杨卫波,男,1975年6月生,湖北安陆人,扬州市政协委员、致公党扬州市委委员、致公党扬州大学基层委副主委,工学博士,博士后,教授,博士生导师,扬州大学电气与能源动力工程学院院长助理、能源工程系主任、暖通空调学科带头人。现为扬州大学优秀青年骨干教师、中国制冷学会高级会员、中国建筑学会会员、扬州市“绿扬金凤计划”领军人才、江苏省“双创计划”科技副总,兼任中国建筑学会热能动力分会可再生能源工作部委员、江苏省工程热物理学会理事、江苏省制冷学会委员、江苏省可再生能源学会地热能专业委员会副主任、江苏省科技通讯咨询专家、多个省科技系统及教育部学位与科技系统等评审专家、国家自然科学基金涵评专家等。长期担任Energy、Applied Energy、Renewable Energy、Geothermics、Energy and Buildings、东南大学学报、化工学报、太阳能学报、制冷学报、农业工程学报、工程热物理学报、流体机械等30余个杂志审稿人。长期致力于地源热泵与浅层地热能开发利用、建筑节能与可再生能源利用等方面的理论研究与技术开发,研究方向涉及地热能利用与太阳能热利用中的传热传质问题及热泵节能技术。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家星火计划面上项目、中国博士后科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、住房与城乡建设部科技计划等项目40余项。发表论文80余篇,其中SCI/EI收录40余篇,SCI总被引300余次,单篇最高被引80余次。授权专利20余项,独立出版《土壤源热泵技术及应用》著作1部,获青岛市科技进步奖二等奖1项、江苏省建设科学技术奖三等奖1项、江苏省土木建筑科技奖二等奖1项、扬州市自然科学学术论文一、二、三等奖各1项及江苏省优秀硕士论文指导教师1项。
8.国际能源类杂志《Energy》、《Applied Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《International Journal of Green Energy》、《Journal of Sustainable and Renewable Energy》、《制冷学报》、《东南大学学报》(英文版)及《流体机械》等杂志地热能利用方面研究稿件的审稿人。
[1]杨卫波,鞠磊,杨智鹏,汪峰.Laboratory investigations on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of an energy pile group operated in heat release mode.GEOTHERMICS,2023,109
[2]杨卫波,强雨晗,鞠磊,汪峰,刘爱华.Numerical evaluations on the effects of different factors on thermo-mechanical behaviour of an energy pile group.COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS,2023,162
[3]杨卫波,孙韬夫,张朝阳,汪峰.Experimental and numerical investigations of thermo-mechanical behaviour of energy pile under cyclic temperature loads.ENERGY,2023,267
[4]杨卫波,鞠磊,张来军,汪峰.Experimental investigations of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of an energy pile with groundwater seepage.SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY,2022,77
[5]杨卫波,孙韬夫,杨彬彬,汪峰.Laboratory study on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of a phase change concrete energy pile in summer mode.JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE,2021,41
[6]杨卫波,张来军,张恒,汪峰,李晓金.Numerical investigations of the effects of different factors on the displacement of energy pile under the thermo-mechanical loads.CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING,2020,21
[7]杨卫波,徐瑞,汪峰,陈世坤.Experimental and numerical investigations on the thermal performance of a horizontal spiral-coil ground heat exchanger.RENEWABLE ENERGY,2020,147979-995.
[8]杨卫波,徐瑞,杨彬彬,杨晶晶.Experimental and numerical investigations on the thermal performance of a borehole ground heat exchanger with PCM backfill.ENERGY,2019,174216-235.
[9]杨卫波,张恒,梁幸福.Experimental performance evaluation and parametric study of a solar-ground source heat pump system operated in heating modes.ENERGY,2018,149173-189.
[10]杨卫波,杨彬彬,徐瑞.Experimental Study on the Heat Release Operational Characteristics of a Soil Coupled Ground Heat Exchanger with Assisted Cooling Tower.ENERGIES,2018,11(1)
[11]杨卫波,杨晶晶,孔磊.Numerical simulation and validation on heat exchange performance of pile spiral coil ground heat exchanger.Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2016,32(5):200-205.
[12]杨卫波,路鹏飞,陈永平.Laboratory investigations of the thermal performance of an energy pile with spiral coil ground heat exchanger.ENERGY AND BUILDINGS,2016,128:491-502.
[13]杨卫波,孔磊,陈永平.Numerical evaluation on the effects of soil freezing on underground temperature variations of soil around ground heat exchangers.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2015,75:259-269.
[14]杨卫波,孙露露,陈永平.Experimental investigations of the performance of a solar-ground source heat pump system operated in heating modes.ENERGY AND BUILDINGS,2015,89:97-111.
[15]杨卫波,梁幸福,施明恒,陈振乾.A Numerical Model for the Simulation of a Vertical U-Bend Ground Heat Exchanger Used in a Ground-Coupled Heat Pump.International. Journal of Green Energy,,2014,11(7):761-785.
[16]杨卫波,张苏苏,陈永平.A dynamic simulation method of ground coupled heat pump system based on borehole heat exchange effectiveness.ENERGY AND BUILDINGS,2014,77:17-27.
[17]杨卫波,孙露露,吴晅.Energy storage and heat transfer characteristics of ground heat exchanger with phase change backfill materials.Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2014,30(24):193-199.
[18]杨卫波,陈振乾,施明恒,张程宾.An in situ thermal response test for borehole heat exchangers of the ground- coupled heat pump.International Journal of Sustainable Energy,2013,32(5)489-503.
[19]杨卫波,陈永平,施明恒,J. Spitler.Numerical investigation on the underground thermal imbalance of ground-coupled heat pump operated in cooling-dominated district.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2013,58(1):1-2.
[20]杨卫波,施明恒.Heat exchange characteristics of vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger with discontinuous operation condition.Dongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition),2013,43(2):328-333.
[21]杨卫波,朱洁莲,施明恒,陈振乾.Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-assisted heat pump heating system.Procedia Environmental Sciences,2012,11()790-797.
[22]杨卫波,朱洁莲,陈振乾.Investigation on the influences of underground thermal imbalance ratio on soil temperature variation of ground coupled heat pump.7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011,2012,41334-1340.
[23]杨卫波,王松松,刘光远,朱洁莲.Experimental study of the effect of backfills on the thermal performance of a vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger.7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011,2012,41341-1346. Shanghai, China, Nov.6-9, 2011. (EI收录).
[24]杨卫波,吴晅.In-situ thermal response test of the ground thermal properties for a ground source heat pump project located in the Inner Mongolia district.2011 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2011 - Proceedings,2011,2254-2257. July15-July18, Hohhot, China. (EI收录).
[25]W.B. Yang, J. L. Zhu, M. H. Shi, Z. Q. Chen. Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-assisted heat pump heating system, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2011,11:790-797.(EI收录).
[26]Yang Weibo, Chen Zhenqian, Shi Mingheng. The alternate operation characteristics of a solar-ground source heat pump system. Journal of SoutheastUniversity(English Edition). 2010,26(2):327-332. (EI收录).
[27]杨卫波,Underground energy storage and release characteristics of ground source heat pump with seasonal energy storage.Dongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition),2010,40(5)973-978.
[28]杨卫波,Numerical simulation and experimental validation on intermittent operation characteristics of a ground-coupled heat pump.UECTC'09 - Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference - Renewable Energy(UECTC’09). May 28-30, 2009 Beijing, China. (EI收录).
[29]杨卫波,The alternate operation characteristics of a solar-ground source heat pump system.Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning(ISHVAC09). 2009,2009,1816-1824.
[30]杨卫波,Numerical analysis of the heat transfer characteristics of vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger used in ground coupled heat pump.Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC09), 2009,2009,1857-1864. Nanjing, China, Nov.6-9, 2009. (EI收录).
[31]W. B. Yang, M.H. Shi, G.Y. Liu and Z.Q. Chen. A two-region simulation model of vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger and its experimental verification. Applied Energy, 2009, 86: 2005-2012. ( SCI 收录)
[32]W. B. Yang, M. H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. A variable heat flux line source model for boreholes in ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference(APPEEC2009). March 28-31, 2009, Wuhan, China. (EI收录).
[33]W. B. Yang and H. Zhang. In situ measurement of ground thermal conductivity based on analytical solution models. Proceedings of the 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC2009). March 28-31, 2009, Wuhan, China. (EI收录).
[34]Yang W. B., Liu G. Y., Shi M. H. and Chen Z.Q. Experimental study on the cooling operation characteristics of a closed loop vertical ground-coupled heat pump system, Proceedings of the ICCR’2008, April 5-9, Shanghai, China. (ISTP收录).
[35]Yang W. B., Liu G. Y., Shi M. H. and Chen Z.Q. Numerical simulation and experimental verification on heat transfer process of a vertical U-bend ground heat exchanger, Proceedings of the ICCR’2008, April 5-9, Shanghai, China. (ISTP收录).
[36]Yang W. B., Liu G. Y., Shi M. H. and Chen Z.Q. 2008. Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-induced ventilation wall. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment 2008(COBEE2008). DalianChina. (ISTP收录)
[37]W. B. Yang, M.H. Shi and H. Dong. Numerical simulation of the performance of a solar-earth source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006, 26(18): 2367-2376.(SCI 收录)
[38]W. B. Yang, M. H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. Study on the freezing characteristics of soil surrounding the ground heat exchanger of ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Refrigeration,2007,Beijing.
[39]W. B. Yang, M.H. Shi and Z. Q. Chen. Influence of soil freezing on the heat transfer characteristics of ground heat exchanger in ground coupled heat pump. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer (ISHT7’08), Oct 26-29,2008 USTB, Beijing, China.
2012年2月至8月,为期半年的美国Oklahoma State University(俄克拉何马州立大学)访问令杨卫波对美国地源热泵的应用留下了深刻的印象。“美国和中国在地源热泵的应用领域有很大的区别。”据杨卫波介绍,美国地源热泵在运用上远比中国做得好。相比而言,美国土地运用较广,而中国国内土地使用有限,挖井很深,这对成本造价都带来了很大的压力,并可能产生许多问题。诸如成本一高,加上热回收效果不好,地源热泵产品的节能性无法得到保证。美国地源热泵多用于别墅及商用与公用建筑,在埋管规模上控制得比较好,尤其对于地下土壤热平衡的控制做得较完善;国内则大面积用于居民建筑,埋管规模较大,且土壤热平衡调控措施不到位,容易造成长期运行后的地下“冷热堆积”。虽然地源热泵在技术上要求并不太高,但同样也需要专业的设计安装人员来进行操作。杨卫波曾参加美国国际地源热泵协会(IGSHPA)举办的地源热泵设计师培训会,并对美国的考核制度很是赞同,“在美国,地源热泵设计师必须持证上岗,经过严格的设计师培训后,取得资格证才能去安装地源热泵埋管,这些在外国做得非常到位,并非像国内的偷工减料以及埋管回填不好等问题的出现,而这些问题都会对地源热泵的节能产生很大的影响。”