1. Jae Wook Lee, Seung-Hee Lee, Yousheng Wu and Weicheng Cui (eds.), Yellow Sea Transportation System: needs and technology. Proceedings of the 1st China-Korea Joint Workshop on Yellow Sea Transportation Systems, Wuxi, China, 4-7 November 1998, Published by Center for Transportation System of Yellow Sea, Inha University, Korea, 1998.
2. 吴有生,崔维成,陈燮麟(主编),首届船舶与海洋工程结构力学学术讨论会论文集,江西省九江市,1999年8月20日~25日,中国造船编辑部出版。
3. 李润培,崔维成,曹荣瑞(主编),第一届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集,上海交通大学,2000年8月20日~24日,中国造船编辑部出版。
4. Wu, Y.S., Cui, W.C. and Zhou, G.J. (eds), Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, VOLUME I&II, Proceedings of the eighth international symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, September 16-21, 2001, Shanghai, China, published by Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001.
5. Cui,W.C., Uncertainty Analysis in Structural Safety Assessment, Ph.D thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK, 1990.
6. 盛振邦,崔维成,吴有生,力学与船舶工程(一章),薛明德主编,《力学与工程》,高等教育出版社, 2001。
7. Cui Weicheng, FRACTURE MECHANICS AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF CRACKED STRUCTURES (CHAPTER 10) in J.K. Paik and A.K. Thayamballi, Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel Plated Structures, published by John Wiley & Sons, London, August 2002.
8. Cui Weicheng, Yang Jianmin, Wu Yousheng and Liu Yingzhong (2007).Theory of Hydroelasticity and Its Application to Very Large Floating Structures, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, ISBN 978-7-313-04626-0. (上海交通大学学术文库)。
9. Wu, Y.S. and Cui, W.C. (eds), Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Proceedings of the fourth international conference on hydroelasticity in marine technology, Wuxi, China, 10-14 September 2006, National Defence Industry Press.
10.崔维成,刘应中,葛春花,孙辉(译)(2007),高速船水动力学,国防工业出版社出版, ISBN 978-7-118-05066-0。原著:Odd M. Faltinsen, Hydrodynamics of High Speed Marine Vessels,Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA, 2005, First Published, ISBN 0-521-84568-8 (hardback).
11.崔维成,戚心源编著(2007),走进深海大洋,上海科学普及出版社出版,ISBN 978-7-5427-3655-0。
12.Cui,W.C., Dong,S.T., Kang,B.L. and Zhang,M. eds. (2007). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST2007), September 23-27,2007, Shanghai, China.
13. Cui Weicheng, Mechanisms, Mathematical Models and Preventive Measures of Fatigue Cracking (Chapter 5), Cui Weicheng, Wang Fang, Residual Strength of Cracked Structures (Chapter 8) in J.K. Paik and Robert E. Melchers(eds),Condition Assessment of Aged Structures, Woodhead Publishing Limited,Abington Hall, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AH, England, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84569-334-3.
15.Cui Weicheng, Zhang Ming and Kang Bolin eds. (2009). Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on underwater technology (UT2009), April 21-24, 2009, Wuxi, China, Journal of Ship Mechanics Press.
17.Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping, Wang Fang (2013). Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures, Zhejiang University Press and Springer. ISBN 978-7-308-10450-0 Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou;ISBN 978-3-642-41830-3 e-ISBN 978-3-642-41831-0, Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (Obtained a funding support of total 37,000 yuan RMB from The Committee of the National Fund for Academic Publication in Science and Technology, Project No. 2010-E-088).
18.Cui, W.C., Wang, F. (2012). The unified fatigue crack growth rate model, in Fatigue Crack Growth: Mechanisms, Behavior and Analysis, to be published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
19. Cui, W.C., Wang, F. (2012). Damage Accumulation (Essay 00273), Stress-life theories (Essay 00277), Strain-life theories (Essay 00276). Encyclopedia of Tribology, edited by Wang, Q.J. and Chung, Y.W., Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-92896-8, Due: Oct. 2012.
20.Weicheng Cui, Fang Wang, Binbin Pan, Yong Hu and Qinghai Du (2015). Chapter 1 Issues to be Solved in the Design, Manufacture and Maintenance of a Full Ocean Depth Manned Cabin, in Advances in Engineering Research. Volume 11, Editors: Victoria M. Petrova, Pub. Date: 2015 - 3rd Quarter, ISBN: 978-1-63483-380-6, Nova Science Publishers.
21. 潘彬彬,崔维成. 多学科设计优化理论及其在大深度载人潜水器设计中的应用.浙江科学技术出版社。Pan, B.B., Cui, W.C. (2017). Theory of multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) and its application to the design of deep manned submersibles. Zhejiang Science and Technology Press (2017).
22. 崔维成. 蛟龙号载人潜水器的故障及处理方法. 上海交通大学出版社,2016年12月。
23. Wang Fang & Cui Weicheng (2015). Recent Development of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate models. Chapter 1 in the Book “Advances in Engineering Research. Pp. 127-160. Volume 11”, edited by Ricardo Branco, Nova Science Publishers. 2015-3rd Quarter.
24. 崔维成,盛振邦,吴有生,力学与船舶工程(第5章),薛明德主编,《力学与工程》第二版,高等教育出版社, 2016年。
25. 张同伟,杨波,崔维成 (2016). 浅海声学被动定位技术。北京:海洋出版社。
1 Zhe Jiang, Xiaochan Shen, Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui A numerical study of the descent and ascent Resistance performance of a full ocean depth human occupied vehicle Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,2017
2 Wei, Y., Cao, J., Fang*, J., Kato, C., Cui, W. Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis strain 29R7-12, a Piezotolerant Bacterium Isolated from Coal-Bearing Sediment 2.4 km Below the Seafloor Genome Announcement 5, e01621-16.
3 Wei, Y., Cao, J., Fang, J. Kato, C. & Cui, W. First complete genome sequence of Marinilactibacillus piezotolerans strain 15R, a marine Lactobacilli isolated from coal-bearing sediment 2.0 km below the seafloor, determined by PacBio single-molecule real-time technology Genome Announc,2017,5(7): e01625-16
4 Zhang, M., Tang, W., Wang, F., Zhang, J., Cui, W., & Chen, Y. Buckling of bi-segment spherical shells under hydrostatic external pressure Thin-Walled Structures, 2017,120, 1-8
5 Li, H., Wang, F., Cui, W. Structural Design Exploration on Double Intersecting Spheres Manned Pressure Hull of Full Ocean Depth Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2017,21(9):1160-1169
6 Wang Fang, Hu Yong, & Cui Weicheng Preliminary Evaluation of Maraging Steels on Its Application to Full Ocean Depth Manned Cabin Journal of Ship Mechanics, 20(12), 1557-1572
7 Cui, W., Hu, Y., & Guo, W. Chinese journey to the challenger deep: the development and first phase of sea trial of an 11,000-m rainbowfish arv Marine Technology Society Journal,2017,51(3), 23-35
8 Qinghai Du, Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui Safety assessment of the acrylic conical frustum viewport structure for a deep-sea manned submersible 《Ships & Offshore Structures》,2016(12)
9 宋婷婷,罗瑞龙,李长安,崔维成,吴辛,张启明 深海科普基地建设的探索与实践 科协论坛,2016,(12):26-27.
10 崔维成 如何破解“钱学森之问”的一点思考 科学 2017-11-25
11 陈鹿; 崔维成; 潘彬彬 深海剖面测量浮标节能研究 中国造船 2017,58(3),128-135
12 李浩; 王芳; 崔维成 全海深双球连接耐压舱的结构设计探索(英文) 船舶力学 2017-09-15
13 霍海波; 郭明; 崔维成; 匡兴红; 周悦 深海潜水器电源系统的研究现状分析 电源技术 2017-08-20
14 崔维成 从载人潜水器的研制看中国未来科技与教育发展 科技导报 2017,35(15), 92-93.
15 崔维成 载人深渊探测器的研究进展 科学 2017-07-25
16 王珂; 王哲; 王芳; 崔维成 过载保载对金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率影响研究 船舶力学 2017, 21(7), 895-906.
17 陈鹿; 潘彬彬; 曹正良; 崔维成 自动剖面浮标研究现状及展望 海洋技术学报 2017,36(2):1-9
18 Zhe Jiang, Bin Xie, Weicheng Cui,Qinggui Du, Xinliang Tian A study on the heave performance and loads of the critical connections of a novel dry tree semisubmersible concept using numerical and experimental methods Ocean Engineering,2016,124:42-53
19 M. D. CHAPETTI, W. CUI. Comments and replies on the paper ‘Prediction of short fatigue crack growth of Ti–6Al–4V’ Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct.2016, 39, 1173–1176
20 Fang Wang, Yingying Wang, & Weicheng Cui. Prediction of crack growth rates of a high strength titanium alloy for deep sea pressure hull under three loading patterns Journal of Ship Mechanics,2016, 20(6), 699-709.
21 王芳,王莹莹,王珂,崔维成 高强度钛合金载人球疲劳寿命预报方法研究进展 钛工业进展,2016, 33(4),1-6
22 Yingying Wang, Fang Wang & Weicheng Cui. Fatigue reliability analyses considering short crack and dwell time effects Journal of Ship Mechanics. 2016, 20(6),710-721
23 Yingying Wang, Fang Wang & Weicheng Cui. Fatigue reliability analysis for the manned cabin of deep manned submersibles based on the unified fatigue life prediction method Journal of Ship Mechanics. 2016, 20(3), 335-347
24 Zhe Jiang, Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui. A numerical study on the load-bearing armored cable performance of an 11,000m ARV for the first phase sea trial Proceedings of the ASME 201635th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 19-24th, 2016, Busan, Korea
25 Qinghai Du, Weicheng Cui. On the design standard for the full ocean depth manned cabin fabricated in nickel maraging steel OCEANS'16 MTS/IEEE Shanghai. 2016.04, Shanghai, China.
26 Qinghai Du, Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui Failure stress-analysis of acrylic conical frustum viewport for deep-sea manned submersible International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures(ICSOS 2016). 2016.09, Hamburg, Germany.
27 宋婷婷; 罗瑞龙; 李长安; 崔维成; 吴辛; 张启明 深海科普基地建设的探索与实践 科协论坛 2016-12-25
28 王芳; 胡勇; 崔维成 马氏体镍钢用于制造全海深载人舱的可行性初探(英文) 船舶力学 2016-12-15
29 周悦; 崔维成; 郭威; 宋婷婷 深渊科学工程技术研究中心建设的探索与实践 实验技术与管理 2016-10-17 15:33
30 姜哲; 崔维成; 李阳; 时忠民 张立腿平台浮箱框架结构强度分析方法研究 舰船科学技术 2016-10-08
31 王芳; 王莹莹; 王珂; 崔维成 钛合金深潜器载人舱疲劳寿命预报方法研究进展 钛工业进展 2016-09-02 11:24
32 王芳; 王莹莹; 崔维成 高强度钛合金深潜器载人舱在三种不同类型载荷下的裂纹扩展预报(英文) 船舶力学 2016-06-15
33 王莹莹; 王芳; 崔维成 考虑小裂纹和保载时间效应的疲劳可靠性分析(英文) 船舶力学 2016-06-15
34 闫小顺; 黄小平; 崔维成 海洋结构物疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的一种工程预报方法(英文) 船舶力学 2016-03-15
35 王莹莹; 王芳; 崔维成 基于统一的疲劳寿命预报方法(UFLP)的深潜器载人舱疲劳可靠性分析(英文) 船舶力学 2016-03-15
36 姜哲; 崔维成 全海深潜水器水动力学研究最新进展 中国造船 2016-01-12
37 Qinghai Du, Weicheng Cui, Bowen Zhang Buckling characteristics of a circular toroidal shell with stiffened ribs Ocean Engineering,2015(108):325-335
38 Wang Fang, Paik, J. K., Kim, B. J., Cui, Weicheng, Hayat, T., & Ahmad, B. Ultimate shear strength of intact and cracked stiffened panels. Thin-Walled Structures, 2015, 88: 48-57
39 Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng Experimental investigation on dwell-fatigue property of ti-6Al-4V ELI used in deep-SEA manned cabin Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015,642:136–141
40 Wang fang,Wang Ke, Cui Weicheng A simplified life estimation method for the spherical hull of deep manned submersibles Marine structures. 2015, 44:159-170
41 杨青松,胡勇,崔维成 国内外常压潜水装具发展及应用 中国造船,2015,56(3):183-191
42 李珊珊; 崔维成 Generation and Application of A Standardized Load-Time History to Tubular T-joints in Offshore Platforms China Ocean Engineering 2015-10-15
43 赵敏; 崔维成; 李翔 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of A Human Occupied Vehicle Based on Bi-Level Integrated System Collaborative Optimization China Ocean Engineering 2015-08-15
44 张鼎; 黄小平; 崔维成 一种复杂载荷作用下船舶结构疲劳裂纹扩展预报方法 船舶力学 2015-05-15
45 陈晓贤; 崔维成 弯曲特性对非粘合挠性管深水安装的影响(英文) 中国造船 2015-03-31
46 吕超; 崔维成; 刘爽; 郭威 面向深海潜水器的液压技术发展现状 液压与气动 2015-02-15
47 崔维成 我国载人深渊器的发展策略及当前进展 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2015-02-15
48 Li, S.S. and Cui, W.C. (2014). Random load sequence effect on fatigue crack propagation of marine structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.18, No.1-2, 139-151 (李珊珊,崔维成(2014)随机载荷次序效应对海洋结构物疲劳裂纹扩展的影响,船舶力学,第18卷1-2期,139-151.)
49 Cui, W.C., Hu, Y., Guo, W. (2014). On the development of a movable laboratory for hadal science: some preliminary considerations. Proceedings of OCEANS 2014 , April 7-10, 2014, TAIPEI. Paper No. 131104-003.
50 Shanshan Li, Weicheng Cui (2014). Generation and Application of a Standardized Load-time History to Critical Ship Structural Details. Ships and Offshore Structures. Vol.9, No.4, pp.365-379. (海大)
51 Weicheng Cui, Yong Hu, Wei Guo, Binbin Pan, Fang Wang (2014). A preliminary design of a movable laboratory for hadal trenches, Methods in Oceanography 9 (2014) 1–16.
52 K. WANG, F. WANG, W. CUI, T. HAYAT and B. AHMAD (2014). Prediction of short fatigue crack growth of Ti-6Al-4V, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures published by Wiley Publishing Ltd. 00, 1–12.
53 王芳; 崔维成 超载基础上的短时间保载所产生的塑性区对疲劳裂纹扩展率的影响(英文) 船舶力学 2014-09-15
54 王珂; 王芳; 崔维成; 李冬琴 基于疲劳寿命预报统一方法小裂纹扩展寿命研究(英文) 船舶力学 2014-06-15
55 王芳; 黄小平; 崔维成 基于改进裂纹扩展率模型的破损加筋板疲劳寿命预报方法(英文) 船舶力学 2014-06-15
56 操安喜; 崔维成 基于区间的耐压球壳非概率可靠性分析 中国造船 2014-03-30
57 王健; 黄小平; 崔维成 大型集装箱船高强度厚钢甲板安全寿命评估方法 中国舰船研究 2014-01-21 15:03
58 Cui, Weicheng, Liu Feng, Hu Zhen, Zhu Min, Guo Wei, Liu Chenggang (2013). On 7000m Sea Trials of the Manned Submersible “JIAOLONG” . Marine Technology Society Journal, Volume 47, Number 1, January/February 2013 , pp. 67-82(16). (SCI)
59 LI Zhiwei, Cui Weicheng (2013). Study on the Hydrodynamic Performance for the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE of the Third Generation of Manned Submersible with Full Ocean Depth, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Series A, Vol.28, No.1, pp.1-9 (李志伟,崔维成. (2013). 第三代全海深载人潜水器“深海挑战者”的阻力特性分析,水动力学研究与进展A,第28卷第1期,1-9.)
60 Cui, Weicheng (2013). Development of the Jiaolong Deep Manned Submersible. Marine Technology Society Journal, May/June, Vol.47, No.3, pp.37-54. (SCI,海大)
61 Luo Guangen and Cui Weicheng (2013). Fatigue Crack propagation of the surface cracked deepwater structures based on extended McEvily model. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.17, No.6, 645-655. (罗广恩,崔维成(2013)基于McEvily模型的深海结构表面裂纹疲劳扩展模拟,船舶力学,第17卷第6期,645-655).
62 CUI Wei-cheng (2013). Contributions of Late Professor Yingzhong Liu to Hydroelasticity, Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol.28, No.4, 382-390. (崔维成(2013). 刘应中先生在水弹性研究领域的贡献, 水动力学研究与进展,A辑第28卷第4期, 382-390)。(海大)
63 Hao Li, Zhiwei Liand Weicheng Cui (2013). On Resistance Performance of Three Manned Submersibles with Full Ocean Depth, Proceedings of the PRADS2013, 20-25 October, 2013, CECO, Changwon City, Korea. (海大)
64 Li Hao, Li Zhiwei, Cui Weicheng (2013). A Preliminary Study of the Resistance Performance of the Three Manned Submersibles with Full Ocean Depth, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.17, No.12, pp.1411-1425. (海大)
65 Shanshan Li, Weicheng Cui (2013). A Procedure for Generating the Standardized Load-time Histories for Marine Structures, Marine Structures (in Press). (海大)
66 Pan Binbin, Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng (2013). On A New Strength Design Standard And Fatigue Strength Assessment Method For The Safety Of Deep-Manned Pressure Hulls. The 5th International Maritime Conference on Design For Safety and 4th Workshop on Risk-based Approaches in the Marine Industries, 25-27, November 2013, Shanghai, China. (海大)
67 Cao Anxi, Liu Wei, Ye Cong, Cui Weicheng (2013). Modeling and analysis for deep manned submersible in concept design based on multidisciplinary analysis, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.17, No.7, 807-818. (操安喜,刘蔚,叶聪,崔维成(2013),载人潜水器概念设计中的总体多学科设计模型及分析,船舶力学,第17卷第7期,807-818.)
68 Shanshan Li, Weicheng Cui (2013). Generation and Application of a Standardized Load-time History toTubular T-joints in Offshore Platforms, Submitted to China Ocean Engineering. (海大)
69 Cui Weicheng and Pan Binbin (2013). Generalized Probability Theory for Handling Uncertainty in Complex Enginnering Systems. Submitted to International Journal of Statistical Mechanics. (海大)
70 Luo Guangen, Cui Weicheng (2013). Effect of integration methods on the calculation results of fatigue crack propagation for marine structures, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.17, No.10, 1161-1168. (罗广恩,崔维成(2013),不同数值积分方式对海洋结构物疲劳裂纹扩展模拟结果的影响,船舶力学,第17卷第10期,1161-1168.)
71 Wang Ke, Wang Fang and Cui Weicheng (2013). Prediction method of the dwell-fatigue crack growth for titanium alloys and its validation on Ti-6242 at room temperature. Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.17, No.11, 1309-1317. (王珂,王芳,崔维成(2013),钛合金室温保载-疲劳裂纹扩展预报方法及其对提Ti-6242的适应性研究,船舶力学,第17卷第11期,1309-1317.)
72 Fang Wang, Jeom Kee Paik, Bong Ju Kim, Weicheng Cui, Tasawar Hayat (2013), Analysis of the elastic-plastic and ultimate strength behavior of steel plate elements with cracking damage considering the effects of crack propagation, Submitted to J Eng Marit Environ. (SCI)
73 Fang Wang, Jeom Kee Paik, Bong Ju Kim, Weicheng Cui, Tasawar Hayat (2013), Ultimate shear strength of intact and cracked stiffened panels, Submitted to Thin-Walled Structures. (SCI)
74 Ke Wang , Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui, Tasawar Hayat, B. Ahmad (2013), Prediction of Short Fatigue Crack Growth of Ti-6Al-4V, Submitted to Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. (SCI)
75 Ke Wang, Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui (2013), Prediction of Short Fatigue Crack Growth Life by Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method, Submitted to Journal of Ship Mechanics. (EI).
76 Pan Binbin, Cui Weicheng, Ye Cong, Liu Zhengyuan (2012). Development of the unpowered diving and floating prediction system for deep manned submersible “Jiaolong”, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.1-2, 58-71. (潘彬彬,崔维成,叶聪,刘正元(2012),蛟龙号载人潜水器无动力潜浮运动分析系统开发,船舶力学,第16卷第1-2期,58-71 )。 (EI Accession number: 20121114852745)
77 CHEN, F.L., WANG, F. and CUI, W.C. (2012). Fatigue life prediction of engineering structures subjected to variable amplitude loading using the improved crack growth rate model. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 35(3): 278-290. (SCI)
78 崔维成(2012),“蛟龙”号载人潜水器关键技术研究与自主创新,船舶与海洋工程,2012年第1期,1-8.
79 Luo Guang-en, Cui Weicheng (2012). Prediction of fatigue crack growth rate of metal based on Bayesian regularized BP neural network, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.4, 433-441. (罗广恩,崔维成,(2012),金属疲劳裂纹扩展速率的贝叶斯正则化BP神经网络预测,船舶力学,第16卷第4期,433-441 ). (EI Accession number: 20122415110875 )
80 Li Zhiwei, Cui Weicheng (2012). Overview on the hydrodynamic performance of underwater gliders, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.7, 829-837. (李志伟,崔维成(2012),水下滑翔机水动力外形研究综述,船舶力学,第16卷第7期,829-837.) (EI Accession number: 20123615396186)
81 Qian Yi, Cui Weicheng. (2012). An approach for predicting fatigue crack growth based on the cumulative damage theory and elasto-plastic stress field of crack tip, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.8, 954-961.(钱怡,崔维成(2012),一种基于累积损伤理论和裂纹尖端弹塑性应力场的裂纹扩展预测方法,船舶力学,第16卷第8期,954-961.) (EI Accession number: 20124115547795 )
82 Pan, Binbin, Cui, Weicheng (2012). Structural optimization for a spherical pressure hull of a deep manned submersible based on an appropriate design standard. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol.37, No.3, 564-571. (SCI)
83 李志伟,马岭,崔维成 (2012). 小型载人潜水器的发展现状和展望, 中国造船,第53卷第3期(总第202期),244-253。 (LI Zhiwei,MA Ling,Cui Weicheng (2012). Status and Prospects of Small Manned Submersibles, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.53, No.3 (Serial No. 202), 244-253).
84 Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng, Shen Yunsheng, Pan Binbin (2012). Analysis on fracture toughness test results of candidate titanium alloys used in deep manned submersibles, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.9, 1056-1063. (EI Accession number:20124515645154)
85 Cui, Wei-cheng, Liu Feng, Hu Zhen, Zhu Min, Guo Wei, Liu Cheng-gang (2012). 7000m sea trials of the deep manned submersible "JIAOLONG", Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.10, 1131-1143 (崔维成,刘峰,胡震,朱敏,郭威,刘诚刚(2012),蛟龙号载人潜水器的7000米级海上试验,船舶力学,第16卷第10期,1131-1143). (EI Accession number: 20124715699698)
86 赵俊海,刘涛,崔维成. (2012). 新型机动型救生钟铠装缆绞车的研制,中国造船,第53卷第4期(总第203期),118-127.
87 Qian Yi, Cui Weichneg, Wang Fang (2012). A predicting method of fatigue crack propagation under variable amplitude loading, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.16, No.11, 1298-1305 (钱怡,崔维成,王芳(2012),一种变幅载荷下疲劳裂纹扩展的预测方法,船舶力学,第16卷第11期,1298-1305). (EI Accession number: 20125215843274)
88 B.B. Pan, W.C. Cui, Y.S. Shen (2012). Experimental verification of the new ultimate strengthequation of spherical pressure hulls,Marine Structures, 29: 169–176. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20125015793582)
89 Fu, XS, Cui, WC. (2012).Dynamic responses of a ribbon floating bridge under moving loads. MARINE STRUCTURES, 29(1):246-256. (SCI)
90 Cui, WC. (2012).Special issue on hydroelasticity theories and applications. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART M-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR THE MARITIME ENVIRONMENT , Vol.226, No.M2, 81-82. (SCI)
91 Du QH, Wang L., Cui WC (2011), Structural compatibility analysis of spherical sector viewport with conical seat. Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.15, No.1-2, 101-109. (杜青海,王嫘,崔维成(2011),锥边球扇形观察窗结构的协定调性分析,船舶力学,Vol.15,No.1-2,101-108)。(EI Accession number: 20111513904766)
92 Huang, X.P., Jia, G.L., Cui, W.C., Qi Enrong (2011), Unique crack growth rate curve model for fatigue life prediction of marine structures, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.15, No.1-2, 118-125. (黄小平,贾贵磊,崔维成,祁恩荣(2011),海洋钢结构疲劳裂纹扩展预报单一扩展率曲线模型,船舶力学,Vol.15,No.1-2,118-125)。(EI Accession number: 20111513904768)
93 Pan Binbin and Cui Weicheng (2011). A comparison of different rules for the spherical pressure hull of deep manned submersibles. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.15, No.3, 276-285. (潘彬彬,崔维成(2011)深潜器载人球壳规范设计公式的比较,船舶力学,第15卷第3期,276-285)。(EI Accession number: 20111913972109)
94 Li Shanshan, Wang Zhibo, Cui Weicheng (2011). On implementing a practical algorithm to generate fatigue loading history or spectrum from short time measurement. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.15, No.3, 286-300. (李珊珊,王志博,崔维成(2011)从短期测量数据来生成疲劳载荷的一种实用算法的开发,船舶力学,第15卷第3期,286-300)。(EI Accession number: 20111913972110)
95 Wang Lili, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2011). Fatigue crack growth life prediction of cracks in complex stress field, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.15, No.4, 383-388. (王丽丽,黄小平,崔维成(2011)复杂应力场中裂纹疲劳扩展寿命,船舶力学,第15卷第4期,383-388)。 (EI Accession number: 20112114006945)
96 Huang, Z.Y., Andersson, H.I., Cui, W.C. (2011). End-wall effects on vortex shedding in planar shear flow over a circular cylinder. COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 42(1):102-107. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20105213536375)
97 Cui Weicheng, Wang Fang and Huang Xiaoping (2011), A Unified Fatigue Life Prediction (UFLP) Method for Marine Structures, Presented in the workshop at DTU to honor prof. Preben Terndrup Pedersen's 70th birthday, Oct. 29,2010 and MARINE STRUCTURES,Vol.24, No.2, 153-181. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20112214023360)
98 Chen, F.L., Wang, F. and Cui, W.C. (2011), An Improved Constitutive Model to Predict Fatigue Crack Growth Rate under Variable Amplitude Loading with Single and Multiple Overload, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 225(3): 271-281. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20114714542795)
99 ;Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng and Huang Xiaoping (2011). Evaluation of surface crack shape evolution using the improved fatigue crack growth rate model, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.15, No.6, 660-668. (EI Accession number: 20112914155504)
100 Bian Rugang, Cui Weicheng, Wan Zhenquan, Li Liangbi, Wang Mingwei (2011). A quantitative study on the effect of welding residual stresses on fatigue life, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.15, No.7, 776-783. (卞如冈、崔维成,万正权,李良碧,王铭伟(2011)焊接残余应力对疲劳寿命影响的定量研究,船舶力学,第15卷第7期,776-783). (EI Accession number: 20113314234499)
101 Cui Weicheng, Liu Feng, Hu Zhen, Zhu Min, Guo Wei, Wang Chunsheng (2011). 5000m sea trials test of the deep manned submersible “JIAOLONG”, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.52, No.3 (Serial No.197), 1-14. (崔维成,刘峰,胡震,朱敏,郭威,王春生(2011),蛟龙号载人潜水器的5000米级海上试验,中国造船,第52卷第3期,1-14)
102 Cui Weicheng, Hu Zhen, Ye Cong, Pan Binbin (2011). Current status and future trends for deep manned submersibles. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). Vol.42, Suppl.2, 13-20. (崔维成,胡震,叶聪,潘彬彬(2011)深海载人潜水器技术的发展现状与趋势,中南大学学报(自然科学版),第42卷增刊2,13-20)。(EI Accession number: 20114814563606)
103 Liu Zhenyuan, Wang Lei and Cui Weicheng (2011). State-of-the-art development of the foreign unmanned submersibles, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.15, No.10, 1182-1193 (刘正元,王磊,崔维成(2011). 国外无人潜器最新进展,船舶力学,第15卷第10期,1182-1193). (EI Accession number: 20114614524740)
104 王芳,陈峰落,潘彬彬,崔维成 (2011). 改进的裂纹扩展率模型曲线与不同形式的材料试验数据之间的转换关系,2010年度优秀学术论文集,中国造船工程学会,编号:2011005,2011年6月,9-19。
105 徐晓冬,黄小平,崔维成 (2011). 大型客滚船结构细部疲劳强度分析,2010年度优秀学术论文集,中国造船工程学会,编号:2011005,2011年6月,156-166。
106 崔维成(2011)“蛟龙”号载人潜水器关键技术与自主创新(主题报告),海洋工程装备与船舶配套设备技术研讨会,第16届中国国际海事会展高级海事论坛论文集,2011年11月28日至12月1日,上海新国际博览中心, 1-11。
107 Zhao Min, Cui Weicheng (2011). On the development of Bi-Level Integrated System Collaborative Optimization, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION, 43(1): 73-84. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20110613653089).
108 Pan Binbin, Cui Weicheng (2011). On an appropriate design and test standard for spherical pressure hull in a deep manned submersible, Proceeding of 2011 IEEE Symposium onUnderwater Technology (UT 2011)and 2011 Workshop on ScientificUse of Submarine Cables andRelated Technologies (SSC 2011), Tokyo, Japan, 5-8 April 2011, IEEE Catalog Number:CFP11UTS-PRT, ISBN:978-1-4577-0165-8, pp.436-442.
109 Li, Shan-Shan, Cui, W.C. (2011). On generation of standardized load-time histories and standardized load spectra, Journal of Ship Mechanics, v 15, n 12, p 1405-1415. (Accession number: 20120214676804)
110 钱怡; 崔维成 包含ΔK和Kmax二参数的疲劳裂纹扩展模型 江南大学学报(自然科学版) 2011-02-28
111 Bian, Rugang, Cui, Weicheng, Wan, Zhengquan, Huang, Xiaoping. (2010). A method for the evaluation of the two thresholds based on the two-parameter unified approach, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.1-2, 94-100. (卞如冈、崔维成、万正权、黄小平(2010),疲劳裂纹扩展双参数统一方法中门槛值的确定,船舶力学,第14卷第1-2期,94-100)。(EI Accession number: 20101312808053)
112 Liu, Daoqi, Hu, Yong, Tian, Changlu, Cui, Weicheng. (2010). Stress analysis on deep-sea structure’s viewport windows, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.1-2, 121-125. (刘道启、胡勇、田常录,崔维成(2010),深海耐压结构观察窗应力分析,船舶力学,第14卷第1-2期,121-125)。(EI Accession number: 20101312808057).
113 Pan, B.B. and Cui, W.C. (2010). FEM based MDO model for entire ship structural optimization, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.51, No.1 (Serial No. 189), 47-54. (潘彬彬,崔维成(2010)基于有限元的整船结构多学科设计优化,中国造船,第51卷第1期(总第189期),47-54).
114 Wang Fang, Chen Fengluo, Cui Weicheng (2010). Applicability of the improved crack growth rate model and its parameters estimation method, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.3, 252-262. (EI Accession number: 20102012932696)
115 Xu Xiaodong, Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping (2010). A Comparison between two models of fatigue crack growth under overload, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.3, 263-271. (EI Accession number: 20102012932697).
116 Qiu Changxian, Cui Weicheng, Tian Changlu (2020). Fatigue crack propagation analysis for pressure hull under cyclic compression, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.4, 409-415. (邱昌贤,崔维成,田常录(2010),循环压应力下的耐压结构疲劳裂纹扩展分析,船舶力学,第14卷第4期,409-415) (EI Accession number: 20102312995582).
117 Xu Xiaodong, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2010). A procedure for fatigue strength assessment of large Ro/Ro Passenger Ship, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.51, No.2 (Serial No.190), 35-46. (徐晓冬,黄小平,崔维成(2010)大型客滚船结构细部疲劳强度分析,中国造船,第51卷第2期,35-46)
118 Bian Rugang, Cui Weicheng, Wan Zhenquan, Huang Xiaoping (2010). Effects of initial cracks and loading sequence on fatigue crack growth of the deepwater structures based on two-parameter unified approach, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.5, 516-525. (卞如冈,崔维成,万正权,黄小平(2010),基于双参数统一方法的深海结构物疲劳扩展影响参数研究,船舶力学,第14卷第5期,516-525) (EI Accession number: 20102613045879)
119 Tian Changlu, Hu Yong, Liu Daoqi, Cui Weicheng (2010). Creep analysis on deep-sea structure’s viewport windows, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.5, 526-532. (田常录,胡勇,刘道启,崔维成(2010),深海耐压结构观察窗蠕变变形分析,船舶力学,第14卷第5期,526-532) (EI Accession number: 20102613045880).
120 Qian Yi, Cui Weicheng (2010). An overview on experimental investigation on variable amplitude fatigue crack growth rule, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.5, 556-565. (钱怡,崔维成(2010),变幅载荷下疲劳裂纹扩展规律试验研究综述,船舶力学,第14卷第5期,556-565) (EI Accession number: 20102613045884).
121 Jiang Zhe, Cui, Weicheng, Huang, Xiaoping. (2010). Response surface based variable-complexity method for optimization of truss spar concept dsign, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.7, 771-781. (姜哲,崔维成,黄小平(2010),基于响应面的可变复杂度方法在桁架式SPAR平台方案设计中的应用,船舶力学,第14卷第7期,771-781) (EI Accession number: 20103313151736)
122 Liu Daoqi, Hu Yong, Wang Fang, Tian Changlu, Cui, Weicheng (2010). Mechanics analysis on deep-sea Human Occupied Vehicle’s viewport windows, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.7, 782-788. (刘道启,胡勇,王芳,田常录,崔维成(2010),载人深潜器观察窗的力学性能,船舶力学,第14卷第7期,782-788). (EI Accession number: 20103313151737).
123 Shen Minxue, Wang Lei, Huang Jianping, Cui, Weicheng (2010). Experimental study on transmission attenuation of fiber optical micro cable under high hydraulic pressure, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.14, No.7, 789-794. (沈明学,王磊,黄剑平,崔维成(2010),微细光缆静水高压环境下的传输衰减特性试验研究,船舶力学,第14卷第7期,789-794) (EI Accession number: 20103313151738).
124 Wang, F. and Cui, W.C. (2010). On the engineering approach to estimating the parameters in an improved crack growth rate model for fatigue life prediction, Ships and Offshore Structures, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2010, 227–241. (EI Accession number:20103413170275)
125 Gou, P. and Cui,W.C. (2010). Application of collaborative optimization in the structural system design of underwater vehicles, Ships and Offshore Structures, Vol.5, No.2, 115-123. (SCI, EI Accession number:20103413175162)
126 Cui WC, Wang F (2010), On Determination of Parameters of the Unified Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Model from Tensile Test Data, 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Sep.19-25, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.(国际会议)
127 Wang F, Cui WC (2010), Effect of Three Dimensional Stress State on Unstable Fracture Condition and Crack Opening Level in a New Crack Growth Model, Acta Metall Sinica, 1,pp.41-49. (SCI, EI Accession number:20105013492267)
128 Cui, W.C., Wang, F. and Huang, X.P. (2010). Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction (UFLP) Method for Marine Structures: An Overview, Presented at Alaa E. Mansour Symposium on Ship and Offshore Structural Design, Proceedings of the ASME 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2010-21007, 6-11 June 2010, Shanghai, China, v 2, p 981-989. (SCI, EI Accession number:20114214426666) (EI)
129 Wang F, Chen FL, Cui WC (2010), Applicability of the Improved Crack Growth Rate Model and Its Parameters Estimation Method, Journal of Ship mechanics, 14(3):252-261;(EI Accession number:20102012932696)
130 Chen FL, Wang F, Cui WC (2010), Applicability of the improved crack growth rate model for a wide range of alloys under constant amplitude load, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.14, No.12, 1349-1360. (EI Accession number: 20110313600741).
131 Huang XP, Wang AQ, Cui WC, Bian RG (2010), The fatigue crack growth under compressive to compressive fluctuating loading, Proceedings of the ASME 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2010, June 6-11, Shanghai, China; (EI Accession number: 20114214426564 )
132 Pan, Binbin and Cui, Weicheng (2010). An overview of buckling and ultimate strength of spherical pressure hull under external pressure, Marine Structures 23 (2010) 227–240. (SCI, EI Accession number:20103813243506 )
133 Pan, B.B., Cui, W.C. , Shen, Y.S., Liu, T. (2010). Further study on the ultimate strength analysis of spherical pressure hulls, Marine Structures, Vol.23, No.4, (2010), 444–461. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20110913710611).
134 Bian Rugang, Cui Weicheng, Wan Zhengquan, Du Qinghai, Zhang Aifeng (2010). A study on parallel fatigue testing of multi cracks in a large structural model, Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.14, No.11, 1249-1256).卞如冈,崔维成,万正权,杜青海,张爱峰(2010). 大结构模型中多裂纹种类并行疲劳试验方法研究,船舶力学,Vol.14,No.11,1249-1256. (EI Accession number: 20105113511918).
135 Xu Pengfei,Cui Weicheng, Xie Junyuan, Yue Lina (2010). Control system design for autonomous and remotely-operated vehicle,Shipbuilding of China, Vol.51, No.4 (Serial No. 193), 100-109. (徐鹏飞、崔维成、谢俊元、岳丽娜(2010)遥控自治水下机器人控制系统,中国造船,第51卷第4期(总第193期),100-109)。
136 Liu Feng, Cui Weicheng, Li Xiangyang (2010). China’s first deep manned submersible, JIAOLONG. SCIENCE CHINA---EARTH SCIENCES, 53(10), 1407-1410. (SCI , EI Accession number:20104113293668)
137 Cui, W.C., Hu, Z., Ye, C., Xu,Q.N. (2010). First Two phases of sea trials of deep manned submersible “Jiaolong”, Ocean Innovation Conference (OI2010), October 17-20, 2010, St. John's, Canada.
138 Jiang, Zhe, Cui, Weicheng, Huang, Xiaoping (2010). Application of multidisciplinary design optimization in the Truss Spar concept design, Proceedings of the ASME 29th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2010, v 1, p 91-99. (EI Accession number:20114214426252)
139 Du, Qing-Hai, Cui, Wei-Cheng; Wan, Zheng-Quan Nonlinear finite element analysis of a toroidal shell with ring-stiffened RIBS, Proceedings of the ASME 29thInternational Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2010, v 2, p 759-765. (EI Accession number:20114214426643).
140 徐鹏飞; 胡震; 崔维成; 王磊 光视觉在水下管线巡检中的应用 中国造船 2010-09-15
141 陈颖; 岳亚霖; 崔维成 小水线面双体船典型节点抗疲劳设计 舰船科学技术 2010-06-15
142 沈明学; 王磊; 崔维成 ARV—微细光缆耦合系统的数值模拟研究 舰船科学技术 2010-02-15
143 Wu, Y.S. and Cui, W.C. (2009), ADVANCES IN the THREE-DIMENSIONAL HYDROELASTICITY of Ships,Fluid-Structure Interactions: a Special Issue in Honour of Professor W. Geraint Price, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, .Vol.223, No. M3, 2009, 331-348. (SCI, EI Accession number:20094012348347)
144 Fu, S.X., Cui, W.C., Yang, J.M. (2009),Experimental Investigation of the Hydroelastic Response of a Floating Bridge Subjected to Moving Loads, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, 8th - 10th September 2009, University of Southampton, UK.
145 Wang Fang and Cui Weicheng (2009). Analysis on the effective position of reinforcement patch used as crack arrest for plates with mixed-mode (I/II) cracks, Journal of Engineering for the maritime environment, Vol.222, No. M4, 219-227.
146 Gou Peng and Cui Weicheng (2009). Structural optimization of multiple intersecting spherical pressure hulls based on Kriging model, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.1, 100-106. (苟鹏,崔维成(2009),基于Kriging 模型的深潜器多球交接耐压壳结构优化,船舶力学,第13卷第1期,100-106). (EI Accession number: 20091311983024 )
147 Jiang Zhe and Cui Weicheng (2009). A comparison of multidisciplinary design optimization algorithms and their application to the design of ships and offshore platforms, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.1, 150-160. (姜哲,崔维成(2009),多学科设计优化算法比较及其在船舶工业和海洋平台设计上的应用,船舶力学,第13卷第1期,150-160). (EI Accession number: 20091311983031 )
148 Zhao Min and Cui Weicheng (2009). Application of BLISCO to the multidisciplinary design of a HOV, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.2, 259-268. (赵敏,崔维成(2009),BLISCO方法在载人潜水器设计中的应用,船舶力学,第13卷第2期,259-268). (EI Accession number: 20092112090993 )
149 Gou Peng and Cui Weicheng (2009). Study of structural optimization problem for multiple intersecting spherical pressure hulls, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.2, 269-277. (苟鹏,崔维成(2009),多球交接耐压壳结构优化问题的研究,船舶力学,第13卷第2期,269-277). (EI Accession number: 20092112090994)
150 Pan Bin-bin, Cui Weicheng and Leng Wenhao (2009). Multidisciplinary design optimization of surface vessels. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.3, pp.378-387. (潘彬彬,崔维成,冷文浩(2009),水面舰船多学科设计优化,船舶力学,第13卷第3期,378-387)。(EI Accession number: 20092912195462 )
151 Zhao Min, Cui Weicheng (2009). System Synthesis Model for a HOV in conceptual design. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.3, pp.426-443. (赵敏,崔维成(2009),载人潜水器概念设计中的系统集成模型,船舶力学,第13卷第3期,426-443)。(EI Accession number: 20092912195467 )
152 Jiang Zhe, Cui Weicheng and Huang Xiaoping (2009). Preliminary study of Multidisciplinary design optimization in Truss Spar concept design. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.3, pp.444-457. (姜哲,崔维成,黄小平(2009),多学科设计优化在桁架式SPAR平台概念设计中的应用,船舶力学,第13卷第3期,444-457)。(EI Accession number: 20092912195468 )
153 Huang, X.P., Moan, T. and Cui, W.C. (2009). A unique crack growth rate curve method for fatigue life prediction of steel structures, Ships and Offshore Structures, Vol.4, No.2, 165-173. (SCI, EI Accession number:20093312252195)
154 Wang, F., Cui, W.C., Paik, J.K. (2009), Residual Ultimate Strength Analysis of Multi-cracked Ship Structural Elements, Thin-walled Structures, Vol47, No.12, pp.1439-1446. (SCI, EI Accession number:20093612291021))
155 Hu Zhiqiang and Cui Weicheng (2009). Application of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization to Soft Bow Design, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.50, No.3 (Total issue No. 187), 32-39. (胡志强,崔维成(2009)多学科优化设计在缓冲球鼻首设计中的应用,中国造船,第50卷第3期总第187期,32-39)。
156 Xie Junyuan, Xu Wenbo, Zhang Hua, Xu Pengfei, Cui Weicheng (2009). Dynamic modeling and investigation of Maneuver Characteristics of a deep sea manned submarine vehicle. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.23, No.3, pp.505-516. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20094612449933)
157 Xie Junyuan, Xu Wenbo, Xu Pengfei, Cui Weicheng. (2009). Investigation of dynamics for a HOV-Manipulator System, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.5, 705-711. (谢俊元、须文波、徐鹏飞,崔维成(2009),载人潜水器-机械手系统动力学研究,船舶力学,第13卷第5期,705-711)。(EI Accession number: 20094912530307 )
158 Bian Rugang, Cui Weicheng and Wan Zhengquan (2009). Fatigue crack propagation of the notched specimen under cyclic compression-compression loading based on the two-parameter unified approach, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.5, 734-738. (卞如冈,崔维成,万正权(2009),基于双参数统一方法研究压-压疲劳下的裂纹扩展,船舶力学,第13卷第5期,734-738)。(EI Accession number: 20094912530311 )
159 Cui Weicheng and Ma Ling (2009). Hydrodynamic problems involved in submersible design, Proceedingsof the 9th National Congress on Hydrodynamics and 22nd National Conference on Hydrodynamics, Ocean Press, Beijing, 9-29. (崔维成,马岭(2009),潜水器设计中所要解决的水动力学问题,第九届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十二届全国水动力学研讨会文集,吴有生,刘桦,许唯临,周连第,杨显成主编,海洋出版社,北京,9-29)。
160 Wang, F., Cui, W. C. (2009). Approximate method to determine the model parameters in a new crack growth rate model [J]. Marine Structures, 22:744–757. (SCI, EI Accession number:20094912525003)
161 马伟锋,崔维成,刘涛,胡震,海底电缆观测系统的研究现状与发展趋势,海岸工程,2009,09。
162 Pan Binbin, Cui Weicheng, He Ling (2009). A ship hull transform program for multidisciplinary design optimization, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.6, 886-894. (潘彬彬,崔维成,何凌(2009),船舶多学科设计优化中的船型变换模块,船舶力学,第13卷第6期,886-884)。(EI Accession number: 20100112617531 )
163 Zhan Zhihu, Cui Weicheng, Gu Yexin (2009). Permissible stress method for fatigue strength of ship hull structure based on EDW, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.13, No.6, 923-933 (詹志鹄,崔维成,顾晔昕(2009),基于等效设计波的船体结构疲劳强度许用应力法,船舶力学,第13卷第6期,923-933)。(EI Accession number: 20100112617535).
164 Cui, Weicheng, Xu Qinan, Liu Feng Liu, Hu Zhen Hu, Wang Xiaohui and Zhu Min (2009). Design, Construction and Open Water Tank Test of the Deep Manned Submersible “Harmony”, Keynote paper presented in the Sixth International Symposium on Underwater Technology UT2009, Wuxi, China, April 2009.
165 Wang C, Fu SX, Cui WC. (2009). Hydroelasticity based fatigue assessment of the connector for a ribbon bridge subjected to a moving load. MARINE STRUCTURES, 22(2):246-260. (SCI, EI Accession number:20091111956522)
166 Du, Qing-Hai; Wan, Zheng-Quan; Cui, Wei-Cheng. A study on structural characteristics of the ring-stiffened circular toroidal shells. Proceedings of MARSTRUCT 2009, 2nd International Conference on Marine Structures-Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, p 77-81, 2009, Conference:MARSTRUCT 2009, 2nd International Conference on Marine Structures - Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, March 16, 2009 - March 18, 2009. (EI Accession number:20094012347490).
167 Xie Junyuan, Xu Wenbo, Zhang Hua, Xu Pengfei, Cui Weicheng (2009). Dynamic modeling and investigation of Maneuver Characteristics of a deep sea manned submarine vehicle. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.23, No.3, pp.505-516.
168 王庆丰; 崔维成 表面裂纹Ⅰ型应力强度因子间的互相作用及影响规律 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2009-12-15
169 姜哲; 崔维成; 胡志强; 黄小平 桁架式Spar平台方案设计研究 舰船科学技术 2009-09-15
170 李景阳; 崔维成; 王芳 中心穿透裂纹板在复杂载荷作用下的剩余极限强度分析 舰船科学技术 2009-08-15
171 祁恩荣,岳亚霖,吴世海,崔维成, 双层板架屈曲极限强度的理论与试验研究, 2008海洋钢结构会议。
172 Huang Xiaoping; Torgeir Moan, Cui, Weicheng; An engineering model of fatigue crack growth under variable amplitude loading, International Journal of Fatigue, v 30, n1, 2008, p 2-10. (SCI,EI Accession number: 074410902734 ).
173 Liu Wei, Cao Anxi, Gou Peng, Cui Weicheng (2008). General performance MDO of a deep sea HOV based on BLH framework, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.1, 110-117. (刘蔚,操安喜,苟鹏,崔维成(2008),基于BLH框架的大深度载人潜水器总体性能的多学科设计优化,船舶力学,第12卷第1期,110-117)。(EI Accession number: 20081211161293).
174 Shen Mingxue, Cui Weicheng, Xu Yuru, Hu Zhen (2008). Overview of underwater applications of fiber micro cable, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.1, 146-156. (沈明学,崔维成,徐玉如,胡震(2008),微细光缆的水下应用研究综述,船舶力学,第12卷第1期,146-156)。(EI Accession number: 20081211161298).
175 Wang, Y.F., Cui, W.C., Wu, X.Y., Wang, F., Huang, X.P.(2008).The extended McEvily model for fatigue crack growth analysis of Metal Structures, International Journal of Fatigue, 30: 1851–1860. (SCI, EI Accession number:20082411310352)
176 Cui Weicheng, Xu Qinan, Liu Tao, Hu Zhen, Yang Youning, Hu Yong, Ma Ling (2008). Design and construction of the deep manned submersible “Harmony”, Journal of Ship Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.1, 17-25. (崔维成,徐芑南,刘涛,胡震,杨有宁,胡勇,马岭(2008),“和谐”号载人深潜器的研制,舰船科学技术,第30卷第1期,17-25)。
177 Cui Weicheng, Liu Zhengyuan, Xu Qinan (2008). The Four-Element Method for the Design of Large Complex Engineering System, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.49, No.2 (Serial No. 181), 1-12. (崔维成,刘正元,徐芑南(2008), 大型复杂工程系统设计的四要素法,中国造船,第49卷第2期(总第181期),1-12)。
178 崔维成,徐芑南,刘涛,胡震,杨有宁,胡勇,马岭(2008),7000米载人潜水器研发简介,上海造船,总第73期,14-17。
179 Zhan Zhihu, Wu Xiaoyuan, Cui Weicheng, Wu Longzhou (2008). Program method of fine mesh analysis for ship knuckle details, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.49, No.1 (Serial No. 180), 47-53. (詹志鹄,吴晓源,崔维成,吴龙周(2008),船体折角型节点有限元细化分析的程序化方法,中国造船,第49卷第1期(总第180期),47-53)。
180 Shi Wei, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2008). Fatigue crack growth prediction based on unique crack growth rate curve model, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.2, 264-271. (施伟,黄小平,崔维成(2008),基于疲劳裂纹扩展率单一曲线模型的疲劳寿命预测,船舶力学,第12卷第2期,264-271)。(EI Accession number: 20082111272641).
181 Cao Anxi, Cui Weicheng (2008). Multi-objective collaborative optimization in multidisciplinary design for submersible, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.2, 294-304. (操安喜,崔维成(2008),潜水器多学科设计中的多目标协同优化方法,船舶力学,第12卷第2期,294-304)。(EI Accession number: 20082111272646).
182 Wang Yanwu, Wang Yifei, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2008). A simplified maximum pit depth model of mild and low alloy steels in marine immersion environments, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.3, 401-417. (EI Accession number: 20082911385121).
183 Wang Yifei, Wang Yanwu, Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping (2008). A study on the relation between threshold effective stress intensity facor range and load ratio, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.3, 440-453. (EI Accession number: 20082911385124).
184 Zhao Min, Cao Anxi, Gou Peng, Cui Weicheng (2008). Application of efficient global optimization in ship mechanics, Vol.12, No.3, 473-482. (EI Accession number: 20082911385127).
185 Huang Zhiyong, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong and Huang Xiaoping (2008). Reynolds and mass-damping effect on prediction of the peak amplitude of a freely vibrating cylinder, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.22, No.1, 21-30. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20081911244216).)
186 Hu Zhiqiang and Cui Weicheng (2008). Study on collision characters for SPAR platform, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.22, No.1, 131-140. (SCI, EI Accession number: 20081911244225).
187 Hu Yong, Shen unsheng, Xie Junyuan, Cui Weicheng (2008). Landing research on deep-sea human occupied vehicle, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 642-648. (胡勇,沈允生,谢俊元,崔维成(2008),深海载人潜水器的坐底分析,船舶力学,第12卷第4期,642-648)。(EI Accession number: 20083611520505).
188 Zhao Min, Cao Anxi, Cui Weicheng (2008). A comparison of multidisciplinary design optimization methods, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.49, No.3 (Serial No.182), pp.68-78. (赵敏,操安喜,崔维成(2008),多学科设计优化方法的比较,中国造船,第49卷第3期总第182期,68-78)。
189 Cui Weicheng, Ye Cong, Gu Jihong (2008). Current status and development trend of international submarine rescue system, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.5, pp. 830-844. (崔维成,叶聪,顾继红(2008),国际援潜救生装备体系现状及发展趋势,船舶力学,第12卷第5期,830-844)。(EI Accession number: 20084611708003).
190 Cao Anxi and Cui Weicheng (2008). Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Method Applied to a HOV Design,Paper presented in International Conference of INMARTECH2008, All Seasons Hotel, Toulon, France, 8-10 October, 2008.
191 Liu Feng, Cui Weicheng and Li Xiangyang (2008). Introduction to Design and Construction of Deep Manned Submersible “Harmony”, Paper presented in International Conference of INMARTECH2008, All Seasons Hotel, Toulon, France, 8-10 October, 2008.
192 Wang Yifei, Yi Gaojie, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2008). Determination of the parameter reflecting crack closure development in the fatigue crack propagation model, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.49, No.4, 45-51. (王一飞,衣高洁,黄小平,崔维成(2008),疲劳裂纹扩展模型中表征裂纹闭合水平参数的确定,中国造船,第49卷第4期,45-51)
193 Liu Wei, Cao Anxi, Zhao Min, Cui Weicheng (2008). Application of MDO with BLH Framework in AUV Conceptual Design, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.49, No.4, 88-98. (刘蔚,操安喜,赵敏,崔维成(2008),两层分级多学科设计优化在AUV概念设计中的应用,中国造船,第49卷第4期,88-98)
194 Zhao Junhai, Ma Libin, Liu Tao, Cui Weicheng (2008). Design of buoyancy modules for deep-sea human occupied vehicle, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.49, No.4, 99-108. (赵俊海,马利斌,刘涛,崔维成(2008),大深度载人潜水器浮力块的结构设计,中国造船,第49卷第4期,99-108)
195 Shen Mingxue, Liu Zhengyuan, Cui Weicheng (2008). Simulation of the decent/ascent motion of a deep manned submersible. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.6, 886-893. (EI Accession number: 20090411872882).
196 Pan Binbin, Cui Weicheng (2008). Multidisciplinary design optimization methods for ship design. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.6, 914-931. (EI Accession number: 20090411873730).
197 Yi Gaojie, Wang Yifei, Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping (2008). Application of the general fratigue crack growth model on the single overload fatigue problem. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.12, No.6, 947-954. (EI Accession number: 20090411872884).
198 Hu, Zhi-Qiang;Cui, Wei-Cheng;Yang, Jian-Min. Research on the collision characters of Spar platform based on model test and numerical simulation methods. Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, v 42, n 6, p 939-944, June 2008. (EI Accession number: 20083211445326).
199 Hu, Zhiqiang, Yang, Jianmin, Cui, Weicheng (2008), Multidisciplinary design optimization- A new way to bring softer bows, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2008, v 2, p 131-137. (EI Accession number:20104213310592)
200 王一飞; 王燕舞; 吴晓源; 崔维成; 黄小平 大深度载人潜水器浮力块的加工和安装 中国造船 2008-10-15
201 王一飞; 王燕舞; 吴晓源; 崔维成; 黄小平 有效应力强度因子范围门槛值与载荷比关系的研究(英文) 船舶力学 2008-06-15
202 苟鹏; 刘涛; 崔维成 深潜器多球交接耐压壳结构性能研究 舰船科学技术 2008-06-15
203 戚心源; 崔维成 构建社会主义和谐社会与多学科优化设计 社科纵横 2008-03-15
204 Pan, Z.Y., Cui, W.C. and Miao, Q.M. (2007). Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder at low mass-damping using RANS code, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol.23, 23-37 (SCI, EI Accession number: 064910292573).
205 Huang, Zhiyong, Pan, Zhiyuan and Cui, Weicheng (2007). Numerical simulation of VIV of a circular cylinder with two degrees of freedom and low mass-ratio, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1-9. (黄智勇,潘志远,崔维成(2007)两向自由度低质量比圆柱体涡激振动的数值计算,船舶力学,第11卷第1期,1-9)。(EI Accession number: 071510544700)
206 Hu Yong, Zhao Junhai, Liu Tao and Cui Weicheng (2007). Design method research of lighter exostructures made by composite material on deep human occupied vehicle, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 51-57. (胡勇,赵俊海,刘涛,崔维成(2007)大深度载人潜水器上的复合材料轻外壳结构设计研究,中国造船,第48卷第1期,51-57)。
207 Hu Yong, Zhang Jinfei, Cui Weicheng (2007). Sealing ability research on movable rescue bell, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.221-230. (胡勇,张锦飞,崔维成(2007),救生钟对接密封能力研究,船舶力学,第11卷第2期,221-230). (EI Accession number: 072310642429)
208 Wang Yanwu, Cui Weicheng (2007). Current Status and Future Directions for Reliability Analysis of Ship Structures Under Corrosion, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.221-230. (王燕舞,崔维成(2007),考虑腐蚀影响的船舶结构可靠性研究现状与展望,船舶力学,第11卷第2期,221-230). (EI Accession number: 072310642439)
209 Liu Yingzhong and Cui Weicheng (2007). Mat-type VLFS on a Seaway over an Uneven Bottom, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.3, 321-327. (刘应中,崔维成(2007). 箱式超大型浮体在不平底部海域中的水弹性响应,船舶力学,第11卷第3期,321-327). (EI Accession number: 072910702461 ).
210 Cao Anxi, Zhao Min, Liu Wei and Cui Weicheng (2007). Application of multidisciplinary design optimization in the conceptual design of a submarine. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.3, 373-382. (操安喜,赵敏,刘蔚,崔维成(2007). 多学科设计优化方法在潜艇概念设计中的应用研究,船舶力学,第11卷第3期,373-382). (EI Accession number: 072910702467)
211 Wang Fang, Han Yun, Cui Weicheng (2007). Residual tensile strength analysis of stiffened ductile panels with crack. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.3, 383-395. (王芳,韩芸,崔维成(2007). 具有裂纹缺陷的加筋板的剩余拉伸强度分析,船舶力学,第11卷第3期,383-395). (EI Accession number: 072910702468 ).
212 Han Yun, Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping and Wu Yousheng (2007). Fatigue Strength Assessment of Large-scale ship Structures. Shipbuilding of China, Vol.48, No.2, 60-67. (韩芸,崔维成,黄小平,吴有生 (2007). 大型船舶结构的疲劳强度校核方法,中国造船,第48卷第2期,60-67).
213 Fu Shixiao, Torgeir Moan, Chen Xujun; Cui, Weicheng; Hydroelastic analysis of flexible floating interconnected structures, Ocean Engineering, v 34, n 11-12, 2007, p 1516-1531. (SCI, EI Accession number: 071710572568).
214 Pan Zhiyuan, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong (2007). Prediction model for Vortex-Induced Vibration of Circular Cylinder with data of forced vibration. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.21, No.2, pp.239-254. (SCI, EI Accession number: 073110726745)
215 Wang Yanwu, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2007). Pitting corrosion model of mild and low-alloy steel in marine environment-Part 1: Maximum pit depth, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.4, 577-586. (王燕舞,黄小平,崔维成(2007),船舶结构钢海洋环境点蚀模型研究之一:最大点蚀深度时变模型,船舶力学,第11卷第4期,577-586)。(EI Accession number: 073710810217).
216 Wu Xiaoyuan, Zhan Zhihu, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2007). A study on crack repair profiles of welded details in FPSO, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.4, 587-593. (吴晓源,詹志鹄,黄小平,崔维成(2007),FPSO节点焊趾处的裂纹修理形状研究,船舶力学,第11卷第4期,587-593)。(EI Accession number: 073710810218 ).
217 Zhao Ming and Cui Weicheng (2007). Overview on Research and Application of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.48, No.3 (Serial No.178), 63-72. (赵敏,崔维成(2007)多学科设计优化研究应用现状综述,中国造船,第48卷第3期,63-72).
218 Cao Anxi, Liu Wei and Cui Weicheng (2007). Multi-objective optimal design of the presure spherical hull in deep manned submersible based on response surface and Genetic Algorithm. Shipbuilding of China, Vol.48, No.3 (Serial No.178), 107-114. (操安喜,刘蔚,崔维成(2007)载人潜水器耐压球壳的多目标优化设计,中国造船,第48卷第3期,107-114).
219 Wu Xiaoyuan, Liu Qiang, Wang Zili, Yue Yalin, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2007). Calculation of stress intensity factors of surface cracks initiated from repaired welded details under bending load, Journal of Ship Mechancis, Vol.11, No.5, 723-734. (吴晓源,刘强,王自力,岳亚霖,黄小平,崔维成(2007)弯曲载荷作用下含切口T型节点表面裂纹应力强度因子计算,船舶力学,第11卷第5期,723-734)。(EI Accession number: 074610915391)
220 Wang Yanwu, Wu Xiaoyuan, Zhang Yuhua, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2007). Pitting corrosion model of mild and low-alloy steel in marine environment---part 2: The shape of corrosion pits, Journal of Ship Mechancis, Vol.11, No.5, 735-743. (王燕舞,吴晓源,张雨华,黄小平,崔维成(2007)船舶结构钢海洋环境点蚀模型研究之二:实船蚀坑形态与径深比时变模型,船舶力学,第11卷第5期,735-743)。(EI Accession number: 074610915392 ).
221 Cui Weicheng, Xu Qinan, Liu Tao, Hu Zhen, Yang Youning, Hu Yong, Ma Ling (2007). Introduction to the Development of a 7000m manned submersible, Presented at the Post-Symposium Workshop of Underwater Technology 2007, April 23-24, 2007, hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and China Ship Scientific Research Center.
222 Wang Yifei, Wu Xiaoyuan, Pan Zhiyuan, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2007). Effect of elastic modulus on the VIV-induced fatigue damage in deep sea risers, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.6, 867-878. (EI Accession number: 080411058550)
223 Wu Xiaoyuan, Wang Yifei, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2007). Investigation of repair profiles on minimizing the SCF of cracked welded details in FPSO, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.6, 888-894. (EI Accession number: 080411058552)
224 Gou Peng, Liu Wei, Cui Weicheng (2007). A Comparison of approximation methods for multidisciplinary design optimization of ship structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.11, No.6, 913-923. (EI Accession number: 080411058555)
225 Hu Zhiqiang, Xiao Longfei; Cui, Weicheng; Yang Jianming, Research on collision mechanisms for a ship colliding with a spar platform, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2007, OMAE2007, v2, p 69-77. (EI Accession number: 075110984741 ).
226 Huang, Zhiyong; Pan, Zhiyuan; Cui, Weicheng; Numerical simulation of VIV of a circular cylinder with two degrees of freedom and low mass-ratio, Journal of Ship Mechanics, v11, n1, 2007, p 1-9. (EI Accession number: 071510544700 ).
227 Zhao Min, Cui Weicheng (2007). Application of the optimal Latin Hypercube design and radial basis function network to collaborative optimization, Journal of Marine Science and Application, Vol.6, No.3, pp.24-32.
228 Huang Zhiyong, Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping (2007). Vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder in uniform planar shear flow, Journal of Harbin Engineering University, Vol.28, No.12, pp.1301-1306. (黄智勇,崔维成,黄小平(2007)均匀平面剪切流作用下圆柱体的涡激振动,哈尔滨工程大学学报,第28卷第12期,1301-1306)(EI Accession number: 080411058821 ).
229 Cui Weicheng, Bian Rugang, Liu Xiangchun (2007). Application of the Two-parameter Unified Approach for Fatigue Life rediction of Marine Structures, Proceedings of the 10th International ymposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Edited by Roger I. Basu, Vadim Belenky, Ge Wang, Qing Yu, ABS, Vol.2, 1064-1070.
230 王琮; 付世晓; 韩芸; 崔维成 波浪作用下带式舟桥的水弹性分析 上海交通大学学报 2007,41(9)"1441-1444
231 崔维成 Unix之SSL VPN设备简化安全访问 今日科苑 2007-05-23
232 操安喜; 崔维成 基于多学科设计优化的深海空间站总体设计方法研究 舰船科学技术 2007,29(2):32-40,61
233 Enrong Qi and Weicheng Cui (2006). Designed-Oriented Methods of Ultimate Hull Girder Strength, Proceedings of OMAE2006 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering June 4-9, 2006, CCH Congress Center, Hamburg, Germany, OMAE2006-92506. (SCI, EI Accession number: 064810273798 ).
234 PAN Zhi-yuan, CUI Wei-cheng, LIU Ying-zhong (2006). The Prediction of Vortex-induced Vibration of a Slender Tensioned Riser in a Stepped Current, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, v 40, n 6, p 1064-1068, (潘志远,崔维成,刘应中, 细长柔性立管在阶梯状来流作用下的多模态涡激振动响应预报,上海交通大学学报, 第40卷第6期,1064-1068)。(SCI, EI Accession number:063410082469)
235 Ma Ling and Cui Weicheng (2006). Path following control of autonomous underwater vehicle based upon fuzzy hybrid control, Control Theory & Applications, Vol.23, No.3, 341-346. (马岭,崔维成(2006),基于模糊混合控制的自治水下机器人路径跟踪控制,控制理论与应用,第23卷第3期,341-346)。(SCI, EI Accession number:063410082656)
236 Fu, Shi-Xiao; Cui, Wei-Cheng; Chen, Xu-Jun; Lin, Zhu-Ming (2006). Analysis of the moving-load-induced vibrations of a nonlinearly connected floating bridge, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, v 40, n 6, p 1004-1009 (in Chinese). (SCI, EI Accession number:063410083085)
237 Ma Ling and Cui Weicheng (2006). Path following control study of an autonomous underwater vehicle cotrolled by non-singular terminal sliding mode, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.47, No.4, 76-82 (in Chinese). 马岭,崔维成(2006),NTSM控制的AUV路径跟踪控制研究,中国造船,第47卷第4期,76-82)。
238 Ma Ling and Cui Weicheng (2006). Heading control study of a deep manned submersible at a low speed and large drift angles based on fuzzy sliding mode control, The Ocean Engineering, Vol.24, No.3, 74-78. (马岭,崔维成(2006),大深度载人潜水器的低速大漂角模糊滑模航向控制研究,海洋工程,第24卷第3期,74-78)。
239 Li Xiangyang, Cui Weicheng, Zhang Wenming (2006). A modified constitutive relation for fatigue crack growth, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.1, pp.54-61. (李向阳,崔维成,张文明(2006)一种改进的疲劳裂纹扩展表达式,船舶力学,第10卷第1期,54-61) (EI Accession number:06159819547)
240 Gou Peng, Cui Weicheng (2006). Topological Optimization of continuum structures with shape-dependent loading. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.1, pp.62-70. (苟鹏,崔维成(2006)考虑依赖于结构形状的载荷连续体结构拓扑优化,船舶力学,第10卷第1期,62-70) (EI Accession number:06169830597)
241 Han Yun, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng and Hu Yong (2006). The simplified calculation method of stress intensity factors of surface cracks in T-butt joint, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.47, No.1, pp.1-11. (韩芸,黄小平,崔维成,胡勇(2006),T型接头焊趾表面裂纹应力强度因子的简化计算方法,中国造船,第47卷第1期,1-11。)
242 Wang Fang, Huang Xiaoping and Cui Weicheng (2006). Ultimate tensile strength analysis of rectangular plate with center through-thickness crack, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.47, No.1, pp.12-18. (王芳,黄小平,崔维成(2006)具有中心穿透裂纹缺陷的矩形板极限拉伸强度分析,中国造船,第47卷第1期,12-18。)
243 Hu Yong, Cui Weicheng, Liu Tao (2006). Experimental study on the titanium framework of deep human occupied vehicle, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.2, pp.73-81. (胡勇,崔维成,刘涛(2006)大深度载人潜水器钛合金框架实验研究,船舶力学,第10卷第2期,73-81) (EI Accession number:06249938390)
244 Li Xiangyang, Cui Weicheng, Zhang Wenming (2006). Fatigue life reliability analysis of Titanium manned spherical shell, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.2, pp.82-86. (李向阳,崔维成,张文明(2006)钛合金载人球壳的疲劳寿命可靠性分析,船舶力学,第10卷第2期,82-86) (EI Accession number:06249938391)
245 Huang, X.P. and Cui, W. C. (2006). Effect of Bauschinger Effect and Yield Criterion on Residual Stress Distribution of Autofrettaged Tube, JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY-Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 128, No.2, 212-216. (SCI,EI Accession number:06279976710)
246 Ma Ling and Cui Weicheng (2006). Dynamic system identification of manned submersible in horizontal plane, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.47, No.2, 76-81 (马岭,崔维成(2006)载人潜水器水平面动力学模型系统辩识,中国造船,第47卷第2期,76-81)。
247 Pan Zhiyuan, Cui Weicheng and Miao Quanming (2006). A prediction model for vortex-induced vibration of slender marine risers, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.3, 42-52. (潘志远,崔维成,缪泉明(2006)细长海洋立管涡激振动预报模型,船舶力学,第10卷第3期,42-52)。(EI Accession number:063510092168)
248 Jiao Lin-lin, Fu Shixiao, Wang Cong, Cui Weicheng (2006). Comparison of Approaches for the hydroelastic response analysis of very large floating structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.3, 71-91. (焦琳琳,傅世晓,王琮,崔维成(2006)预报超大型浮式结构物水弹性响应方法的比较,船舶力学,第10卷第3期,71-91)。(EI Accession number:063510092171)
249 Wang Fang, Liu Qiang, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2006). Ultimate fracture strength analysis of thin rectangular plate with inclined center crack, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.3, 92-100. (王芳,刘强,黄小平,崔维成(2006)中心斜裂纹矩形薄板的极限断裂强度分析,船舶力学,第10卷第3期,92-100)。(EI Accession number:063510092172)
250 Fu, S.X., Moan, T., Chen, X.J. and Cui, W.C. (2006). Hydroelastic analysis of flexible floating structures with rigid-hinge-mode, in Wu, Y.S. and Cui, W.C. (eds), Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Proceedings of the fourth international conference on hydroelasticity in marine technology, Wuxi, China, 10-14 September 2006, National Defence Industry Press, pp.235-244.
251 Pan, Z.Y., Cui, W.C. and Liu, Y.Z. (2006). Insight into data from forced oscillation tests in prediction of VIV of flexible risers, in Wu, Y.S. and Cui, W.C. (eds), Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Proceedings of the fourth international conference on hydroelasticity in marine technology, Wuxi, China, 10-14 September 2006, National Defence Industry Press, pp.341-348.
252 Chen, X.J., Wu, Y.S., Cui, W.C., Jensen, J.J. (2006). Review of hydroelasticity theories for global response of marine structures, Ocean Engineering 33, n 3-4, 439–457. (SCI,EI Accession number:06029638642)
253 Qi, E.R. and Cui, W.C. (2006), Analytical method for ultimate strength calculations of intact and damaged ship hulls. Ships and Offshore Structures,Vol.1, No.2, pp.1-11.
254 Wang, Yifei, Pan, Zhiyuan, Huang, Xiaoping and Cui, Weicheng (2006). Effects of various factors on the VIV-induced fatigue damage in deep sea risers, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.5, 76-83. (王一飞,潘志远,黄小平,崔维成(2006)深海立管涡激振动疲劳损伤影响因素分析,船舶力学,第10卷第5期,76-83)。(EI Accession number: 065110316927 ).
255 Liu Qiang, Wang Fang, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2006). Three dimensional FE analysis of the plastic zone size near the crack tip, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.5, 90-99. (刘强,王芳,黄小平,崔维成(2006),裂纹尖端塑性区三维有限元分析,船舶力学,第10卷第5期,90-99)。(EI Accession number: 065110316929)
256 Wang Cong, Fu Shixiao, Cui Weicheng and Lin Zhumin (2006). Hydroelastic Analysis of a Ribbon Bridge under Wave Actions. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.6, pp.61-75. (王琮,付世晓,崔维成,林铸明(2006)波浪作用下带式舟桥的水弹性响应研究, 船舶力学, 第10卷第6期,61-75)。(EI Accession number: 070910461120 ).
257 Wang Fang and Cui Weicheng (2006). Parametric finite element analysis of the ultimate strength of through-thickness cracked plates, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 76-93. (王芳,崔维成(2006)穿透裂纹薄板拉伸强度影响参数的有限元分析, 船舶力学, 第10卷第6期,76-93)。(EI Accession number: 070910461121 ).
258 Wang Weibo, R.A. Shenoi, Cui Weicheng (2006). Delamination buckling of a curved composite beam subjected to a closing bending moment. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 102-114. (王纬波,R.A. Shenoi,崔维成(2006)合拢弯矩作用下复合材料曲梁突变屈曲的研究, 船舶力学, 第10卷第6期,102-114)。(EI Accession number: 070910461123 ).
259 Liu Wei, Gou Peng, Cao Anxi, Cui Weicheng (2006). Application of Hierarchical bilevel framework of MDO methodology to AUV design optimization, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 122-130. (刘蔚,苟鹏,操安喜,崔维成(2006)两层分级多学科设计框架在AUV的总体设计中的应用, 船舶力学, 第10卷第6期,122-130)。(EI Accession number: 070910461125).
260 Guedes Soares, Carlos; Garbatov, Yordan; Zayed, Ahmed; Wang, Ge; Melchers, R.E.; Paik, J.K.; Cui, Weicheng; Non-linear corrosion model for immersed steel plates accounting for environmental factors, Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, v 113, 2006, p 306-329. (EI Accession number: 063410079013 ).
261 Liu, Qiang; Wang, Fang; Huang, Xiaoping; Cui, Weicheng; Three dimensional FE analysis of the plastic zone size near the crack tip, Journal of Ship Mechanics, v10, n5, 2006, p 90-99. (EI Accession number: 065110316929 ).
262 Wang C, Fu SX, Li N, Cui WC, Lin ZM (2006). Dynamic analysis of a pontoon-separated floating bridge subjected to a moving load, CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,20(3): 419-430. (SCI, EI Accession number:20064110166326)
263 Chen XJ, Moan T, Fu SX, Cui WC (2006). Second-order hydroelastic analysis of a floating plate in multidirectional irregular waves, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS,41(10):1206-1218. (SCI, EI Accession number:20071110491397)
264 王纬波,R.A. Shenoi,崔维成(2006)合拢弯矩作用下复合材料曲梁突变屈曲的研究, 船舶力学, 第10卷第6期,102-114. (EI Accession number: 20070910461123).
265 Guedes-Soares C, Garbatov Y, Zayed A, Wang G, Melchers RE, Paik JK, Cui W. 2006. Non-linear corrosion model for immersed steel plates accounting for environmental factors. Trans 2005 SNAME 113:306–329.
266 Cui, Weicheng 王琮; 付世晓; 李宁; 崔维成; 林铸明 Dynamic analysis of a pontoon-separated floating bridge subjected to a moving load. China Ocean Engineering 2006,20(3):419-430
267 刘峰; 王自力; 崔维成 船舶高能搁浅外部动力学的数值仿真研究 计算机仿真 2006,23(12):233-236,293
268 刘峰; 王自力; 崔维成 船舶结构的搁浅数值仿真研究 船舶 2006(3):24-27
269 王庆丰; 黄小平; 崔维成 海洋平台结构的安全寿命评估与维修决策研究 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2006,20(3):11-15
270 王庆丰; 黄小平; 崔维成 不同位置裂纹间的互相作用及其影响规律的有限元分析 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2006,20(1):16-19
271 Hao Song, Longbin Tao, Weicheng Cui, Yingzhong Liu (2005). Hydroelastic Response of VLFS on Uneven Sea Bottom, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2005), June 12-16, 2005, Halkidiki, Greece, OMAE2005- 67557. (SCI, EI Accession number: 05479488389)
271 Hao Song, Longbin Tao, Weicheng Cui, Yingzhong Liu (2005). Hydroelastic Response of VLFS on Uneven Sea Bottom, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2005), June 12-16, 2005, Halkidiki, Greece, OMAE2005- 67557. (SCI, EI Accession number: 05479488389)
272 Huang Xiaoping, Han Yun, Cui Weicheng, Wan Zhengquan, Bian Rugang (2005). Fatigue life prediction of weld-joints under variable amplitude fatigue loads, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9, No.1, pp.89-97. (黄小平,韩芸,崔维成,万正权,卞如刚(2005),变幅载荷作用下焊接接头疲劳寿命预测方法,船舶力学,第九卷第一期,89-97)。(EI Accession number:05139014181)
273 Li Zhongwei, Wu Yousheng and Cui Weicheng (2005). Finite element method based structural optimization for SWATH. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.2, p.99-108. (李仲伟,吴有生,崔维成(2005),基于有限元法的小水线面双体船结构优化,船舶力学,第九卷第二期,99-108)。(EI Accession number:05249160452)
274 Hu Zhiqiang and Cui Weicheng (2005). Review of the researches on the ship collision mechanisms and the structural designs against collision, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.2, p.131-142. (胡志强,崔维成(2005),船舶碰撞机理与耐撞性结构设计研究综述,船舶力学,第九卷第二期,131-142)。(EI Accession number:05249160456)
275 Lin, Z.M., Cui, W.C., Zhang, X.C., Wu, Y.S. and Wu, P.D. (2005). Overview on hydroelastic response analysis of floating bridges, The Ocean Engineering, Vol.23, No.2, pp.108-114. 林铸明,崔维成,张效慈,吴有生,吴培德(2005)通载浮桥的水弹性响应分析,海洋工程,第23卷第2期,108-114。
276 Han Yun, Huang Xiaoping, Zhang Yi, Cui Weicheng (2005). A comparative study of simplified SIF calculations of surface cracks at weld toe. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.3, p.87-96. (EI Accession number:05309265782)
277 Wang Fang, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2005). Stress intensity factor and ultimate tensile strength analysis of eccentrically cracked plates. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.3, p.97-110. (EI Accession number:05309265783)
278 Hu Yong, Ma Jianjun, Zhang Zheng, Cui Weicheng (2005). Buckling Strength of ring-stiffened cylindrical shell considering plate/stiffener interaction. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.4, p.89-97. (胡勇,马建军,张政,崔维成(2005)考虑筋/板相互作用的环肋圆柱壳屈曲强度分析,船舶力学,第九卷第四期,89-97) (EI Accession number:05389375044)
279 Qi Enrong, Cui Weicheng (2005). Nonlinear finite element analysis of ultimate strength of damaged ship hulls. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.5, p.83-91. (祁恩荣,崔维成,破损船体极限强度非线性有限元分析,船舶力学,第9卷第5期,83-91). (EI Accession number:05509546099)
280 Tian, C.L., Cui, W.C. (2005). T-stress in elastic-plastic crack-tip fields . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE. 136(1-4):L9-L14. (SCI, EI Accession number: 06099729642 )
281 Han Yun, Huang Xiaoping and Cui Weicheng (2005). Validation of an effective stress intensity factor calculation model. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.5, p.97-104. (韩芸,黄小平,崔维成,有效应力强度因子幅值计算模型的验证,船舶力学,第9卷第5期,97-104). (EI Accession number:05509546101)
282 Pan Zhiyuan, Cui Weicheng and Liu Yingzhong (2005). A predicting model for self-excited VIV of a circular cylinder at low mass-damping. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9,No.5, p.115-124. (潘志远,崔维成,刘应中,低质量¾阻尼因子圆柱体的涡激振动预报模型,船舶力学,第9卷第5期,115-124). (EI Accession number:05509546103)
283 Fu Shixiao, Cui Weicheng (2005). Hydroelastic analysis of a nonlinearly connected floating bridge subjected to moving loads, Marine Structures, Vol. 18, No.1, pp.85-107. (SCI, EI Accession number: 05489503361).
284 Qi, E.R., Cui, W.C., Wan, Z.Q.(2005). Comparative Study of Ultimate Hull Girder Strength of Large Double Hull Tankers, Marine Structures, Vol.18, no.3, pp.227-249. (SCI,EI Accession number: 06069684515)
285 Huang Xiaoping; Cui, Weicheng (2005). Determination of residual stress distribution in autofrettaged tube based on modified yielding criterion and tensile-compressive curve of material,RESIDUAL STRESSES VII, PROCEEDINGS VOL: 490-491: 91-96. (SCI, EI Accession number: 074210866367 ).
286 Song Hao, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong (2005). Comparison of two numerical methods for prediction of hydroelastic response of VLFS on 2D mild variable Bottom, The Ocean Engineering, Vo.23, No.4, 1-8. (宋皓,崔维成,刘应中(2005),底部呈二维缓变情况下超大型浮体水弹性响应的两种计算方法比较,海洋工程,第23卷第4期,1-8)。
287 Liu Feng, Wang Zili, Cui Weicheng (2005). Research on Damage Characteristics of Double bottom structure in ship hard grounding. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9, No.6, pp. 85-92. (刘峰,王自力,崔维成,高能搁浅下双层底结构的损伤特性研究,船舶力学,第9卷第6期,85-92). (EI Accession number:06079701502)
288 Pan Zhiyuan, Cui Weicheng, Zhang Xiaoci (2005). An overview on VIV of slender marine structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.9, No.6, pp. 135-154. (潘志远,崔维成,张效慈,细长海洋结构物涡激振动研究综述,船舶力学,第9卷第6期,135-154). (EI Accession number:06079701507)
289 Huang, X.P., Cui, W.C. and Leng, J.X. (2005). A model of fatigue crack growth under various load spectra. The 7th International Conference of MESO, August 1-4, Montreal, Canada, by G.C. Sih, pp.303-308.
290 Huang,X.P., Zhang,J.B., Cui, W.C. and Leng, J.X. (2005). Fatigue crack growth with overload under spectrum loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol.44, pp.105-115. (SCI, EI Accession number:2005439426569)
291 Ma Ling, Cui Weicheng (2005). Path following control of a deep-sea manned submersible based upon NTSM, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.19, No.4, pp.625-636. (SCI, EI Accession number:06129773218)
292 Huang, Xiao-Ping; Cui, Wei-Cheng (2005). A new autofrettage model of thick-walled cylinder considering the strain-hardening and Bauschinger effect of material, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, v 39, n 7, July, 2005, p 1172-1177 (in Chinese). (SCI, EI Accession number:05359331390)
293 Chen, XJ; Moan, T; Fu, SX; Cui, WC (2005). Hydroelastic analysis of flexible floating structures in regular waves, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERERENCE ON MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS 2005, VOLS 1 AND 2: 973-977. (SCI )
294 李雪玲; 张伟; 徐秉汉; 崔维成 结构可靠性灵敏度因子计算的一种方法 河南科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2005,26(2):59-63,i005
295 Lu Bei, Liu Tao, Cui Weicheng (2004). Ultimate strength of pressure spherical hull in deep-sea manned submersibles. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.1, 51-58. 陆蓓,刘涛,崔维成(2004)深海载人潜水器耐压球壳极限强度研究,船舶力学,第8卷,第1期,51-58. (EI Accession number:04248214282)
296 Li Xiangyang, Liu Tao, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2004). Determination of fatigue load spectrum for pressure hull of a deep manned submersible, Journal of Ship Mechanics. Vol.8, No.1, 59-70.李向阳,刘涛,黄小平,崔维成(2004),大深度载人潜水器载人耐压球壳的疲劳载荷谱分析,船舶力学,第8卷,第1期,59-70. (EI Accession number:04248214283)
297 Hong Lin, Liu Tao, Cui Weicheng, Xie Xinan, Qi Enrong (2004). Variable-drive finite element method based optimal design for the main frame of deep manned submersible. Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.8, No.2, pp.71-78. 洪林,刘涛,崔维成,谢锡南,祁恩荣(2004).基于参数化有限元的深潜器主框架优化设计,船舶力学,第8卷第2期,71-78。(EI Accession number:04298271475)
298 Fu Shixiao, Fan Ju, Chen Xujun, Cui Weicheng (2004). Analysis method for a mooring system by considering the elastic deformations of a floating body. Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.8, No.2, pp.47-54.付世晓,范菊,陈徐均,崔维成(2004). 考虑浮体弹性变形的锚泊系统分析方法,船舶力学,第8卷第2期,47-54。(EI Accession number:04298271472)
299 Lin Zhuming, Pan Zhiyuan, Fu Shixiao, Cui Weicheng. (2004). Resistance prediction of a pontoon by RANSE computations. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. A, Vol.19, No.3, pp.281-287. 林铸明,潘志远,付世晓,崔维成(2004). 基于RANS 方程的舟桥水阻力预报,水动力学研究与进展,A辑第19卷第3期,281-287。
300 Ma Lin, Cui Weicheng (2004). Simulation of dive motion of a deep manned submersible. Journal of Ship mechanics, Vol.8, No.3, pp.31-38. (EI Accession number:04338313767)
301 Qi Enrong, Cui Weicheng, Wan Zhengquan, Qiu Qiang (2004). Study of residual strength index of damaged ship hulls. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.3, pp.76-84. (EI Accession number:04338313772)
302 Hu Yong, Cui Weicheng (2004). Ultimate shear strength of bulk carrier with collision damage. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.4, pp.68-79. 胡勇,崔维成(2004). 散货船碰撞损伤后的剪切极限强度,船舶力学,第8卷,第4期,68-79。(EI Accession number:04468459213)
303 Fu Shixiao, Cui Weicheng, Lin Zhuming, Chen Xujun (2004). Effect of gaps on static response of a belt floating bridge. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.4, pp.86-94. 傅世晓,崔维成,林铸明,陈徐均(2004). 间隙对拼组式浮桥静态响应的影响分析,船舶力学,第8卷,第4期,86-94。(EI Accession number:04468459215)
304 Guo Jinting, SIMA Can, Liu Jianhu, Pan Jianqiang, Cui Weicheng (2004). An evaluation method for the anti-shock strength safety of shipboard pipelines in elastic domain. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.4, pp.108-115. 郭晋挺,司马灿,刘建湖,潘建强,崔维成(2004). 舰艇管路系统的抗冲击性能弹性评估方法,船舶力学,第8卷,第4期,108-115。(EI Accession number:04468459218)
305 Zhang Yi, Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng, Bian Rugang (2004). Finite element analysis on stress concentration at weld toe of butt-welded joints. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.5, pp.91-99. 张毅,黄小平,崔维成,卞如冈(2004). 对接接头焊趾应力集中有限元分析,船舶力学,第8卷,第5期,91-99。(EI Accession number: 2005018772176)
306 Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui and Preben Terndrup Pedersen (2004). Maintained ship hull girder ultimate strength reliability considering corrosion and fatigue, Marine Structures, Vol.17, No.2, 91-123. (SCI;EI ,Accession number:04368342160)
307 HUANG Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2004). Autofrettage analysis of thick-walled cylinder based on tensile-compressive curve of material, Key Engineering Materials, ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2,, Vols. 274-276, no.1, pp.1035-1040. (SCI, EI Accession number: 2006199860991/20072310637691)
308 Li Xiangyang and Cui Weicheng (2004). Contact finite element analysis of a spherical hull in the deep manned submersible. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.6, pp.85-94. (EI Accession number: 2005088853970)
309 Liu Wei and Cui Weicheng (2004). Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO): A promising tool for he design of HOV, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.8, No.6, pp.95-112. (EI Accession number: 2005088853971)
310 Hu Yong and Cui Weicheng (2004). Computer simulation of ultimate strength degradation of ship structures by corrosion and fatigue, Computational Mechanics Abstract (Volume I), edited by Z.H.Yao, M.W. Yuan and W.X.Zhong, WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM’04, Sept. 5-10, 2004, Beijing, China. Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag.
311 Hu Yong and Cui Weicheng (2004). Time-variant Ultimate Strength of Ship Hull Girder Considering Corrosion and Fatigue, in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS2004), Sept. 12-17, 2004, Luebeck-Travemuende, Germany, pp.243-251.
312 Cui Weicheng, Wu Yousheng and Zhang Min (2004). An Individual view on future directions of ship structural mechanics, in Proceedings of the 4th Conference for New Ship and Marine Technology (New S-Tech 2004), October 26-29, 2004, Shanghai, China. pp.283-291.
313 崔维成,吴有生,刘应中(2004). 超大型浮体水弹性响应分析的力学问题,应用力学进展论文集,洪友士主编,祝贺郑哲敏先生八十华诞应用力学报告会,2004年9月29日,北京,科学出版社出版,pp.395-404.
314 Chen, X.J., Jensen, J.J., Cui, W.C., Tang, X.F. (2004). Hydroelastic analysis of a very large floating plate with large deflections in stochastic seaway, Marine Structures 17: 435–454. (SCI, EI Accession number: 2005108878342)
315 崔维成 提高科研水平与工程实用化能力 打造名所名人名牌效应 高科技与产业化 2004-06-15
316 Shengping Qin and Weicheng Cui (2003), Effect of Corrosion Models on the Time Dependent Reliability of Steel Plated Elements, Marine Structures, Vol.16, No.1, 2003, pp.15-34. (SCI; EI,Accession number: 03047331113 )
317 HU Yong and Cui Weicheng (2003), A Comparison Between Simplified Analytical Method and Design Formulas for Ultimate Strength of Unstiffened Plates, Shipbuilding of China,Vol.44, No.2, pp.8-16. (胡勇, 崔维成 (2003), 无加筋平板极限强度的简化解析法与规范公式的比较,中国造船,第44卷,第2期,8-16).
318 Cui Weicheng (2003), A feasible study of fatigue life prediction for marine structures based on crack propagation analysis. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.217, No.5, pp. 11-23.
319 Cui Weicheng and Huang Xiaoping (2003). A general constitutive relation for fatigue crack growth analysis of metal structures. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), Vol.16, No.5, pp.342-354.(EI Accession number:04138090167)
320 Chen Xujun,Wu Yousheng,Cui Weicheng,Tang Xuefeng(2003), Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analyses of a Moored Floating Body, Ocean Engineering, Vol.30, No.8: 965-1003. (SCI;EI,Accession number: 03127405076)
321 Chen Xu-jun, Wu You-sheng, Cui Weicheng, Chen Yun-he (2003), Second Order Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analysis of Floating Bodies---Effect of Second-order Forces to Time Responses of Vibration, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 7, No.2, pp.11-20.(陈徐均,吴有生,崔维成,陈云鹤(2003)海洋浮体二阶非线性水弹性力学分析――二阶力对浮体振动时间响应的影响,船舶力学,第七卷,第二期,11-20)。 (EI Accession number:03437696522)
322 Chen Xu-jun, Cui Weicheng, J. Juncher Jensen, Tang Xuefeng(2003), Second Order Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analyses of Floating Bodies---the Primary consideration of Nonlinear Structure, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.7, No.5, pp.81-90.(陈徐均,吴有生,崔维成(2003), 海洋浮体非线性水弹性力学分析――结构非线性的初步考虑,船舶力学,第七卷,第5期,81-90。(EI Accession number:04128075009)
323 Chen Xu-jun, Jensen, J.J, Cui, Wei-cheng, Fu, Shi-xiao (2003), Hydroelasticity of a floating plate in multidirectional waves, Ocean Engineering, Vol.30, No.15, 1997-2017. (SCI, EI Accession number:03387641179)
324 CHEN Xujun,Cui Weicheng,Song Hao,Tang Xuefeng (2003),Numerical Solution of the Membrane Forces for A Free-Free Floating Plate with Large deflection,China Ocean Engineering, Vol.17, No.2, pp.163-176. (EI Accession number:03347606473)
325 Chen Xujun, Cui Weicheng (2003), Hydroelastic response analysis of a moored flexible floating body in frequency domain, International Symposium of Deepwater Mooring Systems, October 2003, USA.
326 Hu Yong and Cui Wei-cheng (2003), Residual Ultimate Strength of Cracked Plates and Stiffened Panels under Combined Loading, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 7, No.1, pp.63-78.(胡勇,崔维成(2003)具有裂纹缺陷的板和加筋板格在联合载荷作用下的剩余极限强度,船舶力学,第七卷,第一期,63-78)。(EI Accession number:03257514151)
327 Qin Sheng-ping, Cui Wei-cheng, Shen Kai (2003) A Non-linear Corrosion Model for Time Variant Reliability Analysis of Ship Structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 7, No.1, pp.94-103.(秦圣平,崔维成,沈凯(2003)船舶结构时变可靠性分析的一种非线性腐蚀模型,船舶力学,第七卷,第一期,94-103)。
328 Yan Hong-mei, Cui Wei-cheng, Liu Ying-zhong (2003), A New Deflection Function for the Problem of a Rectangular Plate on Elastic Foundation with Four Free Edges, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 7, No.2, pp.61-70. (阎红梅,崔维成,刘应中(2003)弹性地基上四边自由矩形板问题的一种新型挠度函数,船舶力学,第七卷,第二期,61-70)。(EI Accession number:03437696528)
329 Yan Hongmei, Cui Weicheng and Liu Yingzhong (2003). Hydroelastic analysis of very large floating structures using plate Green functions, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.17, No.2, pp.151-162. (SCI, EI Accession number:03347606472)
330 Sun Hui, Cui Weicheng and Wu Yousheng (2003). Hydroelastic response analysis of VLFS over variable bottom in waves. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Oxford, United Kindom, 15-17 September 2003, edited by R. Eatock Taylor, The University of Oxford, pp.281-288.
331 Sun Hui, Cui Weicheng and Liu Yingzhong (2003). Hydroelastic response of very large floating structures over 2D variable bottom. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, v 37, n 8, p 1172-1175. (孙辉,崔维成,刘应中(2003),超大型浮体在二维变底面上的水弹性响应,上海交通大学学报,第37卷,第8期,1172-1175) (EI Accession number:03517788876)
332 Sun Hui, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong and Liao Shijun (2003). Hydroelastic response analysis of mat-like VLFS over a plane slope in head seas. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.17, No.3, 315-326. (SCI, EI Accession number:03487759999)
333 黄小平,崔维成(2003),潜艇及潜器疲劳载荷的概率模型,海洋工程Vol.21(3),2003:18-23。
334 黄小平,崔维成, 张锦飞, 孙培林 (2003). 板试件疲劳试验夹具设计及使用经验. 实验室研究与探索2003,22(6):98-101
335 Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2003), Experimental study on improving fatigue behavior of weldment by grinding treatment. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND MATERIALS AGING,Proceeding of Fracture Mechanics 2003. editor: G.C.Sih 2003.8, :249-254. (SCI)
336 Zhang Jin-fei and Cui Weicheng (2003). Comparison of ultimate strength analysis for three ship types, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.7, No.4, pp.57-64. 张锦飞,崔维成(2003),三种船型结构的极限强度分析比较,船舶力学,第7卷,第4期,57-64。(EI Accession number:03527799639)
337 Jin Jingzhe, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong (2003), Comparison of model function expansion method with eigenfunction expansion method for prediction of hydroelastic responses of VLFS, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.7, No.4, pp.86-98.(金晶哲,崔维成,刘应中(2003),预报超大型浮体水弹性响应的模态函数展开方法和特征函数展开方法比较,船舶力学,第7卷,第4期,86-98)。
338 Liu Yingzhong, Cui Weicheng, Wu Yousheng (2003). Hydroelasticity for VLFS. Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Hydrodynamics and the 6th National Congress on Hydrodynamics, Hongkong, December 29,2003 to January 4, 2004. Ocean Press, pp.76-89. (刘应中,崔维成,吴有生,VLFS的水弹性力学问题,第17届全国水动力学研讨会暨第六届全国水动力学学术会议文集,香港,2003年12月29日至2004年1月4日,海洋出版社,76-89。)
339 Wu Yousheng,Zhang Xiaoci, Sima Can, Cui Weicheng, Lin Jiru (2003). Research and Development Activities on Ship Hydroelasticity in China. Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Hydrodynamics and the 6th National Congress on Hydrodynamics, Hongkong, December 29,2003 to January 4, 2004. Ocean Press, pp.1052-1068. (吴有生,张效慈,司马灿,崔维成,林吉如,我国船舶水弹性力学研究的部分进展,第17届全国水动力学研讨会暨第六届全国水动力学学术会议文集,香港,2003年12月29日至2004年1月4日,海洋出版社,1052-1068。)
340 Cui Weicheng, Ajit R. Shenoi (2003). On the use of FCP theory to predict the fatigue life of ship structures, Proceedings of International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Shanghai, China September 23-26, 2003, pp.8-1—8-9
341 Cui Weicheng, Wu Yousheng, Weng Zhenping, Wu Baoshan and Wan Zhengquan (2003). AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS AT CSSRC. Proceedings of International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Shanghai, China September 23-26, 2003, pp.46-1—46-7.
342 吴有生,崔维成(2003). 新世纪初叶船舶科学技术的发展方向与对策,中国造船工程学会学术论文集,编号:2003006,中国船舶工业发展论坛论文集,2003年9月,中国造船工程学会,中国北京,106-135。
343 黄小平,崔维成(2003). 潜艇疲劳寿命预测方法研究进展,中国造船工程学会学术论文集,编号:2003003,第二届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集,2003年8月,中国大连,中国造船工程学会,167-175。
344 孙辉,崔维成(2003). 箱形超大浮体在斜坡上对波浪的水弹性响应,中国造船工程学会学术论文集,编号:2003003,第二届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集,2003年8月,中国大连,中国造船工程学会,259-263。
345 周驰,崔维成,黄小平(2003). 疲劳裂纹扩展率九参数模型的非线性拟合以及灵敏度分析,中国造船工程学会学术论文集,编号:2003003,第二届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集,2003年8月,中国大连,中国造船工程学会,270-279。
346 Hu, Yong, Cui, Weicheng (2003), A simplified analytical method to predict the ultimate strength of unstiffened plates under combined loading including edge shear, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.7, No.6, pp.60-74. (EI Accession number:04158112585)
347 Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2003), Experimental study on improving fatigue behavior of weldment by grinding treatment. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.7, No.6, pp.92-99. (EI Accession number:04158112588)
348 Song Hao, Peng Xingning, Sun Hui, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong (2003). On Beam-On-Elastic-Foundation (BOEF) model for the hydroelastic response analysis of mat-like VLFS, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.7, No.6, pp.116-129. (EI Accession number:04158112590)
349 Huang Xiaoping, Cui Weicheng (2003). Experimental Study on Relaxation of Residual Stresses in Tubular Reactor of High Pressure Polyethylene in Service. Journal of Ship Mechanics Vol.7(3),2003:98-106 (EI Accession number:03387643081)
350 Zhang Jin-fei and Cui Weicheng (2003). Ultimate strength analysis of Oil tanker’s structures using idealized structural unit method (ISUM), Shipbuilding of China, Vol.44, No.4, pp.27-35. 张锦飞,崔维成(2003),理想化结构单元法的油船结构极限强度分析,中国造船,第44卷,第4期,27-35。
351 Yan Hongmei, Cui Weicheng, Liu Yingzhong (2003). Hydroelastic analysis of VLFS using plate Green function method. The Ocean Engineering, Vol.21, No.4, pp.8-14. (闫红梅,崔维成,刘应中(2003),超大型浮体水弹性分析的平板格林函数法,海洋工程,第21卷第4期,8-14)
352 Fu, S.X., Fan, J., Chen, X.J. and Cui, W.C., 2003, Analysis Method for the Mooring System for a Flexible Floating Body, Proc. of Deep Water Mooring System-Concepts, Design, Analysis, and Materials, Offshore Technology Research Center(OTRC) and Coasts,Oceans,Ports and Rivers Institute (COPRI) of ASCE, October 2-3, 2003, Houston, Texas, USA, pp.142-151. (EI,Accession number:03487751606)
353 王书忠; 吴越; 骆玉祥; 胡福增; 崔维成 超高分子量聚乙烯纤维的低温等离子处理 复合材料学报 2003-12-30
354 周驰; 崔维成 用现有疲劳试验数据确定疲劳裂纹扩展率 中国造船 2003,44(3):74-79
355 施丽娟; 林铸明; 崔维成 浮桥结构在移动载荷作用下的振动响应 海洋工程 2003,21(3):6-17
356 施丽娟; 崔维成 集装箱船舱口角隅应力集中系数的有限元分析的精度 中国造船 2003,44(1):31-38
357 Cui Weicheng, Pei Junhou and Zhang Wei (2002), A Simplified Solution Having the Same Accuracy as Thin walled Shell Theory for Conical Shells, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol.36, No.1, 125-129 (崔维成,裴俊厚,张伟(2002), 具有薄壳理论同样精度的圆锥壳的简化解, 上海交通大学学报,第36卷,第1期,125-129).
358 Weicheng Cui, Yongjun Wang, Preben Terndrup Pedersen (2002), Strength of ship plates under combined loading, Marine Structures, Vol.15, No.1, pp.75-97. (SCI;EI,Accession number: 01556799445)
359 Cui Weicheng (2002), Current Status and Future Directions in Predicting the Hydroelastic Response of Very Large Floating Structures (in Chinese), Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.6, No.1, 73-90. (崔维成(2002), 超大型海洋浮式结构物水弹性响应预报的研究现状和发展方向, 船舶力学,第6卷,第1期,73-90 )
360 Cui Weicheng (2002), On consistent determination of structural capacity statistics for reliability analysis, Submitted to Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.6, No.3, 2002, pp.37-51. (EI Accession number: 02417130579)
361 Fricke, W., Cui,W.C., Kierkegaard,H., Kihl,D., Koval,M., Lee,H.L., Mikkola, T., Parmentier, G., Toyosada, M., Yoon,J.H. (2002), Comparative Fatigue Strength Assessment of a Structural Detail in a Containership using various Approaches of Classification Societies,Marine Structures, Vol.15, No.1, pp.1-13. (SCI;EI,Accession number: 01546798203)
362 Sun Hui, Song Hao, Cui Weicheng (2002), On the Interaction of Surface Waves with an Elastic Plate of Finite Length in Head Seas, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.16, No.1, pp.21-32. (SCI, EI Accession number: 03057344482)
363 Song Hao and Cui Weicheng (2002), Comparison of Linear Level I Green-Naghdi Theory with Linear Wave Theory of Finite Water Depth in the Prediction of Hydroelastic Responses of VLFS, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.16, No.3, pp.283-300. (SCI,EI Accession number: 03057344505 )
364 Qin,S.P. and Cui,W.C. (2002), A discussion of the ultimate strength of aging ships, with particular reference to the corrosion model, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol.216,, No.M2, pp.155-160.
365 黄小平,石德新,崔维成 (2002). 压弯组合应力下高强钢焊趾表面裂纹疲劳寿命计算,机械强度, 2002-03.
366 Huang Xiao-ping, Cui Wei-cheng and Shi De-xin (2002), Calculation of fatigue life of surface cracks at weld toe of submarine cone-cylinder shell, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.6, No.4, pp.62-68 (黄小平,崔维成,石德新(2002). 潜艇锥柱结合壳焊趾表面裂纹疲劳寿命计算,船舶力学, 第六卷第4期,62-68)。(EI Accession number:02437157286)
367 黄小平,石德新,崔维成 (2002). 980钢焊件在谱载荷作用下的疲劳裂纹扩展, 压力容器,2002-07.
368 黄小平,崔维成,石德新 (2002). 压弯载荷下焊趾表面工程萌生寿命预测,海洋工程,2002-03.
369 Cui, Weicheng (2002), A state-of-the-art review on fatigue life prediction methods for metal structures, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.1, pp.43-56. (SCI, EI Accession number: 05419407613)
370 Cui Weicheng (2002), Relation between crack growth rate curve and S-N curve for metal fatigue. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.6, No.6, pp.93-106. (EI Accession number:03147421138)
371 Cui Weicheng and Wu Yousheng (2002), Towards a more rational First-principle-based strength assessment system for ship structures. Presented at ASRANET conference in Glasgow, July 8-10 2002.
372 Qi En-rong, Cui Weicheng (2002), Latin hypercube sampling in ultimate strength reliability of ship hull girder, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.6, No.3, pp.52-61. (EI Accession number:02417130580)
373 陈徐均,沈庆,崔维成.(2002), 浮基多刚体系统动力分析, 工程力学,2002年10月。
374 Chen Xujun, Wu You-sheng, Cui Wei-cheng and Shen Qing (2002). Second Order Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analyses of Floating Bodies --- Theory, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 6, No.4, pp.33-44 (陈徐均,吴有生,崔维成,沈庆(2002),海洋浮体二阶非线性水弹性力学分析---基本理论,船舶力学,第6卷第4期,33-44)。(EI Accession number:02437157284)
375 Chen Xujun, Wu You-sheng, Cui Wei-cheng and Sun Lu-zhong (2002). Second Order Nonlinear Hydroelastic Analyses of Floating Bodies --- Frequency Characteristics of the Principal Coordinates of moored floating body, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 6, No.5, pp.44-57 (陈徐均,吴有生,崔维成,沈庆(2002),海洋浮体二阶非线性水弹性力学分析---系泊浮体主坐标响应的频率特征,船舶力学,第6卷,第5期,44-57)。(EI Accession number:02517284403)
376 陈徐均,吴有生,崔维成,孙芦忠 (2002). 系泊浮体水弹性分析一阶主坐标的频率特征.工程力学增刊.
377 Shi Li-juan and Cui, Weicheng (2002), An Investigation into the uncertainty in the calculated hot-spot stresses of a shipside structure detail, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol. 6, No.6, pp.85-92. (施丽娟,崔维成(2002)船舶舷侧细节结构的热点应力计算中的不确定性因素研究,船舶力学,第六卷,第六期,85-92)。 (EI Accession number:03137420470)
378 施丽娟; 崔维成 船舶结构强度有限元分析的质量控制研究综述 船舶 2002(5):31-39
379 黄小平; 崔维成; 石德新 压弯组合应力下高强钢焊接板表面裂纹疲劳寿命计算 机械强度 2002,24(3):413-416
380 沈庆; 陈徐均; 李跃; 崔维成 浮基多体系统自激运动响应的时域分析方法 海洋工程 2002-05-30
381 陈徐均; 崔维成; 沈庆 对称式布置锚链系统的线性化处理 海洋工程 2002-02-28
382 郑金鑫; 崔维成 横向载荷作用下缺陷加筋板有效板宽的一个计算方法 航空学报 2002,23(1):48-50
383 Qi Enrong, Cui Weicheng (2001), A State-of-the-art review on ship collision and grounding, J. Ship Mechanics, Vol.5, No.4, 67-80.(祁恩荣, 崔维成(2001),船舶碰撞与搁浅研究综述,船舶力学,第5卷,第4期,67-80). (EI Accession number: 01416676714)
384 Ji Huidi, Cui Weicheng, Zhang Shengkun (2001), Ultimate Strength Analysis of Corrugated Bulkheads Considering Influences of Shear Force and the Elastically-fixed Rigidity of Adjoining Structures (in Chinese), Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.5, No.2, 43-54 (纪汇涤,崔维成,张圣坤(2001), 计及船体剪力作用和弹性固支的槽型舱壁极限强度分析, 船舶力学,第5卷,第2期,43-54). (EI Accession number: 01256546998)
385 Cui Weicheng, Pei Junhou and Zhang Wei (2001), A Simple and Accurate Solution for Calculating Stresses in Conical Shells, Computers & Structures, Vol.79, No.3, 265-279. (SCI;EI,Accession number :00115421782)
386 Cui Weicheng, Wu Yousheng, Li Runpei (2001), Recent Researches on Dynamic Performances of Very Large Floating Structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.5, No.1, 73-81 (崔维成,吴有生,李润培(2001), 超大型海洋浮式结构物动力特性研究综述, 船舶力学,第5卷,第1期,73-81).
387 Ji Huidi, Cui Weicheng & Zhang Shengkun (2001), Ultimate Strength Analysis of Corrugated Bulkheads Considering Influence of Shear Force and Adjoining Structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.57, 525-545. (SCI;EI,Accession number: 01216517349)
388 Cui Weicheng, Zheng Jinxin, Pei Junhou (2001), An Analytical Method for Calculating the Effective Width of Stiffened Panel Plating Considering the Influences of Transvserse Stresses and Lateral Load, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.5, No.4, 29-37 (崔维成,郑金鑫,裴俊厚(2001),计及横向应力和垂向载荷影响的加筋板格有效板宽的理论计算方法, 船舶力学,第5卷,第4期,29-37). (EI Accession number:01416676709)
389 Cui Weicheng (2001), On consistent definition of the extreme wave bending moment statistics in ship structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.5, No.3, pp.71-83. (EI Accession number: 01336617891)
390 Cui Weicheng, Shi Lijuan and Zhang Jinfei (2001), Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses in the predicted critical buckling strength of a longitudinally stiffened sub-panel, Presented in PRADS2001.
391 Xu Xiangdong, Cui Weicheng (2001), Reliability-based design for ultimate strength of ship hull girder and stiffened panels, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.5, No.3, pp.48-58. (EI Accession number: 01336617889)
392 Cui Weicheng and Song Hao(2001), An Improved Simplified Method for Predicting the Hydroelastic Response of Mat-like VLFS, China Ocean Engineering, Vol.15, No.3, pp.329-344. (SCI,EI Accession number: 01486743604)
393 Zhang Wei, Mao Xiu-lan and Cui Wei-cheng (2001), Sensitivity Analysis of Shell Buckling of Marine Structure Cylinder Shell, J. Ship Mech., Vol.5, No.4, pp.47-53 (张伟,毛秀兰,崔维成(2001), 影响潜艇结构壳板失稳的各因素灵敏性分析, 船舶力学, 第5卷第4期,47-53). (EI Accession number: 01416676711)
394 Chen Xujun, Cui Weicheng, Shen Qing and Sun Luzhong (2001), New method for predicting the motion responses of a flexible joint multi-body floating system to irregular waves. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.15, No.4, pp.491-498. (SCI,EI Accession number:02056843953)
395 吴有生; 崔维成 世纪之交的船舶力学及其对船舶技术发展的推动作用 上海造船 2001(2):7-11,14
396 Cui,W.C., Yang, C.W. and Hu, J.J. (2000), Fatigue Strength Assessment of a Longitudinal Hatch Coaming of a Containership, Proceedings of the 7th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC 2000), May 21-24, Kyongju, Korea, edited by Keh-Sik Min and Jeong-Je Kim, The Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 355-368.
397 Cui Weicheng, Liu Tao, Qi Enrong and Xu Xiangdong (2000), Deterministic Fatigue Strength Assessment of Bulk Carriers, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.4, No.1, 36-49(崔维成,刘涛,祁恩荣,徐向东(2000), 散货船疲劳强度校核的确定性方法, 船舶力学, 第4卷,第1期,36-49.
398 Cui Weicheng, Liu Shuigeng, Gu Jihong, Liu Zhiyu and Liao Youming (2000), Some New Trends on Submarine Design and Performance Studies Abroad, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.4, No.2, 65-80.(崔维成,刘水庚,顾继红,刘志宇,廖又明(2000), 国外潜艇设计和性能研究的一些新动向,船舶力学, 第4卷,第2期,65-80. (EI Accession number:40055184383)
399 Cui Weicheng, Pei Junhou, Zhang Wei (2000), A comparison of equivalent cylinder solution with accurate solution for conical shells (in Chinese), Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.4, No.4, 33-42 (崔维成,裴俊厚,张伟(2000), 圆锥壳的精确解与等效圆柱壳的解的比较, 船舶力学,第4卷,第4期,33-42). (EI Accession number: 00095333359)
400 Zhang Wei, Zhang Shengkun, Cui Weicheng, Xu Binghan (2000), Reliability analysis of submarine cylindrical pressure hull (in Chinese), Shipbuilding of China, Vol.41, No.4, pp.35-39. (张伟,张圣坤,崔维成,徐秉汉(2000),潜艇耐压圆柱壳可靠性分析,中国造船,第41卷,第4期,35-39).
401 Zhang Wei, Wang Zhiqun, Zhang Shengkun, Cui Weicheng (2000), Calculation of stress intensity factor about a thick-walled cylinder with a surface crack under autofrettage stresses (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol.17, No.3, 360-364 (张伟,王志群,张圣坤,崔维成(2000),残余应力下厚壁筒表面裂纹的应力强度因子计算,计算力学学报,第17卷,第3期,360-364). (EI Accession number: 01015498548)
402 张伟,孙波,查子初,崔维成 (2000),自紧厚壁筒表面裂纹的应力强度因子研究,船舶力学,Vol.4, No.4, pp.43-47. (EI Accession number: 00095333360)
403 Cui Weicheng, Wu Yousheng, Li Runpei (2000), Technical Problems to be Solved in the Development of Very Large Floating Structures, The Ocean Engineering, Vol.18, No.3, 1-8 (崔维成,吴有生,李润培(2000), 超大型海洋浮式结构物开发过程中需要解决的关键技术问题, 海洋工程,第18卷,第3期,1-8.)
404 Cui Weicheng, Wang Yongjun and Preben Terndrup Pedersen (2000), Strength of Ship Stiffened Panels under Combined Loading, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.4, No.3, 59-86. (EI Accession number: 00075239461)
405 Xu Xiangdong, Cui Weicheng, Leng Jianxing, Sun Shaokang and Qi Enrong (2000), Experimental and theoretical study on ultimate strength of a box girder, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.4, No.5, 36-43. (徐向东,崔维成,冷建兴,孙兆康,祁恩荣(2000),箱型梁极限承载能力试验与理论研究,船舶力学,第4卷,第5期,36-43). (EI Accession number: 00115407530)
406 Qi Enrong, Cui Weicheng, Peng Xingning and Xu Xiangdong(2000), Ultimate strength analysis and reliability assessment of damaged ship hulls in unsymmetrical bending, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.41, No.2, pp. 41-48.(祁恩荣,崔维成,彭兴宁,徐向东(2000), 破损船体非对称弯曲极限强度分析及靠性评估, 中国造船,第41卷,第2期,41-48)。
407 Cui,W.C. and Mansour,A.E. (1999), Generalization of a simplified method for predicting ultimate compressive strength of ship panels, Int. Shipbuilding Progress, Vol.46, No.447, 291-303. (EI,Accession number:00025069503)
408 Cui,W.C., Wan,Z.Q. and Mansour,A.E. (1999), Stress Concentration Factor in Plates with Transverse Butt Weld Misalignment, Journal of Constructional Steel Research , Vol.52, 1999, 159-170. (SCI;EI,Accession number:00014968493)
409 Cui, W.C.(1999), Recent Research Trends in Ship Structural Mechanics: An Introduction to and a Critical Review of PRADS’98, Journal of Ship Mechanics,Vol.3, No.3, 55-80. (EI Accession number: 99104868583)
410 Zhang,W., Zhang, S.K., Cui,W.C. and Wang,Z.Q. (1999), Stress intensity factor research about a thick-walled cylinder with an internal semi-elliptical surface crack, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.3, No.4, 49-53 (in Chinese).(张伟,张圣坤,崔维成,王志群(1999),厚壁筒内表面椭圆裂纹的应力强度因子研究,船舶力学,第3卷,第4期,49-53). (EI Accession number:00065191312)
411 Cui,W.C., Yang, C.W. and Hu, J.J.(1999), Fatigue strength assessment of a Longitudinal Hatch Coaming in a 3800 TEU containership by ABS dynamic approach, Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology,SOTECH, Vol.3, No.4, 35-51.
412 Cui Weicheng (1999), A Preliminary Review of Recent Developments in Life Prediction Methods of Marine Structures, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.3, No.6, 55-79.
413 Qi Enrong, Cui Weicheng, Peng Xingning, Xu Xiangdong (1999), The reliability assessment of ship residual strength after collision and grounding, J. Ship Mechanics, Vol.3, No.5, 40-46(祁恩荣, 崔维成,彭兴宁,徐向东(1999),船舶碰撞与搁浅后剩余强度可靠性评估,船舶力学,第3卷,第5期,40-46). (EI Accession number:99124954432)
414 崔维成、周国华、陈瑞章(1998),舰船结构可靠性分析研究现状及发展方向,舰船科学技术, No.160, 1-6.
415 Cui,W.C. and Mansour, A.E. (1998), Effects of Welding Distortions and Residual stresses on the ultimate strength of ship plates under uniaxial compression, Marine Structures, Vol.11, 251-269. (EI,Accession number: 99034597602)
416 Cui,W.C., Mansour,A.E., Elsayed,T. and Wirsching,P.H. (1998), Ship structural design and fabrication with reliability based quality and cost optimization approach, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.1, 20-27. (EI Accession number: 98104401021)
417 Cui,W.C., Mansour,A.E., Elsayed,T. and Wirsching,P.H. (1998), Reliability based quality and cost optimization of unstiffened plates in ship structures, PRACTICAL DESIGN OF SHIPS AND MOBILE UNITS, Book Series: DEVELOPMENTS IN MARINE TECHNOLOGY,VOL. II: 255-260. (SCI)
418 Wang,Y.J., Cui,W.C. and Wan,Z.Q. (1998), Ultimate strength analysis of ship plates under a combination of biaxial compression and lateral pressure, J. of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.2, 30-43, (in Chinese) (王永军,崔维成,万正权(1998),受双向压缩与垂向载荷联合作用下的船体平板极限承载能力计算,船舶力学,第2卷,第2期,30-43). (EI Accession number:98104401031)
419 Bai,Y., Xu,X.D. and Cui,W.C. (1998), Ultimate strength analysis of ship hulls based on plastic node method, J. of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.4, 54-62, (in Chinese) (白勇,徐向东,崔维成(1998),用塑性节点法作船体极限强度分析,船舶力学,第2卷,第4期,54-62). (EI Accession number:99014533168)
420 Xu,X.D. and Cui,W.C. (1998), Buckling and ultimate strength analysis of stiffened panels, Shipbuilding of China, Vol.144, 68-76, (in Chinese) (徐向东,崔维成(1998),加筋板格的屈曲与极限强度分析,中国造船,第144卷,68-76).
421 Cui,W.C., Cai,X.G. and Leng,J.X. (1998), A state-of-the-art Review on the fatigue strength assessment of ship structures, J. of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.4, 63-81, (in Chinese) (崔维成,蔡兴刚,冷建兴(1998),船舶结构疲劳强度校核研究现状及我国的进展,船舶力学,第2卷,第4期,63-81). (EI Accession number:99014533169)
422 Bai,Y., Xu,X.D. and Cui,W.C. (1998), Influence parameters and sensitivities for ultimate strength of ship structures, J. of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.5, 35-43, (in Chinese) (白勇,徐向东,崔维成(1998),船体结构极限强度的影响参数与敏感度探讨,船舶力学,第2卷,第5期,35-43). (EI Accession number:99034619683)
423 Zhang,W., Zha,Z.C., Cui,W.C. and Wang,Z.Q. (1998), The calculation of the stress intensity factor of a thick-walled cylinder with an axial rectilinear crack loaded autofretted residual stresses, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.2, 52-57 (in Chinese) (张伟,查子初,崔维成,王志群(1998),残余应力下自紧厚壁筒结构的应力强度因子计算,船舶力学,第2卷,第2期,52-57)(EI Accession number: 98104401033).
424 Cui,W.C., Xu,X.D. and Qiu,Q. (1998), A fast method to calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the function of random variables, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.6, 50-60 (in Chinese) (崔维成,徐向东,邱强(1998),一种快速计算随机变量函数均值与标准差的新方法,船舶力学,第2卷,第6期,50-60). (EI Accession number: 99074728695)
425 El-Sayed,T., A.Mansour, W.Cui and P.Wirsching (1998). Optimum unfairness tolerance based on fuzzy set analysis. Second International Shipbuilding Conference, ISC’98, St. Petersborg, Russia, Nov.1998.
426 Mansour, A.E., Elsayed,T., Cui,W.C. and Wirsching, P.A.(1998). Fuzzy optimum design of unfairness tolerances in ship panels. Second International Shipbuilding Conference, ISC’98, St. Petersborg, Russia, Nov.1998.
427 Zhang Wei, Cui Weicheng, Xu Binghan, Zhang Shengkun (1998), New method on calculating sensitivity factors, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol.32, No.11, 26-29(张伟,崔维成,徐秉汉,张圣坤(1998),结构可靠性分析中灵敏度因子研究的新方法,上海交通大学学报,第32卷,第11期,26-29)(SCI, EI Accession number:99014544960).
428 Zhang Wei, Zhang Shengkun, Cui Weicheng, Xu Binghan (1998), Reliability-based optimal design of submarine cylindrical pressure hull, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol.32, No.11, 90-92(张伟,张圣坤,崔维成,徐秉汉(1998),目标可靠度约束下的潜艇耐压圆柱壳优化设计,上海交通大学学报,第32卷,第11期,90-92).
429 Cui,W.C. (1998), Buckling and ultimate strength analysis of stiffened panels, J. of Ship Mechanics, Vol.2, No.3, 41-61. (EI Accession number:98104401043)
430 崔维成(1997), 正交加强的正交各向异性圆柱壳的稳定性分析,舰船科学技术, No.159, 1-10.
431 Zhang,W. and Cui,W.C. (1997), Direct Integration Method about Structural Reliability, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol.31, No.2, 114-116, (in Chinese) (张伟,崔维成,结构可靠性计算的直接积分法,上海交通大学学报,第31卷,第2期,114-116). (SCI)
432 崔维成(1996),复合材料结构破坏过程的计算机模拟,复合材料学报, Vol.13, No.4, 102-111. (EI Accession number: 97023544630)
433 Cui,W.C.(1996), Structural Analysis and Design of Ships: A Review, CSNAME, Vol.11, 84-100.
434 Cui,W.C., Liu,T., Leng,J.X. and Ruo,R.B. (1996), Interlaminar Tensile Strength (ILTS) Measurement of Woven Glass Polyester Laminates Using a Four-point Curved Beam Specimen, Composites, Part A, Vol.27A, 1097-1105. (SCI, EI, Accession number: 96113417100)
435 Zhang,W., Cui,W.C., Zha,Z.C.and Wang,Z.Q. (1996), Probability analysis of thick-walled cyclinder fatigue life, Engineering Mechanics, Vol.31, No.4, 59-68, (in Chinese) (张伟,崔维成,查子初,王志群,厚壁筒结构疲劳寿命的可靠性分析,工程力学,第13卷,第4期,59-68).
436 崔维成 正交加强的正交各向异性圆柱壳的稳定性分析 舰船科学技术 1996(3):1-9
437 崔维成 徐向东 一种快速计算随机变量函数均值与标准差的新方法 舰船力学情报.1996(8):1-14
438 Wisnom,M.R., Jones, M. and Cui,W.C. (1995), Delamination in Composites with Terminating Internal Plies under Tension Fatigue Loading, Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture-Fifth Volume, ASTM STP1230, R.H.Martin,Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 486-508. (EI Accession number: 95112922028)
439 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,W.R. and Jones,M. (1995), New Model to Predict the Static Strength of Tapered Laminates, Composites, Vol.26, 141- 146. (SCI, EI Accession number: 95042653808)
440 崔维成、周国华、陈瑞章(1995),大型油船和集装箱船静水弯矩的统计特性研究, 中国造船,第三期,44-53。
441 Cui,W.C.(1995), Deterministic Fatigue Strength Assessment Models for Ship Structures, CSNAME, Vol.10, 81-90.
442 Wisnom,W.R., Jones,M. and Cui,W.C. (1995), Failure of Tapered Composites under Static and Fatigue Tension Loading, AIAA Journal, Vol.33, No.5, 911-918. (SCI, EI, Accession number: 95062736435)
443 张伟 崔维成 结构可靠性计算的精确方法--直接积分法 舰船性能研究.1995(4):82-89
445 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,M.R. and Jones,M. (1994),An Experimental and Analytical Study of Delamination of Unidirectional Specimens with Cut Central Plies, J. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.13, No.8, 722-739. (EI, Accession number: 94101433387)
446 Wisnom,W.R., Jones,M.I. and Cui,W.C., (1994), Static and Fatigue Strength of Tapered Composites, American Society for Composites Technical Conference, Delaware, August 1994, ISBN: 156672200, pp.983-990.
447 Wisnom,W.R., Jones,M.and Cui,W.C. (1994), Delamination of Unidirectional Glass Fiber-epoxy with Terminating Plies under Compression Fatigue Loading, Fibre Reinforced Composites, Newcastle Upon Tyon, pp.211-219.
448 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,M.R. and Jones,M. (1994), Effect of Specimen Size on Interlaminar Shear Strength of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber-epoxy, Composites Engineering, Vol.4, No.3, 299-307. (SCI)
449 Wisnom,W.R., Jones,M. and Cui,W.C., (1994), Design of Tapered Composites, presented at ASTM Composites Materials: Testing and Design.
450 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,W.R. and Jones,M. (1994), Effect of Step Spacing on Delamination of Tapered Laminates, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.52, 39-46. (SCI, EI, Accession number: 95012526191)
451 Cui,W.C. and Wisnom,M.R. (1994), Effect of Through Thickness Tensile and Compressive Stresses on Delamination Propagation Fracture Energy, Journal of Composites Technology and Research, Vol.16, No.4, 329~335. (EI, Accession number: 95012516665)
452 崔维成(1994), 失效状态函数形式及计算过程对均值一阶二次矩法计算结果的影响,舰船性能研究, 第1期, 64-70.
453 崔维成(1994), 数值模拟法在结构可靠性分析中的应用, 舰船科学技术, 总第134期, 1-6.
454 崔维成(1994), 关于一阶二次矩法的一些讨论, 舰船性能研究, 第2期, 36-45.
455 Cui,W.C. and Wisnom,M.R. (1993), A Combined Stress Based and Fracture Mechanics Based Model for Predicting Delamination in Composites, Composites, Vol.24, 467-474. (SCI, EI Accession number: 94071340458)
456 Cui,W.C. and Wisnom,M.R. (1993), Size Effects in Interlaminar Shear Failure for Different Specimen Geometries, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Deformation and Fracture of Composites, 29-31 March, UMIST, UK, pp.1-10.
457 Cui,W.C. and Wisnom,M.R. (1992), Contact Finite Element Analysis of Three and Four Point Short Beam Bending of Unidirectional Composites, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.45, 323-334.(SCI, EI Accession number:92110622067)
458 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,M.R. and Jones,M. (1992), Failure Mechanisms in Three and Four Point Short Beam Bending Tests of Unidirectional Glass/epoxy, Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol.27, No.4, 235-243. (SCI, EI Accession number: 93010682167)
459 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,M.R. and Jones,M. (1992), A Comparison of Failure Criteria to Predict Delamination of Unidirectional Glass/epoxy Specimens Waisted Through the Thickness, Composites, Vol.23, No,3, 158-165. (SCI)
460 Cui,W.C., Wisnom,M.R. and Jones,M. (1992), A Comparison of Fracture Criteria to Predict Delamination of Unidirectional Glass/epoxy Specimens with Cut Central Plies, in Proceedings of Fiber Reinforced Composites'92, 25/1-25/10.
461 Wisnom,M.R. and Cui,W.C. (1992), Mode II Fracture Energy - A Material Property?, in ECCM Composites Testing and Standardization, Amsterdam, 433-439.
462 Cui,W.C. and Blockley,D.I. (1991), On the Bounds for Structural Systems Reliability, Structural Safety, Vol.9, No.4, 247-259. (EI Accession number: 91090277982)
463 Cui,W.C. and Blockley,D.I. (1990). Interval Probability Theory for Evidential Support, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol.5, No.2, 183-192. ( SCI, EI Accession number: 90080513184)
464 Cui,W.C. and Blockley,D.I. (1990), Decision Making with Fuzzy Quadratic Programming, Civil Engineering Systems, Vol.14, No.2, 140-147.
465 张质斌, 崔维成(1987), 平面问题的应力函数解法,力学与实践,第9卷,第4期,53~54.
1 多种多学科设计优化方法的比较研究 陈鹿; 崔维成; 潘彬彬 纪念《船舶力学》创刊二十周年学术会议 中国会议 2017-07-01
2 蛟龙号载人潜水器的5000米级海上试验 崔维成; 刘峰; 胡震; 朱敏; 郭威; 王春生 2012年中国造船工程学会优秀学术论文集 中国会议 2013-06-01
3 基于双参数统一方法研究压—压疲劳下的裂纹扩展 卞如冈; 崔维成; 万正权 纪念徐秉汉院士船舶与海洋结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2011-10-12
4 钢悬链线立管涡激疲劳损伤敏感参数研究 李敢; 黄小平; 崔维成 纪念徐秉汉院士船舶与海洋结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2011-10-12
5 改进的裂纹扩展率模型曲线与不同形式的材料试验数据之间的转换关系 王芳; 陈峰落; 潘彬彬; 崔维成 2010年中国造船工程学会优秀学术论文集 中国会议 2011-06-01
6 大型客滚船结构细部疲劳强度分析 徐晓冬; 黄小平; 崔维成 2010年中国造船工程学会优秀学术论文集 中国会议 2011-06-01
7 焊接残余应力对疲劳寿命影响的定量研究 卞如冈; 崔维成; 万正权; 李良碧; 王铭伟 中国钢结构协会海洋钢结构分会2010年学术会议暨第六届理事会第三次会议 中国会议 2010-09-01
8 海洋钢结构疲劳裂纹扩展预报单一扩展率曲线模型 黄小平; 贾贵磊; 崔维成; 祁恩荣 中国钢结构协会海洋钢结构分会2010年学术会议暨第六届理事会第三次会议 中国会议 2010-09-01
9 七届更迭 三十回眸 纪念船舶力学学术委员会成立三十年 崔维成; 唐桂红; 康伯霖 船舶力学学术委员会成立三十周年暨学委会第七届全体会议 中国会议 2010-08-11
10 大结构模型中多裂纹种类并行疲劳试验方法研究 卞如冈; 崔维成; 万正权; 杜青海; 张爱峰 船舶力学学术委员会成立三十周年暨学委会第七届全体会议 中国会议 2010-08-11
11 锥边球扇形观察窗结构的协调性分析 杜青海; 王嫘; 崔维成 船舶力学学术委员会成立三十周年暨学委会第七届全体会议 中国会议 2010-08-11
12 两层分级多学科设计优化在AUV概念设计中的应用 刘蔚; 操安喜; 赵敏; 崔维成 中国造船工程学会2009年优秀学术论文集 中国会议 2010-02-01
13 舰船平台的多学科设计优化探索研究 潘彬彬; 崔维成 结构及多学科优化工程应用与理论研讨会’2009(CSMO-2009) 中国会议 2009-09-03
14 深海载人潜水器观察窗的蠕变特性 刘道奇; 胡勇; 王芳; 田常禄; 崔维成 2009年船舶结构力学学术会议暨中国船舶学术界进入ISSC30周年纪念会 中国会议 2009-09-01
15 潜水器设计中所要解决的水动力学问题 崔维成; 马岭 第九届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十二届全国水动力学研讨会 中国会议 2009-08-01
16 多学科优化设计在半潜式钻井平台设计中的应用 胡志强; 崔维成 2007年度海洋工程学术会议 中国会议 2007,48(B11).-1-8
17 Hydroelastic Analysis of a Flexible Floating Body for the Variation of Incident Wave 王琮; 崔维成 2007年度海洋工程学术会议 中国会议 2007-11-01
18 我国船舶水弹性力学研究的部分进展 吴有生; 张效慈; 司马灿; 崔维成; 林吉如 固体力学进展及应用——庆贺李敏华院士90华诞文集 中国会议 2007-10-01
19 《船舶力学》创刊十周年回顾 崔维成; 沈泓萃; 黄国荣 2007年船舶力学学术会议暨《船舶力学》创刊十周年纪念学术会议 中国会议 2007-10-01
20 损伤船舶极限强度可靠性分析 祁恩荣; 崔维成 2007年船舶力学学术会议暨《船舶力学》创刊十周年纪念学术会议 中国会议 2007-10-01
21 深海载人潜水器的坐底分析 胡勇; 沈允生; 崔维成 2007年船舶力学学术会议暨《船舶力学》创刊十周年纪念学术会议 中国会议 2007-10-01
22 七○二所数字化试验系统建设的进展和展望 崔维成; 朱德祥; 冷文浩; 李百齐 2006中国数字化造船论坛 中国会议 2006-09-01
23 在第六届船舶力学学术委员会全体会议上的致词 崔维成 第六届船舶力学学术委员会全体会议 中国会议 2006-08-01
24 参加第16届国际船舶与海洋工程结构大会(ISSC)情况简述 崔维成 第六届船舶力学学术委员会全体会议 中国会议 2006-08-01
25 厚壁筒疲劳断裂寿命的灵敏性分析 张伟; 王慧萍; 李跃辉; 崔维成 第十二届中国海岸工程学术讨论会 中国会议 2005-10-01
26 船舶结构强度预报/评估方法的现状和未来发展趋势 崔维成; 祁恩荣; 黄小平 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
27 入射角变化对弹性浮体水弹性响应的研究(英文) 王琮; 付世晓; 崔维成; 焦琳琳 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
28 预报箱式超大型浮式结构物水弹性响应方法的比较(英文) 焦琳琳; 傅世晓; 王琮; 崔维成 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
29 大型双壳油船舶体极限强度比较研究(英文) 祁恩荣; 崔维成; 万正权 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
30 不同载荷谱下船舶结构疲劳裂纹扩展模型(英文) 黄小平; 崔维成; 冷建兴 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
31 具有穿透裂纹缺陷的T型管节点在撑管轴向压力作用下的极限强度分析(英文) 王芳; 黄小平; 崔维成 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
32 混合变量的耐压圆柱筒安全灵敏度分析 张伟; 崔维成; 李跃辉; 李刚 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
33 筋对环肋圆柱壳的壳板屈曲强度影响分析 胡勇; 崔维成 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
34 不同位置的裂纹间的互相作用及其影响规律的有限元分析 王庆丰; 黄小平; 崔维成 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
35 基于响应面模型和遗传算法的载人潜水器耐压球壳优化设计 操安喜; 崔维成 2005年船舶结构力学学术会议 中国会议 2005-09-01
36 大型船舶结构的低周疲劳问题校核方法 韩芸; 黄小平; 崔维成; 吴有生 中国力学学会学术大会'2005 中国会议 2005-08-01
37 一种随机载荷作用下裂纹扩展寿命计算模型 黄小平; 韩芸; 崔维成 中国力学学会学术大会'2005 中国会议 2005-08-01
38 圆柱筒结构的强度与可靠性灵敏性分析 张伟; 崔维成; 徐秉汉; 谢镭 第14届全国结构工程学术会议 中国会议 2005-06-30
39 使用RANS方程及动网格方法模拟圆柱体的涡激振动 潘志远; 崔维成 第七届全国水动力学学术会议暨第十九届全国水动力学研讨会 中国会议 2005-06-30
40 船舶结构强度预报/评估方法的现状和未来发展趋势 崔维成; 祁恩荣; 黄小平 2005年中国船舶工业发展论坛 中国会议 2005-06-01
41 超大型浮体水弹性响应分析的力学问题 崔维成; 吴有生; 刘应中 祝贺郑哲敏先生八十华诞应用力学报告会 中国会议 2004-09-01
42 服役中后期海洋平台的安全寿命评估与维修决策 黄小平; 崔维成 2003年度海洋工程学术会议 中国会议 2003-11-01
43 新世纪初叶船舶科学技术的发展方向与对策 吴有生; 崔维成 中国船舶工业发展论坛论 中国会议 2003-09-01
44 VLFS的水弹性力学问题 刘应中; 崔维成; 吴有生 第十七届全国水动力学研讨会暨第六届全国水动力学学术会议 中国会议 2003-06-30
45 我国船舶水弹性力学研究的部分进展 吴有生; 张效慈; 司马灿; 崔维成; 林吉如 第十七届全国水动力学研讨会暨第六届全国水动力学学术会议 中国会议 2003-06-30
46 带肋圆柱壳壳板失稳的各因素灵敏性分析 张伟; 徐秉汉; 崔维成 新世纪力学研讨会——钱学森技术科学思想的回顾与展望 中国会议 2001-11-01
47 系泊浮体水弹性分析一阶主坐标的频率特征 陈徐均; 吴有生; 崔维成; 孙芦忠 第十届全国结构工程学术会议 中国会议 2001-10-01
48 21世纪初船舶力学的发展趋势 吴有生; 颜开; 崔维成 新世纪 新机遇 新挑战——知识创新和高新技术产业发展(下册) 新世纪 新机遇 新挑战——知识创新和高新技术产业发展(下册) 2001-09-13
49 压弯组合应力下高强钢焊趾表面裂纹疲劳寿命计算 黄小平; 崔维成; 石德新 第五届全国压力容器学术会议 中国会议 2001-09-01
50 超大型海洋浮体水弹性响应研究概况 崔维成; 吴有生; 李润培 第六届全国流体力学学术会议 中国会议 2001-04-01
51 21世纪船舶力学面临的新挑战 吴有生; 崔维成; 颜开 “力学2000”学术大会论文集 “力学2000”学术大会论文集 2000-08-01