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专家信息 教学工作 科学研究 出版专著 发表论文 社会任职 荣誉奖励




1983-1985年作为访问学者留学美国普渡大学和内华达大学,1988-1990年任中国科学院自动化研究所和北京大学信息科学中心客座研究员,1992-93年再度留美,任美国伦塞勒工业大学客座教授。2004年4-7月为俄罗斯科学院圣彼得堡信息学与自动化研究所客座研究员。2007年5-8月受聘丹麦技术大学客座教授。他是联合国专家、国际导航与运动控制科学院院士、纽约科学院院士、首届全国高校国家级教学名师。2009年荣获徐特立教育奖。2014年荣获吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖成就奖。  2016年当选IEEE fellow,2019年当选IEEE Life Fellow。

蔡教授现为中南大学教授、博士生导师,湖南省自兴人工智能研究院首席科学家。历任第八届湖南省政协副主席和全国政协第九届和第十届委员会委员,兼任中国人工智能学会第3-4届副理事长及其智能机器人分会/专业委员会创会理事长/主任、中国自动化学会理事及其智能自动化专业委员会委员/顾问、中国计算机学会人工智能与模式识别专业委员会委员,IEEE计算智能学会评奖委员会委员和IEEE CIS进化计算技术委员会委员等。

蔡教授主要从事智能系统、人工智能、智能控制、智能机器人研究。在智能系统、机器人学和自动控制等学科领域具有很高的知名度,是我国人工智能、智能控制、智能机器人学诸学科的学术带头人之一,为我国智能科学技术的发展做出重要贡献,被誉为“中国智能控制的奠基者” 、“中国智能机器人学科创始人”和“中国人工智能教学第一人”。

1978年提出晶闸管(可控硅)直流可逆自动调速系统控制指令的数学模型。1985年,他在国际上首创机器人规划专家系统。1986年,他在国际上率先提出了智能控制的“四元交集结构理论”,被收入《中国大百科全书》。1999年提出进化控制的思想和体系结构,并建立了进化控制系统原型。2001年提出智能科学学科体系的初步框架和学科特征。2006年提出免疫控制的思想和免疫控制系统的一般结构。2006年合作创建进化优化计算算法被国际同行称为“C-W Algorithm”。2011年提出交通信号灯特别是箭头形信号灯的实时高效检测和识别算法。2020年提出人工智能的核心要素及各要素作用思想。

主持并完成国家自然科学基金重点项目在内的科教研究30多项,其中获国际奖励2项,国家级奖励2项,省部级以上奖励15项。蔡教授己在国内外出版专著、教材50多部,发表学术论文1100多篇。其中,《人工智能及其应用》、《机器人原理及其应用》和《智能控制》分别是我国智能科学技术领域有关人工智能、智能机器人和智能控制的首部著作,已为众多高校用作教材或教参。Intelligent Control: Principles, Techniques and Applications 在国外出版,成为国际上首部智能控制系统专著;Artificial Intelligence:From Beginning to Date在国外出版,成为我国学者在国际上出版的首部系统人工智能专著;Key Techniques of Navigation Control for Mobile Robots under Unknown Environment在科学出版社出版,成为国内首部移动机器人导航和控制专著。2017年入选“2017科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)高被引科学家榜单”。





他还兼任中国人工智能学会副理事长及智能机器人专业委员会主任、中国自动化学会理事及智能自动化专业委员会委员、中国计算机学会模式识别与人工智能专业委员会委员、IEEE计算智能学会奖励委员会委员和IEEE计算智能学会进化计算技术委员会委员,湖南省科学作家协会名誉理事长、《智能系统学报》编委会副主任,《控制理论与应用》、《机器人》、《控制与决策》、《控制工程》、《冶金自动化》、《计算技术与自动化》等6杂志编委,并任国防科技大学、北京航空航天大学、北京邮电大学等校兼职教授,是国际电气与电子工程师学会Fellow和Life Fellow、国际科技发展联合会会员、国际小型和微型计算机学会会员等。曾任国际智能自动化联合会理事、国家自然科学基金委学科评议组成员等职。

Short CV of Prof Zixing CAI

(Edition of April 2019)

Zixing Cai got a diploma and graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jiao Tong University at Xi'an, China in 1962. He has been doing teaching and research work on artificial intelligence, computational intelligence,automatic control, computer science, and intelligent robotics in the Center for Intelligent Systems and Software, School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University (CSU), Changsha, China since 1962. Now he is a Professor in CSU and the chief scientist in the Hunan Zixing AI Academy. He got a Certificate from ichuan International Studies University, Chengdu, China in 1982. During May to December of 1983, as a visiting scholar he visited the Center of Robotics, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Nevada at Reno, Nevada, USA. Then as a post-doctoral researcher he visited the Advanced Automation Research Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA during December 1983 to June 1985. During October 1988 to August 1989, he was a senior research scientist in the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. During October 1989 to September 1990 he visited the National Laboratory of Machine Perception, Center of Information, Beijing University as a visiting research professor. He got a Certificate from Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China in 1992. During September 1992 to March 1993, as a senior visiting scholar he visited the NASA Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration and Department of Electrical, Computer and System Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA as a visiting professor. Since February 1989, he has become an UN (United Nations) Expert granted by UNIDO, the United Nations Industry Development Organization. He became a Member of a Senior Member of IEEE since 1998. During 2000-2014 he was charged of Instructor of Center for Intelligent Systems, Central South University. During 2000-2013 he held the post of President of Academic Committee of School of Information S&E, CSU. During May to September of 2004 he visited the Saint Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation, Academy of Russia as a senior visiting scientist. During 2005-2014 he was responsible for Chairman of Professor Committee of School of Information S&E, CSU. During April to August of 2007 he visited the Denmark Technical University as a visiting professor. He has been a Member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Award Committee and a Member of IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Technical Committee since 2015. In 2016 he was appointed as the vice president of Expert Advisory Committee of Intelligent Manufacturing 2025, Hunan Province, and was charged of the Chief Scientist of Hunan AI Research Institute since 2016.

He was elected as a member of New York Academy of Sciences in 1998, member the International Academy of Navigation and Motion Control in 2004. He has been elected to become an IEEE Fellow in November of 2016 and an IEEE Life Fellow in September of 2018.

Professor Cai's research interests include Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Robotics, Industry Automation and Intelligent Control. More than 1000 papers and articles have been published since 1985. He is the author or co-author of more than 40 monographs/textbooks such as Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications, Robotics: Principles and Applications, Robotics, Intelligent Control, Intelligent Control: Principles, Techniques and Applications, Advanced Expert Systems: Principles, Design and Applications, Artificial Intelligence with Application to Decision-Making Systems, Intelligent Control: Principles and Applications, Dictionary of Artificial Intelligence, Theories and Methods for Navigation Control of Mobile Robots under Unknown Environments, Fundamentals of Robotics, Synergy Principles and Technologies of Multi-mobile Robots, Artificial Immune System Based on Normal Model and Its Applications, Self-location Technologies of Mobile Robot under Unknown Environments, Intelligent Kingdom, Intelligent Systems: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Key Techniques of Navigation Control for Mobile Robots under Unknown Environment, Sensing, Mapping and Object-tracking of Intelligent Driving Vehicle, etc.

A special mention should be given to the fact he used the technique of expert system to high-level robot planning successfully in 1985 for the first time in the world. In 1986, he proposed the idea of Four-element Intersected Structural Theory of Intelligent Control (AI, Cybernetics, Informatics and Operation Research) for the first time. Over 30 awards of S&T as well as education have been received. He has obtained the Chinese Excellent Textbook Prize (First-class) in 1996 and 2002 respectively. He has gained the First-class Prize of excellent papers of the Hunan Province in 1986, 1989, 1996, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 etc. In 1992, he has granted as an Excellent Contributory Expert by Chinese government. In 2003 he was granted as Chinese “State Eminent Professor”. In 2009 he was granted a prize of “Xu Teli Education”. In 2014 he was granted the Lifetime Achievement Award of Intelligence Science and Technology of China named by Wu Wenjun. In November of 2017 he was selected in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” by Clarivate Analytics.

Professor Cai has been the Chief Professor, the President of Academic Degree Committee, the Chairman of Professor Committee, Director of the Research Center for Intelligent Systems/ Software, doctor's supervisor at the School of Science and Engineering, Central South University. He is also the Member of the Board of Directors or Standing Directors for the followings: Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI, Vice President), Chinese Society of Computer Vision and Intelligent Control (CVIC, CAAI), Society of Intelligent Robots (SIR, CAAI, as honor President), Chinese Association of Automation(CAA), Society of Intelligent Automation, CAA, Society of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Chinese Federation of Computer (CFC), Sub-Society of Automation, Chinese Association of Computer Users, Chinese University Forum on Automation and Robotics.

In teaching and higher education field, Professor Cai have charged 10 national teaching reform projects such as the State Refinement Course and Demonstration Course of Artificial Intelligence, the State Refinement Course of Intelligent Control, the State Teaching Team of the Series Basic Courses of Intelligent Science and Technique, the State Refinement Video Open Course of Artificial Intelligence PK Human Intelligence, the State Refinement Resource Sharing Course of Intelligent Control Systems, the State Refinement Resource Sharing Course of Dreams and Realities of Artificial Intelligence, etc.






























1998年至今纽约科学院(New York Academy of Sciences)院士。

1998-2016年IEEE Senior Member。










2005年至今国际导航与运动控制科学院(International Academy of Navigation and Control)院士。








2015年至今IEEE CIS进化计算技术委员会委员。



2016年11月当选IEEE Fellow(院士)。

2018年9月当选IEEE Life Fellow(终身院士)。


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