1、 LIU Xianghua1, LAN Huifang1, DU Linxiu1, LIU Weijie. High Performance Low Cost steels with ultrafine grained and multi-phased microstructure. Science in China, Series E. 52,8,(2009), 2147-2480
2、 LIU Xianghua, Variational Principle for Rigid-Plastic Compressible Materials, Chinese Sience Bulletin, 35, 8, (1990), 692
3、 Liu, X.H.; Xu, J.Z.; He, X.M.; Wang, G.D.; Li, Chang Sheng,FEM analysis of stress on roll surface black oxide layers exfoliation in hot strip rolling,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2002 ,Vol.11,No.2, 215-219,
4、 LIU Xianghua,Shi Xu,Li Shanqing,Xu Jianyong,Wang Guodong,FEM Analysis of Rolling Pressure Along Strip Width in Cold Rolling Process,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14 (5): 22-26
5、 LIU Xianghua, Wang Zhenfan, Wang Guodong, AI Technology for Innovation of Rolling Process,Proc. Of Asian Academy Seminar on Advanced Manufacturing system,Dec.3-12,2000.Hyderabard,India,55-61
6、 刘相华. 刚塑型可压缩材料的变分原理, 科学通报, (1989), 19, 1512.-1514
7、 刘相华,周满春,于明,杜林秀,蓝慧芳, 钢材品种升级:从低合金高强度到低成本高性能,锻压技术,2009,4,
8、 刘相华,王国栋,人工智能技术在材料成形中应用的进展,哈尔滨工业大学学报,32,5,2000,86-89
9、 刘相华,佘广夫,焦景民等,超快速冷却装置及其新品种开发中的应用,钢铁,39,8,2004,71-74
10、 刘相华,陆匠心,张丕军等:¬400-500MPa碳素钢先进工业化制造技术,中国有色金属学报,14,S1,2004,207-210
11、 刘相华 喻海良 李长生 草场芳昭.立-平轧制过程轧件角部裂纹的扩展与愈合. 自然科学进展,2006,16(1):124~128
12、 刘相华,王国栋,杜林秀,刘振宇. .钢材性能柔性化与柔性轧制技术 .钢铁,2006,41(11):32~36
1、 刘相华,胡贤磊,杜林秀等:轧制参数计算模型及其应用,化学工业出版社,2007
2、 王国栋,刘相华等:金属轧制过程人工智能优化,冶金工业出版社,2000
3、 刘相华:刚塑性有限元及其在轧制中的应用,冶金工业出版社,1994
4、 王军生,白金兰,刘相华:带钢冷连轧原理与过程控制,科学出版社,2009.
5、 王振范,刘相华:能量理论及其在金属塑性成形中的应用,科学出版社,2009.
6、 张利,张立勇,王国栋,刘相华:板带轧机虚拟设计及信息集成技术,大连理工大学出版社,2005
7、 宋叔尼,刘相华,王国栋:刚塑性有限元中的非线性分析方法,东北大学出版社,2001
8、 吴迪,刘相华,白光润:微型计算机辅助孔型设计,东北大学出版社,1993
9、 董瀚等:先进钢铁材料,科学出版社,2008
10、 翁宇庆等:超细晶粒钢(第四篇、,冶金工业出版社,2003
11、 金茨博格著,马东清等译,王国栋、刘相华等校:板带轧制工艺学,冶金工业出版社,2003
12、 金茨博格著,姜明东等译:高精度板带材轧制理论与实践,冶金工业出版社,2000
1 统计数据(英文至2009/10/22,中文至2009/12/07)
8)在ISI Web Knowledge数据库检索,作者为Liu XH 在轧制(及成形)有限元方面发表的论文数:55篇, 在世界的排名:第1
字段:作者 |
记录数 |
%,共1691 |
柱状图 |
55 |
3.2525 % |
45 |
2.6611 % |
39 |
2.3063 % |
36 |
2.1289 % |
25 |
1.4784 % |
25 |
1.4784 % |
21 |
1.2419 % |
20 |
1.1827 % |
19 |
1.1236 % |
19 |
1.1236 % |
9)在ISI Web Knowledge数据库检索,截至2009年10月22日,在辽宁沈阳东北大学 以 Liu XH 名义发表的论文数:189篇,占东北大学在此数据库中被收录论文总数(5986篇)的3.15%, 在东北大学排名:第1
字段:作者 |
记录数 |
%,共5986 |
柱状图 |
189 |
3.1574 % |
163 |
2.7230 % |
157 |
2.6228 % |
136 |
2.2720 % |
133 |
2.2219 % |
121 |
2.0214 % |
YU, G |
120 |
2.0047 % |
119 |
1.9880 % |
XU, XH |
117 |
1.9546 % |
[1] 刘相华等. 三维平板轧制问题的刚塑性有限元分析,轧钢理论文集, 第二集(下), (1983), 5.42-5.47
[2] 刘相华等. 刚塑性有限元法中的优化矩阵及初速度场的求解,轧钢理论文集,第二集(下), (1983), 5.34 -5.41
[3] 刘相华等. 复杂断面型钢轧制温度场的有限元分析,轧钢理论文集,第三集, (上), (1985), 255.
[4] 白光润, 刘相华等: H 型轧件腰部前滑的理论研究,东工科技, (1983), 5, 6.
[5] 白光润, 刘相华等: H 型轧件腰部前滑的实验研究,东工科技, (1983), 5, 15.
[6] 白光润, 刘相华等: H 型轧件边部外侧前滑的研究,东工科技, (1983), 5, 20.
[1] 刘相华, 等. 管材在孔型中纵轧的力参数, 鞍钢技术, 1984年增刊, 65
[1] 刘相华等.带张力轧制 H 型钢变形参数的模拟实验研究, 轧钢理论文集, 第三集 (上), (1985), 261.
[2] 刘相华等.万能孔型中带张力轧制 H 型钢时力能参数的模拟实验研究,轧钢理论文集, 第三集(上), (1985),268.
[3] 刘相华等.H 型钢轧制问题的刚塑性有限元分析, 轧钢理论文集,第三集, (上), (1985), 273.
[4] 刘相华等.带张力轧制 H 型钢的有限元分析,轧钢理论文集, 第三集, (上),(1985), 278.
[5] 刘相华等.H 型轧件边部外侧前滑的研究, 钢铁, 20, 8, (1985), 44.
[1] 刘相华等. 万能孔型中带张力轧制 H 型钢的研究, 东北工学院学报, 46, (1986), 1, 28.
[2] 刘相华等. H 型钢轧制力和力矩的研究, 鞍山钢铁学院学报, (1986), 2, 30.
[3] 刘相华等. 万能孔型中带张力轧制 H 型钢力能参数的实验研究, 轧钢, (1986), 5, 10.
[4] 刘相华等. 在微型机上用刚塑性有限元法求解 H 型钢轧制问题, 金属科学 与工艺, 5, 3, (1986), 93
[5] 刘相华等. 带张力轧制 H 型钢时边部宽展的研究, 辽宁冶金, (1986), 4, 40.
[1] 刘相华等. H 型轧件边部变形区的研究, 辽宁冶金, (1987), 1, 33.
[2] 刘相华等. 微计算机辅助孔型设计系统 MARDS, 微计算机应用, 8, 2, (1987), 2, 1.
[3] 刘相华等. 复杂断面型钢轧制温度场的有限元分析, 固体力学学报, (1987), 4, 362.
[1] 刘相华等.万能孔型轧制 H 型件的刚塑性有限元分析, 力学与实践, 北京大学出版社, (1988), 81
[2] 刘相华等.计算机辅助孔型设计中优化计算的一种新方法初探, 塑性加工理论与新技术开发年会论文 集(二), (1988),1
[3] 刘相华,等.多凸缘型钢的 CARD 系统, 北京钢铁学院学报, 中德 CAE 会议专集, 1988
[1] 刘相华. 刚塑型可压缩材料的变分原理, 科学通报, (1989), 19, 1512.
[2] LIU X.H. et al. 2.7-Dim. R.P. FEM Analysis & Its Appl. in Rolling, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Ratory Forming, (1989), Beijing, 67.
[3] 刘相华等. 对外专业金属压力加工概论课教学改革的探讨, 高等教育研究, 21, (1989), 60
[4] 孙同巨, 刘相华: 窗框钢在轧制过程中温度场的研究, 辽宁冶金, 117, 5, (1989), 42.
[1] LIU X.H., et al. Variational Principle for Rigid-Plastic Compressible Materials, Chinese Sience Bulletin, 35, 8, (1990), 692
[2] 刘相华, 等. 窗框钢的计算机辅助设计, 轧钢, (1990), 2, 11.
[3] 刘相华, 等. 2.7 维刚塑性有限元分析及其在轧制中的应用, 东北工学院学报, 11, 5, (1990), 468-473
[4] LIU X.H., et al. Analysis of H-beam Rolling Processes by Rigid-Plastic FEM, Advanced Technology of Plasticity, Proc. of Third Int. Conf. on Tech. Plast., Kotyo, (1990), v2, 767.
[1] LIU X.H., et al. Application of Simplified 3-D Rigid-Plastic FEM to H-beam Rolling Processes, Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on FEM, Sydney, (1991), 600.
[2] LIU X.H., et al. Analysis of Thermal Stresses Around an Inclusion, Technical Report of Monash University, 1991.Australia
[1] LIU X.H., et al. Simulation of Universal Rolling by the Rigid- Plastic FEM in Three Dimensions, The 4th Int. Conf. on Num. Method in Indus.From. Proc., 14--18, Sept. (1992), France.
[2] 刘相华,等.轧制过程中积分量的三维有限元计算,中国科学院CAD/CAM开放实验室年会论文集, 沈阳,(1992),12, 218
[3] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 连续速度场解析棒材的辊拔与辊挤, 锻压技术, 17, 5, (1992), 35.
[4] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 纵凸筋钢板轧制凸筋拉缩分析, 热加工工艺, 6, (1992), 16.
[5] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 21-4 N 钢在精锻过程中二维温度场有限元分析, 金属成形工艺, 10, 2, (1992), 67.
1993年 (选8篇)
[1] LIU X.H., et al. Analysis of 3-D Deformation for Crowning Strip Rolling by Rigid-Plastic FEM, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1993- Proc. of Fourth Int. Conf. on Tech. Plast., Beijing, (1993), 717-722
[2] 刘相华等. 型钢生产新技术(1) -型钢精密轧制技术, 轧钢, (1993), 4, 54.
[3] 刘相华等. 型钢生产新技术(2) -型钢柔性轧制新技术, 轧钢, (1993), 5, 55.
[4] 刘相华等. 型钢生产新技术(3) -型钢连轧过程的计算机控制, 轧钢, (1993), 6, 55.
[5] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 连续速度场解析平面变形轧制, 鞍山钢铁学院学报, 16, 1, (1993), 15.
[6] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 纵凸筋钢板连轧试验研究, 材料科学与工艺, 1, 1, (1993), 77.
[7] 高秀华, 石俊红, 刘相华: 刚塑性可压缩材料塑性力学的 基本关系式, 钢铁研究, 73, 4, (1993), 31.
[8] Jiang Zhengyi, LIU Xianghua,et al. Analysis on Two Dimensional Temperature Field of Continuous Rolling of Strip with Longitudinal Ribs by FEM, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1993- Proc. of Fourth Int. Conf. on Tech. Plast., Beijing, (1993), 707
1994年 (选9篇)
[1] 刘相华等. 型钢生产新技术(4) -型钢生产过程中的自动检测技术, 轧钢, (1994), 1, 60.
[2] 刘相华等. 型钢生产新技术(5) -型钢开坯轧制技术, 轧钢, (1994), 2, 59.
[3] 刘相华等. 板带钢连续铸轧及其新进展, 全国连铸技术研讨会论文集, 中国金属学会, 1994, 上海, 258.
[4] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 纵凸筋钢板轧制的实验研究, 钢 铁, 29,10, (1994), 21-25.
[5] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 21-4N 钢生产工艺改进, 钢铁, 29, (1994), 12, 27
[6] 赵德文, 刘相华, 王国栋: 滑移线解与最小上界解一致的证明, 东北大学学报, 15, 2, (1994), 189-194
[7] 赵德文, 刘相华, 王国栋: 抛物线模拔速度场的曲线积分问题, 应用数学和力学, 15, 7, (1994), 619.
[8] Zhao De-wen LIU Xianghua et al: The Curvilinear Integral Problems to Velocity Field for Drawing Through Parabolic Dies, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15, 7, (1994), 649.
[9]熊尚武,刘相华等: 粗轧机组调宽轧制技术与减少切损的方法, 钢铁,29,(1994), 12, 75.
1995年 (选8篇)
[1] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 纵筋板轧制的轧制力解析, 东北大学学报, 16, 2, (1995), 140.
[2] 姜正义, 刘相华等: 内螺旋凸筋管与混凝土结合力的实验研究, 焊管, 18, 2, (1995), 17
[3] 姜正义, 刘相华, 王国栋,张强,等: 圆丝辊拔或辊挤力的理论解析, 应用力学学报, 12, 4, (1995), 131-135
[4] 赵德文, 刘相华等: 抛物线模拔圆棒的曲线积分问题, 东北大学学报, 16, 2, (1995), 145.
[5] 赵德文, 刘相华,张铁,李桂范: 余弦模拔制上界速度场的曲线积分问题, 应用数学学报, 18, 2, (1995), 313-316
[6] 熊尚武, 刘相华等: 热带粗轧机组立轧稳定轧制的变形规律的实验研究, 钢铁, 1995 增刊, 57.
[7] 熊尚武, 韩力,韩清凯,刘相华等: 三维数值解析技术在轧制中的应用现状与展望, 轧钢, 1995,10, 47.
[8] 孙晓光,常春,刘相华,王国栋等:精轧机组负荷分配的人工神经网络识别,钢铁,1995,11,26
1996年 (选10篇)
[1] 刘相华,孟卫群等:日本H型钢生产技术考察报告, 中国金属学会第六届轧钢学术大会,1996,武汉
[2] 王国栋,刘相华等:人工智能在轧制中的应用(一), 轧钢,3,(1996),37
[3] 王国栋,刘相华等:人工智能在轧制中的应用(二), 轧钢,4,(1996),41
[4] Zhao Dewen, Guo Changwu, LIU Xianghua: Surface Integral of Three- Dimensional Velocity Field for Square Bar Drawing Through Conical Die, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,6,3,(1996),131-135(MA:AN 3477380)
[5] 赵德文,刘相华等:抛物线模拉拔方棒的上界解析解,力学与实践,18,4,(1996),20-23
[6] 赵德文,刘相华等:圆形平冲头压缩半无限体的上界理论解法,东北大学学报,17,1,(1996),69-74 (MA:AN 3112676 )
[7] 熊尚武等, 刘相华等: 热带粗轧机组立轧稳定轧制的变形规律的实验研究,钢铁,30,12,(1996),57
[8] 王昭东,刘相华等:热轧含钒微合金钢在加速冷却条件下的强化因素,钢铁31(1996),11,39-43 (MA: AN 3578543)
[9] 沙刚, 刘相华等:四辊万能孔型中轨形件宽展的数值解, 东北大学学报, 17, 3, (1996), 282-286
[10]沙刚, 刘相华等:钢轨在轧制过程中温度场的研究, 东北大学学报, 17, 4, (1996),408-411
1997年 (选10篇)
[1] 刘相华,王国栋,吕程:人工智能在板带轧制中的应用,钢铁,32,1997年增刊,900
[2] Xiong Shangwu, LIU Xianghua, Wang Guodong, Zhang Qiang, Simulation of Vertical-Horizontal Rolling during Width Reduction by Full Three-D rigid-plastic FEM, J. Mater. Eng. And Performance.,6 (1997) 6,757-765
[3] J.B.Qu, LIU Xianghua et. Al: G-1 modelling og microstructure evolution and mechnical properties of HSLA steel plates produced by thermo- mechanical control process, Proc. Of Int. Conf. On Adv. Mat. Devlp. Perf. Evalution and Appl. , 14-15 July 1997, Auckland, New Zealand, 406
[4] Xiong Shangwu, LIU Xianghua et al: Simulation of slab edging by the 3-D rigid-plastic FEM, Materials Processing Technology, 69, (1997), 37-44
[5] 熊尚武,刘相华等:热带粗轧机组立轧过程的三维有限元模拟,工程力学,14,2,(1997、,96
[6] 熊尚武,刘相华等:板坯调宽变形规律的有限元解析,钢铁,32,5,(1997、,39
[7] 熊尚武,刘相华等:刚塑性有限元中处理第一类奇异点的一种新方法,东大学报,18增,(1997), 209
[8] 沙钢,刘相华等:四辊万能孔型轧制钢轨横变形研究,钢铁,32,Supp. 2,75.
[9] 许良,刘相华等:HC轧机板形优化模型研究,钢铁,32,(1997), 6, 33-36.
[10]刘东升,刘相华等:厚规格汽车板用钢连续冷却相变行为及组织性能,钢铁,32,(1997), 11, 36-41
1998年 (选10篇)
[1] Z. Y. Jiang,S.W. Xiong, X.H.Liu et al: 3D Rigid-Plastic FEM Analysis of the rolling of a strip with local residual deformation,J. of Mat. Proc. Tech. ,1998,79, 109-112
[2] Xiong Shangwu,Jiang Zhengyi, LIU Xianghua, Wang Guodong, Jiao Sihai, Ma Wenzhong, Analysis of Vertical-Horizontal Rolling Process in Hot Roughing Stand by Full 3-D Rigid-Plastid Finite Element Method, 7th Inter. Conf. on steel Rolling, ‘98 Steel Rolling, Tokyo Japan, November 1998,335-339
[3] Dongsheng Liu, Guodong Wang, Xianghua Liu and Dewen Zhao: Effect of Cooling Rates and Compressive Deformation of Austenite on Bainitic Transformation and Microstructure for Plastic Die AISI P20 Steel, ISIJ International, 38, (1998), 5, 482-488
[4] Dongsheng Liu,G.D.Wang, X.H. Liu, G.Z. Cui, Mechanical stabilization of deformed austenite during continuous cooling transformation in a C-Mn-Cr-Ni-Mo plastic die steel, Acta Metalurgica Cinica,Vol.11,1998,No.11,93-99
[5]Qu Jinbo, Wang Zhaodong, LIU Xianghua and Wang Guodong, Grain Size Prediction After Continuous Cooling Transformation from Deformed Austenite to Ferrite, Journal of Iron and Steel Research,5,1998,2,40-42
[6]姜正义,吕程,刘相华,王国栋,张强,圆钢高精度冷连轧的理论解析,应用力学学报, Vol.15, 1998, No.4, 105-108
[8]高珊,刘相华等:应用 Processing Map 研究D2钢高温变形的动态应变时效,钢铁研究学报,10,(1998), 2,19-22
[9]王彤,刘相华,王国栋,热轧带钢精轧机组的厚度设定与控制新技术,钢铁研究,1998 5,57-62
1999年 (选10篇)
[1] Shuni Song, Xianghua.Liu, Guodong Wang. Approximation Solvability of Hot Rolling Problem with SCM Model, EPMESC VII, The Proc. of Int. Conf. on Enhancement and Promotion of Computation Methods in Engineering and Science, 2-5 August,1999, Macao, 157-165
[2] Xiumei Wang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Guodong Wang, Xianghua.Liu. Fuzzy Neural Network in Prediction Rolling Load in Hot Strip Mill, EPMESC VII, The Proc. of Int. Conf. on Enhancement and Promotion of Computation Methods in Engineering and Science, 2-5 August,1999, Macao, 837-844
[3] T.Wang, X.H.Liu, G.D. Wang, T.L. Zou and H.B.Li. The Modified Fast Fourier Transform and ItsApplication to Analyze Roll Eccentricities, EPMESC VII, The Proc. of Int. Conf. on Enhancement and Promotion of Computation Methods in Engineering and Science, 2-5 August,1999, Macao, 855-861
[4] T.Wang, X.H.Liu, G.D. Wang, T.L. Zou and H.B.Li. An Expert System for Hot Strip Thickness Deviation Diagnosis, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1999, Proc. of the 6th ICTP, Sept. 19-24,1999, Nuremberg, Germany, Edited by M. Geiger, 1985-1990
[5]王秀梅,王国栋,刘相华,人工神经元网络和数学模型在热连轧机组轧制力预报中的综合应用,钢铁,34, 1999, 3, 37-39
2000年 (选15篇)
[1] X.H. Liu, G.Wang, K. Zhao, New progress of FEM simulation and AI application in rolling at RAL,(keynote), CD-ROM of COM 2000, Ottawa, Aug.20-23, 2000, Canada. Editors P. Martin, W.J. Liu, Mathematical Modeling in metal processing and manufacturing, 32-1
[2] LIU Xianghua, Wang Zhenfan, Wang Guodong, AI Technology for Innovation of Rolling Process,Proc. Of Asian Academy Seminar on Advanced Manufacturing system,Dec.3-12,2000.Hyderabard,India,55-61
[3] 刘相华,王国栋,有机涂层钢板的涂料与复膜(2、,轧钢,2000,2,42-44
[4] 刘相华,王国栋,有机涂层钢板的涂覆工艺与设备(3、,轧钢,2000,3,50-52
[5] 刘相华,王国栋,有机涂层钢板性能的评价(4、,轧钢,2000,5,52-54
[6] 刘相华,王国栋,建筑用有机涂层钢板(5、,轧钢,2000,6,47-49
[7] 刘相华,王国栋,热轧板带钢工艺技术的现状与展望,轧钢学会板带学术委员会年会论文,2000年1月,北海
[8] 刘相华,王国栋,热轧带钢新技术的发展,钢铁研究,5,116,2000,9,1-3
[9] 刘相华,王国栋,人工智能技术在材料成形中应用的进展,哈尔滨工业大学学报,32,5,2000,86-89
[10] Li Changsheng, Xu Jianzhong, He Xiaoming, LIU Xianghua, Wang Guodong, Black Oxide Layer Formation and Banding in High Chromium rolls, Materials Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.5
[11] Xiong Shangwu,LIU Xianghua, Wang Guodong,Zhang Qiang, A three dimensional finite element simulation of the Vertical-Horizontal Rolling Process in the width reduction of slab, J. of Materials Processing Technology, 101(2000), 146-151
[12] Z.Y. Jiang, X.L. Liu, X.H. Liu, G.D. Wang, Analysis of ribbed strip rolling by rigid-visco plastic FEM, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences 42, (2000), 693-703
[13] Jiang,Z.Y;Hu,W.P;Liu,X.H;Wang,G.D,Computational strategies for some technical issues in the simulation of the strip rolling processes using rigid-plastic FEM, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering,Vol.16, No.9, Sep, 2000, 601-613
[14] Song Shuni, LIU Xianghua, Wang Guodong. Existence and uniqueness of extreme point of total power rate functional for hot rolling problem with SCM Model, Chinese Science Bulletin,45,1,2000, 11-18 (SCI: 2000: 08314748,Ei)
[15] 王国栋,刘相华,有机涂层钢板的基板及其处理(1、,轧钢,2000,1,54-56
2001年 (选5篇)
[1] 刘相华,王国栋,家电用有机涂层钢板(6、,轧钢,2001,1,48-50
[2] 刘相华,王国栋,食品罐用有机涂层钢板(7、,轧钢,2001,2,47-49
[3] 刘相华,王国栋,特殊性能有机涂层钢板(8、,轧钢,2001,3,45-47
[4] Wang Zhe, Zhang Xiaofeng, Wang Guodong, LIU Xianghua, Development of Neural-Based Generalized Predictive Control System of Strip Shape for a Reversal 6-High Mill, J. Iron and Steel Res. Int.,8,1,(2001),21-26
[5] Xiong Shangwu,LIU Xianghua, Wang Guodong, P.A.F. Martins, Jiao Sihai, Yuan Jianguang, Three dimensional thermo-mechanical finite element simulation of the Vertical-Horizontal Rolling Process, J. of Materials Processing Technology, 110(2001), 89-97
2002年 (选10篇)
[1] Linxiu DU,Caibei Zhang,Hua Ding, Xianghua Liu and Guodong Wang, Determination of Upper Limit Temperature of Strain-induced Transformation of Low Carbon Steels, ISIJ International, 2002,42(10):1119- 1124
[2] Xu Jianzhong,Miao Yuchuan,LIU Xianghua,Wang Guodong, Bai Guangrun, Theory and Experimental Research on the Process of Rolling Shape Slab, Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 2002,121:182-188
[3] J.X.Li,X.H.Liu and G.D. Wang, Influence of Cold Rolling Technol- ogy on Texture Evolution of IF Steel, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2002,15(3):312-316
[4]许云波,刘相华,王国栋, 低碳钢热连轧过程中工艺参数及组织演变的预测, 钢铁, 2002,37(9):47-51, 38
[5]杜林秀,刘相华,王国栋, 低碳钢应变诱导铁素体相变研究中的淬火问题, 金属学报, 2002,38(2):196-202
[6]于庆波,刘相华,王国栋,孔宪刚,范开兰, 基于人工神经网络预报汽车齿轮钢的端淬值, 钢铁研究学报, 2002,14(4):30-33
[7]于庆波,刘相华,王国栋, 人工神经网络在层流冷却卷取温度预报中的应用, 钢铁, 2002,37(8):37-40
[8]赵德文,董学新,刘相华,王国栋, 中厚板坯料设计软件研究与应用, 应用科学学报, 2002,20(2):211-214
[9]李长生,张晓明,刘相华,王国栋,巴力颖 , 轧制过程轧辊磨损数学模型试验研究 , 机械工程学报, 2002,38(7):28-30
2003年 (选12篇)
[1]LIU Xianghua, WANG Guodong, DU Linxiu, DING Hua, LI Hongbin.New Generation Plain Steel in China-present situation and development foreground.Proceeding of Symposium on Development of Advanced Steels. 2003,3,:1-9
[2] 王秉新,刘相华,王国栋.22CrS齿轮钢变形奥氏体动态再结晶行为及组织演变.东北大学学报. 2003, 24(5): 478-481
[3] 许云波,刘相华,王国栋.400MPa级C-Mn钢控轧控冷生产过程组织-性能的预测.钢铁. 2003, 38(2): 46-50
[4]Yu Qingbo, Wang Zhaodong, Wang Zhe-ying LIU Xianghua and Wang Guodong.Improvement of prediction method for strip coiling temperature. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. 2003, 10(4): 75-78
[5]ZHAO Hongzhuang, LIU Xianghua, WANG Guodong .Methods of Phase Transformation Kinetics Modeling.Proceeding of Symposium on Development of Advanced Steels.2003,3,:118-125
[6] BIAN Jun,LIU Xiang-hua,WANG Guo-dong. Hot-Dip Galvanized Sheet Production and Application .Journal of Iron and Steel Research International.2003,10(1):55-58
[7]赵宪明,刘相华,王国栋,吴迪,何纯玉.板坯轧制过程中不对称工艺参数对侧弯的影响.钢铁. 2003, 38(3): 25-28
[8]赵启林,刘相华,王国栋.基于BP神经网络的带钢冷轧摩擦模型.轧钢. 2003, 20(6):7-9
[9]支颖,杜林秀,刘相华,王国栋.热镦圆柱体淬火过程温度场的有限元解析.塑性工程学报. 2003, 10(6): 86-90
[10]骆宗安,王国栋,刘相华.一种新的物理模拟手段-MMS-100热力模拟实验机的研制.塑性工程学报. 2003, 10(5): 57-59
[11]胡贤磊,王昭东,刘相华,王国栋.中厚板精轧轧制规程的负荷协调分配法及其动态调整.钢铁. 2003, 38(4): 34-37
[12]赵德文,王晓文,刘相华,王国栋.轴对称冲入半无限体的参量积分解法.应用科学学报. 2003, 21(2): 161-164
2004年 (选15篇)
[1] 刘相华,陆匠心,张丕君,杜林秀,王国栋.400-500Mpa级碳素钢先进工业化制造技术.中国有色金属学报.2004,14 (S1):207-210
[2] 胡燕慧,杜林秀,高彩茹,刘相华,李洪斌,韩伟.500 MPa 级超级钢工业实验 .钢铁.2004,39(10):54-58
[3]HU Xianlei , Wang Jun, Wang ZD, Liu XH , Wang GD.Application of shape lock-on method in plate rolling.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International.2004,11(3):24-26
[4]李永林,李 铮,邸洪双,刘相华,王国栋.AZ31镁合金薄带直接铸轧新工艺.轻金属.2004,32(7):15-17
[5]Yunbo Xu, yongmei Yu, Xianghua Liu, Guodong Wang.Computer Simulation of Ferrite Transformation during Hot Working of Low Carbon Steel.Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2004, 20(5): 497-500
[7]Qingbo Yu,Zhaodong Wang,Xiang hua Liu,Guodong Wang.The Effect of Delayed Time after Hot Rolling on the Grain Size of Territe.ISIJ International.2004,44(4):710-716
[8]王秉新,王佳夫,刘相华,王国栋,徐香秋,胡旋.奥氏体变形对22CrS齿轮钢相变行为及显微组织的影响.钢铁.2001,39 (3):43-45
[10]时旭,李山青,刘相华,王国栋,许键勇.薄带钢冷轧过程带钢变形的有限元分析.钢铁. 2004, 39(11): 45-47,
[11]刘相华,佘广夫,焦景民,张中平,王国栋.超快速冷却装置及其在新产品种开发中的应用 .钢铁. 2004, 39(8): 71-74
[14]刘相华,王国栋,杜林秀.新一代钢铁材料开发的回顾与展望.2004年中国材料研讨会(特邀报告、. 2004, 12-18
2005年 (选16篇)
[1]LIU Xianghua, WANG Guodong, WU Di et al. Flexible Rolling Technology Based on Mass Customization and Optimizing Control of Microstructure and Properties. Proceedings of 3rd Symposium on Advance Structural Steels and New Rolling Technologies. 2005. 11: 31-41
[2] J.S.Wang,Z.Y.Jiang,A.K.Tieu,X.H.Liu,G.D.Wang.Adaptive calculation of deformation resistance model of online process control in tandem cold mill.Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2005, 162-163: 585- 590
[3]Dewen ZHAO,Yingjie XIE,Xiaowen WANG,Xianghua LIU.Derivation of plastic work rate done per unit volume for mean yield criterion and its application.Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2005,21(4): 433-436
[4]Han Bin,LIU Xiang-hua,WANG Guo-dong,She Guang fu.Development of Cooling Process Control Technique in Hot Strip Mill.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International.2005,12(1):12-16
[5]徐旭东,王秉新,刘相华.H型钢轧制力的数值模拟分析.钢铁. 2005, 40(7): 56-59
[6]Zhang Yan-hua,Liu Xiang-hua ,Wang Guo-dong.Research on Rolling Load Distribution Method Based on Data Mining.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International.2005,12(6):30-33
[7]崔青玲,刘相华,王国栋,熊尚武.板坯稳态立轧过程的RKPM无网格法数值模拟.机械工程学报. 2005, 41(5): 84-88
[9]王秉新,周存龙,刘相华,王国栋.变形条件对Mn-Cr齿轮钢连续冷却相变的影响.金属学报. 2005, 41(5): 511-516
[10]谢海波,徐旭东,刘相华,王国栋.层流冷却过程中带钢温度场数值模拟.钢铁研究学报. 2005, 17(4): 33-50
[11]高彩茹,张富来,李洪斌,刘相华,王国栋.超级钢CX400的韧-脆转变温度.钢铁研究学报. 2005, 17(3): 52-55
[12]张延华,刘相华,王国栋.基于数据挖掘的中厚钢板轧制负荷分配方法的研究.钢铁. 2005, 40(4): 43-45, 52
[13]矫志杰,赵启林,王军生,胡贤磊,刘相华,王国栋.冷连轧机过程控制在线负荷分配方法.钢铁. 2005, 40(3): 44-47,69
[14]彭良贵, 刘相华, 王国栋,.热轧带钢层流冷却的控制策略及其应用.钢铁研究学报.2005,17(3):5-9
[15]崔青玲,李长生,刘相华,王国栋,熊尚武.无网格RKPM法模拟平板轧制过程.应用力学学报. 2005, 22(2): 243-246
[16]胡贤磊,刘文田,王君,刘相华,王国栋.中厚板轧机无回缩变精度快速辊缝设定法.钢铁研究学报. 2005, 17(4): 36-39
2006年 (选16篇)
[1] LIU Xianghua, YU Hailiang, LI Changsheng, ZHAO Xianming. Behavior of corner surface cracks in V-H rolling process of steel slabs. Proc. of the 9th International Conferences on Steel Rolling (Steel Rolling’2006), 2006, Paris, p.204
[2] 刘相华 赵晓林 喻海良.浪形在带钢上的相对运动——飘波现象分析[J].钢铁,2006,41(5):45~48
[3] 刘相华 喻海良 李长生 草场芳昭.立-平轧制过程轧件角部裂纹的扩展与愈合[J].自然科学进展, 2006, 16(1):124~128
[4] 刘相华,王国栋,杜林秀等.钢材性能柔性化与柔性轧制技术[J].钢铁,2006,41(11):32~36
[5] 李长生 刘相华 熊尚武 MARTINS Paulo António Firme.金属塑性成形过程CSPH无网格法数值模拟[J].机械工程学报,2006,42(7):144~152
[6] 江潇 刘相华 王国栋.目标厚度函数法在板带轧制规程计算中的应用[J].钢铁,2006,41(9):53~55
[7] 喻海良 刘相华 李长生.立辊孔型内倒角半径对轧件变形的影响[J].钢铁,2006,41(6):47~51
[8] 许云波 刘相华 王国栋 谢瑞萍 金永春.热轧中厚板组织-性能预测及软件开发[J].钢铁,2006,41(3):51~54
[9] 支颖 刘相华 王国栋.热轧带钢层流冷却温度演变及返红规律[J].东北大学学报, 2006,27(4):410~413
[10] 张丕军 刘相华 王国栋.800MPa级双相组织低屈强比钢厚板研究[J].东北大学学报, 2006, 27(4): 414~417
[11] 赵德文 王磊 方琪 刘相华.有鼓形平板锻造的应变速率矢量分析解法[J].应用科学学报,2006,24(3):316~319
[12] 王国栋 刘相华 吴迪.节约型钢铁材料及其减量化加工制造[J].轧钢,2006,23(2):1~5
[13] 江潇 刘相华 王国栋.复用等储备负荷法在热连轧粗轧负荷分配中的应用[J].钢铁研究学报,2006,18(10):26~29
[14] 宋广胜 刘相华 王国栋.22CrMo钢渗碳淬火过程组织与应力变化的数值模拟[J].钢铁研究学报, 2006, 18(10): 36~40
[15] 王秉新 刘相华 王国栋.新型Mn-Cr齿轮钢的动态再结晶及晶粒细化[J].钢铁研究学报,2006,18(5):38~41,13
[16] 倪洪启 刘相华 王国栋.超级钢板材V型弯曲回弹的数值模拟[J].钢铁研究学报,2006,18(4):26~28
[1] Xianghua Liu,Zhengyi Jiang,Guodong Wang,Saving and reducing:New Tendency of Rolling Technology and Products,The Second International Symposium on Smart Processing Technology,2007,9:17 日本,大阪大学
[2] LIU Xianghua,Shi Xu,Li Shanqing,Xu Jianyong,Wang Guodong,FEM Analysis of Rolling Pressure Along Strip Width in Cold Rolling Process,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14(5): 22-26
[3] 刘相华,李长生,喻海良,支颖,梅瑞斌,数值模拟理论及其在轧制中应用的回顾与展望,第八届东北三省塑性成形新技术学术会议,2007,5:7-14
[4] 刘相华,徐俊,邱格君,冷连轧过程中间厚度在线优化设定技术,钢铁, 2007, 42(8): 49-51
[5] C.S. Li, X.H. Liu, G.D. Wang,Ring upsetting simulation by the meshless method of Corrected Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2007,183(2-3): 425-431
[6] Hai-liang YU,Xiang-hua LIU, Gyoo-Taek LEE,Contact Element Method with Two Relative Coordinates and Its Application to Prediction of Strip Profile of a Sendzimir Mill ,ISIJ International,2007,47(7):996-1005
[7]YU Hai-liang, LIU Xiang-hua, LEE Gyoo Taek,Analysis of rolls deflection of Sendzimir mill by 3D FEM,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2007,17:600-605
[8]杜林秀,熊明鲜,姚圣杰,刘相华,王国栋,利用相变进行低碳钢的亚微米化,金属学报 , 2007, 43(1): 59-63
[9]Zhi ying,LIU Xianghua,Wang Guodong,Re-reddening on Strip Surface After Water Cooling,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14(3):26-29
[10]CUI Qing-ling,LIU Xiang-hua, WANG Guo-dong,Splitting Rolling Simulated by Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2007,14(3):42-46
[11]C S Li, S N Song, R B Mei, G L Zhang, X H Liu,Research on Fast Calculation of Rigid Plasticity Finite Element Method in Hot Strip Rolling, The 5th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS 2007),2007,10:53-58
[12] H.F.Lan,W.J. LIU and X.H.LIU. Ultrafine ferrite grains produced by tempering cold-rolled Martensite in low carbon and microalloyed steels, ISIJ International,2007,47(11):1652-1657
[13]丁敬国,焦景民,刘相华,基于模糊聚类的PSO-神经网络预测热连轧粗轧宽度,东北大学学报 , 2007, 28(9): 1282-1292
[14]吴红艳,杜林秀,刘相华,董俊华,变形条件对Mn-Cu耐候钢连续冷却相变的影响,机械工程学报, 2007, 43(9): 145-150
[15]丁敬国,佘广夫,刘相华,变异PSO算法协同神经元网络在轧制力预报中的应用,钢铁研究学报, 2007, 19(12): 56-59
[16]宋广胜,刘相华,王国栋,隋凤利,齿轮钢淬火过程多场耦合分析,特殊钢, 2007, 28(1):7-9
[1] Xiang-hua LIU, Ying ZHI, Hai-liang YU. Rolling Technology with Reducing Resources in China, (Key-note) 2nd Inte. Conf. on Thermo-MechanicaSimulations Processing of Steels. Ranchi, India. 09 -11, Dec.,2008
[2] 刘相华,于明,支颖等. 板带钢快速冷却后表层返红现象. 钢铁研究学报. 2008, 10-15
[3] Yu HL, Liu XH, Ren XJ. Behaviour of longitudinal cracks on slab surfaces in V-H rolling processes, STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2008, 79(7):536-542.
[4] Wang JS, Jiang ZY, Tieu AK, Liu XH, et al. A flying gauge change model in tandem cold strip mill. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 2008, 204(1-3):152-161.
[5] Yu HL, Liu XH, Lee GT, et al. Numerical analysis of strip edge drop for Sendzimir mill. JOURNAL OF MATRERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 208, (2008),42-52.
[6] Yu HL, Liu XH, Li XW. FE analysis of inclusion deformation and crack generation during cold rolling. MATERIALS LETTERS, 2008, 62(10-11): 1595-1598
[7] Zhao DW, Wang GJ, Liu XH, et al. Application of geometric midline yield criterion to analysis of three-dimensional forging. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA. 2008, 18(1): 46-51.
[8] 杜平; 胡贤磊; 王君; 刘相华.纵向变截面钢板的发展和应用. 轧钢. 2008-02-15
[9] 杜平; 胡贤磊; 赵忠; 王君; 吴尚超; 刘相华. 3500mm中厚板轧机MAS功能的在线实现. 宽厚板,2008-06-30
[10] 杜平; 胡贤磊; 王君; 刘相华; 王国栋.纵向变截面轧制过程中的轧制参数. 钢铁研究学报. 2008-12-15
[11] 隋凤利; 陈礼清; 刘相华; 王庆增; 李伟. GH4169合金圆钢热连轧热力耦合分析. 钢铁. 2008-09-15
[12] 郭忠峰; 龚殿尧; 荆涛; 刘驰; 徐建忠; 刘相华.1700热连轧机CVC轧辊的磨损. 钢铁研究学报. 2008-01-15
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