Kao Yonggui. The equivalence condition and a new sufficient condition of asymptotically stability for the autonomous systems. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2007,37(5):723-725.

    高存臣.孙卫东,高存臣,考永贵. 自治系统渐近稳定的等价条件和新的充分条件[J].中国海洋大学学报,2007,37(5):723-725.


95. 高存臣; 邓臻; 丁培培.多时滞系统的不稳定性.中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2006/04

96. Deng Zhen, Gao Cunchen Zhang Caihong. The asymptotic stability and stabilization for singular systems with time-delay via Lyapunov methods[J]. Journal Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences), 2006, 42(Sup.): 682-684.

    邓臻,高存臣,张彩虹.滞后广义系统渐近稳定与镇定的Lyapunov方法[J].兰州大学学报(自然科学版),2006, 42(增刊):682-684.

97. Guo Jifeng, Gao Cunchen. Variable structure control of discrete uncertain singular system with time-delays. Information and Control,2006, 35(5): 600-607.

    郭继峰, 高存臣时滞离散广义不确定系统的变结构控制[J]. 信息与控制, 2006, 35(5): 600-607.

98. Bi Shuhui, Gao Cunchen. State feed back H-infinity control of discrete singular systems with state and input delays. Proceedings of 25th Chinese Control Conference, 7-11, August, 2006, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 688-692.

    毕淑慧, 高存臣, 任启峰.状态与输入具有时滞的离散广义系统状态反馈H∞控制[C]. 第25届中国控制会议论文集, 2006, 哈尔滨, 688-692.

99. Yanbo Li, Yonggui Kao, Cunchen Gao. Delay-dependent criteria for robust stability of uncertain fuzzy systems with time-varying state delay[C]. 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents(ICARA 2006), 12-14 December 2006, Palmerston North, New Zealand, ISBN-10:0-473-11566-2, pp.369-373.

    李延波,考永贵,高存臣.带有状态时变滞后的不确定模糊系统的鲁棒稳定性判据[C].第三届自动机器人与智能国际会议, 2006年11月12-14, 新西兰, 第369-373页.

100. Guo Jifeng, Gao Cunchen. Variable structure control of discrete uncertain singular system with time-delays. Control and Decision,2006, 22(12): 95-99.

    郭继峰, 高存臣. 时滞离散广义不确定系统的变结构控制[J]. 控制与决策, 2006, 22(12): 95-99.

101. Guo Jifeng, Gao Cunchen. Approximation theory of real sliding mode in variable structure control of time-delay singular system. Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006, 1592-1596. (EI:)

    郭继峰, 高存臣. 时滞广义变结构控制系统的实滑模近似理论 [J]. 全球智能控制与自动化大会, 2006, 1592-1956.(EI:)

102. Liu Yan, Gao Cunchen .Positive periodic solutions for a class of neutral impulsive systems with infinitely distributed delay. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:26-29.

    刘岩,高存臣.具无限分布滞后的一类神经脉冲系统的正周期解[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析,2006, 4:26-29.

103. Guo Jifeng, Gao Cunchen. Decentralized variable structure control of time-delay large-scale interconnect singular uncertain system. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:114-117.

    郭继峰,高存臣.滞后大型关联广义不确定系统的分散变结构控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:114-117.

104. Gao Cunchen, Mu Lijun, Li Juan, Qu Jingru. Design of discrete systems with state observers via variable structure control. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:126-128.

    高存臣,牟丽君,李娟,曲镜如.带有状态观测器的离散变结构控制系统的设计[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:126-128.

105. Ding Peipei, Gao Cunchen, Deng Zhen. A new combining control strategy of variable structure control systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:133-136.

    丁培培,高存臣,邓臻.变结构控制系统的一个新的结合控制方法[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:133-136.

106. Hailong Xing, Gao Cunchen,Kao Yonggui. Exponential asymptotical stability for the uncertain distributed parameter systems with time-varying delays. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:287-291.

    邢海龙,高存臣,考永贵.具时变滞后的不确定分布参数系统的指数渐近稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:287-291.

107. Yonggui Kao, Gao Cunchen, Wu Lu. Absolutely exponential stability of BAM neural networks with continuously distributed delays. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:323-325.

    考永贵,高存臣, 吴路.带有连续分布时滞的BAM神经网络的绝对指数稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:323-325.

108. Qifeng Ren, Gao Cunchen. Robust stabilization of uncertain neutral systems with time-delays in state and control input. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:392-397.

    任启峰,高存臣.状态与控制输入均带时滞的不确定中立型系统的鲁棒稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:392-397.

109. Li Haiyan, Gao Cunchen, Chen Yudong. Robust stabilization of a class of neutral type nonlinear time-invariant large scale system with multi-delay. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:430-434.

    李海燕,高存臣, 陈玉东.一类多滞后中立型非线性定常大系统的鲁棒稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:430-434.

110. Li Yanbo, Gao Cunchen. Delay-dependent H1 feedback control for linear discrete uncertain time-delay systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:493-497.

    李延波,高存臣.线性离散不确定时滞系统的时滞相关H1反馈控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:493-497.

111. Zhang Caihong, Gao Cunchen, Zhao Youxing. Stabilization of neutral type interval coefficient linear time-invariant discrete control systems with non-integral delays. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:502-505.

    张彩虹,高存臣,赵有星.非整数滞后中立型区间系数线性定常离散控制系统的镇定[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:502-505.

112. Bi Shuhui, Gao Cunchen. Delay-dependent stabilization for linear singular systems with time-varying state and input delays. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:506-510.

    毕淑慧,高存臣.带有时变状态与输入滞后的线性广义系统的滞后相关镇定[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:506-510.

113. Wang Diankun, Gao Cunchen,Kao Yonggui. Quadratic stabilization of continuous time system with state-control delays and norm-bounded uncertainties. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:511-515.

    王殿坤,高存臣,考永贵.带有状态滞后与范数有界不确定连续时间系统的二次镇定[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:511-515.

114. Wang Yongxu, Gao Cunchen,Ma Tianyun. The control representative for a kind of hyperbolic partial differential equations. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:1174-1178.

    王永旭,高存臣,马天云.一类双曲型偏微分方程的控制表达式[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:1174-1178.

115. Zeng Xianwu,Bao Shuping,Xing Hailong,Gao Cunchen. Variable structure control for a class uncertain stochastic systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:1501-1504.

    曾宪武,包淑平,邢海龙,高存臣.一类不确定随机系统的变结构控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:1501-1504.

116. Li Yanbo, Gao Cunchen, Xing Hailong. Variable structure control for uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delay. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume),2006, 4:1546-1549.

    李延波,高存臣,邢海龙.时变滞后不确定随机系统的变结构控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2006, 4:1546-1549.

117. Xing Hailong, Zhong Xioazhu, Gao Cunchen . Oscillation for the bounded solution of a class high order nonlinear difference equation with several variable delay[J]. Journal of Jimei University, 2006, 11(3): 281-284.

    邢海龙,钟晓珠,高存臣.一类高阶非线性多变时滞差分方程有界解振动性[J].集美大学学报,2006, 11(3):281-284.

118. Qu Jingru, Gao Cunchen . Stability Analysis for the Large-Scale Systems with Time-Delay[J]. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2006, 19: 558-565.ISSN1009-6124.

    曲镜如,高存臣.时滞大系统的稳定性分析[J].系统科学与复杂性杂志,2006, 19: 558-565.

119. Gao Yanpiong, Gao Cunchen . Non-fragile H∞ control for continuous singular systems with state delay and uncertainties [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2006, 38(12): 682-685.

    高彦平,高存臣.带有状态滞后和不确定性的连续广义系统的非脆弱H∞控制[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报,2006, 38(12):2208-2211.

120. Bi Shuhui, Gao Cunchen . The asymptotic stability and stabilization for singular time-varying systems with time-delay. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2006, 36(Sup.): 212-214.

    毕淑慧,高存臣时滞广义时变系统的渐近稳定与镇定[J].中国海洋大学学报,2006, 36(增刊):212-214.

121. Kao Yonggui, Gao Cunchen. Global stability of bidirectional associative memory neural networks with variable coefficients and S-type distributed delays. Lecture notes in computer science, 2006, Vol.4232, 598-607,SCI. 考

    永贵,高存臣.带有变系数与S-型分布滞后的双向联想记忆神经网络的整体稳定性[J].计算机科学报告,2006, 4232:598-607.

122. Zhang Caihong, Gao Cunchen . The application of the comparison principle to multiple rational time delay discrete systems with interval coefficient. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2006, 36(Sup.): 219-221.

    张彩虹,高存臣比较原理在多有理数时滞区间系数离散系统的应用[J].中国海洋大学学报,2006, 36(增刊):219-221.

123. Li Haiyan, Gao Cunchen . On the robust stabilization of multi-delay nonlinear large scale systems with interval coefficients. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2006, 36(4): 581-584.

    李海燕,高存臣,赵有星.多滞后区间系数非线性大系统的鲁棒镇定[J].中国海洋大学学报,2006, 36(4):581-584.

124. XU Qing, GAO Cun-Chen, WANG Junjie.A Spectral Combination Rule for Generally Damped Structures Under Multi-Support Seismic Excitations[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2006, 36(3):390-396.

    徐清,高存臣,王君杰.一般阻尼桥梁结构体系非一致地震反应谱计算方法[J].中国海洋大学学报,2006, 36(3):390-396.


125. Y.G Kao, C.C Gao. Delay-dependent Criteria for Robust Stability of Linear Uncertain Systems with Multiple Time-varying State Delays. 2005 International Conference on Control and Automation, June 27-29, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 1254-1257.

    考永贵,高存臣.带有多时变状态时滞的线性不确定系统的鲁棒稳定性的时滞依赖判据.第5届控制与自动化国际会议,2005年7月27-29日,匈牙利,布达佩斯, 1254-1257.

126. C.C Gao, Y.G Kao and D.K Wang. Robust stability of Cellular Neural Networks With Uncertainties and Multiple Delays: an LMI Approach. 2005 International Conference on Control and Automation, June 27-29, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 1199-1202.

    高存臣,考永贵,王殿坤.带有不确定性和多时滞的细胞神经网络的鲁棒稳定性.第5届控制与自动化国际会议,2005年7月27-29日,匈牙利,布达佩斯, 1199-1202.

127. Wang Dian-Kun, GAO Cun-Chen. The robust Stabilization of interval neutral type nonlinear time-varying large scale control systems with multi-Group multi-Delay[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2005, 35(4):591596.

    王殿坤,高存臣.多组多滞后区间中立型非线性时变控制系统的鲁棒镇定[J].中国海洋大学学报,2005, 35(4): 591-596.

128. Yong-gui Kao, Cun-chen Gao and Wei-dong Sun. Quadratic stabilization of linear uncertain systems with multiple time-varying delays in state and input. International Conference on Intelligent Computing. August 23-26, 2005. HeFei, China, 2809-2818.

    考永贵,高存臣,孙卫东.状态与控制输入均带有时变滞后的线性不确定系统的二次镇定.智能计算国际会议,2005年8月23-26日,中国,合肥, 2809-2818.

129. GAO Cun-Chen,Guo Jifeng. Variable structure control for linear time-delay large-scale interconnected singular system[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2005, 35(5):757-760.


130. Mu Lijun, GAO Cun-Chen. On the stabilization of nonlinear neuteal multi-delay control systems[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2005, 35(5):763-767.


131. Limin Sun, Cunchen GAO, Yonggui Kao, Diankun Wang. Guaranteed cost control of linear uncertain systems with time-varying delays in state and input: an LIM approach [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 40-47.

    孙立民,高存臣,考永贵,王殿坤.状态与控制均含时变时滞的线性不确定系统的保成本控制-一个矩阵不等式方法[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 40-47. SCI-2006-ZX427.

132. Yonggui Kao, Cunchen GAO. Quadratic stabilization of linear uncertain systems with multiple time-varying delays in state and input [J]. International journal of information technology, 2005, 11(6): 51-56.

    考永贵,高存臣. 状态与控制均含多时变时滞的线性不确定系统的均方镇定[J].信息技术国际杂志,2005, 11(6): 51-56.SCI-2006-ZX985.

133. Weidong Sun, Cunchen Gao and Qifeng Ren. Fuzzy optimal guaranteed cost control for uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying input and multistate delays [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 472-479.

    孙卫东,高存臣,任启峰.带有时变输入与多状态时滞的不确定非线性系统的模糊最优保成本控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 472-479. SCI-2006-ZX986.

134. Yanping Gao, Cunchen Gao. Quadratic stabilization and H∞ control problems for discrete singular systems with uncertainties and state delay [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 737-744.

    高彦平,高存臣.具有不确定性与状态时滞的离散广义系统的二次镇定与H∞控制问题[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 737-744. SCI-2006-ZX984.

135. Diankun Wang, Cunchen Gao, Yonggui Kao. Robust stability of neutral systems with multiple time-varying delays and norm-bounded uncertainties [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 768-775.

    王殿坤,高存臣, 考永贵.具有范数有界不确定性的多时变时滞中立型系统的鲁棒稳定性[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 768-775. SCI-2006-ZX422.

136. Gao Cunchen,Guo Jifeng. Variable structure control for time-varying nonlinear time-delay singular system [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 1577-1585.

    高存臣,郭继峰.时变非线性时滞广义系统的变结构控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 1577-1585.SCI-2006-ZX968.

137. Gao Cunchen,Guo Jifeng. Sliding mode variable structure control for linear time-delay singular uncertain system [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 1586-1594.

    高存臣,郭继峰.线性时滞广义不确定系统的滑模变结构控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 1586-1594.SCI-2006-ZX424.

138. Yanping Gao, Cunchen Gao.Delay-dependant reliable H∞ control of fuzzy dynamic systems with multiple time-varying delays. [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 1764-1772.

    高彦平,高存臣.带有多时变滞后的模糊动力系统的依赖时滞的可靠H∞控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 1764-1772.SCI-2006-ZX423.

139. Cunchen Gao, Weidong Sun, Yonggui Kao.Fuzzy robust H∞ control of uncertain nonlinear system with input and multistate delays. [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 1805-1812.

    高存臣, 孙卫东, 考永贵.带有输入和多状态时滞的不确定非线性系统的模糊鲁棒H∞控制[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 1805-1812.SCI-2006-ZX866.

140. Li Haiyan,Gao Cunchen.Stabilization of nonlinear time-varying large scale continuous control system with multi-group multi-delay. [J]. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis(A supplementary volume)2005, 843-850.

    李海燕,高存臣.多组多滞后非线性时变大型连续控制系统的镇定[J].连续、离散与脉冲动力系统,A集:数学分析(增刊),2005, 843-850.SCI-2006-ZX185.

141. Gao Cunchen, GUO Jifeng.On the existence of an optimal control of ship automatic steering instrument. [J]. Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2005, 4(2):185-188.

    高存臣,郭继峰.船舶自动驾驶仪的最优控制的存在性[J].中国海洋大学学报(海洋与近海研究,英文版),2005, 4(2):185-188.

142. Xu Liming, Su Mingliang, Zhang Guangfu, Wang Guoqiang, Zhuang Haihan,Gao Cunchen . Compared investigation of mathematical analyses for guan pulse tracings. Chinese Journal of Information on TCM, 2005, 12(7):16-19.

    徐黎明,宿明良,张广福,王国强,庄海涵,高存臣.关脉信号数学分析法对比研究[J].中国中医药信息杂志,2005, 12(7):16-19.

143. Qu Jingru, GAO Cun-chen. Stability of large-scale time-delays systems with unidirectional strong coupling[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2005, 35(1):073-075.

    曲镜如,高存臣.具有单向强耦合的时滞大系统的稳定性[J].中国海洋大学学报,2005, 35(1): 73-75.


144. Gao Cun-Chen, Zhang Jian-guo, Wang Yan-yuan. Optimum velocity design and its application to race(Chinese). Control and Decision, 2004, 19(2): 199-203.

    高存臣,张建国,王延源.赛跑的最优速度设计及其应用[J].控制与决策,2004. 19(2): 199-203.

145. Wang Yan-yuan, Gao Cun-Chen. The Fixed of Mixed Type Monotone Operator and Application to Differential Equation Sets (Chinese). Periodical Ocean University of China, 2004, 34(4): 673-677.

    王延源,高存臣.混合型单调算子的不动点及其在微分方程组中的应用[J].中国海洋大学学报,2004, 34(4): 673-677.

146. Haiyan Li, Cunchen Gao. Stabilization of interval coefficient nonlinear time-invariant large-scale continuous control system with multi-group multi-delay[C]. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P.R.China, Vol.1: PP. 127-131. EI Accession number:04388368581.

  李海燕,高存臣.多组多滞后区间系数非线性定常大型连续控制系统的镇定[C].第五届全球智能控制与自动化大会会议论文集.杭州:IEEE出版,2004, Vol.1: PP. 127-131. EI Accession number:04388368581.

147. Jingru Qu, Cunchen Gao. Stabilization decomposition of a class of nonlinear neutral time-variant large-scale control system[C]. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P.R.China, Vol.1: PP. 132-136. EI Accession number: 04388368582.

    曲镜如,高存臣.一类非线性中立型时变大型控制系统的镇定分解[C].第五届全球智能控制与自动化大会会议论文集.杭州:IEEE出版,2004, Vol.1: PP. 132-136. EI Accession number: 04388368582.

148. Li Haiyan, Gao Cunchen. On the robust stability of interval coefficient nonlinear time-invariant large-scale continuous control system with multi-group multi-delay. Ann. of Diff. Eqs., 2004, 20(4): 360-368.

    李海燕,高存臣.多组多滞后区间系数非线性定常大型连续控制系统的鲁棒稳定性[J].微分方程年刊,2004, 20(4): 360-368.

149. Xu Qing, Gao Cunchen, Wang Junjie. A method for stochastic seismic response analysis of non-classically damped structures[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2004, 3(1):1-10. EI Accession number:04408396093

    徐清,高存臣,王君杰.非典型深度结构的随机响应分析方法[J].地震工程与工程振动,2004, 3(1):1-10. EI Accession number:04408396093

150. GAO Cun-chen, WANG Xian-jie. Robust control of singular perturbation system with matching uncertainty [J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2004, 34(5):918-920.

    高存臣,王宪杰.具有匹配不确定的奇异摄动系统的鲁棒控制[J].中国海洋大学学报,2004, 34(5):918-920.

151. Gao Cunchen. Research and practice for text method in high university[J]. High Education Research of Ocean University of China, 2004, No.3, PP. 61-63.

    高存臣. 高校考试方法的研究与实践[J]. 中国海洋大学高教研究, 2004, No.3, PP. 61-63.

152. WANG Xian-jie, GAO Cun-chen. Robust control of singular perturbation system in the presence of bounded disturbances[J]. Electric Machines and Control, 2004, 8(1): 48-50,59.

    王宪杰,高存臣.具有有界扰动的奇异摄动系统的鲁棒稳定性[J].电机与控制学报,2004, 8(1): 48-50,59.

153. Kao Yonggui, Gao Cunchen . Compound memory and memoryless feedback control for linear uncertain state-delay systems. Chinese High Technology Letters, 2005, 14(Sup.): 91-95.

    考永贵,高存臣.线性不确定时滞系统的记忆与无记忆 状态反馈控制[J].高技术通讯,2004.12, 14(增刊):91-95.


155. 王延源; 高存臣.混合型单调算子对的不动点研究及其在微分方程组的应用. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) 2004/04

156. A method for stochastic seismic response analysis of non-classically damped structures 徐清; 高存臣; 王君杰 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 2004/01

157. 王宪杰; 高存臣.具有有界扰动的奇异摄动系统鲁棒稳定性. 电机与控制学报 2004/01

158. Jingru Qu, Cunchen GAO. Robust Stability for linear uncertain systems with multi-delays[J]. Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications, DCDIS Proceedings 2, 2004, 227-231.

    曲镜如,高存臣.多时滞线性不确定系统的鲁棒稳定性[J].脉冲动力系统与应用(加拿大),2004, 227-231.


159. 王宪杰; 高存臣.线性不确定奇异摄动系统的稳定控制鲁棒界. 控制与决策 2003/04

160. Gao Cun-Chen. The research advanced of variable structure control with time-delays (Chinese). Control and Decision. 2003, 18(Suppl.2): 305-308.

    高存臣.时滞变结构控制系统的研究进展.控制与决策, 2003, 18(增刊): 305-308.

161. Wang Xian-jie, Gao Cun-Chen. Robust bounds of stable controllers for linear uncertain singular perturbation systems (Chinese). Control and Decision. 2003, 18(4): pp. 487-489.

    王宪杰,高存臣.线性不确定奇摄动系统的稳定控制器鲁棒界. 控制与决策, 2003, 18(4): 487-489.

162. Gao Cun-Chen, Yi Chun-lin, Wang Yan-yuan. Oscillations of mixed type equations with variable coefficients and multiple deviating arguments. Journal of Yantai College of Education, 2003, 9(2): 33-39; 47.

    高存臣,衣春林, 王延源.多个偏差变元的变系数混合型方程的振动性. 烟台教育学院学报, 2003, 9(2): 33-39; 47.


163. Gao Cun-Chen, Tang Gong-You, Yuan Fu-Shun. Stabilization of Neutral Linear Time Invariant Control Systems with Multi-group Time-delays. Proceeding of the ’02 China Control and Decision Conference, 2002, pp. 79-84. (First award of the ’02 China Control and Decision Conference)

    高存臣, 唐功友, 袁付顺. 多组时滞中立型线性定常控制系统的镇定. 2002中国控制与决策学术会议论文集, 2002, 79-84.(获2002年中国控制与决策学术会议优秀论文一等奖).

164. Gao Cun-Chen,Tang Rui-na, Li Mei-Zhen. Stabilization of Neutral Linear Time variant Control Systems with Multi-group Time-delays of State and Control. Proceeding of the ’02 China Control and Decision Conference, 2002, pp. 85-89.

    高存臣, 唐瑞娜, 李美贞. 多组时滞中立型线性时变控制系统的镇定. 2002中国控制与决策学术会议论文集, 2002, 85-89.

165. Zhang Xin-Zheng, Deng Ze-Ming, Gao Cun-Chen. Quasi-sliding mode VSC for discrete linear constant system with time delay. Zidonghua Xuebao/ Acta Automatica Sinica, v 28, n 4, July, 2002, p 625-630. EI02427142704, Accession number:02427142704.

    张新政, 邓则名, 高存臣. 滞后离散线性定常控制系统的准滑模变结构控制. 自动化学报, 2002, 28(4): 625-630. EI02427142704.

166. Cun-Chen Gao. Designing robust sliding modes for parametric uncertain systems with time-delay. Proceedings of the 21th Chinese Control Conference, Zhejiang University Press,2002,51-56.

    高存臣. 时滞参数不确定系统的鲁棒滑模设计[C].第21届中国控制会议论文集, 浙江大学出版社, 2002, 51-56.

167. Cun-Chen Gao. Design of robust sliding hyperplanes for parametric uncertain systems with time-delay[J]. Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C (in France), 2002, 57(4): pp.49-60. EI04228185586, Accession number: 04228185586.

    高存臣.时滞参数不确定系统的鲁棒滑动超平面设计[J].建模与分析进展, C(法国), 2002, 57(4): pp.49-60. EI04228185586, Accession number: 04228185586.

168. Qu Jingru, Gao Cunchen. Stabilizing decomposition of nonlinear neutral time-invariant large-scale control systems. Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese Control Conference (Press in Wuhan Technology), August 11~14,2003, Yichang, 351-355.

    曲镜如,高存臣.非线性中立型定常大型控制系统的镇定分解. 第22届中国控制会议论文集, 2002, 中国宜昌, 351-355.


169. Gao Cun-Chen, Approach variable structure control of the neutral linear systems with multidelays (Chinese). See to “Proc. On the 20th Control Conference in China”, Press of Dalian University of Technology, 2001, 136-141. (with Tao SUN)

170. Tao SUN, Cun-Chen Gao.Approach variable structure control of the neutral linear systems with delays (Chinese). Journal of Xiangtan University, 2001, 23: 203-207.

171. Gao Cun-Chen. Mathematics Model (Chinese). Hainan Press. 2001. (with Fengchen Zhang).

172. 李锋杰; 刘丙辰; 李发宝; 高存臣.关于函数的一致连续问题.烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 2001/04

173. 王向阳; 杨红颖; 高存臣.一种新的分“档”快速排序算法. 小型微型计算机系统 2001/08

174. Wang, Xiangyang; Yang, Hongying; Gao, Cunchen. The image compression based on wavelet transform. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2001, 2001(15): 82-84,159.

    王向阳,杨红颖,高存臣.基于小波变换的有损图像压缩算法研究.计算机工程与应用,2001, 2001(15): 82-84,159.

175. Wang, Xiangyang; Yang, Hongying; Gao, Cunchen. The image compression based on wavelet transform and improved LBG vector quantization. Micro Electronics and Computer, 2001, 2001(4): 60-64.

    王向阳,杨红颖,高存臣.小波变换在图象压缩中的应用.微电子学与计算机,2001, 2001(15): 82-84,159.

176. Wang, Xiangyang; Yang, Hongying; Gao, Cunchen. New algorithm for classification and quick sort. Xiaoxing Weixing Jisuanji Xitong, 2001, 22(8): 971-973. EI:Accession number:01506761026.

    王向阳,杨红颖,高存臣.一种新的分“档”快速排序算法.小型微型计算机系统, 2001, 22(8): 971-973.


177. Tang Rui-Na, Yan Qing-Xu, Gao Cun-Chen. On the periodic solution and the controllability of compound-type periodical systems (Chinese). Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2000, 32(2):174-179.

178. Wenlan Yang, Cun-Chen Gao. Methodology and epistemology in systems science: philosophical consideration (Chinese). Yantai Teachers College Journal, 2000, 17(4): 25-30. (with)

179. Xiaohua Liu, Xiuhong Wang, Cun-Chen Gao. An approach of the fuzzy weighted inputs to the generalized predictive control. Proc. of the 3rd Asian Control Congress, Shanghai, 2000, 456-459.

180. Cun-Chen Gao, Meizhen Li. Analysis and synthesis of two-order linear time invarying neutral variable structure control systems with delays (Chinese). Proc. of the 19th Chinese Control Conference, HK, 2000, 671-676.

181. Qingxu Yan, Runa Tang, Cun-Chen Gao. Periodic solution and controllability for a kind of composed periodical systems (Chinese). Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2000, 30(2): 174-179.

182. Baolin Zhang, Cun-Chen Gao. Design and realization for information circle function in FoxPro (Chinese). Computering Engineering, 2000, 26(7): 36-37;88. Accession number:EI00115399570

183. 杨文兰; 高存臣.系统科学中的方法论与认识论的哲学思考. 烟台师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2000/04

184. 张宝琳; 高存臣.信息框函数MSGBOX()在Foxpro中的设计及实现.计算机工程 2000/07

185. 阎庆旭; 唐瑞娜; 高存臣.一类混合型周期系统的周期解及其能控性. 数学的实践与认识 2000/02

186. 衣春林; 许文杰; 高存臣.卷积型积分方程的求解方法. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 2000/01


187. Cun-Chen Gao, Zhen’guang Yang, Xinzheng Zhang , Yongqing Liu. Fundamental principle and synthesis of VSC for nonlinear neutral control systems with time-delays. Proc. of the 14th World Congress of IFAC, Beijing, 1999, Vol.E:99-104.

188. Cun-Chen Gao, Xiaohua Liu, Ruina Tang, Huichao Zou. Optimal regulator for neutral control systems with multi-delays. Proc. of the 14th World Congress of IFAC, Beijing, 1999, Vol.F:275-280.

189. Cun-Chen Gao, Yongqing Liu, Xinzheng Zhang. Variable structure control for neutral linear systems with delays (Chinese). Control Theory and Applications, 1999,16(2): 248-251.

190. 刘爱德; 孙盛杰; 高存臣.奇偶函数及其性质研究. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1999/04

191. 高存臣; 张新政; 刘永清.时滞中立型线性系统的变结构控制. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1999/03

192. 高存臣; 张新政; 刘永清.时滞中立型线性系统的变结构控制 控制理论与应用 1999/02


193. The dynamic behaviour of three cell cellular neural network. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 1998, 7(3): 309-314. EI98084355564, Accession number: 98084355564. (with Limin Sun and Yinglin Yu)

194. Almost periodic solution to singular systems (Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43(3): 325-328. SCI-ZX142. (with Jiarong Liang and Yongqing Liu)

195. Variable Structure Control of Delay Systems (Chinese). Press in South China University of Technology, 1998. (with Yongqing Liu and Fushun Yuan)  

196. Qusi-sliding mode variable structure control of linear discrete systems with time-delays (Chinese). See to Theory and Applications of Ordinary Differential Equations, Hainan Press Company, 1998, 153-158. (with Tiancheng Wang and Yongqing Liu)

197. Structure and interconnected stabilization of the multigroup multidelays neutral time-varying interconnected control systems with the delay input control. Control Theory and Applications, 1998, 15(5):794-801. (with Xinzheng Zhang and Yongqing Liu)

198. Variable structure control of neutral interconnected control systems with delays (Chinese). Control Theory and Applications, 1998, 15(3):358-363.(with Li Wang and Yongqing Liu)

199. Periodic solution of high-order neutral periodical systems (Chinese). Journal of Yantai Teachers University, 1998, 14(3): 11-16. (with Zhensheng Luo and Aide Liu)

200. Development orientation of computer management and control in modern enterprise (Chinese). Journal of Yantai Teachers University, 1998, supplement: 51-56. (with Zhensheng Luo)

201. 罗振声; 刘爱德; 高存臣.高阶混合型周期系统的周期解. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1998/04

202. 张新政; 刘小华; 高存臣.多组多滞后中立型线性时变关联控制系统的结构与关联镇定(英文).控制理论与应用 1998/05

203. 王立; 高存臣; 刘永清.滞后中立型关联控制系统的滑动模变结构控制. 控制理论与应用 1998/03

204. 梁家荣; 应益荣; 刘永清; 高存臣.广义离散系统的周期解. 长安大学学报(建筑与环境科学版) 1998/01

205. 梁家荣; 刘永清; 高存臣.广义系统的概周期解.科学通报 1998/03


206. Sliding mode variable structure control of neutral systems with time-delays. See to “Proc. Of the ’97 Control and Decision Conference in China”, Press of North-East University, 1997, Lushan, 191-195. (with Ruina Tang)

207. Structure and interconnected stabilization of the neutral type linear time-invarying interconnected control systems with multigroup multidelays(2). Journal of Biomathematics, 1997, 12(3): 289-299. (with Xinzheng Zhang and Yongqing Liu)

208. Research summaries on VSC for composite with time-delays. Proc. of the 2nd Chinese World Congress on Intelligence Control and Intelligence Automation, Xi’an Jiaotong Uni. Press, 1997, 1757-1762. (with Yongqing liu)

209. Structure and interconnected stabilization of the neutral time-varying interconnected control systems with multigroup multidelays. Proc. of the 2nd Chinese World Congress on Intelligence Control and Intelligence Automation, Xi’an Jiaotong Uni. Press, 1997, 1178-1183. (with Xinzheng Zhang and Yongqing Liu)

210. Variable structure control method for linear time-varying singular systems with delays in basic theory (Chinese). Control and Decision. 1997, 12(3): 508-511. EI97093823315, Accession number: 97093823315. (with Yuanqing Li, Qingyun Dai and Yongqing Liu)

211. Output variable structure control of distributed parameter systems (Chinese). Control Theory and Applications, 1997,14(2): 244-248. EI97083791956, Accession number:97083791956. (with Dong Yue and Yongqing Liu)

212. Lyapunov function method for sliding mode control design of distributed parameter systems (Chinese). Journal of Chinese Mining University. 1997, 26(1):12-15. EI: Accession number:97123977706 (with Dong Yue, Shifan Xu and Yongqing Liu)

213. Robust control of a kind undetermined singular perturbation systems (Chinese). Control Theory and Applications, 1997, 14(5): 742-747. (with Dong Yue and Yongqing Liu)  

214. Analysis and Synthesis of Variable Structure Control Systems with Delays (Chinese). Doctorate Degree Paper of Soth China University of Technology, 1997.

215. 李远清; 戴青云; 高存臣; 刘永清.滞后广义系统基本理论中的变结构控制法 控制与决策 1997/S1

216. 岳东; 高存臣; 刘永清.一类不确定奇异摄动系统的鲁棒控制. 控制理论与应用 1997/05

217. 岳东; 刘永清; 高存臣.分布参数系统的输出变结构控制. 控制理论与应用 1997/02

218. 岳东; 许世范; 刘永清; 高存臣.分布参数系统滑动模控制设计的Lyapunov函数方法. 中国矿业大学学报 1997/01


219. The periodic solution of higher-order neutral type linear periodic systems with constant coefficients (Chinese). Journal System Science and Mathematical Sciences, 1996, 16(4): 296-300. (with Jundong Bao)

220. Sliding mode compensator method of linear neutral control systems with delays (Chinese). Control and Decision. 1996, 11(5): 551-556. EI96103365082, Accession number:96103365082. (with Wang Li and Yongqing Liu)

221. Stabilizing decomposition of neutral linear time-invariant large- scale control systems with multi-group multi-delays. Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 1996, 5(2): 137-146. (with Yongqing liu)

222. Variable structure control of multi- delays neutral nonlinear large-scale control systems with the delay input control. Journal of South China University of Technology, 25(5): 102-108. EI96083280391, Accession number:96083280391. (with Yongqing liu)

223. On the design of decentralized VS controllers of neutral nonlinear large scale control systems with delays. Proc. of the IEEE Intern. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1996, Vol.1: 292-297. EI97-023525882, Accession number:97023525882. (with Yongqing liu)

224. Periodic solution of higher-order neutral type periodic systems (Chinese). Journal of Biomathematics, 1996, 11(3): 189-194. (with Meizhen Li)

225. Variable structure control of undetermined coefficient neutral control systems with the delay in input control (Chinese). See to Proc. of 5th Stability Theory and Applications in Ordinary Differential Equations Conference in China. Dalian Maritime University Press, 1996, 148-154. (with Yongqing liu)

226. Applications of neural network and sound spectrum analytical technique on the bearing breakdown diagnosis (Chinese). Bearing, 1996, 8: 2-5. (with Xiangdong Gao and Shisheng Huang)

227. Structure and interconnected robust stabilization of the interval coefficient time-varying nonlinear interconnected control systems with multi-group multi-delays (Chinese). Control and Decision. 1996, 11(4): 457-462. EI96083283877, Accession number:96083283877. (with Xinzheng Zhang and Yongqing Liu)

228. Stability of a kind of variable structure control systems. Ann. Diff. Eqs, 1996, 12(4): 405-412. (with Yongqing Liu)

229. Stabilization of neutral linear time-invariant control systems with multi-group multi-delays (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1996, 48(3):45-52. EI97093823815, Accession number: 97093823815. (with Jinxiang Wang and Yongqing Liu)

230. Stabilization of neutral linear time-invariant control systems with multi-group multi-delays (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1996, 48(3):37-44. (with Jinxiang Wang and Yongqing Liu)

231. Simulation of a variable structure controller for an arc welding inverter. Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1996, 48(2): 59-64. EI97093815037, Accession number: 97093815037. (with Jinxiang Wang and Shisheng Huang)

232. Stabilization of neutral time-varying control systems with multi-group multi-delays (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1996, 48(3):53-60. EI97093823816, Accession number: 97093823816. (with Yongqing liu and Chunlin Yi)

233. Stabilization of neutral time-varying control systems with multi-group multi-delays (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1996, 48(3):61-68. (with Yongqing liu and Chunlin Yi)


235. 张新政; 刘永清; 高存臣.多组多滞后区间系数定常非线性关联控制大系统的结构与关联鲁棒镇定(I). 生物数学学报 1996/04

236. 高存臣; 包俊东.高阶常系数中立型线性周期系统的周期解. 系统科学与数学 1996/04

237. 高存臣; 王立; 刘永清.线性时滞中立型控制系统的滑动模补偿器方法. 控制与决策 1996/05

238. 李美贞; 高存臣.高阶中立型周期系统的周期解. 生物数学学报 1996/03

239. 高向东; 黄石生; 高存臣.神经网络及声谱分析技术在轴承故障诊断中的应用. 轴承 1996/08

240. 张新政; 刘永清; 高存臣.多组多滞后区间系数时变非线性关联控制系统的结构与关联鲁棒镇定(Ⅱ). 控制与决策 1996/04

241. 高存臣; 王立; 刘永清.线性时滞中立型控制系统的滑动模补偿器方法. 控制与决策 1996/04

242. 高存臣; 刘永清具有时滞控制的多时滞中立型非线性大系统的变结构控制(英文). 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) 1996/05


243. Stabilization of large scale control systems with multi-group time-delays (Chinese). Control and Decision. 1995, 10(1): 34-39. EI95102908973, Accession number:95102908973. (with Fenyong Zheng)

244. Stability of Variable structure control systems. Proceedings of 1995 American Control Conference. Washington, June 21-23, 1995, 1538-1539. EI95-192235; ISTP96(2)-P68052-1538; TAG No.BD66H, Accession number:95092859481. (with Yongqing liu)

245. Robust stability of interval coefficient linear continue control systems with multi-group time-delays (I) (Chinese). Proc. of 1995 Control and Decision Conference. North-East University Press, Chengdu, 1995, 9-12. (with Yongqing liu)

246. Robust stability of interval coefficient linear continue control systems with multi-group time-delays (II) (Chinese). Proc. of 1995 Control and Decision Conference. North-East University Press, Chengdu, 1995, 13-17. (with Yongqing liu)

247. On the robust stability of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-invarying control systems with multi-group multi-delays (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1995, 45(1): 53-63. EI95-29453; Accession number:95052700610. (with Yongqing Liu)

248. On the robust stability of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-invarying control systems with multi-group multi-delays (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1995, 45(2): 11-20. EI95-29455; Accession number:95052700612. (with Yongqing Liu)

249. On the robust stability of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-varying control systems with multi-group multi-delays (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1995, 45(2): 1-10. EI95-29454; Accession number:95052700611. (with Yongqing Liu)

250. On the robust stability of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-varying control systems with multi-group multi-delays (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1995, 45(2): 21-30. EI95-121588, Accession number:95052700613. (with Yongqing Liu)

251. The change of living rate of gemma bacillus for freeze vacuum drying method and emery tube method in preserving process (Chinese). Industrial Microorganism. 1995, 25(3): 29-33. (with Pinzhu Wang, Tingsheng Li and Jinzi Li)

255. Realization of higher-order neural network from finite set ACRn→BCR (Chinese). Guangzhou Automatic, 1995, 16(4): 6-9. (with Xiangdong Gao and Jinyan Li)

256. 高向东; 李金艳; 高存臣.有限集AR_n→有限集BR的高阶神经网络实现. 广州自动化 1995/04

257. 王平诸; 李廷生; 李锦子; 高存臣; 任中原.芽孢杆菌冷冻真空干燥法和砂管法保藏过程中存活率的变化. 工业微生物 1995/03

258. 高存臣; 郑奋勇多组时滞大型控制系统的镇定. 控制与决策 1995/01


259. Periodic solution of two-order composed type periodic systems (Chinese). Journal of Biomathematics, 1994, 9(3): 204-209. (with Meizhen Li)

260. Oscillation of the varying coefficient composed type functional differential equations (Chinese). Journal Hefei Industrial University, 1994, 17(2): 83-89. (with Xintan Shi and Chunlin Yi)

261. Stabilization of linear time-varying large scale control systems with the multi-group time-delays (Chinese). Journal Shandong Industrial University, 1994, 24(2): 147-153. (with Chunlin Yi)

262. The control representative to a kind of control systems determined by partial differential equation of the hyperbolic type. Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1994, 40(3): 1-11. EI94061314564, Accession number:94061314564. (with Fenyong Zheng)

263. On the decomposition problem of the multi-groups multi-delays neutral type linear large-scale control systems in the theory of stabilization (4). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1994, 40(1): 1-16. EI94061314552, Accession number: 94061314552. (with Yongqing Liu)

264. Find solution method and its applications of a kind of new method of variation (Chinese). Journal Yantai Teachers College, 1994, 10(1): 8-13. (with Qingxu Yan)

265. Stabilization of time-invarying large scale control systems with the multi-group time-delays. See to Proceedings ’94 Control and Decision Conference, North-East University Press, Xiamen, 1994, 47-51. (with Zhenguang Yang, Xiuhong Wang and Tiancheng Wang)

266. Stabilization of time-varying large scale control systems with the multi-group time-delays (Chinese). See to Proc. of the 1st Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automatic Conference, North-East University Press, Shenyang, 1994, 802-807. (with Limin Sun)

267. 二阶混合型周期系统的周期解 高存臣 生物数学学报 1994/03

268. 多组时滞线性时变大型控制系统的镇定 高存臣; 衣春林 山东工业大学学报 1994/02

269. 变系数混合型方程的振动性 高存臣; 石心坦; 衣春林 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) 1994/02

270. 一类新变分问题的解法及其应用 闫庆旭; 马延华; 高存臣 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1994/01


271. On the decomposition problem of the multi-groups multi-delays neutral type linear large-scale control systems in the theory of stabilization (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(4): 29-41. EI94-050125; Accession number:94031226293. (with Yongqing Liu)

272. Cunchen Gao, Yongqing Liu. Robust stabilization of interval coefficients neutral time-invarying large-scale control systems with multi-groups multi-delays (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(3): 1-13. EI94-056504; Accession number:94031226286.

273. Yongqing Liu , Cunchen Gao. Robust stabilization of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-varying large-scale control systems with multi-groups multi-delays (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(3): 15-28. EI94-056505; Accession number:94031226287.

274. Cunchen Gao, Yongqing Liu. On the robust stability of interval coefficients neutral type linear constant control systems with multi-groups multi-delays. Proceedings of 1993 American Control Conference, San Francisco, 1993, 1037-1040. EI94-007212,Accession number:93101088367; ISTP93(12)-P139; CCA94-52774.

275. On the decomposition problem of the multi-groups multi-delays neutral type linear large-scale control systems in the theory of stabilization (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(4): 13-28. EI94-050124; Accession number:94031226292. (with Yongqing Liu)

276. On the decomposition problem of the multi-groups multi-delays neutral type linear large-scale control systems in the theory of stabilization (3). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(4): 43-57. EI94-050126, Accession number:94031226294. (with Yongqing Liu)

277. Robust stabilization of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-invarying large-scale control systems with multi-groups multi-delays (1). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(2): 51-63. EI94-035235,Accession number:94011196266. (with Yongqing Liu)

278. Robust stabilization of interval coefficients neutral type linear time-varying large-scale control systems with multi-groups multi-delays (2). Advances in Modelling & Analysis, C, 1993, 39(3): 29-43. EI94-056506; Accession number:94031226288. (with Yongqing Liu)

279. Oscillation of composed type one-order differential inequality (Chinese; Abstract). See to Yuanxun Qin: Theory and Its Applications for Ordinary Differential Equations, Science Press, 1993, 232. (with Ruina Tang)

280. Oscillation of composed type one-order differential inequality (Chinese). Journal Yantai Teachers College, 1993, 9(4): 22-26. (with Ruina Tang)

281. A new uniqueness Theorem of differential equation with multi time-delays (Chinese). Journal Yantai Teachers College, 1993, 9(3): 26-29. (with Bao Shi)

282. The stabilization for the multi-groups multi-delays the neutral type linear control systems (2). Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control, 1993, Vol.1: 542-552. (with Yongqing Liu)

283. The stabilization for the multi-groups multi-delays the neutral type linear control systems (4). Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control, 1993, Vol.1: 564-575. (with Yongqing Liu)

284. The stabilization for the multi-groups multi-delays the neutral type linear control systems (1). Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control, 1993, Vol.1: 530-541. (with Yongqing Liu)

285. The stabilization for the multi-groups multi-delays the neutral type linear control systems (3). Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control, 1993, Vol.1: 553-563. (with Yongqing Liu)

286. On robust stability and stabilization for multi-group multi-delays neutral type (large-scale) control systems. Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling Simulation and Control, 1993, Vol.1: 8-20. (with Yongqing Liu)

287. Stabilization of interval coefficients large-scale control systems with multi-group delays (Chinese). Proceedings of 1st Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automatic Conference, Beijing, Science press, 1993, 1851-1855. (with Limin Sun)

288. Expanded of delay stabilization domain for linear time-varying control systems with delays (Chinese). See to Proceedings ’93 Control and Decision Conference in China, North-East University Press, Huangshan, 1993, 100-104.

289. 高存臣; 唐瑞娜.混合型一阶微分不等式的振动性. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1993/04

290. 时宝; 高存臣.多时滞微分方程的一个新的唯一性定理. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1993/03


291. Periodic solution of two-order composed type periodic systems (Chinese). Journal Yantai Teachers College, 1992, 8(1-2): 1-4.

292. Asymptotic stability of a kind of n-order autonomous systems. Journal Naval Air Engineering College, 1992, 7(4): 75-80. (with Bao Shi)

293. 赵玉松; 高存臣.无限多个变量之和与积. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1992/04

294. 高存臣.二阶常系数线性混合型周期系统的周期解. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1992/Z1


295. The sufficient and necessary conditions of oscillation for a kind of neutral type differential equations. Journal Yantai Teachers College, 1991, 7(2): 7-11.

296. 李庆春; 高存臣.数学分析中关于培养能力与发展智力的教学. 滨州师专学报 1991/04

297. 高存臣; 闫庆旭.一类线性中立型微分方程振动的充要条件. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1991/02

298. 高存臣.两类混合型泛函微分方程解的存在性的统一讨论. 烟台师范学院学报(自然科学版) 1988/01   

299. Unified discussion of existence of solution for two-order composed functional differential equations. Journal Yantai Teachers College, 1988, 4(4): 25-33.


1 基于扰动动态补偿的非匹配离散广义滑模控制 刘云龙; 高存臣; 丛心尉 第三十届中国控制会议 中国会议 2011-07-22

2 一类线性不确定系统的模糊滑模控制 陈文轶; 高存臣 Proceedings of 2011 International conference on Intelligent Computation and Industrial Application(ICIA 2011 V2) 国际会议 2011-06-18

3 基于理想趋近律的滑模变结构控制 唐述宏; 高存臣; 刘云龙; 孟波 Proceedings of 2010 Third International Conference on Education Technology and Training(Volume 5) 国际会议 2010-11-27

4 一类线性不确定系统的模糊滑模控制 陈文轶; 高存臣 Proceedings of 2010 Second International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and E-Government (EEEE 2010) Volume 2 国际会议 2010-09-04

5 基于LMIs和双线性变换方法的离散系统H_∞模型降阶 宫晓阳; 孙敏慧; 高存臣; 杨春娜 第二十九届中国控制会议 中国会议 2010-07-29

6 基于观测器的时变时滞离散系统的变结构控制 刘现明; 高存臣 第二十九届中国控制会议 中国会议 2010-07-29

7 关于部分变元渐近稳定性的几个新判据 宫晓阳; 孙敏慧; 高存臣 Proceedings of 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference 中国会议 2010-05-26

8 凸胞型不确定时滞系统的变结构控制 王春花; 高存臣; 赵林 Proceedings of 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference 中国会议 2010-05-26

9 一类多时滞不确定分布参数系统的滑动模控制 林英; 高存臣; 赵林 Proceedings of 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference 中国会议 2010-05-26

10 Global exponentially stability for time-delay and time-varying measure large scale systems with impulsive effects 刘云龙; 高存臣; 李云艳; 刘现明 2009年中国智能自动化会议 中国会议 2009-09-27

11 状态与输入具有时滞的离散广义系统状态反馈H_∞控制 毕淑慧; 高存臣; 任启峰 第25届中国控制会议 中国会议 2006-08-01

12 一类离散多滞后不确定系统的鲁棒控制 考永贵; 高存臣 第二十三届中国控制会议 中国会议 2004-08-01

13 多滞后中立型线性系统的近似变结构控制 高存臣; 孙涛 第二十届中国控制会议 国际会议 2001-08-10

14 多滞后中立型线性系统的近似变结构控制 高存臣; 孙涛 第二十届中国控制会议 中国会议 2001-08-01

15 二阶线性定常滞后中立型变结构控制系统的分析与综合 高存臣; 李美贞 第十九届中国控制会议 中国会议 2000-12-01

16 时滞中立型系统的滑动模变结构控制 高存臣; 唐瑞娜 1997中国控制与决策学术年会 中国会议 1997-05-01

17 多组多滞后区间系数线性连续控制系统的鲁棒稳定性(Ⅰ) 高存臣; 刘永清 1995中国控制与决策学术年会 中国会议 1995-05-01

18 多组多滞后区间系数线性连续控制系统的鲁棒稳定性(Ⅱ) 刘永清; 高存臣 1995中国控制与决策学术年会 中国会议 1995-05-01

19 多组时滞定常大型控制系统的镇定 杨振光; 王秀红; 王天成; 高存臣 1994中国控制与决策学术年会 中国会议 1994-05-01

20 滞后线性时变控制系统的滞后镇定域的扩大 高存臣; 郑奋勇 1993中国控制与决策学术年会 中国会议 1993-05-01


1. First award for Achievement of Science and Technology from State Education Commission of China in 1995 (with Yongqing Liu, Gongyou Tang).滞后大系统的稳定镇定与控制(刘永清,唐功友,高存臣,等)国家教委科技进步一等奖,1995.5.

2. Second award for Achievement of Science and Technology from Government of Shandong Province in 2000 (with Binggen Zhang).时滞差分方程与微分方程的振动理论(张炳根,高存臣,时宝,孙立民, 李美贞),山东省自然科学二等奖, 2000.10

3. Third award for Achievement of Science and Technology from Shandong Province Education Commission in 1995, and 1998.

1995:多组多滞后中立型大系统的稳定镇定与控制(高存臣,孙立民,刘永清),山东省教委科技进步三等奖, 1995.11

1998:滞后控制系统的稳定镇定与变结构控制(高存臣,刘永清,岳东,王秀红,李美贞), 山东省教委科技进步三等奖, 1998.11

4. Third award for Achievement of Science and Technology from Science Commission of He’nan Province in 1996, and 1999 (with Pinzhu Wang).

1996:菌种保藏中的数学模型(王平诸,高存臣等), 河南省政府、科技厅、人事厅优秀论文三等奖,1996.8

1999:芽孢杆菌冷冻真空干燥和砂管法保藏过程中存活率的变化(王平诸,高存臣等), 河南省政府、科技厅、人事厅优秀论文三等奖,1999.8


6.2004: 刘文斌,高存臣,刘宝生,方奇志,张若军. 数学模型课程建设与大学生科技创新能力培养. 2004年9月获校级优秀教学成果三等奖, 中国海洋大学颁发.

7.2005: 刘文斌,高存臣,刘宝生,方奇志,张若军. 数学模型课程体系与实验室建设及建模竞赛的培训指导. 2005年2月16日获山东省省级教学成果三等奖, 山东省省级教学成果奖评审委员会颁发.

8.2005:高存臣. 获第一届“交通银行奖励教师基金”. 2005年9月7日由中国海洋大学与交通银行青岛分行联合颁发.

9. 2007: 高存臣, 郭继峰;考永贵;张彩虹;牟丽君. 时滞变结构控制系统的分析与综合,2007年11月获山东高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖, 山东省教育厅颁发. 证书编号:2007Z30869

10.2007:高存臣,考永贵;郭继峰;牟丽君;张理敬. 时滞变结构控制系统的性质与应用研究,2008年6月获青岛市科学技术自然科学奖二等奖, 青岛市人民政府颁发. 证书编号:Z2007-2-4-1,2008年7月发证书.

11.2008: 高存臣, 王林山;吴路;孙敏慧;曲镜如. 《常微分方程》课程建设, 2008年6月获校级优秀教学成果奖, 中国海洋大学颁发. 证书编号: 200817

12. 2008: 高存臣. 2007年中国海洋大学优秀硕士学位论文指导奖, 指导高彦平的论文“时滞不确定广义系统的控制器设计”,2008年3月, 中国海洋大学颁发.

13. 2008: 高存臣. 2008年中国海洋大学优秀硕士学位论文指导奖, 指导孙卫东的论文“自治系统渐近稳定的判别和时滞不确定系统鲁棒控制”,2008年3月, 中国海洋大学颁发. 

14. 2008: 高存臣, 王林山;吴路;孙敏慧;曲镜如. 《常微分方程》, 2008年6月获校级精品课程, 中国海洋大学.

15. 2009: 高存臣, 王林山;方钟波;张若军;孙敏慧;曲镜如. 《常微分方程》, 2009年6月获省级精品课程, 山东省教育厅.

16. 2000:王向阳,高存臣,杨红颖.《数据结构》多媒体教学系统, 获山东省省级优秀教学成果三等奖(第二), 山东省教育厅, 2000.

17. 2009: 高存臣. 2009年山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导奖, 指导刘岩的论文“时滞反应扩散神经网络的稳定性分析”, 2009年, 山东省教育厅颁发.

18. 2009: 高存臣. 2009年中国海洋大学优秀共产党员.

19. 1996-:高存臣. 山东省中青年学术骨干与学科带头人培养对象.







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