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余德浩, 男, 1945年4月生, 浙江宁波人。中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员, 博士生导师。1962年考入中国科学技术大学应用数学系,受教于关肇直、严济慈等著名科学家, 1967年毕业。1978年考入中国科学院计算中心, 成为著名数学家冯康院士的研究生。

余德浩长期从事计算数学研究工作, 主持并完成多项国家自然科学重点基金、面上基金、国家攀登计划、国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划)、中国科学院重点基金及数学特别支持等项目, 1997-2004年曾任国家攀登计划预选项目及国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目“大规模科学计算研究”专家组成员。迄今已在自然边界元、自适应有限元、自适应边界元、超奇异积分计算、边界元与有限元耦合法、区域分解算法等方向在国内外发表论文120余篇, 出版中英文专著各一本。其中《自然边界元方法的数学理论》被科学出版社列为纯粹数学与应用数学专著于1993年出版。国外Kluwer Academic Publishers于2002年出版其英文专著“Natural Boundary Integral Method and Its Applications” (MIA539),2006年又由科学出版社在国内重印发行。2003年科学出版社出版其研究生教材《微分方程数值解法》(与汤华中合作),迄今已重印多次。这些论著在国内外同行中有较大影响, 获得了高度评价和广泛引用,认为开辟了边界元研究的新方向,引发了一系列后继工作。2015年科学出版社将再版其专著《自然边界积分方法及其应用》。

























1.  1985.7--1986.7, 美国马里兰大学物理科学与技术研究所,访问学者(Visiting Research Associate),合作者: I. Babuska教授。

2.  1986.8--1988.3, 德国斯图加特大学数学研究所,洪堡研究员(“Alexander von Humboldt”Research Fellow),合作者: W.L. Wendland教授。



杜其奎(南京师范大学教授),郑权(北方工业大学教授), 邬吉明(北京应用物理与计算数学研究所研究员),康彤(中国传媒大学教授),贾祖朋(北京应用物理与计算数学研究所研究员),吴正朋(中国传媒大学副教授),黄红英(浙江海洋学院副教授),杨菊娥(兰州大学讲师),刘阳(北京应用物理与计算数学研究所副研究员),刘东杰(上海大学副教授),张晓平(武汉大学副教授),李金(山东建筑大学副教授)。


吕理强, 吴志明,高冰,赵龙花,谢辉(后4人已在美国获得博士学位)。












1.  偏微分方程数值解,有限元方法;

2.  积分方程数值解,边界元方法;

3.  自适应有限元与自适应边界元方法;

4.  有限元与自然边界元耦合算法(DtN算法);

5.  人工边界方法,****区域分解算法;

6.  奇异及超奇异积分的数值计算方法。


1.  洪堡研究基金(德国), 1986--1988。

2.  国家自然科学基金, 1988--1990。

3.  国家自然科学基金, 1991--1993。

4.  国家自然科学基金, 1995--1997。

5.  国家自然科学重点基金, 1994--1998。

6.  中国科学院数学特别支持费,1990--1993。

7.  中国科学院数学特别支持费,1994--1996。

8.  中国科学院数学特别支持费,1997--1999。

9.  中国科学院重点基金,1996--2000。

10. 中国科学院知识创新经费,1999--2001。

11. 国家攀登计划项目,1997--2000。

12. 国家重点基础研究发展规划(‘973’)项目,1999--2004。

13. 国家重点基础研究发展规划(‘973’) 项目, 2005--2010。

14. 国家自然科学重点基金, 2006--2009。

15. 中国科学院国家奖获得者奖励经费,2009至今。





[1] 余德浩, 自然边界元方法的数学理论, 科学出版社, 北京, 1993.

(D.H. Yu, Mathematical Theoyr of Natural Boundary Element Method, Science Press, Beijing, 1993)

[2] D.H. Yu, The Natural Boundary Integral Method and Its Applications, Science Press & Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

[3] 余德浩,自然边界积分方法及其应用,科学出版社,北京,2015.


[3] 余德浩, 汤华中, 微分方程数值解法, 科学出版社, 北京, 2003.


[1] 余德浩, 重调和椭圆边值问题的正则积分方程,计算数学, 4:3(1982), 330--336.

(D.H. Yu, Canonical integral equations of bi-harmonic elliptic boundary value problems, Math. Numer. Sinica, 4:3(1982), 330-336.)

[2] D.H. Yu, Numerical solutions of harmonic and biharmonic canonical integral equations in interior or exterior circular domains, J. Comp. Math., 1:1(1983), 52--62.

[3] 余德浩, 断裂及凹角扇形域上调和正则积分方程的数值解,数值计算与计算机应用, 4:3(1983), 183--188.

(D.H. Yu, Numerical solution of harmonic canonical integral equation over sector with crack and concave angle, J. on Numer. Meth. and Comp. Appl., 4:3(1983), 183--188.)

[4] D.H. Yu, Coupling canonical boundary element method with FEM to solve harmonic problem over cracked domain, J. Comp. Math., 1:3(1983), 195--202.

[5] D.H. Yu, Canonical boundary element method for plane elasticity problems, J. Comp. Math., 2:2(1984), 180--189.

[6] D.H. Yu, Approximation of boundary conditions at infinity for a harmonic equation, J. Comp. Math., 3:3(1985), 219--227.

[7] D.H. Yu, Canonical integral equations of Stokes problem, J Comp. Math., 4:1(1986), 62--73.

[8] D.H. Yu, A system of plane elasticity canonical integral equations and its application, J. Comp. Math., 4:3(1986), 200--211.

[9] I. Babuska, D.H. Yu, Asymptotically exact a-posteriori error estimator for biquadratic elements, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 3(1987), 341--354.

[10] D.H. Yu, Self-adaptive boundary element methods, ZAMM, 68:5(1988), 435--437.

[11] W.L. Wendland, D.H. Yu, Adaptive boundary element methods for strongly elliptic integral equations, Numerische Mathematik, 53(1988), 539--558.

[12] D.H. Yu, Mathematical foundation of adaptive boundary element methods, Lectures on the 2nd World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Stuttgart, 1990, 308--311; Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Engrg., 91(1991), 1237--1243.

[13] 余德浩, 双偶次有限元的渐近准确后验误差估计,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 13:1(1991), 89--101;

D.H. Yu, Asymptotically exact a-posteriori error estimator for elements of bi-even degree, Chinese J. of Numer. Math. and Appl., 13:2(1991), 64--78.

[14] 余德浩, 双奇次有限元的渐近准确后验误差估计,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 13:3(1991), 307--314;

D.H. Yu, Asymptotically exact a-posteriori error estimator for elements of bi-odd degree, Chinese J. of Numer. Math. and Appl., 13:4(1991), 82--90.

[15] 余德浩, 泊松方程及平面弹性问题有限元方法中求高阶导数的提取法,计算数学, 14:1(1992), 107--117.

(D.H. Yu, Extraction of higher derivatives in FEM for Poisson equation and plane elasticity problem, Math. Numer. Sinica, 14:1(1992), 107--117.)

[16] 余德浩, Stokes问题有限元逼近中求导数的提取法,计算数学, 14:2(1992), 184--193.

(D.H. Yu, Extraction methods for derivatives in finite element approximations of Stokes problem, Math. Numer. Sinica, 14:2(1992), 184--193.)

[17] W.L. Wendland, D.H. Yu, A-posteriori local error estimates of boundary element methods with some pseudo-differential equations on closed curves, J. Comp. Math., 10:3(1992), 273--289.

[18] 余德浩, ****区域上Stokes问题的自然边界元与有限元耦合法,计算数学, 14:3(1992), 371--378;

D.H. Yu, The coupling of natural BEM and FEM for Stokes problem on unbounded domain, Chinese J. of Numer. Math. and Appl., 14:4(1992), 111--120.

[19] D.H. Yu, A-posteriori local error estimates for some finite and boundary element methods, Advances in Engineering Software, Special issue on accuracy estimate and adaptive meshes for FEM/BEM, 15(1992), 175--179.

[20] D.H. Yu, The approximate computation of hypersingular integrals on interval, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 1:1(1992), 114--127.

[21] D.H. Yu, The numerical computation of hypersingular integrals and its application in BEM, Advances in Engineering Software, 18(1993), 103--109.

[22] D.H. Yu, Natural boundary element method and adaptive boundary element method---Some new developments in the boundary element methods in China, Contemporary Mathematics 163, Computational Mathematics in China, Z.-C. Shi, C.-C. Yang eds., American Mathematical Society, 1994, 185--204.

[23] 余德浩, 有限元及边界元计算中的自适应方法,自然科学进展 (Progress in Natural Science , Chinese Edition), 4:2(1994), 142—148;

D.H. Yu, Adaptive methods in finite and boundary element computations, Progress in Natural Science(English Edition), 4:2(1994), 137--146.

[24] 余德浩, 圆周上超奇异积分计算及其误差估计,高等学校计算数学学报, 16:4(1994), 332--339.

(D.H. Yu, The computation of hypersingular integrals on circle and its error estimates, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 16:4(1994), 332--339.)

[25] 冯康,余德浩, 关于调和方程自然积分算子的一个定理,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 16:2(1994), 221--226;

K. Feng, D.H. Yu, A theorem for the natural integral operator of harmonic equation, Chinese J. of Numer. Math. and Appl., 16:3(1994), 95--101.

[26] 余德浩, ****区域上基于自然边界归化的一种区域分解算法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 16:4(1994), 448--459;

D.H. Yu, A domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction over unbounded domain, Chinese J. Num. Math. and Appl., 17:1(1995), 95--105.

[27] 余德浩, Steklov—Poincare算子与自然积分算子及Green函数间的关系,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 17:3(1995), 331--341;

D.H. Yu, On relationship between Steklov—Poincare operators and natural integral operators and Green functions, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 17:4(1995), 95--106.

[28] 余德浩, ****区域非重叠区域分解算法的离散化及其收敛性,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 18:3(1996), 328--336;

D.H. Yu, Discretization of non-overlapping domain decomposition method for unbounded domains and its convergence, Chinese J. Numer. Math. and Appl., 18:4(1996), 93--102.

[29] 郑权, 余德浩, 基于半平面上自然边界归化的****区域的Schwarz交替法及其离散化,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 19:2(1997), 205--218;

Q. Zheng, D.H. Yu, A Schwarz alternative method for unbounded domains and its discretization based on natural boundary reduction over half-plane, Chinese J. Numer. Math. and Appl., 19:3(1997), 78--93.

[30] 郑权, 余德浩, ****区域上基于自然边界归化的双调和方程的一种重叠型区域分解算法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 19:4(1997), 438--448;

Q. Zheng, D.H. Yu, An overlapping domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction for biharmonic boundary value problems over unbounded domains, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 20:1(1998), 89--101.

[31] 郑权, 余德浩, 无穷扇形区域调和边值问题的重叠型区域分解法,数值计算与计算机应用, 19:1(1998), 64--73.

(Q. Zheng, D.H. Yu, An overlapping domain decomposition method for harmonic BVP on the unbounded sector domain, J. on Numer. Meth. and Comp. Appl., 19:1(1998), 64--73. )

[32] 余德浩, ****区域D-N区域分解算法的松弛因子选取与收敛速率,计算物理, 15:1(1998), 53--57.

(D.H. Yu, Selection of relaxation factor and convergence rate for D-N DDM over unbounded domain, Chinese J. of Comp. Physics, 15:1(1998), 53--57.)

[33] 蔚喜军,余德浩,包玉珍,自适应有限元方法和后验误差估计,计算物理, 15:5(1998), 513--530.

(X.J. Yu, D.H. Yu, Y.Z. Bao, The adaptive finite element methods and a posteriori error estimates, Chinese J. of Comp. Physics, 15:5(1998), 513--530.)

[34] 邬吉明, 余德浩, 区间上超奇异积分的一种近似计算方法,数值计算与计算机应用 (J. on Numer. Meth. \& Comp. Appl.), 19:2(1998), 118--126;

J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, An approximate computation of hypersingular integrals on interval, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 21:1(1999), 25--33.

[35] 邬吉明, 余德浩, 三维调和问题的自然积分方程及其数值解,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 20:4(1998), 419--430;

J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The natural integral equations of 3-D harmonic problems and their numerical solutions, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 21:1(1999), 73--85.

[36] 杜其奎,余德浩, 拋物型初边值问题的有限元与边界积分耦合的离散化及其误差分析,计算数学, 21:2(1999), 199--208.

(Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, Discretization of the coupling of finite element and boundary integral and its error analysis for parabolic initial boundary value problem, Math. Numer. Sinica, 21:2(1999), 199--208.)

[37] Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, On a class of coupled variational formulations for a nonlinear parabolic equation, Northeast. Math. J., 15:3(1999), 332--340.

[38] 邬吉明, 余德浩, 三维Helmholtz方程外问题的自然积分方程及其数值解,计算物理, 16:5(1999), 449--456.

(J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The natural integral equation of 3-D exterior Helmholtz problem and its numerical solution, Chinese J. of Comp. Physics, 16:5(1999), 449--456.)

[39] 杜其奎,余德浩, 拋物型初边值问题的自然积分方程及其数值解法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 21:4(1999), 495--506;

Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, The natural integral equation for initial boundary value problem of parabolic equation and its numerical implementation, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 22:1(2000), 88--101.

[40] 郑权, 余德浩, 平面弹性方程外问题的非重叠区域分解算法,数值计算与计算机应用(J. on Numer. Meth. and Comp. Appl.), 21:1(2000), 11--21;

Q. Zheng, D.H. Yu, A non-overlapping domain decomposition method of the exterior problem of plane elasticity equation, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 22:3(2000), 12--24.

[41] J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The overlapping domain decomposition method for harmonic equation over exterior 3-D domain, J. Comp. Math., 18:1(2000), 83--94.

[42] 余德浩, 贾祖朋, 二维Helmholtz方程外问题基于自然边界归化的非重叠型区域分解算法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 22:2(2000), 227--240;

D.H. Yu, Z.P. Jia, The non-overlapping DDM based on natural boundary reduction for 2-D exterior Helmholtz problem, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 22:3(2000), 55--72.

[43] 杜其奎, 余德浩, 非线性拋物方程耦合的离散化及其误差分析,高等学校计算数学学报, 22:2(2000), 159--168.

(Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, Discretization of the coupling for nonlinear parabolic equation and its error analysis, Numer. Math., J. Chinese Univ., 22:2(2000), 159--168.)

[44] 邬吉明, 余德浩, 椭圆外区域上的自然边界元法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 22:3(2000), 355—368;

J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The natural boundary element method for exterior elliptic domain, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 22:4(2000), 91--104.

[45] 康彤, 余德浩, 发展型对流占优扩散方程的FD-SD法的后验误差估计及空间网格调节技术,数值计算与计算机应用(J. Numer. Meth. & Comp. Appl.), 21:3(2000), 194—207;

T. Kang, D.H. Yu, A posteriori error estimate of FD--SD method for time-dependent convection-- dominated diffusion equation and adjustment technique of space mesh, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 22:4(2000), 76--90.

[46] 郑权, 余德浩, 利用自然边界归化求解平面弹性方程外边值问题的Schwarz算法,高等学校计算数学学报, 22:3(2000), 222--231.

(Q. Zheng, D.H. Yu, A Schwarz method for solving the exterior boundary value problem of plane elasticity equation by using natural boundary reduction, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 22:3(2000), 222--231.)

[47] 康彤, 余德浩, 二维发展型对流占优扩散方程的FD-SD法的后验误差估计,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 22:4(2000), 487--500;

T. Kang, D.H. Yu, A posteriori error estimate of FD--SD method for two-dimensional time-dependent convection-dominated diffusion equation, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 23:1(2001), 93--107.

[48] 杜其奎, 余德浩, 扩散问题的一种非重叠型区域分解算法,重庆建筑大学学报, 22:6(2000), 7--11.

(Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, A non-overlapping domain decomposition method for scattering problems, J. of Chongqing Jianzhu University, 22:6(2000), 7--11.)

[49] 杜其奎, 余德浩, 拋物方程基于自然边界归化的耦合法,The coupling method based on the natural boundary reduction for parabolic equation, 计算物理, 17:6(2000), 593--601.

(Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, The coupling method based on the natural boundary reduction for parabolic equation, Chinese J. of Comput. Physics, 17:6(2000), 593--601.)

[50] D.H. Yu, J.M. Wu, A nonoverlapping domain decomposition method for exterior 3-D problem, J. Comput. Math., 19:1(2001), 77--86.

[51] 杜其奎, 余德浩, 关于二维双曲型初边值问题的自然积分方程,应用数学学报, 24:1(2001), 17--26.

(Q.K. Du, D.H.Yu, On the natural integral equation for initial boundary value problems of 2-D hyperbolic equation, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica24:1(2001), 17--26.,)

[52] 胡齐芽, 余德浩, Signorini传输问题的有限元—边界元耦合,中国科学(Series A, Chinese Edition), 31:2(2001), 124--135;

Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, A coupling of FEM--BEM for a kind of Signorini contact problem, Science in China (Series A, English Edition), 44:7(2001), 895--906.

[53] Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, Solving singularity problems in unbounded domains by coupling of natural BEM and composite grid FEM, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 37(2001), 127--143.

[54] 贾祖朋, 邬吉明, 余德浩, 三维Helmholtz方程外问题的自然边界元与有限元耦合法, 计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 23:3(2001), 357—368;

Z.P. Jia, J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The coupling natural boundary--finite element method for solving 3-D exterior Helmholtz problem, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 23:4(2001), 79--93.

[55] Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, A solution method for a certain nonlinear interface problem in unbounded domains, Computing, 67(2001), 119--140.

[56] 杜其奎, 余德浩, 波动方程基于自然边界归化的区域分解算法,计算物理, 18:5(2001), 417--422.

(Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, Domain decomposition methods based on natural boundary reduction for wave equation, Chinese J. of Computational Physics, ) 18:5(2001), 417--422.

[57] 康彤, 余德浩, 一维Burgers 方程的FD-SD法的后验误差估计及空间网格调节技术,工程数学学报, 18:4(2001), 49--54.

(T. Kang, D.H. Yu, A posteriori error estimate of FD-SD method for one-dimensional Burgers equation and adjustment technique of space mesh, J. Engrg. Math., 18:4(2001), 49--54.)

[58] 贾祖朋, 余德浩, 二维Helmholtz 方程外问题基于自然边界归化的重叠型区域分解算法,数值计算与计算机应用(J. on Numer. Meth. and Comp. Appl.), 22:4(2001), 241--253;

Z.P. Jia, D.H. Yu, The overlapping DDM based on natural boundary reduction for 2-D exterior Helmholtz problem, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 24:1(2002), 1--15.

[59] 余德浩, 有限元、自然边界元与辛几何算法,高等数学研究, 4:4(2001), 5--10.

(D.H. Yu, Finite element methods, natural boundary element method, and simplectic algorithms, Studies in College Mathematics, 4:4(2001), 5--10.)

[60] Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, A preconditioner for coupling system of natural boundary element and composite grid finite element, J. Comput. Math., 20:2(2002), 165--174.

[61] 余德浩, 计算数学与科学工程计算及其在中国的若干发展,数学进展, 31:1(2002), 1--6.

(D.H. Yu, Some developments of computational mathematics and scientific/engineering computing in China, Advances in Mathematics (China), 31:1(2002), 1--6.)

[62] Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, Natural boundary element method for elliptic boundary value problems in domain with concave angle, J. of Marine Science and Technology, 9:2(2001), 75--83.

[63] 康彤, 余德浩, 一阶双曲问题的间断流线扩散法的后验误差估计,应用数学和力学(Chinese Edition), 23:6(2002), 653—660;

T. Kang, D.H. Yu, A posteriori error estimate of the DSD method for first-order hyperbolic equations, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 23:6(2002), 732--740.

[64] T. Kang, D.H. Yu, Some a posteriori error estimates of the finite-difference streamline- diffusion method for convection-dominated diffusion equations, Advances in computational Mathematics, 15(2001), 193--218.

[65] Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, A domain decomposition method based on natural boundary reduction for nonlinear time-dependent exterior wave problems, Computing, 68(2002), 111--129.

[66] 余德浩, 贾祖朋, 椭圆边界上的自然积分算子及各向异性外问题的耦合算法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 24:3(2002), 375--384;

D.H. Yu, Z.P. Jia, Natural integral operator on elliptic boundary and the coupling method for an anisotropic problem, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 24:4(2002), 95--107.

[67] Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, Dirichlet-Neumann alternating algorithm based on the natural boundary reduction for the time-dependent problems over an unbounded domain, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 44(2003), 471--486.

[68] 杜其奎, 余德浩, 凹角型区域椭圆边值问题的自然边界归化,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 25:1(2003), 85--98;

Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, The natural boundary reduction for some elliptic boundary value problems with concave angle domains, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 25:2(2003), 10--27.

[69] H.B. Chen, D.H. Yu, E. Schnack, A simple a-posteriori error estimation for adaptive BEM in elasticity, Computational Mechanics, 30(2003), 343--354.

[70] Y.P. Chen, Y.Q. Huang, D.H. Yu, A two-grid method for expanded mixed finite-element solution of semi-linear reaction-diffusions, Inter. J. Numer. Methods Engrg., 57(2003), 193--209.

[71] D.H. Yu, Q.K. Du, The coupling of natural boundary element and finite element method for 2D hyperbolic equations, J. Comput. Math., f 21:5(2003), 585--594.

[72] Y.P. Chen, D.H. Yu, Super-convergence of least-squares mixed finite element for second order elliptic problems, J. Comput. Math., 21:6(2003), 825--832.

[73] D.H. Yu, Natural boundary integral method and its new development, J. Comput. Math., 22:2(2004), 309--318.

[74] 吴正朋, 余德浩, 解一类半线性外边值问题的自然边界元与有限元耦合法,计算数学(Math. Numer. Sinica), 26:2(2004), 237—246;

Z.P. Wu, D.H. Yu, The coupling of natural boundary element and finite element for semilinear boundary value problems, Chinese J. Numer. Math. & Appl., 26:3(2004), 86--95.

[75] Q.K. Du, D.H. Yu, Schwarz alternating method based on natural boundary reduction for time-dependent problems on unbounded domains, Comm. Numer. Meth. Engrg, 20(2004), 363--378.

[76] D.H. Yu, L.H. Zhao, Natural boundary integral method and related numerical methods, Engrg. Anal. with BE, 28:8(2004), 937--944.

[77] 余德浩, 自然边界积分方程及相关计算方法,燕山大学学报, 28:2(2004), 111-113.

(D.H. Yu, Natural boundary integral equations and related computational methods, J. of Yanshan Univer., 28:2(2004), 111-113.)

[78] Z.P. Wu. T. Kang, D.H. Yu, On the coupled NBEM and FEM for a class of nonlinear exterior Dirichlet problem in R^2, Science in China, Series A, Mathematics, 47, Supp., Apr. 2004, 181--189.

[79] Q.Y. Hu, Z.C. Shi, D.H. Yu, Efficient solvers for saddle-point problems arising from domain decompositions with Lagrange multipliers, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 42:3(2004), 905--933.

[80] T. Kang, Z.P. Wu, D.H. Yu, An H-based A-\Phy method with a nonmatching grid for eddy current problem with discontinuous coefficients, J. Comput. Math., 22:6(2004), 881-- 894.

[81] 吴正朋, 余德浩, 一类各向异性半线性椭圆方程自然边界元与有限元耦合法,计算物理, 21:6(2004), 477—483.

(Z.P. Wu, D.H. Yu, The coupling of natural boundary element and finite element for semilinear boundary value problems, Chinese J. Comput. Physics, 21:6(2004), 477—483. )

[82] 吴正朋,李琳,余德浩,椭圆边值问题的基于自然边界归化的重叠型区域分解算法,北京广播学院学报,11:1(2004), 10-12.

[83] 张辉,吴正朋,余德浩,各项异性问题的基于自然边界归化的重叠型区域分解算法,首都师范大学学报,25:3(2004), 18-20.

[84] 康彤,吴正朋,余德浩,****区域涡流问题计算磁场的非重叠区域分解方法,北京广播学院学报,11:4(2004), 12-17.

[85] 姜子文, 余德浩, Sobolev方程的矩形网格混合体积元方法,山东师范大学学报, 20:1 (2005), 1--5.

(Z.W. Jiang, D.H. Yu, Mixed covolume methods on rectangular grids for Sobolev equation, J. Shandong Normal Univ. 20:1(2005), 1--5.)

[86] D.H. Yu, L.H. Zhao, Boundary integral equations and a posteriori error estimates, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 10:1(2005), 35--42.

[87] 董正筑, 李顺才,余德浩, 圆内平面弹性问题的边界积分公式,应用数学和力学(Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Chinese Edition), 26:5(2005), 556—560;

Z.Z. Dong, S.C. Li, D.H. Yu, Boundary integral formula of elastic problems in circle plane, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 26:5(2005), 604--608.

[88] J.E. Yang, Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, Domain decomposition with non-matching grids for coupling of FEM and natural BEM, J. of Systems Science and Complexity, 18:4(2005), 529-542.

[89] H.B. Chen, X.F. Guo, D.H. Yu, Regularized hyper-singular boundary integral equations for error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement, Building Research Journal, 53:1(2005), 33-44.

[90] Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, Iteratively solving a kind of Signorini transmission problem in a unbounded domain, ESIAM: Math. Model. And Numer. Anal., 39:4(2005), 715-726.

[91] S. Zhang, D.H. Yu, A mortar element method for coupling natural boundary element method and finite element method for unbounded domain problem, Contemporary Mathematics, 383, Recent Advances in Adaptive Computation, Z.C. Shi et al. eds., American Mathematical Society, 2005, 361-374.

[92] H.Y. Huang, D.H. Yu, Natural boundary element method for three dimensional exterior harmonic problem with an inner prolate spheroid boundary, J. Comput. Math., 24:2(2006), 193-208.

[93] J.E. Yang, D.H. Yu, Domain decomposition with nonmatching grids for exterior transmission problems via FEM and DtN mapping, J. Comput. Math., 24:3(2006), 323-342.

[94] 董正筑,李顺才,余德浩,圆外平面弹性问题的边界积分公式,应用数学和力学(Applied Mathematics and Mechanics),27:7(2006),867-873;

Z.Z. Dong, S.C. Li, D.H. Yu, Boundary integral formula for the elastic plane problem of exterior circular domain, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 27:7, 2006, 993-1000.

[95] S. Zhang, D.H. Yu, Multigrid algorithm for the coupling system of natural boundary element method and finite element method for unbounded domain problems, J. Comput. Math., 25:1(2007), 13-26.

[96] D.J. Liu, D.H. Yu, The coupling method of natural boundary element and finite element for KPZ equation in unbounded domains, J. of Univ. of Sci. And Tech. of China, 37:11(2007), 1363-1368.

[97] Y. Liu, Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, A non-overlapping domain decomposition for low-frequency time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations in unbounded domains, Adv. in Comput. Math., 28:4(2008), 355-382.

[98] D.J. Liu, D.H. Yu, A FEM-BEM formulation for an exterior quasilinear elliptic problem in the plane, J. Comput. Math., 26:3(2008), 378-389.

[99] D.H. Yu, H.Y. Huang, The artificial boundary method for a nonlinear interface problem on unbounded domain, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 35:3, 2008, 227-252.

[100] Y.T. Zhou, X. Li, D.H. Yu, Integral method for contact problem of bonded plane material with arbitrary cracks, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 36:2, 2008, 147-172.

[101] D.J. Liu, D.H. Yu, The coupling method of natural boundary element and mixed finite element for stationary N-S equation in unbounded domains, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering \& Sciences, 37:3, 2008, 305-330.

[102] X.P. Zhang, J.M. Wu,D.H.Yu, Superconvergence of the composite Simpson's rule for a certain finite-part integral and its applications, J. Comput. \& Appl. Math., 223:2, 2009, 598-613.

[103] H.Y. Huang, D.H. Yu, The ellipsoid artificial boundary method for some problems in 3D unbounded domains, J. Comput. Math., 27:2-3, 2009, 196-214.

[104] J. Li, J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, Extrapolation for computation of hypersingular integrals in boundary element methods, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 42:2, 2009, 151-175.

[105] X.P. Zhang, J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The superconvergence of composite Newton-Cotes rules for Hadamard finite-part integral on a circle, Computing, 85, 2009, 219-244.

[106] H.Y. Huang, D.J. Liu, D.H. Yu, Solution of exterior problem using ellipsoidal artificial boundary, J. of Comput. & Appl. Math., 231, 2009, 434-446.

[107] Y.T. Zhou, X. Li, D.H. Yu, Transient thermal response of a partially insulated crack in an orthotropic functionally graded strip under convective heat supply, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 43:3, 2009, 191-221.

[108] X.P. Zhang, J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The superconvergence of composite trapezoidal rule for Hadamard finite-part integral on a circle and its application, Inter. J. Computer Math., 87:4, 2009, 855-876.

[109] J. Li, X.P. Zhang, D.H. Yu, Superconvergence and ultraconvergence of Newton-Cotes rules for supersingular integrals, J. of Comput. & Appl. Math., 233, 2010, 2841-2854.

[110] Y.T. Zhou, X. Li, D.H. Yu, Integral methods for smooth contact problem of bounded plane material with cracks, Recent Studied in Meshless Methods, 2009, 143-151.

[111] Y.T. Zhou, X. Li, D.H. Yu, A partially insulated interface crack between an orthotropic graded coating and an orthotropic homogeneous substrade under heat flux supply, Inter. J. of Solids and Structures, 47, 2010, 768-778.

[112] 郑权,王冲冲,余德浩, ****区域Stokes问题非重叠型区域分解算法及其收敛性, 计算数学,32:2,2010,113-124.

[113] D.J. Liu, J.M. Wu, D.H. Yu, The supconvergence of the Newton-Cotes rule for Cauchy principal value integrals, J. of Comput. & Appl. Math., 235, 2010, 696-707.

[114] Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, A preconditioner for a kind of coupled FEM-BEM variational inequality, Science China, Mathematics, 53:11, 2010, 2811-2830.

[115] 李金,余德浩, 牛顿-科茨公式计算超奇异积分的误差估计,计算数学,33:1, 2011, 77-86.

[116] J. Li, D.H. Yu, The superconvergence of certain two-dimensional Cauchy principal value integrals, CMES: Computer, Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 71:4, 331-346, 2011.

[117] J.E. Yang, D.H. Yu, The coupling FEN and natural BEM for a certain nonlinear interface problem with non-matching grids, CMES: Computer, Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 73:3, 311-330, 2011.

[118] Y.T. Zhou, J. Li,D.H. Yu, K.Y. Lee, Numerical solution of hypersingular equation using recursive wavelet on invariant set, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 2010, 861-868.

[119] J. Li, D.H. Yu, The superconvergence of certain two-dimensional Hilbert singular integrals, CMES: Computer, Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 82:4, 233-252, 2011.

[120] H.Y. Huang, J.E. Yang, D.H. Yu, A coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin and natural boundary element method for exterior problems, J. Sci. Comput., 53, 512-527, 2012.

[121] J.E. Yang, H.Y. Huang, D.H. Yu, A domain decomposition method based on natural BEM and mixed FEM for stationary Stokes equations on unbounded domains, CMES: Computer, Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 85:4, 347-366, 2012.

[122] J. Li, X.P. Zhang, D.H. Yu, Extrapolation methods to compute hypersingular integral in boundary element methods, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 56:8, 1647–1660, 2013.

[123] J. Li, D.H. Yu, Error Expansion of Classical Trapezoidal Rule for Computing Cauchy Principal Value Integral, CMES: Computer, Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 93:1, 47-67, 2013.

[124] J. Li, J.E. Yang, D.H. Yu, Error expansion of classical mid-point rectangle rule for computing Cauchy principal value integrals on an interval, Inter. J. Of Computer Mathematics, 91:10, 2294-2306, 2014.

[125] J. Li, H.X. Rui, D.H. Yu, Composite Simpson’s rule for computing supersingular integral on circle, CMES: Computer, Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 97:6, 463-481, 2014.


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[8] D.H. Yu, The domain decomposition method of alternative FEM and natural BEM over unbounded domain, Proc. of the 6th China-Japan Symposium on Boundary Element Methods, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 1994, 3--7.

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[11] D.H. Yu, J.M. Wu, An overlapping domain decomposition method and its discretization for harmonic equation over exterior 3-D domain, Proc. of the 8th China--Japan Symp. on BEM, Yao and Tanaka eds., Inter. Academic Publishers, 1998, 17--22.

[12] D.H. Yu, Domain decomposition method based on NBIE for plane elasticity problem in infinite domain, Proc. of 3rd China-Japan Symposium on Computational Mathematics (Dalian, 1996), Zhong-ci Shi and M. Mori eds., Science Press, Beijing, 1998, 170--179.

[13] D.H. Yu, The natural integral operators and the domain decomposition methods for 3-D exterior problems, Proc. of the 4th Japan--China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics (Chiba, 1998), H. Kawarada, M. Nakamura and Z. Shi eds., Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 1999, 163--170.

[14] D.H. Yu, Some developments of the natural boundary element method, Bounary Elements XXII, C.A. Brebbia, H. Power eds., WIT Press, Southampton, 2000, 481--490.

[15] Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, The Coupling of natural BEM and composite grid FEM, Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Proc. of 12th Inter. Conf. on DDM (Chiba, Japan, 1999), T. Chan, T. Kako, H. Kawarada, O. Pironneau eds., ddm.org, 2001, 133--142.

[16] H.B. Chen, D.H. Yu, E. Schnack, Properties of boundary integral operators in collocation BEM error estimation, Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences, Proc. of ICES'02, Eds. S.A. Atluri & D.W. Pepper, Tech. Science Press, 2002.

[17] D.H. Yu, L.H. Zhao, Analysis of hypersingular residuals and a posteriori error estimates in boundary element methods, Boundary Element Techniques, Proc. of 3rd Inter. Conf. on Boundary Element Techniques, Eds. Z. Yao & M.H. Aliabadi, Tsinghua University Press/Springer, 2002, 261--266.

[18] S. Zhang, D.H. Yu, Preconditioners for coupling natural BEM and FEM, Advance in Boundary Integral Methods, K. Chen ed., The University of Liverpool, 2005, 32-41.

[19] J.E. Yang, Q.Y. Hu, D.H. Yu, A D-N alternating method with non-matching FE and natural BE grids, Proc. Of 7 China-Japan Seminar on numerical mathematics, Z.C. Shi, H. Okamoto eds., Science Press, 2006, 286-298.

[20] H.Y. Huang, D.H. Yu, Coupling of natural BEM and FEM for 3D nonlinear interface problem, Proc. Of ICCES’07, Tech. Science Press, 2007.

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[1] 冯康,余德浩, 自然边界归化与区域分解,Natural boundary reduction and domain decomposition, 冯康文集Collected Works of Feng Kang, Vol. 1, 国防工业出版社Defence Industrial Press, 北京Beijing, 1994, 367--371.

[2] D.H. Yu, W.M. Xue, H.C. Huang, A Dirichlet-Neumann alternating method in infinite domain: algorithm and convergence analysis, Research Report, ICM-95-31, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Technical Report, Math-092, Dept. of Math., Hong Kong Baptist University, 1995, 117--148.

[3] 余德浩,有限元法与边界元法,现代数学手册(徐利治主编),计算机数学卷,华中科技大学出版社,2001,117-148.

[4] 余德浩,何银年,边界元及与有限元耦合法,有限元理论与方法,第一分册(黄艾香,周天孝主编),科学出版社,2009,226-259.

[5] 余德浩,计算数学(分篇主编),数学大辞典(王元总主编), 2010,科学出版社。

[6] 余德浩,李金(译),计算数学与科学计算,《数学指南-实用数学手册》(李文林等译)第7章,科学出版社,2012.


[1] 余德浩、王烈衡、汪道柳,怀念恩师冯康教授,中国科学报,1994年8月19日.

[2] 徐福臻、余德浩,冯康传,《中国现代数学家传》(第三卷),江苏教育出版社,1998,313-342.

[3] 余德浩、汪道柳,为计算数学的发展奋斗终生---追忆冯康院士, 中国科学院院刊, 13:2(1998), 143--147.

[4] 余德浩,基础研究是水,应用开发是鱼,科学时报,1999年10月23日.

[5] 余德浩,大规模科学计算研究, 中国基础科学,2001年第1期,19--25.

[6] 余德浩,冯康--中国科学计算的奠基人和开拓者, 科学, 53:1(2001),49--51.

[7] 余德浩,科学与工程计算研究的回顾与展望, 中国科学院院刊, 16:6(2001),403--407. A review and prospect for scientific and engineering computing in China, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ,16:1(2002),49-52.

[8] 余德浩、王占金,实践出题、直觉判断、求异思维---冯康的创新要诀, 《科技创新案例》, 郭传杰主编,学苑出版社, 2003, 26--30.

[9] 余德浩,计算数学与科学计算在中国的发展, 《中国科学院研究生院演讲录》第三辑:科学的挑战,科学出版社,2003,96--108.

[10] 余德浩,学习冯康创新思想,发展中国基础研究,中国数学与系统科学信息网,2004年4月23日.

[11] 余德浩,冯康院士与科学计算,数学通报,44:9(2005),6--9;40:10(2005),4--7.

[12] 余德浩,冯康首次系统提出辛几何算法,《光耀中华—改革开放30年科技成就撷英》,科学普及出版社,2008,35-40.

[13] 余德浩,追忆恩师冯康先生,中国数学会通讯,2009年第2期,28-41; 《中国科学技术大学数学50年》,中国科学技术大学出版社,2009,120-132.

[14] 余德浩,冯康传,《中国科学院人物传》第一卷,科学出版社,2010,132-136.

[15] 余德浩,求解****区域非线性偏微分方程的人工边界方法,《10000个科学难题》数学卷,2009,503.

[16] 余德浩,冯康传,《20世纪中国科学家成就概览》,科学出版社,2012.

[17] 余德浩,石钟慈传,《20世纪中国科学家成就概览》,科学出版社,2012.

[18] 余德浩关于计算数学课程建设与人才培养得几点看法,第七届大学数学课程报告论坛,2011;中国数学会通讯,2012年第1期,31-37.

[19] 余德浩,诗词与人生,余德浩诗词集,时代作家出版社,2014,311-321.


(1) 冯康院士与科学计算

(2) 我的数学人生



1.  中国科学院自然科学一等奖, 中国科学院, 1989。

2.  高校优秀科研成果一等奖,国家广播电影电视总局, 2001, 2002。(与康彤合作)

3.  数学与系统科学研究院突出科研成果奖, 2003。

4.  国家自然科学二等奖,国务院,2008。(与韩厚德合作)


1.  中国科学院优秀教师, 中国科学院, 1996。

2.  华为奖教金,中国科学院,1998。 

3.  杰出贡献教师,中国科学院研究生院,2008。

4.  数学与系统科学研究院优秀教师奖,2009。


1. 2012年北京诗词学会第七届“端午诗词大赛”三等奖。

2. 2013年北京诗词学会第八届“端午诗词大赛”一等奖。 

3. 2013年山西永济第二届“鹳雀楼杯诗歌大赛”优秀奖。

4. 2013年河南“黄河魂·中国梦全国诗词大赛”二等奖。

5. 2014年北京诗词学会第九届“端午诗词大赛”一等奖。

6. 2015年北京诗词学会第十届“端午诗词大赛”优秀奖。

7. 2015年“科学精神与中国精神”全国诗歌大赛三等奖。


1.  “做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者”, 国家教委、国务院学位委员会,1991。 

2.  政府特殊津贴,国务院,1992。 

3.  “国家级有突出贡献的中青年科技专家”,国家人事部,1998。



1.  中国计算数学学会副理事长(2002-2006) 

2.  北京计算数学学会副理事长(1998-2002)

3.  《计算数学》执行编委(1993-2014)

4.  《数学进展》常务编委(2000-2008)

5.  《计算物理》常务编委(1997-2007)

6.  “Computers,Materials,& Continua (CMC)”副主编(2003-2007)

7.  《宁夏大学学报》特约编委(1997至今)

8.  《中国数学会通讯》编委(2010至今)

9.  科学出版社《信息与计算科学》丛书副主编(2004至今)

10. 科学出版社《数学大辞典》计算数学篇主编(2010出版)

11. 全国数学名词审定委员会副主任(2010至今)

12. 国家攀登计划项目“大规模科学计算的方法和理论”专家委员会成员(1997-1999)

13. 国家973计划项目“大规模科学计算研究”专家委员会成员(1999-2004)

14. 中国科学院研究生院兼职教授(1988-2011)

15. 中国科学技术大学兼职博导(1988-2011)

16. 上海大学冯康讲座教授(2002-2005)

17. 北方工业大学讲座教授(2006-2008)

18. 厦门大学双聘教授(2012-2015)

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