分布式实时数据库技术 科学出版社 2009年
1 数据库系统课程设计实践教学改革研究 王法玉; 肖迎元; 张颖 计算机教育 2010-05-10
2 On-Demand数据广播环境下实时有序查询处理 王洪亚; 刘晓强; 何浩源; 宋晖; 肖迎元; 乐嘉锦 计算机科学 2010-05-15
3 嵌套事务模型下实时数据库故障处理策略 肖迎元; 张德干; 刘云生 计算机集成制造系统 2009-01-15
4 一种基于移动代理的远程数据库访问技术 黄静; 肖迎元; 梁毅; 袁晓洁 计算机与数字工程 2009-09-20
5 支持工程设计的语义层次事务模型及提交机制 肖迎元; 申艳; 张德干; 吕江 系统仿真学报 2009-12-20
6 面向移动设备的基于Web Service的图像处理技术 梁毅; 肖迎元; 黄静; 尹波 计算机工程与应用 2009-12-11
7 一种基于乐观方法的安全实时并发控制协议 肖迎元; 陈向阳; 刘小峰; 邓华锋 计算机科学 2007-04-25
8 分布式数据流处理系统的动态负载平衡技术 邓华锋; 刘云生; 肖迎元 计算机科学 2007-07-25
9 一种实时动态数据库故障恢复策略 肖迎元; 刘云生; 廖国琼; 邓华锋 软件学报 2007-10-15
10 一种基于颜色直方图的快速图像检索方法 杨光; 肖迎元; 张桦 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2007-12-15
11 确保时态一致性的实时并发控制协议 肖迎元 ; 刘云生 电子学报 2008-11-15
12 VCTPR-tree:一种支持预测查询的高效时空索引结构 高萌; 肖迎元 第二十五届中国数据库学术会议论文集(一) 2008-10-24
13 Yingyuan Xiao, Yueguo Chen, Kevin Lü. An Efficient Real- time Concurrency Control Protocol for Guaranteeing Temporal Consistency. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Volume 6, Number 8, August 2010. (IF =2.79)
14 Ying-yuan Xiao, Yue-guo Chen. Efficient distributed skyline queries for mobile applications. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 25(3): 415-428 May 2010. (IF =0.576)
15 Yingyuan Xiao. Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends, (Editors: Viviana E. Ferraggine, Jorge H. Doorn), IGI Global, 2009. 2. (Book Chapter)
16 Yingyuan Xiao, Hongya Wang. An Efficient Algorithm for Continuous Nearest Neighbor Queries Based on the VDTPR-tree. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008, 4(2): 527-534.
17 Ying-yuan Xiao, Hua Zhang. Location prediction of moving objects with uncertain motion patterns. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (B), 2007, 14(S2): 503-507.
18 Yingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng Liu. A Secure Real-time Concurrency Control Protocol for Mobile Distributed Real-time Databases. International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, 2007, 7(1): 338- 347.
19 Ying-yuan Xiao, Hua-feng Deng. A novel prediction recovery scheme for failure processing in real-time database systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (B), 2007, 14(S2): 363-367.
20 Xiao Ying-yuan, Liu Yun- sheng. An Efficient Secure Real-Time Concurrency Control Protocol. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2006, 11(6):1899-1902.
21 Xiao Ying-yuan, Liu Yun-sheng. A dynamic crash recovery scheme for distributed real-time databases. Journal of Shanghai University, 2006, 10(6):510-516.
22 Xiao Ying-yuan, Liu Yun-sheng. An efficient crash recovery technique for real-time main memory database. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2005, 10(1): 61-64.
23 Yingyuan Xiao. Set Nearest Neighbor Query for Trajectory of Moving Objects. FSKD09, 2009, pp. 249-253.
24 Yingyuan Xiao, Hua Zhang. SHTM: A Semantic Hierarchy Transaction Model for Web Services Transactions. APSCC08, 2008, pp. 519-523.
25 Yingyuan Xiao, Xiaoye Wang. Shape-based Similarity K Nearest Neighbor Query for Trajectory of Moving Objects. MC08. 2008, pp. 112-116.
26 Ying-yuan Xiao. An Architecture for Guaranteeing Real-time Databases Available Ceaselessly. FTDCS08, 2008, pp.172-177.
27 Ying-yuan Xiao, Hua Zhang, Fa-yu Wang. Maintaining Temporal Consistency in Real-Time Database Systems. ICCIT2007, Korea, 2007, pp. 1627-1633. 28 Ying-yuan Xiao, Hong-ya Wang. Continuous Nearest Neighbor Query on Moving Objects Using VDTPR-tree. WiCOM07, 2007, pp. 3031-3034.
29 Ying-yuan Xiao, Hua Zhang. Location Prediction for Tracking Moving Objects Based on Grey Theory. FSKD07, 2007, pp. 390-394.
30 Yingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng Liu. A time-cognizant dynamic crash recovery scheme suitable for distributed real-time main memory databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, pp. 591-600. (IF=0.36)
31 Yingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng Liu. Secure real-time transaction processing with timeliness guarantees in mobile real-time database. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, pp. 358-370. (IF=0.36)
32 Yingyuan Xiao, Yunsheng. Real-time atomic commitment for mobile distributed real-time transaction. WiCOM05, 2005, pp. 1299-1303.